nine coffins

Chapter 525: Blue Bird of the Spirit Clan!nun without arms

Chapter 525: Blue Bird of the Spirit Clan!nun without arms
Everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty.How could Amu and Li Shui not understand this truth?
Therefore, although Drunken Demon Luo Nei took a map of the Dark Shadow Demon Valley, they chose to copy it immediately and send it to Bai Luomen.The big reason is that Amu Lishui doesn't want to be the target of public criticism.

Giving everything to Bai Luomen is tantamount to giving the pressure to Bai Luomen.

Not to mention, the cultivation levels of Amu and Li Shui can only be regarded as middle-level in the Asura Realm of the Demon Continent. Even if they really have the strength to sweep the Zhanzhi Starfield, they also need to know the truth that a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake.

The Dark Demon Valley is known as the Valley of Death. I don't know how many monks have died in it for countless tens of thousands of years. Is it unusual?Amu and Li Shui, if they didn't have corresponding help, how dare they enter the valley so easily?

Black and White Luomen is the most powerful existence in the Zhanzhi Starfield.And Amu and Lishui chose Bai Luomen.In Zhanzhi Starfield, with such a relationship, they will naturally feel like ducks in water.

If the remnant wood of the coffin is really in the Dark Demon Valley, Amu will definitely get it.For other things, as long as they are not at the same level as Jiu Coffin, Amu and Li Shui are not very interested, so what if they are all given to Bai Luomen?

There are no contradictions, only with the same interests, such cooperation will be more stable.

As the elder of Bai Luomen Keqing, he can be used as a talisman for Amu and Li Shui in Zhanzhixingyu.Even the Heromen would not rashly attack the Bailuomen.

Amu Lishui naturally thought about killing people and seizing treasures.However, they didn't expect it to be so fast.Dead Dragon Mountain, this area does not belong to Bailuomen, but it also does not belong to Heluomen.

On the Zhanzhi Continent, those who know that they have a map of the Dark Shadow Demon Valley should know their relationship with Bai Luomen.Moreover, Amu and Li Shui also have an imagined identity as a monk of Shura Palace.Therefore, in the entire Zhanzhixingyu, people who dare to touch Amu and Lishui are definitely not much to talk about.

It's a pity that the women in green and black in front of me are among them.

As soon as Qingniang said the map of the dark and secluded magic valley, the murderous aura on Amu and Li Shui instantly increased.In the entire dark enchantment, killing intent is like the wind.

"You two, as long as you copy a copy of the map to us, our master and servant will be grateful!" Qing Niang's face was calm, and she even smiled.

"We brothers, you don't need to be grateful, let alone give you a map!" Amu looked at Qing Niang and the female cultivator in black, and smiled faintly.At the same time, the realms of Amu and Li Shui began to recover.

"Oh?" Qing Niang smiled again, and then looked at Amu and Li Shui coldly, "One of you is on the upper level of Feng Jie, and the other is on the upper level of Yin and Yang Jie, even if you have two ancient heavenly treasures! You are definitely not the match of our master and servant. Why bother to resist?"

"You have good eyesight!" Amu sneered, "Unfortunately, you missed it!"

Before the words fell, Amu had already moved, as fast as lightning.With the current situation, there is no need to talk nonsense.In fact, Amu and Li Shui would not be afraid at all if it was just this woman who claimed to be Qing Niang.

Without using the Blood Soul Guard, Amu could kill her completely by himself.You must know that the Great Emperor Taihuang, who was at the sixth level of true immortality, all died under Amu's forbidden map.However, the female cultivator in black who has been silent today is too mysterious and unpredictable.Neither Amu nor Li Shui are sure.

The ancient lantern of the soul of war hung above his head, and Amuzhou was covered with red armor from top to bottom.I saw that Amu pinched the Yin Jue with one hand, and a red flame suddenly shot out from the ancient lamp of the battle spirit.

Apart from being ineffective against the blood soul guards, the flame of the war soul has never met anyone who can completely ignore the flame of the soul of war.

At the same time, Amu shook one hand, a black awn, and the dragon whip of Canghai Town flew out, mixed with endless dragon roars.The two ancient Tianbao-level magic weapons were shot at the same time, and they both went straight to Qingniang.

Qingniang, she is only in the Great Consummation of the Flying Tribulation Realm, although this realm is still two levels higher than Amu.However, for Amu, who has always leapfrogged to kill enemies, there is absolutely no opponent below the fairyland.

At the same time, Lishui also moved.

The two brothers had a tacit understanding, and nine of Lishui's immortal soul sword lotuses directly blocked Qingniang's possible escape route.And the other nine, floating in the void, pointed at the female cultivator in black, but they didn't come out.

Li Shui understood that with Amu's combat power, one person was enough to deal with that young lady.All I need to do is help, just stare at the woman in black.In order to prevent him from making a sudden attack, the two brothers were passive.

However, Amu Lishui made a move, and the woman in black was still standing in the void like that, without moving a muscle.Everything seemed to have nothing to do with her.Black and white eyes, reflecting everything.The whole black dress wraps her body, and her face is beautiful and seductive.

