nine coffins

Chapter 380 Eight Bitter Seals

Chapter 380 Eight Suffering Seals
Dongyang Ancient Temple, Rishen Creek.

Amu had to meet Master Wuchen, an old monk who practiced Zen for thousands of years.Master Wuchen offered to solve his doubts, and Amu naturally couldn't ask for it.

"Thank you, master! I do have some doubts in my mind, and I hope the master can give me some advice!" Amu said.

"Let's hear it!" Master Wuchen spoke calmly, quite like a teacher.

"The disciple entered the monastery for three years, and obtained the authentic Brahma Root Cultivation Jue handed down by Master Qianzang. In the first two months of practice, the progress was rapid, and it soon became solid. However, for the next three years, the disciple devoted himself to hard work day and night, but no matter what No matter how you practice, you can’t establish your roots. Buddhism emphasizes fate, so the current situation of the disciples means that there is no fate for Buddha?” Amu said earnestly.

"Oh?" Na Wuchen smiled slightly, looked at Amu, and didn't answer Amu's question directly, but asked with a smile, "You have an extraordinary body, why do you want to practice Buddhism again?"

"Huh?" Amu was taken aback for a moment. Since he was living in Dongling, Ya'er naturally didn't need to say anything.Among all the people who have seen him, apart from the ancient demon water charm, the only one who can see his immortal bone is this master Wuchen.

"The master's gaze is like a torch, and the disciples dare not hide it! I practice Buddhism to restore my former self-cultivation!" Amu said directly.

"You used to be a demon cultivator, right?" Master Wuchen said with a smile, "The first stage of soul cultivation is Dzogchen! It is rare to see a demon cultivator in ten thousand years. I didn't expect that I would be lucky enough to meet him when I live in Dongling!"

"Huh?" At this moment, Amu was extremely shocked and didn't know how to respond for a while.

One reason is that Master Wuchen could see through his past, knowing that he has no magic power at all.Another reason is that Amu's cultivation was supposed to be at the elementary level of soul cultivation, because he had the opportunity to break through on the day of the Immortal Ghost Sect battle.

Master Wuchen said that he was the Dzogchen at the first stage of soul cultivation, and he didn't know how to deal with it properly.

"The disciple is indeed a demon cultivator!" Amu Gong replied in a loud voice.

"Immortal bone! Demon body! Buddha cultivator! Although all paths lead to the same goal, it is truly a creation of heaven and earth." Master Wuchen seemed to be talking to himself naturally.

"Who did that strange seal between your eyebrows?" Master Wuchen looked at the sword mark between Amu's eyebrows.

"I don't know!" Amu replied.

"Oh!" Master Wuchen was taken aback for a moment, then seemed to think of something, and immediately felt relieved, "That seal has sealed all your cultivation."

"Exactly! Master, do you know what kind of seal this is? Is there a way to break it?" Amu looked up at Master Wuchen, his voice slightly anxious.Although Amu knew that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, but at this time Master Wuchen could see through many things, and he couldn't help but ignite hope in his heart.

Wu Chen's normal half face was still calm, he didn't nod or shake his head immediately, but stared at the sword mark on the center of Amu's brow, and took a closer look.

"This seal is too wonderful! In my realm, I can only glimpse a little bit, but I can't fully understand it!" After a long while, Wuchen said slowly.

"Even if it is one or two, it must be enough for the disciples, and I hope the master will give me some advice!" Amu said.

"If I'm not mistaken. Your seal should be formed by the power of the eight sufferings in the six realms of reincarnation in your several lifetimes. If you want to unlock it, you will be able to reach the sky!" Master Wuchen said slowly.

"The power of the eight sufferings in the six realms of reincarnation?" Amu frowned, somewhat puzzled, and at the same time slightly happy in his heart.Because the master Wuchen saw the origin of the seal, he only said that it was as powerful as the sky, not that it was completely unsolvable.

Amu knows a little about the eight sufferings of Buddhism, but he is definitely not as familiar as Master Wuchen.

"Master, please explain in detail!" Amu said again.

"Buddhism's eight sufferings are birth suffering, old age suffering, illness suffering, death suffering, resentment and hatred meeting suffering, love separation suffering, not being able to get what one wants, and five yin blazing sufferings! Suffering, suffering of destruction, suffering of action. Birth, old age, illness, death, resentment and hatred are all suffering, which is the suffering of bad things. Love and parting are suffering, and not getting what one wants is suffering, which belongs to the suffering of destruction, that is, the suffering of good things being destroyed and separated. Suffering in the five skandhas is the root of all suffering, all actions are impermanent, even in reincarnation, they are always immortal, and belong to the suffering of karma!" Master Wuchen said slowly.

"Six paths of reincarnation, accompanied by eight sufferings, endless life!"

These Buddhist principles, in fact, Amu heard speciously, and didn't quite understand.

