nine coffins

Chapter 400 The Mysterious Paradise

Chapter 400 The Mysterious Paradise

"The most mysterious descendant of Paradise?" Hearing Murong Haiqing's words, Amu couldn't help but feel moved, because he thought of the white-clothed mother-in-law and the woman holding an umbrella in the daytime.

"The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and the land of paradise has no worries!" Murong Haiqing looked at Amu strangely, and guessed again what Amu was thinking.

"The mother-in-law in white and the girl holding the umbrella are the descendants of Paradise?" Amu asked.

"Apart from you, on the sea wasteland, probably only the heirs of Paradise can have such ostentation? The cultivation level of the white-clothed mother-in-law is probably no less than your demon servant Qing Mozi." Murong Haiqing's tone was somewhat a bit ridicule.

"Uh, a servant at the level of a real fairy?" Amu smiled wryly, remembering the pattern on the ancient umbrella, "The ancient paradise flowed above the sea of ​​bitterness?"

"Maybe!" Murong Haiqing said, "The Paradise Guliu has not appeared in the Sea Desolate China for countless thousands of years, and many things can no longer be tested, but this time it appears to be from the Dongling Monster Clan."

"Come here for the Dongling Monster Clan?" Amu asked.

"Well! According to the ancient books of Canghai, after the Great War of the Three Realms, the four ancient immortals Xuantian, Xingchen, Canghai, and Green Soul made an agreement. Canghai Xianzun has the heaviest responsibility, sealing the passages of the Three Realms and guarding the holy mountains of the Three Realms. Xuantian and Xingchen guard Seal the demon soul. The green soul is responsible for monitoring the movement of the demon clan."

"Green Soul Ancient Immortal is the ancestor of Paradise?" Amu asked.

"That's right! On the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms, there is a portrait of the Green Soul Ancient Immortal. It is a green-clothed female immortal with a white jade gourd hanging around her waist." Murong Haiqing's eyes fluctuated a little.

Murong Haiqing didn't say that, in fact, the portrait of the ancient immortal of the green soul has been hung side by side with the portrait of Patriarch Canghai.The Green Soul Ancient Immortal's expression was gentle, but there was too much unruliness in his eyes.

Leng Yu once said: "The ancient immortal green soul is definitely not a woman who is easy to tame, otherwise the Canghai immortal will not guard the holy mountain of the Three Realms alone!" However, Murong Haiqing once asked more about the past between the Canghai immortal and the green soul. , Leng Yu shook his head and said nothing.

"A female fairy in green with a white jade gourd hanging around her waist? Three faces and six arms?" Amu asked with a frown.

Amu remembered the statue of the Sea God of the Sea of ​​Bitterness that was enshrined by every family in Mengjia Village in the Seven Tribulations Floating Dream.

It was a beautiful woman in green with a white jade gourd tied around her waist.It's just that the woman has three faces and six arms, with different expressions of joy and anger, and each of the six arms holds a magic weapon.

"Three-faced and six-armed?" Murong Haiqing looked at Amu strangely, "The green soul is an ancient immortal, maybe it's not a problem to transform into a three-headed and six-armed form, but how come you have seen it?"

"Huh?" Amu was taken aback, "I saw it in my dream. In the dream, every household in Mengjia Village enshrined the sea god, and it was a beautiful woman in green with three heads and six arms and a white jade gourd.

"Oh?" Murong Haiqing frowned when he heard this, "Dreams of the Seven Tribulations are both true and false! The Xuantian Seal is really hard to fathom. As far as I know, the Dongling fishermen do believe in the Sea God, but it's definitely not the one you said Look, the sea god of the East China Sea is an ordinary fisher girl. You have never been to Dongling, and it is unbelievable that the God of the Sea of ​​Bitterness, who originated from the ancient green soul fairy, will appear in your dream!"

"In my dream, I created a God of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness that originated from the Green Soul Ancient Immortal? Liuzhen, Mengjia Village, Green Soul, God of the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness. 200 years ago, the six reincarnations, I came from the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness 20 years ago."

Amu frowned, thinking about everything that happened, he seemed to be grasping something in his heart, but he had no clue at all.

"Thousands of thousands of years have passed, and many things may have changed! We are in the sea, and we don't know when the paradise will disappear in the sea desert continent. It's just that after the paradise disappeared, the Brahma Temple appeared and rose in Dongling." Murong Hai cleared his mind.

"Behind the Brahma Temple is the Guliu of Paradise?" Amu said.

"Maybe, maybe not. The Guliu of the Paradise is a mystery even to Cang Hai. Maybe Xuantian and Xingchen know everything about the Paradise. But we don't even know how powerful the Guliu of the Paradise is!" Murong Hai said.

Even the ancients in the sea didn't know how powerful the paradise was, and Amu couldn't help but sucked in a breath of air.However, just by looking at the servants of the true immortal level, you can get a glimpse of the whole leopard.

"What is the realm of the woman holding the umbrella?"

"I can't see through!" Murong Haiqing calmly said.

"Then what realm are you?" Amu said.

"The wind robs the realm!"

"That woman is Xuan Xian?"

"At least!"

"Fengjie Shangjing? Xuanxian?" Amu couldn't help but smiled wryly, thinking that his own realm was really pitiful, "It seems that I am ashamed of the title of the ancient heir of Canghai!"

Murong Haiqing looked at Amu, and said, "Your cultivation level is indeed not high. Right now, your first task is to completely open the seal and improve your cultivation level!"

"After recovering, I'm only at the beginning stage of soul cultivation, and I'm not worth mentioning in front of the Tribulation Realm!" Amu said.

"No!" Murong Haiqing said with certainty.