Goodbye, Qing Niang frowned slightly.Because, the moment Amu made a move, she felt that Amu's combat power might be far beyond her imagination.Moreover, what Amu sacrificed was another ancient heavenly treasure.

Such equipment is rare in the Shura world.

"Are they really not Shura people?" A thought flashed in Qingniang's mind.

The blood-red glow of the ancient lamp of the soul of war is scorching hot, even better than the fire of reincarnation during the yin and yang calamity.The black awn of the Dragon Whip in Canghai Town roared, unstoppable.

At the same time, the nine celestial swords wandering around the periphery, filled with celestial aura, blocked all of Qingniang's paths.

"Miss is right! These two monks are not simple!" Although the young lady frowned, it didn't mean that Amu and Li Shui would do anything to her.After all, she is still in the Feitian realm of Dzogchen.

Red flames and black lights struck instantly.However, the young lady didn't resist at all, her body flicked and turned into a cyan streamer, rushing up in an instant.

It was a stream of light, extremely fast.Amu's fighting soul lamp flame and black rattan can't hit her at all.Because her speed is too fast.

Li Shui was also taken aback, his Xianlian Sword Formation was considered the pinnacle of the sword formation, even a true immortal could block it.Li Shui thought he had blocked all the young lady's escape routes, but he didn't expect that she would rush out so easily.

Neither Amu nor Li Shui could clearly see how Qing Niang escaped from the siege of the two brothers and three ancient heavenly treasures.I just saw a cyan streamer.

"It's amazing!" The two secretly said at the same time.


However, at this moment, the crow on Amu's shoulder suddenly flew up, screaming continuously.

"Huh—" A Golden Crow Sacred Flame, with golden waves sweeping across the sky, went straight to the young lady.At the same time, a three-legged golden crow appeared in the black night sky instantly.Not only that, but on the golden crow dharma face, there is a sky fox dharma body faintly standing.

"Huh?" The young lady's expression changed instantly.

"Eternal demon body! Three-legged Golden Crow! Sky Fox! This..."

Not only Qing Niang, but also the woman in black who had been quiet all this time frowned slightly, and an inconceivable color flashed in her black and white eyes.

Qing Niang was shocked, but Ya'er would not show mercy.

That Golden Crow Holy Flame was wrapped in an attacking heat wave, it was already impossible for Qing Niang to turn into a blue light and leave.The eternal demon body is her nemesis.

Just now, neither Amu nor Li Shui could see what Qingniang was doing.However, Ya'er could see clearly that Qing Niang just turned into a blue bird.

The blue bird is an ancient alien species, originally the divine bird of Tianzhou.It can be regarded as a lineage of the Tianzhou Spirit Race, and its level is extremely high. Its body is like electricity, the fastest, and it is often used as a messenger.

Otherwise, how could that Qingniang break through the magic weapon of Amu and Li Shui so easily.Although the speed of the blue bird cannot compare with Jiguang, let alone time, it is also one of the fastest existences in the Three Realms.

However, since she is considered to be from the Tianzhou Spirit Race, she will be suppressed by Ya'er, the eternal demon body.Therefore, the two dharma figures of Ya'er, Jinwu and Tianhu are equivalent to imprisoning Qingniang in an instant.

After all, Qing Niang is just a Dzogchen in the Flying Heaven Tribulation Realm.

As soon as the Golden Crow Sacred Flame came out, Qing Niang couldn't move, and was about to be swept away by the golden waves in an instant.The Golden Crow Holy Flame was comparable to the flames of the War Soul, except for freaks like the Blood Soul Guard, there wasn't much that could resist it, even true immortals would be reduced to ashes.

But, at this moment.The female cultivator in black who had been safe all this time finally moved.With a black light, the female cultivator in black flew up like a big bird with wings spread.

"Huh—" A stream of black air spewed out from the mouth of the female cultivator in black.The black-clothed woman's pale face was so beautiful that it showed endless gloom.

That black air is endless death air, Yin air, that breath comes from the nether world.That black-clothed female cultivator did not seem to be born in the world.

A cloud of black mist directly withstood Ya'er's Golden Crow Holy Fire.

Chi Chi - Zizz -

The two forces collided, and the golden flames, the black mist, and the endless blue smoke disappeared.Goodbye, as soon as the female cultivator in black left, she had already saved the mother to her side.

Just now, everything, only in an instant.However, the black-clothed female cultivator's shot made both Amu and Li Shui's expressions change.

Because, just now, Amu and Li Shui felt that there was something wrong with the female cultivator in black, and they finally saw clearly just now.It turned out that the female cultivator in black didn't have arms at all, what she had was a pair of wings.

Just now, the female cultivator in black didn't feel it standing there, but just now, in order to save Qingniang, her wings fluttered, naturally revealing her true appearance.

"What kind of monster is this?" Li Shui frowned.

"Do I know what she is?" Amu narrowed his eyes slightly, and at the same time, the red glow behind him showed.Amu knew that it seemed that only the Bleeding Soul Guard had the possibility of a battle.

Because, Amu finally remembered what the familiar aura he felt in the drunk Luo Nei was.

Amu is indeed familiar with the real identity of this female cultivator in black.

(End of this chapter)

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