nine coffins

Chapter 539 The Strange Old Man Painting Soul

Chapter 539 The Strange Old Man Painting Soul
In Chimo City, there are many palaces, and on the long street, there are many immortals.

Although it is far away from the scale of Dawn City, and it cannot be compared with the Immortal Cultivation City on the Sea Desolation, Chimo City is already prosperous in the Demon Continent Shura Realm.

Amu and Li Shui changed their appearance again, suppressing their cultivation base in the water disaster.This time, Ya'er did not fly into the Tianhu fairy bracelet, but still landed on Amu's shoulder.

Because, Amu discovered that there were not many mortals in Chimo City, and monks of all colors kept coming and going.There are not a few people with exotic clothes and special luggage.A black bird landed on his shoulder, which was not unusual at all.

In Chimo City, there are no restaurants like Zuimoluo, but there are a few pubs, and the business is not bad.However, Amuli Shuizhi was not here today, so they first chose a monk's inn called "Xianwen".

Xianwen Inn is not big, but it has a good location in Chimo City.A spirit stone is two first-class guest rooms.Now Amu and Li Shui have adapted to the consumer prices in the Shura world.It's just that, in this so-called first-class guest room, the aura is so thin that it can be ignored. Fortunately, Amu and Li Shui are not bad at this level of spiritual aura, otherwise a piece of Lingshi is really worth the candle.

If there are no special circumstances, Amu and Li Shui decided to rest in this inn for the night, and then rush to Dark Demon Valley tomorrow.There are still three days left in the time they agreed with Bai Wuming.At the speed of the black cloud shuttle, if you fly at full speed, a little more than a day is enough to arrive.There is plenty of time.

After arranging the inn, Amu and Li Shui naturally want to learn about the customs and customs of Chimo City and the famous Chimo Immortal Collection.The shopkeeper pointed out that Xianji is in the east of the city, not far from their residence.

Walking through the streets, Amu and Lishui walked and watched, and soon arrived at Xianji.There are really many people on the fairy set.

Amu Lishui's divine sense scanned it, and it was only a few miles away that there were four or five real immortal-level powerhouses.

This is simply unimaginable in the sea and desert world.Although Shura is definitely not as good as Haihuang in terms of the number of monks, but in terms of the level of monks, the gap between Haihuang and Shura is as big as the difference in resources.It's just that Shura is too strong and Haihuang is too weak.

Amu and Li Shui seem to be aimless, walking around at will, but the two brothers pay attention to everything around them.Because, maybe a few words from others are important messages to them.

At the same time, they also looked at the various items on the shops and stalls on both sides of the long street.It is worthy of being a well-known fairy collection in the Zhanzhi Continent, with various shops and a wide variety of items.

It's just that the things here, in the eyes of Amu and Li Shui, are really too bad.Mid-level and high-level soul treasures are already absolutely superior.As for the fairy treasure, it happens once in a hundred years.

Amu and Li Shui were about to throw out one of the magic weapons on their bodies, and they might all become the treasures of the town.

The level of this fairy collection is only slightly higher than the fairy collection of the Northern Cold Sect in the Sea Wilderness, because the level of monks here is too high.If you compare it with the Immortal Ghost Sect's Huangquan Xianji, it is not the same.

After all, it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, no matter how high her cultivation is, she still needs materials.Ordinary tribulation cultivators, after finally obtaining sacrifices and refining immortal treasures, would they sell them?
However, Amu and Li Shui discovered that there are relatively more sporadic magic weapon materials and various talismans for sale here.

The materials for sale may be because there are too many materials required for the sacrifice of a magic weapon, and many people can't get them together, so they have to sell them.

As for the talisman, it is relatively easy to make because it uses less materials, and it relies more on the blessing of the monk's own strength, which does not need to consume resources.

Therefore, many Asura monks are keen on refining talismans, and even do a lot of research, and then earn spirit stones or exchange them for the desired items.

Amu and Lishui traveled more than half of the Fairy Collection, but they didn't gain much.I just listened a few times to some monks talking about the Drunken Moluo a few days ago.It seems that the news on Zhanzhi Continent spread extremely fast.

For the rest, there was little gain, and the two brothers couldn't help feeling a little bit depressed.

But at this moment, Amu Lishui suddenly discovered that there were a lot of people in front of the booth.Amu Lishui's divine sense swept over, and there were actually two real immortals inside, and the two walked forward involuntarily.

The stall owner is a thin and withered old man with a low level of soul dispersal, which is already considered the lowest level of cultivation in the Demon Continent Shura Realm, and if it is lower, it may be swallowed.The old man, dressed in gray cloth, looked a bit shabby.

However, in front of him, there were many fairy talismans wrapped in layers of soul power, all of which were suspended in the air.In the void, there are four flamboyant characters - the old man who painted the soul.This is a signboard!

Attack, defense, escape, etc., there are all kinds.Paper, animal skins, jade carvings, etc., in a complete range of styles.The old man's business is good, and many monks are buying his fairy talisman, and they even seem to rush to buy it. Everyone is afraid that they will not be able to buy it.

Amu Lishui looked at each other, it seems that this booth is interesting.

Those Immortal Talismans are definitely not cheap in the Demon Continent Shura Realm, and even a little expensive.One of the most common basic attack talismans costs a thousand spirit stones or ten spirit coins.If it is a high-level escape talisman, it needs nearly fifty spirit coins.

In the world of cultivating immortals, sometimes escape is far more important than attack.Life-saving is always the first priority.

