nine coffins

Chapter 366 What Are the Three Worlds?

Chapter 366 What is the Three Realms?

Once the blood sacrifice contract is concluded, the relationship between Amu and Shui Mei is closer, both psychologically and physically.

"Are you a sky demon?" Amu asked again.

"Is it important to you whether I am a sky demon?" Shui Mei smiled.

"If you have a thug, at least you have to know her combat power! Otherwise, how can you ask her to do things?" Amu said.

"Hehe!" Shui Mei smiled again, "It's reasonable! But you must not know what level the sky demon belongs to! However, you don't have to worry, as long as I break out of the seal. Even if you want the stars in the sky, I will I can take it off for you! Are you satisfied with this kind of combat power?"

When Shui Mei said these words, she raised her head and looked at the void, and there were stars in the night sky.In Shui Mei's eyes, there was a rare murderous look.

"Oh? Satisfied!" Amu was slightly stunned, but he didn't say much.

"I'll cut off the rattan for you, can't you break the seal right away?" Amu changed the subject.

"I really can't!" Shui Mei smiled helplessly, "Sealing my spell is beyond your imagination! Even if you help me break those vines, I'm afraid it will take decades to break out of this seal. But For me who have waited for countless tens of thousands of years, decades are but a moment!"

"Aside from me, can no one else help you? You have been sealed for so many years, even if something happened by mistake, someone must have paid attention to this ancient well?" Amu asked suspiciously.

"Hehe! There are many people who know that this ancient well is strange, but you are the only one who can cut off those vines, so you are the first to see me." Shui Mei smiled and looked at Amu.

"Oh!" Amu couldn't help but looked at the dagger in his hand and said with a smile, "It seems that my dagger is very powerful!"

"Everything in the world has a cause and effect! You can help me, maybe it is not as simple as a dagger! However, your dagger is not ordinary." Shui Mei looked at the dagger in Amu's hand with complicated eyes.

"You and I are destined! This dagger is for you!" Amu joked.

"Hehe! In your hands, it may be an artifact, but in my hands it is scrap iron! However, there is a fate between you and me!" Shui Mei suddenly looked at Amu with a smile.The blue veil on her shoulders almost completely fell off, that alluring body was too alluring.

"Fortunately, there is this ancient well, otherwise, would you rush over here!" Amu sneered.

"That's natural!" Shui Mei replied so charmingly that Amu was speechless for a moment.

Amu suddenly remembered something, and asked: "Shui Mei, you don't know my sealing technique, but do you know that there is a technique in the world called the Tears of the Forgotten River?"

"Huh?" Shui Mei frowned and thought about it, but shook her head, "I've never heard of it!"

"Unheard of?" Amu was slightly taken aback.Amu guessed that the cultivation of the ancient demon Shuimei should definitely be higher than Granny Qianhua, but why hadn't he heard of the tears of Wangchuan?

Seeing Amu's astonishment, Shui Mei smiled helplessly: "Even though my cultivation is as high as the sky. But don't forget, I am an ancient demon who has been sealed for tens of thousands of years! Naturally, I don't know about some new spells! "

"Hmm!" Amu knew that Shui Mei was right, but she was still slightly disappointed.

"What kind of technique is that?" Shui Mei asked curiously.

"That is also a sealing technique, which seems to be similar to my current seal. It's just that there is a red tear mark between the eyebrows of the practitioner, and all memories are lost. Forget the past of the three lives and three lives, and cut off the love in this life and the afterlife. The key is that it is said that this technique has no solution. !" Amu's tone was a bit heavy.

"Oh? Heck!" Shui Mei sneered after hearing Amu's words, "There is no solution to this technique? Although I don't know what kind of technique it is, just relying on this statement that there is no solution to this technique is a deceptive theory." .”

"How do you know?" Amu asked.

Shui Mei's point of view is actually the same as Ya'er's. It seems that the Yaozu's insight is indeed extraordinary.

"Because in the world, there is no love that cannot be recalled, and there is no art that cannot be unraveled!" Shui Mei's voice became a bit eerie and vicissitudes, as if recalling the long past, "In the world, when some people forget their love, some call it; Once the spell is performed, someone will naturally undo the spell! Reincarnation goes back and forth, that is cause and effect!"

