nine coffins

Chapter 358 The Curse of the Demon Venerable

Chapter 358 The Curse of the Demon Venerable

The mountains are like the sea, and the green peaks are like sails.

At this time, white mist rose from the east and spread around.The sky and the mist have become one, and it is hard to tell where is the sky and where is the mountain.

A round of red sun, like waking up, breaks away from the fog and gradually rises.The sunrise in the mountains is very magical and blurred.

Amu stood halfway up the mountain, wearing a blue cloth bag, like an ordinary traveler.Squinting his eyes and looking out, Amu is enjoying the first real sunrise after waking up from a deep sleep for 17 years.

The sunrise in the mountains is different from the sea, and more importantly, Amu knows that this is definitely not a dream.

Last night, before the sky was getting brighter, he said goodbye to Ya'er.

It's not that there is no nostalgia, but Amu knows that he should have greater determination.

In the world, since there is no feeling that cannot be awakened, and there is no art that cannot be solved, then there are still many things to do in Amu's world.

Restoring mana, repairing the coffin, awakening Yu'er, saving thousands of miles from the cold, looking for the master, guarding the sea...

Amu suddenly found that there were really many things he should do.

When a person goes through a period of confusion and suddenly regains everything, maybe he will find that the sky has always been blue and his dream has never been interrupted, but he has always lowered his head and never looked at the sky.

The seven-year dream in Mengjia Village made up for some of Amu's regrets about Liu Zhen, and relieved the inner demon of not being able to avenge Yu'er.

Seventy-seven and 49, the lost life made Amu feel life and death and appreciate life.When he woke up, Amu actually had a feeling of rebirth as a human being, which made Amu look at his life through rebirth again.

There are many things that have always been mysteries.

Recently, there is one point that Amu has been thinking about.

Master Wang is absolutely capable of defeating immortals with mortal beings, even if he is as powerful as Mo Qin and Meng Hun, he has no power to resist in front of Master, so why is Yu'er in the Immortal Ghost Sect?Why are there tears of Wangchuan?Why didn't Master protect Yu'er?

After much deliberation, Amu can only give one guess, that is, Master Wang must have more important matters or encounter stronger enemies, so he has no chance or ability to protect Yu'er.

In this way, Yu'er was controlled by Immortal Ghost Sect Guisheng and others to cast spells.And being able to tie down the existence of Master Wang Jue, Amu still can't imagine what kind of level it is.

After rearranging everything, Amu discovered that he had been neglecting an important identity of himself.

The sun, the moon, and the stars rise from the prehistoric world, and the sea and ancient rivers town Xuanhuang!
Back then, during the night of Liuzhen, when he took over the dragon whip and the devil's coffin from Canghai Town, he actually took over the eternal responsibility of Master Wang Jue.

Amu is the descendant of the so-called Canghai Guliu. Although Amu still doesn't know anything about the Canghai Guliu, and he doesn't know what this eternal mission is, there is no doubt that such a mission is definitely beyond the level of Haihuang Shenzhou.

All kinds of things in the secret realm of the wild soul, the god of the northern wilderness, the existence of the ghost hell, behind the gate of the ancient burial, the children in the mouth of the third son and mother-in-law Qianhua, including Amu himself, were sealed for no reason this time.

All of this seems to have surpassed the border of the Sea Desolate Divine State.Amu can feel that there must be an extremely powerful invisible force outside the sea and the desert.

That kind of power is affecting everything on the sea wasteland.

Three Realms?Amu regretted that she didn't ask Granny Qianhua what the Three Realms were.However, maybe the Three Realms mentioned by Grandma Qianhua is also a fictitious finger, and she doesn't know what the real Three Realms are!
In any case, Amu found that there are too many mysteries in his world, waiting to be solved by himself.

Master Wang Jue probably did not confess to himself due to various reasons, but gave himself the magic coffin.

One of the nine coffins can control the Three Realms.The path Master arranged for him is absolutely lofty.

Thinking of this, Amu couldn't help but smile wryly.

The master needs to traverse the three realms by himself and guard the deserted seas, but what he has practiced and pursued for decades seems to be just the dust in the old house.

How can such a vision pattern be matched with the eternal responsibility?Amu is a little ashamed, ashamed!

"Repair the devil's coffin, guard the desert!" Amu silently read these eight words.

Although Amu can't even remember the appearance of the magic coffin now, Amu knows that this is his direction.

The immediate matter is how to restore his cultivation base, but in the future, Amu will follow his master to set foot in the sea.

From last night to now, Amu's mind finally became clearer.

People, knowing where the road is, must be full of strength.

The sun rises in the east, at this moment, Amu looks at the brilliant sunrise, and his heart gradually becomes firm.

Although he can't practice now, Amu believes that he will gain strength again, and he will definitely do powerful things.

Dressed in Tsing Yi, walking on the steep mountain road, Amu carried a blue cloth bag on his back, and really headed towards Dongyang Ancient Temple.


At this time, on the other side of the mountain.Ya'er is also standing on a mountain peak, standing pretty.

