nine coffins

Chapter 518 Black Magic Stone!darkest valley

Chapter 518 Black Magic Stone!darkest valley

Zhan Wu lifted the black cloth, and the entire drunk Luo Nei was filled with black light.

All the monks were shocked.Goodbye, there are two things on the tray.

One of them is a black jade stone the size of a fist, in the shape of a regular octahedron.The other one is a piece of ancient black animal skin, which is folded, and it is impossible to see what secret technique is recorded inside or on it.

These two things, whether it is the black jade or the ancient animal skin, both exude eye-catching black lights.Especially the black jade, with the brilliance flowing on it, seems to be full of thousands of magical powers.

Neither Amu nor Li Shui knew these two things.Some of the powerful monks next to him seemed to know each other, but they were just not sure, their eyes were full of greed, and they looked extremely eager.

"The Black Magic Stone—"

"Black magic stone? No way! How is it possible?"

"Is it the black magic stone? Didn't it mean that the black magic stone is extinct?"

Gradually, some people talked to themselves and some whispered.However, everyone's discussion is cautious, not as noisy as before.

Amu and Li Shui frowned slightly.Although I have never heard of the word "black magic stone", judging from the appearance of the black jade stone and the atmosphere of the entire venue, it is by no means an ordinary thing.

After waiting for a while, Zhan Wu scanned the entire hall again, then cleared his throat.

"Fellow daoists, you may have guessed it. Not bad! This is the unique and extremely rare black magic stone of our Starfield of War!"


Although some monks guessed it, it was still different from hearing Zhan Wu admit it himself.

"It really is a black magic stone! It is even more precious than the blood dragon stone and the black blood crystal!"

"That's right! I never thought that there would be such a thing in Zhanzhi Starfield?"

"The black magic stone has disappeared for tens of thousands of years. If I can see it in this life, I will die without regret!" Among them, a white-haired old monk from the water robbery was even more excited.

Hearing this, Amu Lishui couldn't help but sneered and scorned in his heart, and said to himself: "The old guy didn't regret seeing the black-gauze girl die! He was the one who drooled just now."

However, Amu Lishui was also really curious at this time, neither Jiguang's jade slip nor Leng Yu's jade slip mentioned anything like the black magic stone.

At this time, Ting Zhan Wu said again: "My friends, the black magic stone evolved from the legendary crystal of the mysterious magic. Although it is not as magical as the crystal of the mysterious magic, the power of the fairy spirit contained in it is more Ordinary spirit stones are ten thousand times stronger. A piece of black magic stone of this size can have spiritual power equal to ten thousand spirit stones."

Crystal of Profound Demon!Amu and Li Shui looked at each other.Because, Leng Yu's jade slip mentioned this thing.

The Crystal of Mysterious Demon, a specialty mineral in the realm of Shura Demon Continent, is a strange stone from the Three Realms.I don't know how many years, the essence was born.The Crystal of Profound Demon contains endless spirit of immortals and demons, which is a hundred times better than gold-level spirit coins.Moreover, the crystal of the mysterious demon can help the demon immortal to practice two ways, calm the mind and calm the soul, increase the speed of practice, and sometimes increase the chance of promotion, it is definitely a rare treasure of the Three Realms.

However, in the war of the Three Realms tens of thousands of years ago, it is said that the crystal of the mysterious demon was exhausted, and it was hard to find in the Three Realms.

Unexpectedly, the black magic stone was evolved from the crystal of the mysterious magic.

After hearing Zhan Wu's words, Amu and Li Shui knew it.It seems that in terms of spiritual power alone, the black magic stone is equivalent to a gold-level spirit coin, and probably has some magical functions, which are far better than gold-level spirit coins.

"Fifth Master, even if it's a black magic stone, it won't start with [-] spirit stones, right?" A monk in the field questioned.

"Haha!" Zhan Wu laughed loudly, "Friend Daoist, good question! The black magic stone, although rare, is not the crystal of the mysterious magic in the legend. Naturally, it is not worth a hundred thousand spirit stones, but don't forget that we are drunk Mo Luo also presented a black-veiled woman as a gift."

Zhan Wu's tone was a bit of a joke, and everyone could see at this time that the black-gauze girl was an absolute gift, just to increase everyone's interest in bidding, and her value was by no means the price of the one hundred thousand spirit stones among.

Sure enough, Ting Zhan Wu said again: "Fellow daoists, this black magic stone is actually just a proof. Today, it is the key auction!"

As he spoke, Zhan Wu tapped his hand, and the folded ancient animal skin in the tray slowly floated up.

"Cultivation method? Secret technique?"

"Hey, it's not a secret technique!" Zhan Wu said with a smile, "This is a map."

"Map? One hundred thousand spirit stones?" Everyone was a little disdainful.Because, it is the most detailed map of the entire Shura world, probably it shouldn't be so expensive, right?

At this time, the corner of Zhan Wu's mouth curled up.A strange brilliance emanated from his hands, which seemed to be a very special technique.

