nine coffins

Chapter 397: The Sea of ​​Bitterness is Endless

Chapter 397: The Sea of ​​Bitterness is Endless

When the magic shadow of the fairy trail unfolded and the east turned white, Amu had completely moved away from Baigu Ridge.

The whole night, Amu barely rested.Open the map that Ya'er gave him, a hundred miles away, there is a big city in Dongling, called "Sea of ​​Clouds".

Frowning and contemplating, Amu finally decided to go to Yunhai City first.

Yunhai City is a famous city in the northern region of Dongling. Immortals and mortals live together. It is named after Yunhai Mountain. The influence of Brahma Temple and the power of the human race are very strong.

The wolves blocked Baigu Ridge, and it seemed that the entire demon tribe in Dongling was mobilized by an inexplicable force.Although it may not have reached complete integration yet, the power of the Yaozu cannot be ignored.

In the wolf clan, those who cut off their heirs for themselves should be absolute masters.Thinking of Yunhai City, Amu made some adjustments, maybe he could wait for the person who secretly protected him to show up.

At the same time, the Seal of Eight Sufferings was opened again last night, and Amu felt that the breath in his body was a little unstable, and wondered if he would be promoted again in the Buddha realm.

When the sun rose three poles, Amu arrived outside Yunhai City.

This big city is well-deserved of its reputation. It is tall and imposing, and there are immortals and people of all colors coming and going.

On Yunhai Mountain, there is a temple named Yunhai Temple, and there are soul-cultivating figures in it.In the Northern Region of Dongling, apart from Fantian Temple, Yunhai Temple is the most famous among Buddhist sects.

In Yunhai City, there are several third-rate sects of cultivating immortals.

After entering Yunhai City, Amu suddenly felt like returning from the countryside to the busy city.Yunhai City is huge, and according to the memory of Amu's previous life, it is definitely a metropolis.

On the long street, there is everything that one expects to find.The crowd is bustling, the traffic is busy, and there is an endless stream.

Amu did not suppress his own cultivation, because there are many monks in Yunhai City, and a Buddhist cultivator of Dzogchen at the beginning of the spiritual realm is not special at all.

Now, Amu's first idea is to find a monk's shop, adjust his breathing, and see if his realm will change.Amu went straight to a monk's inn with a good location and looked not too big or small.

The name of that inn is "Donglai". It is a time-honored building with an antique flavor, exuding a faint glow, and the whole inn is blessed with magic.

Generally, those who can open a monk's inn in this cloud sea city are people with some background.However, when Amu looked at this inn, he seemed to have a different kind of vulgar charm.

Amu asked for a room with a medium spiritual energy. It was pitiful, but the spirit coins on Amu were still in the green cloth bag given by Ya'er.Walking in a hurry at Dongyang Temple, Amu didn't think of getting a storage bag and some spiritual coins.

However, fortunately, Ya'er has prepared a lot, at least there is no problem staying in the hotel.

The waiter of the inn is a ninth-level novice, leading Amu straight to a guest room in the backyard.

The Donglai Inn is quite deep, and Amu followed the waiter around a courtyard, meeting many guests on the way.

But all of a sudden, the Kuhai Buddha Lamp in Amdan Hai trembled inexplicably.The Buddha flame of that lamp suddenly lit up, as if resonating with something.

Goodbye, not far away, a man who looked like the owner of an inn actually bowed down and led the two of them.

One of them is a white-clothed mother-in-law, with silver hair all over her head, hunched body, wrinkled face, and temperament, she seems a bit like Granny Qianhua.

However, there seemed to be a golden star between the mother-in-law's eyebrows, glowing faintly, unlike ordinary people.

mortal?Amu frowned.

Under Amu's perception, it should be like a mortal, and now at least it should be a high-level Dzogchen practice of Sanhun, and judging by the spirit of the mother-in-law, it should be above Sanhun.

Tribulation?However, above the robbery state, it is a state that Amu can't see at all.

However, the white-clothed mother-in-law is obviously not the protagonist, because she is following the other woman.

The woman, holding an antique and elegant bamboo umbrella, covered her upper body, revealing her green long skirt.

