nine coffins

Chapter 515

Chapter 515
The fragrance of clothes and the shadows on the temples, Yingsong and swallows dance.The drunk demon Luo Nei has a beautiful scenery.

At this time, in the lobby of the restaurant, the sound of silk and bamboo sounded.On the round platform in the middle, there are more than a dozen women, with heavy makeup and colorful tulle ribbons, barely covering their bodies, radiant and infinitely enchanting.

The muscles are like fat, looming, which attracts people's endless reverie.

Those women's dancing postures are extremely provocative, exhausting their provocative abilities.Amidst the sound of silk and bamboo, the fragrant wind blows, the seductive eyes, beautiful legs and jade arms shake people's hearts and souls.

All the monks in the hall seemed to be waiting for this moment.One by one, salivating, eyes shining, full of lust.

Amu and Li Shui frowned slightly, they were really surprised by the behavior of these monks.You know, how noble is a scattered soul above the sea, let alone a robbery.In the Shura world, although the situation is different, scattered souls are everywhere, and robbery is common, but it is not so unbearable.

But at this moment, whether it is the first level of scattered souls, or the power of the three calamities of water, fire and wind, there are even a few yin and yang tribulations in it.They all fell into a state of confusion and greed.They only have wine in their hands, and only those mortal women with thousands of styles and alluring looks in their eyes.

That is definitely not the state that a normal powerful monk should have.

Because no matter how seductive and charming the dance of the women on the stage is, they are mortals after all.Powerful monks can pamper mortal women, and some evil cultivators even specialize in taking women's milk for nourishment.

However, in front of mortal women, monks should have absolute resistance and dominance.They will never be in such a crazy state because of the seduction of these mortal women.

Amu and Li Shui were secretly observing while drinking.For some reason, the two of them didn't seem to be affected in the slightest.

Li Shui is a self-cleaning person, and does not think of others except Li Ruo.Even in the face of the water charm that charms the Three Realms, Amu can calmly deal with it.Therefore, these women in front of them couldn't catch the eyes of their brothers at all.

However, Amu and Li Shui believed that the powerful monks in the Asura world should also have such concentration, but they were confused and didn't know it.

"It's poisonous here!" Li Shui frowned suddenly.

"Oh?" Amu looked at Li Shui, waiting for Li Shui to continue.

"This wine is not poisonous, neither is the fragrance in this building, nor is the flickering dim light, nor is the melodious silk and bamboo!" Li Shui emphasized, "However, when the four are combined, there is poison. It should be able to produce a kind of aphrodisiac and psychedelic toxin, and it can penetrate into a hundred holes and be unstoppable."

Li Shui read the classics in the Northern Cold School back then, and later went to the Arctic Fairy Sea, and then went to the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms to get Leng Yu's advice.

Li Shui's diligence is absolutely useless to question. If it is about pills and poison techniques, he is extremely proficient, definitely above Amu.

"Oh?" Amu frowned, "But, in the same building, drinking together, why are you and I safe?"

"It should be because of your physique!" Li Shui speculated.

"What kind of physique? Your fairy body, my nameless body. Hehe!" Amu was a little puzzled, and joked.

Now Amu can only call himself the nameless body, because the real demon body is Xiao Luo.Amu is the unity of the immortal and the devil, and the same body of the Buddha and the devil.Leng Yu once said that she couldn't see through Amu's physique.

"Don't forget, you and I are from the Sea Desolation!" Li Shui seemed to tell the truth with one word.This may be the problem, except for Amu Lishui, the entire drunken demon Luo Nei is probably Shura.

"Yeah!" Amu nodded, but his spiritual consciousness scattered across the monks on the second and third floors, and it seemed to be quiet everywhere, calm and calm.

Li Shui actually discovered the situation on the second and third floors, but he still couldn't explain it.

"Perhaps, there are still many things that we haven't seen through. However, there are definitely problems with the bitter wine, strange fragrance, lighting, silk and bamboo! There may be some special secret blessings on the second and third floors, so we can not be harmed."

Amu thinks that what Li Shui said makes sense, there must be something special in such a big Dawn City.The people on the second floor, especially the third floor, might all be the distinguished guests of this drunk demon, so they will not be disturbed.

At this time, Amu turned his gaze to the stage again.

Although those dancers are romantic, their dancing postures are absolutely light, and their skills are even more excellent.Without more than ten years of kung fu, there is absolutely no way to dance like that.There are a total of thirteen women, each of whom dances in stunning poses, captivating the soul.

"Huh?" Amu looked at the dance steps of those women for a while, and suddenly frowned, "Senior Brother Li Shui, look at their dance steps, isn't it a bit special!"

When Li Shui heard it, he also fixed his eyes on those dancing girls.

The waist is slender, and the lotus steps move lightly.The steps of those dancers are definitely exquisite. They seem to be messy, but they are very organized.

Li Shui looked at those women Qingwu, and for some reason, the image of Li Ruo suddenly appeared in his mind.

Li Ruo smiled sweetly, with beautiful eyes, and a plain dress that turned into tulle at some point.The flawless body is almost unobstructed.From Li Shui's point of view, that alluring figure, demeanor, and eyes were ten times better than others.

Although they have been in love for many years, Li Shui and Li Ruo have always practiced rituals.Occasionally, when there is strong love, it is also a taste before it stops.However, at this time, Li Ruo actually appeared in front of Li Shui with such an indulgent attitude.

For a moment, Li Shui was a little dazed and at a loss.If you want to refuse and welcome, who can resist the temptation of your most beloved person?
In a daze, the veil peeled off, and Li Ruo plunged into Li Shui's arms...

