nine coffins

Chapter 373

Chapter 373
"Dang—" The magic bell of Seven Buddha Town resounded through the main hall of Dongyang Ancient Temple.

At this time, in the ears of other people, although the sound of the bell was deafening, it was still a pure sound.

But for Yun Yueheng and Bai Mutian who were sitting cross-legged in the middle of the hall, it was not such a simple bell.Neither of them could resist with magic power, they could only resist the sound of the bell with their concentration and mind.

And what reverberated in the ears of the two people was not a bell at all, but thousands of magic sounds.

Howling, crying, roaring, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and even a lot of noisy and indistinct speech.In short, all kinds of sounds fill the eardrums, which makes people want to stop.

Buddhism emphasizes that the environment is born from the heart, although it is the same bell at this time, the feelings of Yun Yueheng and Bai Mutian are not exactly the same.

From the outside, the expressions of the two people are different.

At the beginning, both of them had their eyes slightly closed, and their expressions were relatively natural, but when Qinghan's third bell rang, Yun Yueheng was smiling, while the white ape elf furrowed his brows slightly.

Qinghan flicked her fingers.

The sound of the ancient bell of "Dang-Dang-" echoed, filling the entire Dongyang Hall.

Goodbye, Yun Yueheng gradually no longer smiled, but looked blank, while Bai Mutian, the white ape elf, did not change much.

Seven bells rang, and cold sweat appeared on the foreheads of both of them.

Both the human race and the monster race in the hall were sweating.In fact, this second fight is far more dangerous than the first.

Although everyone believed that Qinghan could completely control the rhythm of the magic bell in the town of Seven Buddhas and could stop the magic sound at any time, but this kind of battle of concentration was very likely to damage the mind.

Seven bells rang, but there was no result. It has to be said that both Yun Yueheng and Bai Mutian are far better than ordinary monks in terms of concentration.Qinghan frowned, and had no choice but to intensify a little.

The magic sounds in the ears of Yun Yueheng and Bai Mutian, the white ape elf, were even better.

Cold sweat was already streaming down Yun Yueheng's cheeks, and Bai Mutian also showed pain, so naturally he was having a hard time.

Amu secretly admired Yun Yueheng, after all he was a whole realm lower than that white ape.Although the relationship between concentration and cultivation is not directly proportional, if it is not for a firm mind, coupled with Wan Qinggu's practice of illusion and secret techniques, Yun Yueheng will never be as persistent as that white ape.

However, Amu estimated that Yun Yueheng would not be able to hold on for too long.

Sure enough, Amu's idea just passed.The bell just rang at Qinghan No.11.

"Wow——" Yunyue leaned over and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"En!" Seeing Qing Han, the imprint in his hand changed, and he gave a soft drink, and the sound of the Seven Buddha Town Demon Bell stopped abruptly.

"Brother—" In the crowd, two people flew out, both of them were Wanqingu's disciples, and directly supported Yun Yueheng.

Goodbye Yun Yueheng's face was pale, and the corners of her mouth were dripping with blood.

Bai Mutian, the white ape elf, was actually not feeling well, he narrowly won in secret, if it was that bear spirit, he probably wouldn't be able to survive the five bells.

"Concession!" Bai Mutian still wanted to say the scene.

"The old man admits it!" Yun Yue gritted her teeth, and then helped her to the back by her classmates to treat her injuries.

Qinghan closed the bell in time, Yunyueheng's injury was not too serious, but this somersault was too violent, the competition of concentration was proposed by Yunyueheng, and it ended sadly.

At this time, Bai Mutian, the white ape elf, took a deep breath and felt much better.

"People's hearts are evil, which one is better and which one is worse, self-evident!" Bai Mutian smiled lightly, and glanced at the human race above the hall.

For a moment, the entire hall was silent.However, this feeling is not deterred, but a strong self-suppression.In terms of numbers, the human race has the upper hand at this time, so the aura is naturally stronger.

However, the white ape elf didn't seem to care.

"I would like to compete with this fellow Taoist again!" At this time, a tall monk walked to the center of the main hall, the most spiritual high-level Dzogchen.

Buddhism emphasizes the mind and meditation. Compared with the power of concentration, the Buddhists are actually better.It's just that many disciples of the Buddhist family uphold humility just now, and at this time, it seems that these monks are unwilling to watch.



This time, neither of them said much.Clean and neat, direct competition.

Qinghan once again rang the magic bell of Qifo Town with magic.


The ancient clock rang.

The process this time was very similar to Cai Cai's just now, except that the white ape elf didn't seem to have consumed too much because of Cai Cai's fight just now, and instead felt a little more relaxed.

Still, under No.11, the bell rang.The monk didn't suffer through it either, he swung his body, but was forcibly suppressed with a mouthful of blood.

"Amitabha!" The monk didn't say anything, he stood up without turning his head, and went straight to the outside of the hall, leaving Dongyang Ancient Temple.

Amu frowned, knowing that such repeated competitions seemed to be a battle of wheels, but the white ape elf actually took advantage.The more he heard it, the stronger his ability to resist the bell actually became.

"Okay! You are indeed a member of my demon clan, and your demon heart is extraordinary!" At this time, Xiong Sheng applauded loudly, while the others remained silent, but the demon clan who was obviously on the side of the white ape also nodded frequently, with expressions on their faces. get color.

"Amitabha!" At this time, a clear Buddha's name sounded, and everyone was obviously taken aback.

Because everyone is very familiar with this voice, it is none other than Yitong monk from Fulong Temple.

