nine coffins

Chapter 384 Eight bitter seals!open!

Chapter 384 Seal of Eight Sufferings!open!

One move seriously injured Qinghan, but the man in black was safe and sound.

In the void, the man in black flew backwards by the force of the collision.At the same time, with a touch of one hand, the green magic weapon just now went straight to hit Amu.

It's a good way to hit the east and the west!
The man in black also flew forward and came towards Amu again, with the yellow flame still showing in his hand.

Amu raised his brows, the opponent attacked in two ways, forcing Amu to be helpless, Wan Yaoling's purple glow went straight to the green glow magic weapon.

And Amu was going to use his physical body to challenge the man in black's technique.

Whether it works or not, this is Amu's only choice at this time.Amu is confident that with his own physical body, he will not die under the opponent's spell all at once.

But this is at a critical moment.

"Amitabha!" A Buddha shouted, and a yellow shadow flashed in the sky.The Buddha power all over the sky spread out.It was an extremely pure spiritual force.

Stretching out his big sleeves, the green glow magic weapon of the man in black was directly blown away.

"Boom—" At the same time, the yellow shadow hit the man in black directly on the chest.

"Ah—" The black-clothed man was sent flying with a single palm, and fell to the ground tens of feet away.

"Amitabha!" Goodbye At this time, it was Master Chenyue who landed on the field.

"Senior Brother Chenyue!" Amu called out, and at the same time hurriedly helped Qinghan up, who was seriously injured.Amu took out the elixir in Qinghan's bosom and gave it to him.

Goodbye Master Chenyue, who directly mentioned the man in black in the past, but at this time the man in black had already passed away.

The mid-level Dzogchen of the Holy Spirit is against the high-level Dzogchen of the Supreme Spirit. When Master Chenyue made a move just now, he showed no mercy.Under the coercion, the Supreme Spirit high-level Dzogchen was directly imprisoned, and with a single palm, the monk's soul heart was destroyed.

Although Master Chenyue is a Buddhist disciple, he has a murderous heart.

Master Chenyue took off the veil of the man in black, but it turned out to be an unfamiliar face.

"Human monk?" Master Chenyue frowned.

Three days ago, during the Vajra Puja, there was a feud between the monsters and humans.Tonight, the main hall of the ancient temple in Dongyang suddenly caught fire, and the two masters, Xiaoyun Chenyue, felt extremely strange.When the sound of killing came, they were extremely calm and calm, and they divided the tasks instantly.

Master Xiaoyun went to the main hall to fight the fire, and Master Chenyue came to protect Amu.Reminiscent of Brahma's warning, their first judgment must be that the monster race is causing trouble.Amu beat the Yaozu at the Dongyang Fa Conference, maybe the Yaozu would be unfavorable to Amu.

However, I didn't expect Master Chenyue to come in time, but it was a monk of the human race who killed him.

"Brother Chenyue, something is wrong! The fire in the main hall is the fire of soul cultivation, and there must be people who have cultivated the soul to come to Dongyang Ancient Temple!" Amu said,

"Hmm! Brother Xiaoyun, Abbot Wuruo is there, I believe he will handle it well!" Chenyue said that, but her brows were furrowed.

Dongyang Ancient Temple has been built for more than [-] years, and this is the first time that a situation like tonight's has occurred.

At this time, shouts resounded throughout Dongyang Mountain, and fighting broke out in many places.

Dongyang Temple is in the open, and the enemy is in the dark, and the monks of Dongyang Ancient Temple have never encountered such a situation.

For a while, Dongyang Ancient Temple suffered heavy losses. Looking in the direction of the main hall, the fire was raging, and it didn't seem to subside in the slightest.

"Amitabha - Amitabha -"

At this time, two Buddha's chant suddenly spread throughout the entire Dongyang Mountain, buzzing and echoing for hundreds of miles.

"Hua Chen and Ming Ran, two uncles!" Master Chen Yue showed a slight joy on his face.These are the two old monks who practiced Dzogchen at the first level of soul cultivation in Dongyang Ancient Temple, and they are also the two with the highest cultivation level in Dongyang Ancient Temple besides the intermediate level of soul cultivation.

An eminent monk in the realm of soul cultivation is indeed extraordinary.

Following the Buddha's name of the two people, the two old monks in red cassocks are now empty.Goodbye, in the fire-like void in the main hall of Dongyang Ancient Temple, the two eminent monks formed seals at the same time, and a faint golden glow radiated out.

It was extremely pure Buddhist soul power, and those faint golden lights shone like stars, gradually covering the entire Dongyang Hall, preventing the fire from spreading.

"My Buddha is merciful!" The two eminent monks, Huachen and Zhuanran, clasped their hands together at the same time.Goodbye, that bright golden glow is gradually shrinking.The fire started to subside.

Amu, Qinghan and Master Chenyue watched from a distance, feeling slightly relieved.

However, everything should never be so simple.

Sure enough, the fire had just subsided.In the void, among the monks fighting with countless monks, two monks suddenly appeared.The two monks were dressed like the monk who assassinated Amu just now.Dressed in black, with a black gauze facing her face.