"The seal between your brows is formed by someone absorbing the power of the eight sufferings of your several lifetimes. However, I can't see through how many times the power of the eight sufferings of reincarnation is! However, based on my guess , the person who sealed you, most of them still want to save you and suppress your demonic nature!"

"Oh?" Amu frowned slightly. Looking back on that day, when the Immortal Ghost Sect fought, he seemed to be on the verge of a demonic runaway.Save yourself, this is a possibility that Amu never thought of.

"Master, do you know who can create such a powerful sealing technique on the deserted sea?" Amu said.

Wuchen smiled wryly and shook his head: "Such a domineering technique is probably no longer the power of the Sea Desolate Divine State Realm!"

"Isn't it the power of the Sea Desolation Divine Realm?"

Amu frowned, who in the Three Realms wanted to seal him?And is it really for his own good?
"Then can the master undo the seal of eight sufferings?" Amu asked again.

Master Wuchen shook his head slowly when he heard this, and Amu's heart suddenly felt cold.

"The power of the person who seals you is boundless and unfathomable. I don't know how much of the power of eight sufferings in your reincarnation has been used in this seal. It is an incomparable magic technique to reverse time and space. If I am not a Buddhist, my cultivation is a small achievement. , and absolutely cannot see the origin of this technique. It is absolutely impossible for me to understand this technique."

When Amu heard this, he sighed in his heart, it seemed that the technique of sealing himself was too powerful.Shui Mei is an immortal ancient demon, and Wu Chen is an eminent Buddhist monk, but they can't help it even with the seal.

Wuchen saw Amu's loss, and smiled slightly:
"However, I can guide you to a way to break it by yourself, but whether it succeeds or not depends on your luck!"

"Huh?" Amu's heart ignited hope again, "What is the master's method?"

"This technique is to use your strength to seal your heart. The so-called heart disease needs to be healed by heart medicine, and the person who tied it needs to be untied! Apart from the person who sealed you, I am afraid that you are the only one who can untie this technique in this world. Just one person." Wuchen said.

"Master, please tell me carefully what the disciple should do!" Amu hurriedly said.

"Actually, you are already doing this method, which is cultivating Buddha! The eight suffering seals are here to suppress your demonic nature. If you use the Buddha's heart to balance the demonic nature, then it will dispel the power of the eight sufferings, and these seals should slowly Fade away. A trace of Buddha nature should be able to erase a trace of the power of the eight sufferings. However, the time spent is probably not short." Wuchen said.

Amu smiled bitterly, and said: "The Dharma that the master said is exactly what the disciples practice day and night. But after three years of fruitlessness, the disciples have not even cultivated the roots of Buddha, and if they fail to cultivate their roots, how can we talk about cultivating Buddha?"

"Haha!" The dust-free old monk couldn't help looking at Amu with a smile after hearing Amu's words, "Tianya, if you can't cultivate the roots of Buddha, I'm afraid there shouldn't be anyone who cultivates Buddha in the entire desert."

"Huh?" Amu was taken aback, and said in surprise, "What does the master mean by this?"

"Tianya, you have a very deep relationship with Buddhism, otherwise you probably wouldn't have come to Chongling in the East as the former demon cultivator. Many people failed to cultivate Buddhism, but they were actually covered in dust. In today's world, there are cultivators who can't grow immortal roots. You are a child, but there will never be a mortal who cannot cultivate Buddha roots!" Master Wuchen said.

"Oh?" Amu frowned, "The master means that everyone may not be able to cultivate immortality, but everyone can become a Buddha!"

"Haha! You have the root of wisdom, and you can understand it with just a little bit." Master Wuchen laughed, "All living beings are equal. Everyone is born with Buddha nature. As long as you are enlightened, the root of Buddha will become self-contained."

"Is the disciple not enlightened?" Amu asked.

"No!" Wuchen shook his head when he heard Amu's words, and said with a smile, "You have actually been enlightened a long time ago! Moreover, after three years of hard work day and night, your Buddha spirit has already become a sea!"

"Buddha's energy is like a sea?" Amu couldn't believe his ears.

"Cultivating demons for a long time, the mind of wisdom is dusty. Tianya, in fact, you have never known that your Buddha roots have already been cultivated!" Wuchen looked at Amu with deep meaning.

"Huh?" Amu frowned, Master Wuchen's words were somewhat mysterious.

Fogen has matured early, but you don't even know it?Really, after a long time of cultivating demons, is it true that wisdom will be dusted?
"According to what the master said, the disciple has succeeded in cultivating roots three years ago, right?" Amu asked.

"Oh! Haha!" Hearing Amu's question, Master Wuchen couldn't help laughing, "Fool, three years? You really underestimated your Buddha roots. Your Buddha roots have been cultivated for at least 60 years. !"

(End of this chapter)

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