nine coffins

Chapter 371 All living beings are equal?shemale fight

Chapter 371 All living beings are equal?shemale fight

The monk in white had a yellowish complexion, and there was an evil look in his eyes.

"White ape of the monster race?" Amu glanced at it, and already knew the real body of the monk in white.The white ape becomes a demon, transforming into a supernatural realm.Amu guessed that it was equivalent to the high-level cultivation base of Lingsheng, and his strength was not weak.

The monk in white clasped his fists at the hall, trying to look a little chic, but it was not very natural.Amu even thought of Mu Hou and crowned himself.

"Masters, do you dare to ask if all living beings are equal?" asked the monk in white.

This white-clothed monk is an elf in the metamorphosis state. At this time, there is no soul-level monk in the entire hall, so except for Amu, there are very few who can see his real body.

"Are all beings equal?" As soon as he asked this, Amu frowned, feeling that it was somewhat strange that this question came from the mouth of a monster.

"Huh?" Everyone in the arena was also a little surprised. This kind of debate topic seemed vague and old-fashioned, but because few people saw his demon body, they didn't think much about it.

Master Wuruo of Dongyang Ancient Temple smiled lightly and said nothing.

"All living beings have Buddha-nature! All living beings are naturally equal!" At this time, a monk of the most spiritual rank stood up and answered the question of the man in white.

"Oh?" The white-clothed monk smiled at the standing monk, "Then I dare to ask Master, since everyone has Buddha nature, why is there good and evil in the world?"

"Buddha's heart is dusty, so there is a distinction between good and evil. Therefore, it is necessary to enlighten the Buddha's teachings and enlighten the Buddha's nature." The monk replied again.

"Okay!" The monk in white smiled lightly again, as if the monk's answer was in his expectation, "Then ask Master again, since all living beings are equal, why should there be beauty, ugliness, beauty, high and low?"

"Beauty and ugliness are all skins, why worry about them? High or low, they are all the retribution of previous lives, so you shouldn't ask others!" The monk answered very fluently.

"Why worry about it? The retribution of the previous life? Hehe!" The monk in white sneered after hearing this, "According to what the master said, what happened in this life is all caused by the previous life?"

"Exactly!" The monk clasped his hands together and said the Buddha's name, "Amitabha!"

"Six paths of reincarnation, karma reciprocates. Then I live in Dongling with people and monsters, and the human race is the blessings of the previous life, and my monster race is the evil in the previous life?" The white-clothed monk looked at the monk.

"Huh?" Hearing this, everyone in the hall couldn't help but frown slightly. This white-clothed monk claimed to be a monster, so the question just now seemed a bit unusual.

On the East Ridge, humans and demons have coexisted for thousands of years. Because of the Fantian Temple, it has always been relatively peaceful.However, after all, human beings and monsters have different paths, and most of them still keep a respectful distance from each other. Well water does not interfere with river water. It is far from talking about how harmonious they get along, but they don't kill each other.

The Dongling Human Race and the Monster Race are somewhat mutually exclusive.The monster race is a different kind of thinking, and it will only change in the eyes of some high-level monks, while most human races, although they don't provoke the monster race, still regard them as aliens deep down in their hearts.

Everyone might think the same thing about the white-clothed monk on weekdays, but they would never say it out loud, especially on occasions like the Dongyang Fahui.The two races of human beings and monsters have a tacit understanding, and no one is willing to talk about such a sensitive topic.

"Amitabha!" At this time, the monk who had just answered the question looked at the white-clothed monk calmly, and then smiled faintly, "The poor monk is stupid and doesn't know the past life, so he just judges according to the law and has nothing to point out. , the poor monks look at each other with a single glance! I believe that all living beings on the Eastern Ridge should be like this!"

The monk's answer was very appropriate and decent, and everyone in the hall applauded secretly.

Amu also nodded secretly in his heart, the white ape was obviously not a good person and wanted to stir up trouble.Now that the Mu clan of the five monster clans are present, if one of the monks answers incorrectly, even if it won't cause particularly serious consequences, the faces of the two clans of humans and monsters will probably not look good.

"Good answer, Master!" The monk in white clasped his fists when he heard the monk's answer, and didn't ask any more questions.

When everyone saw the monk in white sitting down, they couldn't help feeling that the atmosphere on the field was relaxed, but at this time another person stood up in the crowd.

The man was extremely tall. Looking at Kong Wu's strength and transformation, his cultivation was equivalent to that of a monk in the spiritual realm. Many people present saw that he was a bear demon.

The bear demon bowed his hands to everyone, and said: "The Bear Clan Bear Sage in Xiadongling! I don't agree with the words of that white-clothed Taoist brother just now!"

Seeing that he was a monster, but seemed to refute the monk in white, everyone present could not help but feel a little happy.Because the monster race refute and argue with each other, it is much better than the human race to refute, because they are both monster races, so there are fewer scruples.

"Oh?" The white-clothed monk just now looked at Xiong Sheng with a half-smile.

"What Daoist brother Cai said just now seems to be saying that I am not as good as a demon, so I argued with the monk. However, in my opinion, Xiong Sheng, being a demon is better than a human body, even if it is the cause and effect of the previous life. That is also my demon clan doing good deeds. , the human race is right to do evil!"

"Wow—" As soon as these words came out, the entire hall was in an uproar.