Two middle-level soul-cultivation Dzogchen!Amu and Chenyue frowned at the spirit of those two people!
What kind of power is this?
Above Dongling, the overall level of Xianmen is higher than that of Beihuang and Heishui.Therefore, it is also a second-rate sect, except for a painstaking son against the sky, the Northern Cold Sect is in charge of the high-level Lingsheng Dzogchen.Jiangxue Pavilion doesn't even have a soul cultivator.For Tianhuangzong, the special situation is another matter.

However, Dongyang ancient temple has soul cultivators sitting in town.However, according to Amu's calculations, it is absolutely impossible for the entire Dongling Eastern Region to have more human races than Donggu Temple.Master Chenyue also knew that in the entire Dongling Eastern Region, except for Donggu Temple, there was no human sect with two monks in the soul state.As powerful as Fulong Temple, there is only one novice soul cultivator, and he has not yet completed it.

On the East Ridge, there are sects that can gather hundreds of monks, and there are even those who have the ability and courage to attack the Brahma Temple.But unless it was the Brahma Temple, it would be impossible for any sect to send two soul cultivators to do murder and arson, because they didn't have that strength.

"It seems that it's not the monk of Dongling!" Such a thought flashed across Amu's mind.

"It's not Dongling monks, it's not the monster clan! Then why did they raid Dongyang Ancient Temple?" Amu asked in his heart, and at the same time, he thought of a possibility.

"Could it be that you came here by yourself?" Amu's heart was shocked, because Dongyang Ancient Temple had been stable for many years, and Amu couldn't think of any other reason.

Just as this thought flashed by, the four major cultivators above Dongyang Temple had already started fighting.

The four major soul cultivators, the soul power is all over the sky, and the endless brilliance radiates, eclipsing the surrounding battles.Although this level of fighting is nothing to Amu.But a battle at the level of soul cultivation has never happened in ten thousand years.The many monks in Dongyang Ancient Temple, no one can intervene at this time, they can only fight on their own.

Amu's thoughts changed sharply, he didn't expect things to develop so fast.Thinking of Brahma's warning three days ago, Amu had an extremely ominous premonition.

The change in the sea desert has spread to Dongling, or is there someone who wants to find him?
As long as he is following his own forces, he might be able to destroy Dongyang Ancient Temple with a single raise of his hand.However, if you really track yourself, it seems that it is too bad to be a high-level Supreme Spirit just now.

Amu just thought of this.

Suddenly, a black shadow fell directly in the void of Ziyun Waterfall.The man in black seemed to appear out of nowhere, extremely fast.

"Intermediate level of soul cultivation!" Amu was taken aback, "Brother Chenyue, be careful!"

Amu shouted loudly, because the man in black went straight to Chenyue.

As soon as the intermediate level of soul cultivation appeared, Amu instantly understood that most of the monks who killed Shangdonggu Temple tonight might have come for him.

The fire in the main hall of the ancient Dongyang Temple was nothing more than a plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain, and the high-ranking Supreme Spirit just now was nothing more than throwing stones to ask for directions.

At this time, not only the intermediate level of soul cultivation, but also the breath of several soul realms, seemed to have begun to lock on to Ziyun Waterfall.

"It seems that we can't hide tonight!" Amu frowned. At this time, if he didn't take action, Donggu Temple would definitely not be able to survive.Thinking of this, the mantra passed by Shui Mei in Amu's mouth has already been recited.

However, Amu's movements were still slow.His mantra here just came out.The middle-level cultivator of Soul Cultivation has already arrived in front of Master Chenyue.

Cultivating the soul versus the holy spirit is like an old man playing with a baby.Without the body protection of exotic treasures, and without special physical skills, there is no way to form a battle between the two.

Not everyone is Amu, who can leapfrog challenges and even kill people.

Although he was reminded by Amu, the speed of the middle-level soul cultivation was no slower than Amu's voice, or even faster.

Master Chenyue was alarmed in his heart, the spiritual power in his body was scattered outward, and the golden Buddhist aura radiated out.

But an unrivaled coercion of the soul realm directly suppressed it.It's a pity that Master Chenyue, with his mid-level Dzogchen cultivation base, doesn't even have the power to resist.

"Pa——" The other party slapped Master Chenyue directly on the head, just like Master Chenyue killed the high-level Supreme Spirit Dzogchen just now.

Just one click, thousands of peach blossoms bloom!Master Chenyue's head was smashed to pieces.

"Uncle Chenyue—" Qing Han shouted.

"Senior Brother Chenyue—" Amu's eyes turned red instantly.Xiaoyun Chenyue was a person of great kindness to Amu, but she didn't expect that senior brother Chenyue died tragically at the hands of the other party in just an instant.

"The Seal of Eight Bitterness! Open!" Amu shouted violently.At this time, Shui Mei's technique had already worked.

Endless soul-cultivating magic power poured into Amu's whole body.

Demon cultivator, the first step of soul cultivation, Dzogchen!

For a moment, the surging power of the demon soul made Amu raise his head to the sky and howl.Above the Tsing Yi, endless black flames rose up.

(End of this chapter)

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