"Senior Brother Li Shui!" At this moment, Amu called softly, but found that Li Shui's blurred expression was somewhat similar to that of the other monks.

Amu hurriedly tapped his index finger with one hand, and a ray of pure Buddha's aura penetrated Lishui's eyebrows.

"Hmm!" A refreshing Buddha's spirit was refreshing to the heart and spleen.Suddenly, Li Shui woke up with a start, with cold sweat on his forehead.I didn't expect that just now, I just took a few more glances at the dance steps and lost my mind and soul.

"Brother Li Shui! What's wrong?" Amu asked hurriedly.

"That's an illusion! Just now, I saw Li Ruo." Li Shui took a few breaths, still lingering in fear.

"Everything can win the immortal?" Amu raised his eyebrows.Behind this Zui Mo Luo, there must be an extremely powerful existence hidden.

It seems that all the monks present must have entered such an illusion.Moreover, the situation is definitely much more serious than Lishui.

Only Amu watched the dance for a long time, but he was not affected at all.

Maybe Amu's heart is better than Lishui, or there is another possibility that Amu has seen the most beautiful dance in the Three Realms.That was the dancing posture of the woman in white on the Wangyou Stone in his magic coffin, and Amu had already inherited that footwork.

In the Three Realms, there is no dance step that can compare with that of the woman in white.

But at this moment, the sound of silk and bamboo gradually stopped.

The thirteen women, each gathering their clothes, stood on the stage in a graceful manner.At this time, the lights in the restaurant were brightly lit.The thirteen women are as colorful as butterflies.

The snowy skin under the gauze made people's blood rush even more.Sitting not far from Amu and the water, a tall monk in the lower realm of the fire disaster even kept growling, trying his best to suppress his desire.

In the entire restaurant, thunderous applause, screams and cheers continued for a long time.

Goodbye, at this time a thin man with a hooked nose flew onto the round platform, and then clasped his fists around.

The water disaster is on the top!This man's identity seemed to be anything but ordinary. As soon as he entered the stage, he clasped his fists like this, and the whole restaurant gradually became quiet.

"Thank you fellow daoists for coming to this building to join us, and I, Zhan Wu, will thank you all here on behalf of the shopkeeper!" As he spoke, the person who called himself Zhan Wu clasped his fists and saluted all around again.

"You're welcome, Fifth Master, let's start directly!"

"Yes! We are all regular customers, needless to say!"

"Fifth Master, hurry up! Those few are for sale today, I want to try something new!"

Nazhan Wuben still wanted to be polite, but there was already a lot of noise around him.All of them are asking Zhan Wu to stop talking and get to the point.

"Hey!" Zhan Wuyi smiled, "Okay! Since that's the case, I don't want to talk nonsense. I'll talk about the finale later. It's better to quench your thirst first. Today is the old rule, choose three out of [-]."

As he spoke, thirteen balls of light flew out of Zhan Wu's hands, flying and whirling in the void.Then, Goodbye Zhan Wu let out a low drink and tapped his finger lightly.

"Papapa—" Three light spheres exploded, revealing three numbers.

One, three, nine. .

"it is good!"

"It's exactly what I want!" Some people were disappointed, while others were pleasantly surprised.

Goodbye, there were only three women on the stage who did not move, and the remaining ten, who were so coquettish and flirtatious, moved their lotus steps lightly and stepped off the stage.Those ten beauties made countless monks feel lost.

And the three women on the stage, wearing one red and two blue gauze clothes, are all full of charming smiles, waiting to be bought by others, all of them look like they are picked by you.

This is the real program of Zui Moluo, there are singing and dancing every night, and this kind of auction only happens once every three months.

Amu narrowed his eyes slightly. In his opinion, these women might all be life-threatening talismans.

Bury the bones in the gentle village!These mortal women are anything but ordinary.

The first woman in blue took a step forward and lightly lifted the veil on her lower body.A pair of jade legs are fully exposed.Outside the arena, there was a howl.

"The old rule is that the price starts with three spirit stones, and at least one spirit stone is added at a time!" Zhan Wu said loudly.

Before his voice fell, someone shouted.

"Five spirit stones!"

"I will offer ten!"


With this outcry, Amu and Li Shui couldn't help but look at each other.At this moment, judging by the vigor of the bidding, who would dare to say that Shura Demon Continent is barren?Even if it is barren at this time, it is not the spirit stone that is barren, but the women are too barren and the monks are too hungry.

For this mortal woman, these Shura powers are like crazy.

"I'll offer a copper-level spirit coin!" This time, the one who called for the price was the cultivator sitting not far from Amu, who couldn't stop roaring just now.

A copper-level spirit coin is worth a hundred spirit stones, which is already an extremely high price, and there are definitely not many monks who use spirit coins to bid for the price.

Spirit stones are extremely precious, let alone spirit coins.For a while, the audience was silent.Envy, jealousy, hatred, all kinds of eyes.

"Hey!" The Fire Tribulation cultivator felt complacent and arrogant.

"A copper-level spirit coin, once! Two times! Three times! Deal!" Zhan Wu said loudly.

As soon as the woman in blue heard the deal, she didn't wait to be called, she smiled coquettishly like a butterfly, and rushed towards the Huojie monk.

"Hahaha!" With a move with one hand, the Huojie cultivator directly hugged the mortal girl in his arms, "Fifth Master, come to the guest room!"

Saying that, the cultivator of fire disaster disappeared in one step.

Amu looked at Huo Jie's back and couldn't help sneering.I'm afraid this fire catastrophe won't last long.

 Thank you Fifth Lord, haha!Please recommend, please support!

(End of this chapter)

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