nine coffins

Chapter 375

Chapter 375
Mortals are human beings, not monsters!There was an uproar at Amu's words.

Elder Gu Song looked at Amu, a mortal, coldly, wishing he could kill him with his palm.However, Amu's identity is there, he can only think about it.

"Fellow Daoist Tianya, it seems a little inappropriate for you to say this in front of our demon clan!" Elder Gu Song said coldly.

"What's wrong?" Amu asked with a smile.

"This seems to insult my monster clan!" Elder Gu Song looked at Amu's appearance and felt even more angry, but fortunately he pointed it out directly.

"Oh? Elder Gu Song is thinking too much! The difference between Yaozu and evildoer must not mean the same thing!" Amu looked at Elder Gusong, "If Elder Gu Song insists on equating Yaozu with evildoers, I have no choice! Personal understanding is different, but please don't distort the meaning below."

"Hmph!" Elder Gu Song snorted coldly, waiting for Amu's next words without saying a word.

Seeing that Elder Gu Song didn't speak, Amu smiled coldly: "Today, it was my Vajra Dharma meeting in the ancient temple in Dongyang, but it was interpreted as a human-monster fighting method. It really shouldn't be! A master's discussion of Dharma should be based on debating difficulties and solving doubts. My Tianya, Now I have a question, I wonder who from the Yaozu can answer it?"

"Debate?" Elder Gu Song sneered in his heart.

It seems that the Tianya of Dongyang Ancient Temple in front of you is nothing more than sharp-mouthed people.Just now in the competition, the human race's physical body and concentration were defeated. This is to regain some face by debating difficulties.

A mortal only has such abilities, and Elder Gu Song immediately looked at Amu extremely badly.

"If you have any questions, just ask. Of course someone will answer!" Elder Gu Song said disdainfully.

"Okay!" Amu smiled faintly, "May I ask everyone, what is a demon?"

Um?What is a demon?
All the monster races and human races above the main hall were stunned. This question is a bit weird.

What is a demon?This is a question that many monster races have not thought about.

After Amu asked, there was silence in the hall.Elder Gu Song has a good cultivation base, but he is not good at arguing difficult questions, so naturally he can only wait for other monster races to answer.

"Everything in the world, breathe out and cultivate, and those who have attained spirituality are demons!" The last one to speak was actually Mr. Zhu, who had always been extremely indifferent.

"Well said!" Amu gave Elder Gusong a cold look, and then praised sincerely, "Mr. Bamboo, your views are indeed far superior to those of the common people of the monster race. Tianya agrees with this statement!"

"Oh? It's absurd!" Mr. Nazhu gave Amu an indifferent look.

"Everything in the world has spirituality. If you practice day and night, you must realize the Dao, and you can turn into a demon, and then become a fairy! The clan of monsters is a generation of spiritual wisdom! I don't know what I said, do you agree?" Amu looked at Mu with a smile Several great powers of the clan.

Amu praised Yaozu, everyone was at a loss, but Amu's words could only make Yaozu nod.

"Ask everyone again, what is a human being?" Amu looked around the hall this time, and the object of the question was naturally everyone.

What is a human being?This question is almost a question that many monks rarely think about.

Because people are people, if a person always asks what is a person, it is as absurd as a normal person always asks "Why am I me".

However, at the Dongyang Hall at this time, no one thought that Amu's question was absurd, but everyone was thinking about his question.Even people like Abbot Wuruo and Master Shuiyun frowned slightly, thinking about how to answer.

However, Amu did not give them too much time.

"Human, heaven and earth conceive, the primate of all things!" Amu almost made the primate out, but he thought that this question and answer by himself could make some mysteries.

"Mr. Bamboo, do you agree?" Amu looked at Mr. Bamboo of the Mu clan and said.

"That's right! Humans are the primates of all things!" Although Mr. Nazhu used one count, he did not deny Amu's statement.

"Mr. Bamboo, you are aboveboard!" Amu praised again, feeling a little good for the bamboo demon in his heart.

Then, Amu looked around the hall again.

"The monster race is cultivated by all things in the world, and the human race is the spirit of all things! Then in Tianya's view, human monsters are all things in the world, so what's the difference? Humans are monsters, and monsters are also people, with the same root and origin!"

Humans are demons, and demons are also humans, with the same root and origin!
Amu's words can be described as an astonishing theory, which has never been heard by everyone.With such a high opinion, I am afraid that he can be the number one in Dongling.

The eminent monks of the Dongyang ancient temple and many great experts were shocked, but they all secretly praised him, and even Mr. Zhu from the demon clan had a strange look in his eyes.

Humans are demons, and demons are also humans, with the same root and origin!
This is probably a height that no matter the human race or the monster race has ever reached.

Amu went on to say: "Humans must have a benevolent heart before they can be called human! Monsters, if they don't have evil hearts, they can be immortals! Between humans and monsters, in my opinion, it doesn't matter whether the shape is strong or weak, or whether the body is strong or weak. It lies in the strength of concentration and character. If a person is not merciful, he is a monster! If a monster holds good thoughts, he is far better than a wicked person. Just now, everyone talked about the difference between human and monster, and they compete for the strength of the body. From the perspective of Tianya, it is really sad!"

"Wow—" Amu's words made everyone in the hall feel ashamed.

"Amitabha!" At this moment, several Buddha's horns sounded from above the main hall.I don't know how many people were ashamed by Cai Cai's actions just now, even the few monster clans who were eager to try just now seemed a little speechless.Master Yitong also bowed his head in thought.