"Fellow Daoist, why are so many people buying these talismans?" Amu smiled and cupped his fists, and said to a monk next to him who was also a water calamity.

"Oh! Fellow Daoist is probably new to Chimo City, right? You don't even know the Immortal Talisman of the Painting Soul Sect?" said Shui Jie.

"Painting Soul Sect?" Amu and Li Shui quickly sorted out the information in their minds, but they couldn't help frowning slightly.Because the name of this sect is extremely unfamiliar to them.

Let alone the map given by Leng Yu.The map that Jiguang gave them was of the entire Shura Demon Continent, and it was rough and not detailed enough, but the map given by Bai Wuming was an extremely detailed map of the Zhanzhi Starfield. , but nothing was left out.

However, why has such a sect never been marked?On Zhanzhi Continent, since when did there be another Painting Soul Sect?

"Dare to ask you, where is the gate of the Painting Soul Sect, and what kind of sect is it? I have never heard of it!" Amu said.

"Hey!" The monk Shui Jie smiled, "The gate of the Painting Soul Sect is here, this is the Painting Soul Sect." As he said that, the Shui Jie pouted and pointed to the old man's booth.

"Eh? A booth is a sect?" Amu and Li Shui were both taken aback.

"That's right! This booth is the Painting Soul Sect!" Seeing that Amu and Li Shui really didn't know about it, the Shuijie cultivator could not help but change his voice and said, "Two friends, be careful when you ask questions, this old man is not ordinary!"

"Oh? Ask fellow daoist for advice!" Amu also said via sound transmission, slightly surprised in his heart.Li Shui flipped it with one hand, and pressed a copper-level spiritual coin directly into the palm of the water-robbed monk.

It is easy to do things with money, and the water robbery monk hurriedly said: "Daoist friend, you are welcome!" However, the spirit coins have been quickly put away, and the water robbery monk is naturally more enthusiastic.

"Two Taoist friends, I don't know anything! This old man set up a stall in this Chimo Fairy Collection 1000 years ago. At the beginning, he sold fairy charms, but the business was very small, and no one cared about it. Later, one time, Bai Luomen's A Flying Tribulation Realm Dzogchen was suddenly killed outside the city, and everyone thought it must be the Hei Luo Sect's subordinates. However, in the end, it was found out that it was a Feng Jie Loose Cultivator who did it!"

"Feng Jie loose cultivator kills Flying Heaven Jie to complete the realm?" Amu Lishui frowned.

It would not be surprising if such a thing happened to someone like their brothers.However, this is the world of Shura, and most monks have as few magic weapons as beggars.

The level gap is almost irreparable, how can a monk of the wind robbery kill a flying robbery realm?
"Hey! Fellow Daoists also think it's incredible!" The water robbery monk laughed, "At that time, Bai Luomen also thought so, so he investigated deeply. Later, I realized that the wind robbery casual cultivator actually bought a piece of paper. This old man's high-level attack talisman! Alas, it only cost ten spirit stones at that time! Now the price is skyrocketing!"

The monk Shui Jie sighed with emotion, which made Amu and Li Shui feel funny.However, what Shui Jie said just now made both Amu and Li Shui gasp.

A high-level attacking talisman can actually help Feng Jie defeat Fei Tian Jie?What kind of talisman is that?
"The two fellow daoists are shocked, aren't they?" The water catastrophe monk looked at Amu and Li Shui's expressions, and he was a little proud, as if he made the immortal talisman.

"That fairy talisman came from this old man?" Amu looked at the old man in disbelief.No matter how you look at it, it is a shabby soul-dispersing junior.

Suppressed cultivation?Probably.

"That's right! At the beginning, the people of Bai Luomen died. Although Feng Jiexiu was naturally killed by them, how could this old man get rid of the responsibility? Bai Luomen, of course, will take the blame on him." The water robbery monk shook his head.

"So what happened?" Li Shui asked.

"What's the matter? Bai Luomen is one of the two great immortal sects of Zhanzhi Starfield. How can he take this old man who sells talismans in his eyes? Naturally, when he arrived in Chimo City, he asked the teacher to ask the crime. The old man’s booth, and all his talismans were robbed!” The monk Shuijie was transmitting the sound, but there was a sneer on his face, obviously very dissatisfied with Bai Luomen’s bullying.

Amu and Li Shui were also a little cold-hearted towards Bai Luomen's behavior.

What does killing with a sword have to do with selling swords?Can you still kill the sword seller?What about the iron seller?Although the fairy talisman is special, it has the same principle.

"The result?" Amu also asked, obviously the matter would not end like this, otherwise how could the old man still stand here?

"The result? Hehe!" The Shui Jie sneered again, "The result is that the old man said all his good words during the day, and Bai Luomen was furious, and he decided to get the old man out of Chimo City, and he was not allowed to sell the fairy talisman anymore! The old man Helpless, I had no choice but to leave the city. However, at midnight, the entire Chimo City suddenly became brighter and filled with immortal power, I don’t know what happened?"

"I saw the bodies of 33 Bai Luomen monks in Chimo City neatly placed on this long street the next morning. Among them, there were also four great true immortals, the highest level of which reached the seventh level of true immortals. .They all lost their souls, but they didn't have the slightest scar on their bodies!"

When the Water Tribulation monk said this, he seemed to still have lingering fears when he thought of the strange appearance of those corpses back then.

 Thank you for the ribs monthly ticket of Love Magic, the first chapter will be released first, and the second chapter will arrive later!

(End of this chapter)

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