"Oh?" Amu looked at Murong Haiqing, "Why do you see that?"

"Your physique is special, far superior to my nine yin body, even the demon body and fairy body! The improvement of the cultivation level cannot be deduced by common sense, and your 200 years in the six reincarnations will never be wasted!" Murong Hai cleared his mind.

"I hope! But, what kind of physique am I? How can I completely break the last seal of eight sufferings?" Amu asked.

"No one knows what your physique is!" Murong Haiqing smiled wryly, "Even Master can't see your physique clearly now."

"I'm a monster?" Amu shook his head.

Murong Haiqing was noncommittal, and sneered, "As for your Seal of Eight Sufferings, it still needs a chance. Tonight, didn't you encounter a chance? After experiencing the Eight Sufferings, the seal will be opened by itself. Using Buddha to transform demons, probably this is also the reason why Xuantian sealed you. The original intention and the reason why you came to Dongling!"

"Oh!" Amu responded.

"Your sea of ​​bitterness Buddha lamp has been completed, and the Buddha and the devil are one. Going to Fantian Temple is your best choice at present. The Brahma Buddhist sect is definitely the number one in the sea!"

"Going to Brahma Temple, will Ziyou City hunt and kill me because of the magic coffin or the child?" Amu asked.

"No! On the East Ridge, although Brahma Temple is not as powerful as Ziyou City, Ziyou City basically doesn't ask too much right and wrong. You don't have to worry about the devil's coffin. I will let all the immortals in the sea desert Shenzhou Door, immediately recognize your identity as the successor of Mo Lang, and no one dares to covet the coffin of the devil anymore!"

"Oh!" Amu couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. There was a strong backstage, and everything was easy to handle.

Since Amu's true identity was exposed, Ziyou City, as the arbiter of the sea and desert, was actually the cause of Amu's greatest pressure.

"As for Taihuangmen and Yaozu, I think no one will dare to chase you down before you reach Brahma Temple!" Murong Haiqing looked a little strange.

"Huh?" Amu didn't understand.Why is Murong Haiqing so sure that Taihuangmen and Yaozu dare not chase and kill him?

"Taihuangmen and Yaozu probably won't be able to deal with you in a short time. Because, there is a woman who can die for you, and is doing her best to remove all obstacles for you!" Murong Haiqing sighed, She already felt everything Shen Yan was going to do.

"Shen Yan?" Amu frowned, even though he had forgotten everything, everything Shen Yan did for Amu now moved Amu.

"Exactly!" Murong Haiqing said with a wry smile, "A crazy Yin-Yang Tribulation Upper Realm with terrifying combat power, not to mention her..."

Murong Haiqing didn't say that Shen Yan could use the Yin-Yang Seal of Life and Death to raise her cultivation to the ninth level of a true immortal, because she didn't want that to happen.

Amu's cheeks were tense, and the look in his eyes was strange, but he didn't say anything.Amu doesn't know how to repay Shen Yan's friendship?However, Amu must live up to Shen Yan.

"Besides Shen Yan, there is me!" Murong Hai said calmly, "Master asked me to keep you safe! You have no worries."

"Restore and improve your cultivation!" Amu gritted his teeth secretly in his heart, "I am too weak, I am ashamed of the name of Cang Hai, and I have no face to be listed with other people! I can't always be protected by women."

"Will Fantian Temple accept me?" Amu finally asked.

"No Buddhist sect would reject the Buddha Lamp of Kuhai! It is a Buddha's root that is rare in ten thousand years. You can meet it but not ask for it. It is their blessing that you go to Brahma Temple." Murong Haiqing sneered.

"Going to Fantian Temple is also my master's idea! Dongling is in turmoil. Although there are descendants of Paradise, you should do your best as a descendant of Canghai, and the situation in Dongling is confusing. You have some demon fate, you must have your own. usefulness!"

"Demon fate?" Amu smiled wryly, "God fate, Buddha fate, demon fate?"

Amu himself felt that he had a lot of fate.

"Who told you to be a person who should be robbed for thousands of years!" Murong Haiqing suddenly cleared his eyes, looked at Amu seriously, and said, "Senior brother, you are responsible for the three realms, so you can't let everyone down. Because you are the descendant of the ancient world, We are the guardians of the sea and the Three Realms, and we have our own mission! For thousands of years, the sea will not change!"

Murong Haiqing has always been indifferent, talking about some things as if they have nothing to do with him.However, these two sentences were spoken very solemnly, and the white mist around Murong Haiqing turned slightly, obviously a little agitated in his heart, which made Amu feel shocked.

"Thank you, Junior Sister Murong!" Amu bowed to Murong Haiqing, "Amu will never forget the heavy responsibility in the sea!"

"Senior brother Zhesha little sister!" Murong Haiqing listened to Amu's answer, gave a rare and touching smile, and then solemnly returned the salute.

It was an extremely wonderful feeling, maybe it was the fellowship, maybe it was the same persistent belief.The sense of isolation between Amu and Murong Haiqing disappeared instantly.

"Tomorrow, I will get up and go to the ancient Brahma Temple! My Qiankun Ruyi Bracelet is opened, and with the magic weapon of flying, I can arrive there in about a day!" Amu said.

"When you go to Fantian Temple, you don't need to reveal our identity as Canghaiguliu, because we are too honorable, and other than the eminent monks above the tribulation level of Fantian Temple, no one else has the right to know!" The identity of the descendant of the sea."

"Junior Sister, don't worry!" Amu replied.

Goodbye, Murong Haiqing nodded, then shook one hand, and a green glow went straight into the center of Amu's eyebrows.

In an instant, countless runes filled Amu's mind.

"Canghai Xianshu!" Amu's heart was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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