The oil-paper umbrella surface with a blue and white background is very eye-catching. On the umbrella surface is the vast and boundless sea, with rough waves and boundless splendor.A fairy island is located above the sea, with seabirds soaring, surrounded by clouds and smoke, looming.

The inscription on the umbrella surface - "the sea of ​​bitterness has no limit, and the happy land has no worries".

The handwriting is chic and elegant, with flowing clouds and flowing water, quite out of the world, with a fairy charm.Those simple eight black ink characters, Amu actually felt that they were far better than his own eight-sealed forbidden picture.

The pictures on the oil-paper umbrella made Amu take a look and yearn for it.

There is no limit to the sea of ​​bitterness, and no worries in the paradise!
The east of Dongling is the sea of ​​bitterness, above the sea of ​​bitterness, if there really is an overseas fairy island, happy and free from worries, wouldn’t it be a fairyland on earth?
From the umbrella to the person, Amu's heart couldn't help but move.

The granny in white clothes is already extremely high-level, but she seems to be the servant of the woman holding the umbrella.Amu also didn't feel the woman's realm at all, and seemed to be higher than that mother-in-law.


For some reason, the Kuhai Buddha Lamp in Amu's body was more active than ever at this moment, and the flickering flames were like dancing.

The mysterious woman holding the umbrella seemed to exude a Buddhist aura that could make the Kuhai Buddha Lamp cheer.

"That's definitely not an ordinary person? People from Fantian Temple?" Thinking of this, Amu couldn't help laughing and scolding himself, did he run away overnight and became confused.

Brahma Temple is a Buddhist gate, how can there be women?However, if the aura emanating from that woman was not the aura of Buddha, how could it arouse the strong resonance of the peerless celestial root Kuhai Buddha Lamp?

"Mother-in-law, miss, this way please!" The owner of the inn is a mid-level spiritual saint, but his words are extremely polite, and he guides the mother-in-law and the woman holding the umbrella to the high-class guest room on the other side.

"Oh!" The woman holding the umbrella responded softly, with a soft tone.At the same time, the woman paused in her lotus steps, stopped for a while, and then continued to move forward.

The beauty left, and Amu also ran to the yard on the other side under the guidance of the shop waiter.Two yards, some distance.

The Buddha Lamp of the Sea of ​​Suffering gradually calmed down!

The shop waiter opened the room for Amu's middle-level aura, left a talisman, and turned around to go.

Amu looked it over, and found that the layout of this guest room was somewhat similar to that of the Wansheng Inn where he stayed in the ghost town of Sanctuary, but the aura was not as abundant.

However, it is not bad for the current Amu.

Thinking of what Shen Yan said and how someone in the wolf clan secretly helped him, Amu's mood is now slightly stable.

The current situation in Dongling is not very clear and needs to be observed.Amu's first priority now is to restore his cultivation.

Therefore, Amu didn't do much, just sat cross-legged and breathed out.

It's still pitiful, Amu can only practice Brahma Root Cultivation Jue now, because Amu doesn't know any of the authentic Buddhist methods.Brahma Temple, no matter from which angle you look at it, you have to go there.

However, this Brahma cultivation root formula is really quite mysterious. Although Amu doesn't need to cultivate his roots now, he can still benefit from practicing it.

In Danhai, there is sparkling light, and on the golden sea, there is a cloud of Buddha spirit.

The current Amu is the Dzogchen of the first level of the Supreme Spirit, and Amu hopes to be able to advance to the middle level of the Supreme Spirit in the shortest time.Amu subconsciously feels that this is not a difficult task, and there seems to be Buddha power in his body.

Meditate and rest, the Buddha Qi circulates around the sky, and the sunset is in the blink of an eye.

This kind of monk's inn, as long as it is not summoned by guests, absolutely no one will disturb it, and there are restrictions outside the store.Ordinary people can't get in without talismans.

For a full five hours, Amu was exhausted last night, but he did not find a trace of the old Buddha power like after opening the seal last time.

Maybe there are many things that can be met but not sought after!
But just when Amu sighed in his heart.

Suddenly, the Kuhai Buddha lamp suddenly lit up, and a nameless aura broke into Amu's alchemy.

It was an incomparably pure Buddha power, stronger than all the Buddha powers that Amu had experienced.