"I have met the monster of the Wu tribe, one of the five great tribes of Dongling, who is kind-hearted and far beyond human comparison!" Amu paused, then looked coldly at the white ape elf, Xiong Sheng and others, and then glanced at Elder Gusong, "However, today Amu also met a few sinister and shameless people who deliberately provoke troubles. Human monsters have good and evil points, human races have evildoers, and monster races also have scum. On the East Ridge, the coexistence of humans and monsters is mutual fate! If you deliberately Destroying the balance and provoking a battle between the two races of humans and monsters is probably a real monster!"

When it came to the end, Amu's voice became slightly colder, and an innate murderous aura spread out, which was quite intriguing.

"Amitabha! Brother Tianya, Gao Lun, we are enlightened!" Master Shuiyun clasped his hands together and bowed to Amu involuntarily.

Not only Master Shuiyun, but most of the people in the main hall were deeply impressed.

As expected of being a disciple of Master Qianzang of Dongyang Ancient Temple!The height of this argument is not for everyone.All the monks in Dongyang Ancient Temple also respected this little-known Tianya Junior Brother or Master Uncle and Master Patriarch.

There are such strange people in Dongyang ancient temple, who doesn't have a bright face.Qinghan clasped his hands together and stood behind Amu, admiring in his heart.

In the past three years, Amu has been cultivating hard. No one knows what kind of monk Amu used to be. Even Qinghan rarely heard of Amu's theory.Today, Master Tianya's words startled everyone when he opened his mouth, he is definitely not a vulgar person.

In fact, Amu was just emotional because of the incident, and suppressed it with words to prevent the Mu clan from attacking. Theoretically, it was not systematic at all. I didn't expect Master Shuiyun and others to be like this, and hurriedly reciprocated.

At this time, although Mr. Zhongzhu of the Mu family did not speak, it could be seen from his eyes that he was also moved by Amu's words.Above Dongling, humans and demons have coexisted for thousands of years, and basically lived in peace, but the current situation is changing.

"Where do we go?" Mr. Zhu was thinking complicatedly, and he couldn't help but sigh inwardly!
"Hey! A mortal, not even a monk. With a three-inch tongue, he said some mysterious and specious nonsense! It's nothing more than trying to regain the lost face of the human race just now? Isn't this kind of rhetoric a little vulgar? "It was the white ape elf Bai Mutian who spoke.

At this time, he basically recovered completely, and looked at Amu with disdain.

"That's right! If you have the ability, just lift up the big bronze cauldron, and you will be safe and sound under the magic bell of the Seven Buddha Town! What kind of hero is it if you use your tongue?" The Xiong Sheng also shouted loudly there.

"I really don't cry when I see the coffin!" Amu sneered, it seems that these two goblins are determined to be enemies of the human race.

Seeing the white ape and the bear spirit, Amu was extremely bored, and really wanted to untie the Wan Yaoling from his waist to try its power.However, at this time, Amu still wanted to slap them in the face severely, and even wanted to kill the chicken for the monkey to see.

"Those trails, Tianya doesn't care about them!" Amu glanced at Bai Mutian and Xiong Sheng.

"Hahaha! Exaggeration, no real kung fu. Is there such a character in the ancient Dongyang Temple today? Master Qianzang, there is a spirit in the sky, I'm afraid you can't close your eyes!" The white ape elf didn't even look at Amu at this time, but He looked directly at Abbot Wuruo.

Amu's argument is somewhat reasonable, but in the eyes of the white ape elf, a mortal is not worth mentioning.

"That's right! If you can't do it, just say it can't be done, and you don't even bother to do it. Dongyang Ancient Temple has long been misnamed! Didn't that little master just lose the battle?" Xiong Sheng shouted.

These two goblins seem to want to carry it to the end today, and their words are extremely harsh and blatant, and they point their finger at Dongyang Temple.

"Are you looking for death?" Amu's heart suddenly turned cold, but he smiled on his face, "It seems that the two of you don't believe me! If this is the case, how about we make a bet?"

"Oh?" Bai Mutian frowned.

"What's the bet?" Xiong Sheng asked loudly.

"Gambling your life! What are you doing?" Amu's voice suddenly turned cold, and the cold light in his eyes could directly kill people.

"Huh?" Both Bai Mutian and Xiong Sheng were taken aback.It's too weird for a mortal to tell them to bet their lives.These two goblins are not stupid, how could they agree rashly.

"Hmph!" Amu gave them a disdainful look, "I'm sorry you don't dare!"

Amu took the words back, he didn't want to scare the two of them at once, it would be meaningless.

"Let's bet, if I can lift the big tripod and be safe and sound under the magic bell of Qifo Town, the two of you will kowtow to all the eminent monks of Dongyang Ancient Temple in Dongyang Hall to admit your mistakes, and then make a contract and give me Dongyang!" How about being a demon slave in the ancient temple for three years?"

"Kowtow to admit your mistake, a three-year demon slave?" Bai Mutian squinted his eyes and looked at Amu. He is an old ape who has practiced for thousands of years, and his realm and knowledge are very good.He is quite confident with his high-level cultivation, which is equivalent to that of Lingsheng.

At this moment, he used his magic power to look at Amu again. No matter how he looked at it, he was sure that Tianya in front of him was just a strong mortal, without any magic power on his body, not even a fairy root.

"What if you lose?" Bai Mutian had an idea in his mind, and his voice was quite sonorous.

"If I lose, I will kowtow to you two to admit my mistake, and then let you deal with it!" Amu said.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the entire hall suddenly became tense.Let you dispose of it, but this has already been said.

(End of this chapter)

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