Not in front of Amu, Ya'er was less childish and more mature.

Shenli Shangjing, such a monster can almost sweep Dongling, and no one can beat it.Perhaps, only because of Amu, the princess of the Wu clan, would she show her little daughter's side.

The mountain wind blew Ya'er's black hair, and it slid across her cheeks, adding a bit of charm, but Ya'er turned her head to look at the endless green hills, but a trace of struggle and bewilderment flashed in her eyes.

At this moment, in the void, accompanied by countless "ah, ah" sounds, a group of black birds suddenly covered the sky.

Flocks of crows are nothing unusual, but this flock of crows is quite different.Hundreds of blackbirds flew in groups, quite quickly.The two black birds at the head, one black and one white, are actually more than ten feet long, with wings spread no less than three or four feet, like divine birds of prey.

These crows, after flying to the back of the crow, they kept turning around and stopped moving forward.Goodbye to the two black birds, one black and one white, shaking their bodies to the ground and turning into a man and a woman.The men wear black robes and the women wear white skirts. They both look about 27 or [-] years old.

These are two black demons who have metamorphosed to the upper realm, equivalent to the human monks of the spiritual saint level, just like the spirit of plum blossoms back then, they are by no means ordinary people of the demon race.

"See the little princess!" The man and woman knelt down on one knee, bowed their heads respectfully and saluted the crow.

Ya'er knew they were coming, and she frowned slightly, looking quite annoyed.

"Who let you enter this sea area? I once said that within a hundred miles, no Wu people are allowed to enter! Today, you don't want to live anymore?" Ya'er's voice was cold, and there was a bit of murderous intent in his words .

"This subordinate is guilty, this is the order of the Holy King! The little princess has not returned to Fusang Mountain for 17 years, and the Holy King misses him very much, so he specially sent his subordinates to take the little princess back to the mountain!" The man in black was speaking, although he The answers are fluent, but the head is lowered very deeply, obviously quite afraid of the crow.

"Oh?" Ya'er sneered, "It's really the right time for the father to send you here. As soon as he left, you all arrived. How can you miss me like this? Don't come early, don't come later!"

"Little princess, come back to the mountain with us! The Holy King really misses you day and night, but he dares not disturb you!" This time it was the woman in white who spoke in an extremely gentle tone.

"Understood!" Ya'er finally sighed, "Don't worry, there is no need for such a big fight! I have my own sense of proportion, and I won't go with him! You go back first, and I will feel better in two days. I will go back to the mountain to meet my father!"

"This?" The man in black and the woman in white looked at each other, but they were quite embarrassed.

The Holy King ordered them to bring back the little princess, otherwise they would not come back.But now, the little princess has said that she will go back in two days, how will the two of them meet?
"Little princess..." the man in black called out, but stopped talking.

Ya'er snorted coldly and didn't say anything.

The woman in white was still more alert, and said with a smile: "Since the little princess wants to play for two more days and go back to the mountain, then we don't have to go back. I just stay here with you!"

"Yes! This subordinate and others will accompany the princess!" the man in black hurriedly echoed.

"Oh?" Ya'er frowned, and sneered, "It seems that you are still worried, are you going to monitor me here?"

"Subordinates dare not!" The expressions of the man in black and the woman in white changed, and they lowered their heads deeply.

"Mo Ruo, Yin Yu!" Ya'er called out their names.

"The subordinate is here!" The two hurriedly responded.

"Just the two of you and those little demons who haven't transformed yet, what can I do? If I want to leave, can you stop me?" Ya'er said while scanning the black birds in the void.

The crows seemed to feel the crow's anger, so they couldn't help screaming "Yah Ya", scattered outside, and hid far away.

Mo Ruo smiled wryly, and said, "The cultivation of the little princess is invincible in the entire Wu tribe! Why did the Holy King ask us to stop you?"

"Then why are there so many people here? And you two?" Ya'er frowned.

Yin Yu hesitated for a moment, and then said: "The Holy King said, if you insist on leaving, then let us die in front of you and let you stay."

"Hmph!" Crow snorted coldly.But I sigh in my heart, knowing a daughter is like a father.This is indeed a solution, as both of the crow race, how could the crow watch these people die because of him?

After a while, Ya'er looked in the direction of the sea, and said slowly: "Since my father understands me like this! You should understand that I will not ignore the curse of the Yaozun for thousands of years!"

Mo Ruo and Yin Yu shook their heads and sighed, then fell silent for a while.

Every human monster must keep in mind the moment of transformation.

"The love of a monster, if you are a slave all your life, your clan will be destroyed!" This is the curse of the monster clan supreme to the entire monster clan.

Legend has it that there once was a flower demon who fell in love with a human man in the sea and wasteland. He ignored the demon's curse, and the two got married.However, three years later, his family was wiped out without a name, and no one survived.The flower demon was also unbearable, and she was wiped out.

The curse of thousands of years is the sword of Damocles hanging over the entire demon clan, and no one can break it!
(End of this chapter)

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