"Yeah!" Amu was overjoyed, and without waiting to think about it, he channeled his breath like a sea.

In the golden alchemy sea, a big wave suddenly broke out, and the flame of the Kuhai Buddha Lamp leaped several feet. The green flame on the outside and the golden flame on the inside emitted endless Buddha energy.

In the flames of the Buddha, a vague shadow of Buddha sitting cross-legged gradually appeared.

"Boom—" Amu's pill sea shook, and golden waves roared up.

To the middle level of the spirit!Amu directly broke through a realm, but the Buddha energy of the Kuhai Buddha Lamp inspired by that Buddha power was still spreading out.

At this time, the Peerless Immortal Root Kuhai Buddha Lamp is like a machine that continuously sends energy outward.That Buddha power inspired the power that has always been contained in the Buddha lamp in the sea of ​​bitterness.

The lights are flickering, and the Buddha spirit is endless.Although the Buddha's shadow in the lamp flame is not very clear, it has already begun to take shape.

Dzogchen of the most spiritual intermediate level——

Supreme Spirit——

Supreme Spirit High-level Dzogchen——

Amu's pill sea breaks ground, expands rapidly, deepens and enlarges.The golden waves devoured the endless darkness, and at the same time, a faint black glow merged into the golden pill sea.

Such a rapid advancement has no effect on Amu's body.Because, he is a fairy bone demon body, and he is originally a physique of the first stage of soul cultivation.

For such a promotion, Amu even omitted the process of tempering his body.Just like a big container, just pour it directly.

However, at the same time, Amu once again felt the seal between his brows, causing a burning pain.The pain was worse than the last time in Dongyang Ancient Temple, and it made Amu's head swell, as if it was going to explode.

Beads of sweat rolled down from the corner of Amu's forehead, but Amu was struggling to hold on.

Birth, old age, sickness, death, association of resentment and hatred, parting of love, not getting what one wants, and the blazing of the five skandhas.The words "Baku" actually turned into a golden dragon shape, passing through Amu's mind at high speed.

Some blurry images also flashed in Amu's mind.It seems that there are people, there are things, there is this life, and there is an afterlife.

Can't ask for it!Can't ask for it!For some reason, this suffering is particularly radiant.


Suddenly, the eight bitter golden dragons collapsed, and Amu's pill sea shook again.

The Holy Beginning——

The Dzogchen Elementary Stage——

Spiritual Holy Intermediate——

Such a speed, Amu can't even imagine it!This is completely unreasonable promotion.

Buddhist epiphany?

At the same time, a bright star began to shine on Amu's pill sea.God of War blood!Amu was ecstatic in his heart.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the ancient desolate demon scriptures appeared, and the star map of the king of gods appeared.

Between the eyebrows, the spirit of the desolate soul, a little light!The ancient lamp of the soul of war, appear!

Amu's heart, which had been suppressed for too long, seemed to open two doors, and it suddenly became clear. The pressure of 20 years, or 220, has been greatly relieved.

A faint golden light flashed across Amu's body.Amu looked at his left wrist again, the Qiankun Ruyi bracelet, and the purple awns were shining brightly.

At this moment, Amu almost cried again.

came back!came back--

At this moment, besides the magic coffin, the remnants of the coffin, and the nine magic beads and three magic treasures under the neck.

Everything about Amu is back.It's just the realm, and there is no complete reply.

Amu couldn't express the joy of finding it again.For Amu, who can use the ancient lantern of the battle spirit and open the wishful bracelet of Qiankun, everything is almost perfect now.

At the same time, Murong Hai stood quietly in the void on Amu's roof, dressed in white clothes like snow.

Everything about Amu is under her observation.

"Hmph!" For some reason, Murong Haiqing sneered when he saw that Amu's cultivation had recovered, and the sword marks on the center of his eyebrows had faded a bit.

"There is no limit to the sea of ​​suffering, and there is no worry in the paradise! Her appearance really is the right time! Can one of the eight sufferings be asked for? To help him regain his breakthrough?"

Murong Haiqing's eyes were cold, looking in the direction of the small courtyard where the woman holding an umbrella lived during the day.

(End of this chapter)

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