"What?" After hearing Shui Mei's words, Amu's heart was shocked, because these words were exactly the same as what Yu'er said that day.

"You said that?" Amu raised his eyebrows slightly.

"No!" Shui Mei shook her head.

"Who said that?" Amu said.

"Among the three worlds, there is a strange woman, you don't need to know who it is!" Shui Mei sighed.

The tone of Shui Mei and Ya'er are very similar.

Amu frowned, this strange woman seemed really unusual.

"Any kind of technique should have a solution!" Shui Mei said again.

Amu nodded, suddenly thinking of a possibility.Maybe it's not that Granny Qianhua doesn't know that the tears of Wangchuan can be cured, but that she didn't tell herself how to cure the spell.

But why did Granny Qianhua lie to herself?Amu couldn't think of a reason.

"Which three realms does the Three Realms refer to?" Amu asked again. He believed that, as an eternal demon, Shui Mei must know what the Three Realms meant.

"Oh? You really have a lot of questions!" Shui Mei looked at Amu playfully.

"The cultivation base is too low, and the knowledge is too shallow!" Amu laughed at himself.

"Don't underestimate yourself like this, otherwise, wouldn't it be too shameful for me to make a blood sacrifice contract with you?" Shui Mei looked at Amu seriously, "People who can stand with me, Shui Mei, are not in the Three Realms. vulgar!"

"Oh, hehe! I hope!" Amu smiled wryly, "Tell me what the Three Realms are?"

"The Three Realms are the Sea Desolate Realm of Shenzhou, the Asura Realm of Demon Continent, and the Boundless Realm of Tianzhou!" Shui Mei's eyes suddenly became blurred.

"Sea Desolate Divine Land, Shura Demon Continent, Infinite Heaven Continent!" Amu frowned slightly, "Where are the other two realms going?"

"In the vast universe, there are three realms coexisting. It's just that the realm levels of the other two realms are far superior to the sea and desert. The Shura Demon Continent is a wicked place full of demons and Shura. The Boundless Heaven Continent is home to countless immortals. It is a holy land that lasts forever. But Sea Desolate China is the node of the Three Realms! All karma and fate seem to be attributed to this." Shui Mei's voice floated again, as if returning to a distant dream.

Amu seemed to understand but half understood, and his mind was swayed.

Amu wanted to ask another question, but Shui Mei shook her head.

"Amu, no matter what kind of karma you have. But knowing these things now is still too far away for you. You don't need to ask any more questions. Only by walking the road in front of you can you see the future." , but these two sentences have a lot of meaning.

"Thank you!" Amu nodded, and then bowed slightly to the coquettish Shui Mei, "From tomorrow, every afternoon, I will help you cut off the rattan! No matter what, I hope you will break the seal as soon as possible!"

"To each other!" Shui Mei smiled enchantingly.

"Farewell!" After saying that, Amu cupped his hands and turned to go down the mountain.

Under the moonlight, in the mist.

The coquettish and charming Shui Mei looked at Amu's background, slightly dazed.

"That's the Xuantian Seal!" Shui Mei thought about the dagger-like scar on Amu's brow.

"This young man in Tsing Yi is actually a person who should be robbed for thousands of years!" Shui Mei's eyes were a little erratic, revealing a hint of disbelief.

"It seems that the wheel of karma has really started to turn. Immortals, Buddhas, demons, all those who should wake up, seem to be about to wake up! Otherwise, how could I have such a chance?"

Shui Mei's enchanting figure began to gradually dissipate.The white mist at the mouth of the ancient well gradually dissipated.

Amu in Tsing Yi has gained a lot tonight, walking on the mountain road.Amu feels that the meeting with the ancient demon Shui Mei will definitely have a great impact on the future.

At this time, the east is about to dawn, and the sky is slightly shining.Back in the mountains, everything was back to normal.

This peaceful small mountain village is bound to usher in a new morning.

(The number of words is not much, a transitional chapter. Amu will go to Dongyang Ancient Temple soon, and these two days are a bit tangled. But on New Year’s Eve, life is endless, and struggle is endless! Everyone, eat dumplings and watch fireworks! Haha! Nine Coffin! How wonderful! Drinking wine and official luck! Anyone who has seen Jiu Coffin, everyone will be happy in the new year, get promoted and get rich, and be extremely happy!)

(End of this chapter)

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