The eminent monks of Dongyang Ancient Temple frowned, and the hearts of several powerful human beings were also moved.Like Amu, they suddenly felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere of the Dongyang Fa Conference.

These two monster races seem to have come prepared.They couldn't help but look at the several great experts of the Mu clan, but those faces were all calm, and there was nothing unusual about them.

At this time, such an expression made people even more suspicious.It's not that there are no disputes among human races, but most of them are disputes over Buddhist principles. Thinking about such human monster theories, it can be said that there are very few.

"Brother Xiong's words are different!" The monk in white looked at Xiong Shengdao with a smile, "If your body is not good, why do you need to take human form? Wouldn't your words make people laugh at you?"

On the surface, what the white-clothed monk said was to refute Xiong Sheng, but in fact it was ridiculing the human race. Who couldn't hear it?

"Hey! If it weren't for the fear that the human race would look down on us, brother, would I be willing to wear this human skin? How comfortable is my real body!" Xiong Sheng said loudly.

Upon hearing this, the white-clothed monk smiled and said, "That makes sense, and I feel the same way. Being in shape is far less free than being yourself!"

The two monsters sang together, and seemed to ignore the many human races in the hall.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the hall was already very strange.Many human races are already very dissatisfied with the deliberate provocation of these two.

"Ahem!" At this time, Dongyang Temple could not be silent, Master Shuiyun coughed twice and laughed, "You two fellow Taoists, don't need to think too much! I think that all living beings have different forms, regardless of good or bad. Just look On the outside, it looks a little bit! Whether it is a human body or a demon body, if you are free, you will be the Dao!"

Master Shuiyun's words are actually extremely reasonable, and no one can fault them.

"Master Shuiyun, what you said is absolutely true! There are differences between humans and monsters, but there is no difference between good and bad! Why should you be obsessed with the outside?" At this time, an old man in brown clothes from the Mu clan finally spoke. Metamorphic wood demon.

The members of the Mu clan finally spoke, and the atmosphere in the hall eased slightly again.The Wood Clan at least made clear their position, and had no intention of competing with the Human Clan.

"Hey! Master Shuiyun, Elder Gu Song! I, Xiong Sheng, have been listening to the Dharma for half a day, and I am really irritable. I don't raise an argument, just go straight. Let's compete, who is stronger between the two races!" Xiong Sheng is like a reckless man , it seems that they didn't listen to the words of Master Shuiyun and Elder Gu Song at all.

Everyone frowned again.But before anyone else could answer, the white-clothed monk answered, "How do you compare? Swords and guns have no eyes, which hurt the harmony of the two races."

"Hey!" Xiong Sheng seemed to have made up his mind, and said with a smile, "If you don't care about cultivation, the human body is vulnerable. Let's compare the physical body first, without any mana, and see whose physical body is stronger! Then it can show that the human body is better. It’s better to have a demon body! How about it?”.

"Oh?" The monks of all races frowned.In such a competition, the human race will definitely suffer.

"The human body is inferior, but the spirituality of the human race is far faster than that of the monster race. Such a comparison is unfair!" You said.

"Humans and bears are better than physical bodies, ha ha! How do you compare?" Amu sneered in his heart, "The bald Qiang in the previous life of Bear Haunted is the best example of failure!" It seems that Bai Yuan and Xiong Sheng are finding fault.

"Hey! Don't say it's unfair, it's an indisputable fact that the monster race is far better than the human race!" The Xiong Sheng snorted coldly, and stepped out of the crowd without waiting for others to say more.

At this time, above the main hall of Dongyang, there happened to be a square tripod made of bronze.The tripod is six or seven feet high, and the body is decorated with patterns. It is extremely thick, and it is estimated to weigh seven or eight thousand catties.

Goodbye, Xiong Sheng strode to the front of the tripod, without any explanation, he went directly to the big tripod, grasping the two legs of the tripod with both hands.

"Get up!" Xiong Sheng yelled, seeing the big cauldron firmly lifted above his head.

A monk is stronger than his physical body, so it's a small way.Although this big cauldron is heavy, anyone in Dongyang Hall who can use spells can basically carry it easily, let alone lift it above their heads.

However, that Xiong Shengfang really didn't use any magic power, and only relied on his physical strength to carry the cauldron over his head.Above the main hall, I am afraid that no one can do this.

The physical body of a bear spirit is by no means comparable to that of a human race.

"Good!" The monk in white was the first to applaud.Xiong Sheng put down the cauldron slowly, but when it landed, he deliberately let go.

With a sound of "Boom--", everyone felt the earth tremble, which was enough to show the heaviness of the hall.

Xiong Sheng had a look of color on his face, and he clasped his fists to the top of the hall: "I show my ugliness, just to prove that the monster race's body is far superior to the human race! Justify the name of the monster race! Xiong Sheng will not say this in the future!"

The human monks in the hall all frowned, looking coldly at the white-clothed monk and the bear spirit.These two monsters are really too much.We were all in peace at first, isn't this just looking for trouble?So what if the monster race surpasses the human race in body?

However, at this time, among the human race, it is estimated that there will be absolutely no one who can carry this big cauldron with only his physical body.Although it is a small skill, the face of the human race is always lost.

"Try a certain house!" Goodbye a strong man stepped out of the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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