Just now, this monk has just discussed the Dharma not long ago.With his status, he didn't want to participate in such a shemale competition.However, today's matter, Yaozu is too arrogant, and it is obvious that this matter will not be good.

This monk is young and straightforward.In addition to Dongyang Ancient Temple, Dongling Dongyu belongs to Fulong Temple.At this time, the face of the human race was gone, and Yitong could no longer hold back his temper.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, there was a commotion in the hall.

The three great masters of Dharma theory, the eminent monk of Fulong Temple, Yitong has an unusual status.As soon as he appeared, the meaning was extraordinary.

Master Shuiyun and Master Wuruo looked at each other, feeling that today's problem is a bit tricky.

"Master Yitong!" Master Shuiyun called out.

"Master Shuiyun, don't say too much, I've made up my mind!" Yitong raised his brows, looking at the white ape elf, the injustice in his heart was completely evident on his face.

"Master Yitong, don't get angry!" Master Shuiyun sighed and persuaded.

"Master Shuiyun, the Buddha has a time and needs to be slapped on the head, enlightening the ignorant! How can we not have the time when the King Kong glared?" One said.

As soon as these words came out, although Master Shuiyun's Dharma was profound, he could only be speechless at this moment.

"Master Yitong is here! It's my monster clan's honor!" Bai Mu Tianpi said with a half-smile.

"Educating ignorance is the responsibility of my Buddhist sect!" Master Yitong said coldly.

"Qinghan, ring the bell!" Yitong's seniority is higher than Qinghan's, and he is a disciple of Buddhism.Dongyang Ancient Temple and Fulong Temple had close contacts, so they were not polite at all, and directly ordered Qinghan to ring the bell.

However, at this time, Qinghan did not seal.

"Huh?" Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but look at Qinghan.

Goodbye Qinghan suddenly bowed to Master Xiaoyun and said: "Master, please allow this disciple to enter the competition on behalf of Master Yitong!"

"Wow—" Qinghan's words caused an uproar in the audience, and he was taken aback for a moment.

The eminent monks of Dongyang Ancient Temple also did not expect that the expressions of several great masters of the Mu clan next to him also changed slightly.

Although Qinghan's cultivation is not as good as Yitong's, but Qinghan represents the ancient temple in Dongyang, which is more significant than Yitong's influence.

"Qinghan, nonsense!" Master Xiaoyun scolded loudly.

In fact, Qinghan is Xiaoyun's favorite disciple, otherwise he wouldn't be in charge of everything about Amu.Today, any human race would not be satisfied with the actions of Xiong Sheng, Bai Yuan and other monster races, but the people from Dongyang Ancient Temple should never take action.

It's like no matter what the individual monster clans are, if the Mu clan of the five major monster clans don't say anything, then it's okay.Dongyang Ancient Temple is the leader of various sects in the Eastern Region of Dongling. Once the disciples of Dongyang Ancient Temple make a move, the nature is different.

Qinghan is a leader in Dongyang Ancient Temple, to say such words at this time, it can be said that he doesn't know the general idea.

"Master, don't be angry, what this disciple says comes from the heart! The inconsistency is not what Qinghan did. Today, my disciple's heart is moved, so don't compete for fear of giving birth to demons!" Qinghan's face was calm, and he had just rang the bell twice, and his heart was already angry Injustice.

At this time, his heart was moved, and he naturally didn't want to let go of this opportunity.The Buddhist family is moved and suppressed forcibly, Qinghan may have no chance of promotion.

"Qinghan!" At this moment, although Master Xiaoyun knew that what Qinghan said was reasonable, he would never let Qinghan appear.

"Master Xiaoyun, let him go! Buddhism emphasizes enlightenment, don't cut off his chance!" The person who spoke was actually the middle-aged monk headed by the Mu clan.

The middle-aged monk was wearing a light blue robe, with an elegant demeanor. He saw everything that happened just now, but his face was as calm as water, without any waves.

"Bamboo demon, the metamorphosis is perfect!" Amu secretly said.This bamboo demon man is definitely a master of the high-level Dzogchen level of the Holy Spirit. His combat power may be similar to that of the Plum Blossom Essence back then, but he is the number one master in the main hall at this time.

"Oh!" The eminent monk of Donggu Temple did not expect the Mu clan to say that.

"Mr. Bamboo, this is a bit inappropriate!" Master Wuruo looked at the man in Tsing Yi.

"It's okay! It's just a competition, not a life-and-death duel!" Mr. Zhu said lightly.

"Oh!" A strange look flashed in Master Wuruo's eyes, and he nodded slightly at Master Xiaoyun.

However, Master Xiaoyun still hesitated.

"Senior brother Xiaoyun, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop! Why do you hesitate? Instead, you missed Qinghan's practice." It was Amu who spoke, and he looked at Mr. Zhu with a smile.

At this time, Amu has already seen through that the Mu clan is probably the backer of these monster clans.Otherwise, these monster clans might not dare to act like this, and on the surface, the Mu clan is putting on a high profile, but in fact it is adding fuel to the flames and conniving at the monster clan.

Dongfang Chongling seems to be in trouble!

"Huh?" Master Xiaoyun couldn't help being taken aback when he heard Amu speak.Amu has been silent since the beginning, and he suddenly spoke at this time, which must have a deep meaning.

"Okay! I will let you go!" Xiaoyun finally nodded.

"Thank you, Master, the abbot who is in charge, Master Wuya!" Qing Han bowed to several people and came directly to the arena.

(End of this chapter)

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