In the light, on the ancient animal skin, a picture radiated out.

It was a dark mountain, so high that it couldn't see the top, surrounded by mist, it was quite gloomy.

Amu and Li Shui looked at it coldly, thinking it was the Black Water Nether Mountain in the Sea Desolation Realm.But, of course not.In the depths of the black mountain, there seemed to be a tunnel, so dark that it couldn't see its true face.

Everything is hidden in darkness!
"Dark Demon Valley!"

"Valley of Death!"

Many monks present obviously knew where it was, they couldn't help being shocked, and some of them even took a breath of air.

Amu and Li Shui were also surprised, because they faintly felt that this might be the darkest valley in the Zhanzhi Starfield mentioned by Ji Guang.

"Not bad!" A strange brilliance flashed in Zhan Wu's eyes, "This is the map of the Dark Demon Valley!"

One word stirred up a thousand waves!

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of everyone present instantly became hot.At this time, Amu and Li Shui could feel that the fragrance of the drunken moluo gradually dissipated, and the dim lights and the sound of silk and bamboo stopped early.

Therefore, the blazing heat at this time is by no means the trigger of the toxin, but the true heart of these monks.

"Dark Demon Valley, also known as the Valley of Death. The most mysterious place in the Starfield of War, it is listed as one of the seven wonders of the Shura Realm. It is said that in the Dark You Demon Valley, there are many ancient treasures and inheritances in the Shura Realm!"

"However, for countless tens of thousands of years, I don't know how many Asura monks wanted to explore the secrets, but they couldn't get in. How many more monks forced their way into the dark light, and their souls were wiped out! True immortals and mysterious immortals also fell. And today, this ancient dragon skin is the map of the Dark Demon Valley and the way to enter the valley. The black magic stone, to tell you the truth, was obtained from the outskirts of the Dark Demon Valley."

"Who got this map, you don't need to ask. I, Drunk Demon, sell things for others, so naturally I have to keep it secret. Everything is just a coincidence. At the same time, fellow Taoists know the reputation of this building. There is no need to doubt the authenticity of this map." Drunk Demon Luo can guarantee that it is absolutely genuine. That friend reluctantly parted with it, but because of his weak strength, he could not go deep into the valley, so he wanted to auction it here."

After Zhan Wu finished speaking, he glanced at the scene and stopped.Naturally, he wanted everyone to digest what he just said, and also to dispel everyone's doubts.

At this time, there was silence in the field, and everyone was thinking.

Everyone on the first floor now understands that Zui Moluo's last big gift is definitely not for them.

Leaving aside whether I can get it in the end, it is not just a map of the Dark Demon Valley with a price of [-] spirit stones. Even if I can get that map, I am afraid that not everyone has the ability to go to the Dark Demon Valley.

Without the strength of a true immortal, if you want to go deep into the Dark Demon Valley, don't even think about it.The name of the death of the Dark Demon Valley is not just rumored.It really is a place to die.

Two mountains and two valleys, two abysses and one temple.In the Asura Realm, the seven wonderlands are definitely not places to be taken lightly.One of the two valleys, the Valley of Death, who dares to take risks easily?

"Fellow Daoist, may I ask if the Dark Shadow Demon Valley is the darkest valley in the Zhanzhi Star Region?" Amu asked a Huojie cultivator near him at this time.

"Naturally! On the Zhanzhi Starfield, there is another valley that is darker than the Dark Demon Valley!" The Huojie cultivator was a little absent-minded, his eyes just scanning the snow-white chest exposed by the black-veiled girl.Anyway, he can't afford it, but he can see enough.

Darkest valley!
Amu and Li Shui looked at each other, it seemed that it was the right time to come here today.

Feeling that the groundwork is almost done, Zhan Wu focused on the second and third floors.These monks upstairs all have backgrounds and identities.

Previously, Zuimoluo Restaurant also spread the news that today's important items will be auctioned through various channels, so they must be prepared.

"Okay! Come on everyone, if you win this auction, the girl in white yarn will be yours! The starting price is [-] spirit stones, and the price can be increased by no less than [-] each time, spirit stones." Zhan Wu said with a smile.

"One hundred thousand spirit stones!" As soon as Zhan Wu finished speaking, someone on the second floor offered a reserve price.

"10 spirit stones!" Then someone raised the price.

"One hundred and four thousand spirit stones!"

"One hundred and six thousand spirit stones!"

"One hundred and eight thousand spirit stones!"


All the bidders were monks on the second floor.Those monks who know the situation in Zhanzhi Continent know that those are basically second-rate sects and powerful casual cultivators.

At this time, Amu and Li Shui were holding wine glasses in their hands.The wine in the glass glistened slightly, and the two brothers looked coldly at the monk on the second floor, sneering in their hearts.

Because, Amu and Li Shui knew that the monk on the third floor must be the one who made the final offer.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket of Love Magic Ribs!
(End of this chapter)

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