nine coffins

Chapter 541 Purple Clothes Order!Killing Immortals and Exterminating Souls!

Chapter 541 Purple Clothes Order!Killing Immortals and Exterminating Souls!
Shura Ziyi!These four words seem to have thousands of magical powers.

Fangcai, the very resolute old man who was not moved by Mo Wuhen at all, stopped suddenly.Then, he turned around slowly, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Mo Wuhen, as if he wanted to see through Mo Wuhen.

And when they heard the words Shura Ziyi, Amu and Li Shui also felt their hearts move instantly.

"Asura Ziyi asked you to come? Are you serious?" the old man Huahun said while looking at Mo Wuhen.

"Of course!" Mo Wuhen stood tall, his expression unchanged, also looking at the old man Huahun.Because, he has a clear conscience.

"Dream Soul from the previous life!" the old man Huahun said suddenly.

"I hate Wangchuan in this life!" Mo Wuhen replied calmly.This is what Shura Ziyi taught him.

The two lines of poetry seem to be a kind of incision.The old man Huahun knew that what Mo Wuhen said was true.Because, this is the agreed cut between him and Shura Ziyi.With this incision, the purple clothes have orders, and the painting soul must do it.

However, at this moment, the face of Amu next to him changed suddenly, and Li Shui couldn't help looking at Amu.In the past life, dreamed of a wild soul, and in this life hates Wangchuan?This should obviously be Shen Yan's tone.

At this time, the old man Huahun sighed, looked at Mo Wuhen and said, "Being connected with Shura Ziyi is really your good fortune, and it is also the good fortune of Wuhen Valley!"

"When you open your mouth, it's equivalent to holding the Purple Clothes Token. I owe Shura Ziyi a favor, I promise you the killing of immortals and soul talismans! But, you have the Purple Clothes Token, why ask for the Immortal Talisman?"

"Thank you, senior!" Mo Wuhen was excited when he heard the old man Huahun's promise, and then bowed deeply, "This junior wants revenge with his own hands!"

"Oh! Don't thank me. I'm just following orders!" The old man Huahun looked at Mo Wuhen and said, "However, you should think about it. Why don't you waste a Purple Clothes Order? You should know that the Purple Clothes Order Portion!"

Mo Wuhen smiled wryly, and said, "Senior, besides the Purple Clothes Order, is there another way to control you?"

The old man Huahun couldn't help laughing when he heard this.In fact, he is the only one who understands that there is something in his heart that overrides the Purple Clothes Order, but he himself doesn't know if that thing will appear again.

"Even if it's gone!" the old man painting soul sighed.

"So, I have no choice!" Mo Wuhen said.

"Okay!" said the old man Huahun, "However, I can only give you a killing talisman!"

"Why?" Mo Wuhen frowned.

"Because one is enough!" Huahun old man said.

"Huh?" Mo Wuhen was a little puzzled.

The old man Huahun smiled and said, "Is the person you want to kill the Eternal Realm?"

Mo Wuhen was stunned for a moment, and quickly shook his head.He didn't even dare to think about such a thing.

"Then Yuan Xian?"

Mo Wuhen shook his head with a wry smile.

"Hehe!" The old man Huahun laughed, "Since this is the case, wouldn't that one be enough? If the old man's one killing immortal and soul-killing talisman can't help you succeed, then no amount of immortal talisman is useless!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all the people on the long street changed suddenly.Does this mean that one Immortal-killing and Soul-killing Talisman can kill all monks below Yuanxian?Isn't this too outrageous.

As he spoke, the old man Huahun stretched out his hand, and a stream of red light appeared in his hand.In the red streamer, there seemed to be a figure walking among them, and a fairy talisman, but it was like a living thing, extremely strange.At this time, everyone, including Amu Lishui, opened their eyes.

"The Talisman of Killing Immortals and Souls?" Mo Wuhen's eyes showed excitement.

"Not bad!" the old man Huahun said, "Bring it here!"

"What?" Mo Wuhen was slightly taken aback.

"Naturally it's a spirit coin!" said the old man Huahun, "You have a purple clothes order, so I have to agree to give you the killing talisman. But my old man's fairy talisman is for sale, so you can't give it away for nothing. Spirit coins Still have to charge!"

"Okay!" Mo Wuhen laughed dumbly, "Excuse me, old man, how many spirit coins!"

"One hundred spirit coins!" Huahun old man said angrily.

"This is really a symbolic price!" Mo Wuhen said with a smile, "One hundred spirit coins, this junior has taken advantage of the sky!"

As he said that, Mo Wuhen flipped it with one hand, and the golden glow, a hundred copper-level spiritual coins, flew out directly.

"Hmph!" The old man Huahun waved his hand, but he didn't pick up those spiritual coins, but directly blocked them back.

"Huh?" Mo Wuhen was taken aback, "Old man, what is the meaning of this? Didn't you repent?"

"Will the old man go back on what he said? It's just that your spirit coins are too short!" The old man Huahun said with a half-smile.

"Isn't it a hundred spirit coins?" Mo Wuhen asked.

"One hundred spirit coins are true, but the color is wrong!" The old man painted soul sneered, "How can the old man's killing immortal and soul-killing talisman be worth a hundred copper-level spirit coins? Cheaper!"

"That's a hundred silver-level spirit coins?" Mo Wuhen smiled faintly.

"Blood Moon Continent is not as rich in resources as the Seven Star Regions. But why did a miser like you come out of Wuhen Valley?" The old man Huahun said disdainfully, "It's a hundred gold-level spirit coins!"

"Wow—" As soon as the words came out, the audience was in an uproar.That is, Amu and Li Shui were both taken aback.

One hundred gold-level spirit coins equals 100 million copper-level spirit coins. Even if it was the map of the Dark Demon Valley back then, you can buy two copies.The high price seems a bit outrageous.Everyone doubted the sincerity of the painting soul old man.

"The Immortal Killing Talisman I gave you can cut down the Nine Great Immortals to achieve perfection! Isn't the life of a Nine Great Immortals worth a hundred gold-level spirit coins?" said the old man of painting soul.

"Besides, I was disturbed by you today. Maybe, in a short time, the old man will move again. This Chimo City is comfortable, and I'm afraid I won't be able to stay for long! Sigh!"

As he said that, the old man who painted the soul sighed, then looked up at the sky, and the black and white days were about to change.

"Hurry up, the old man's time is limited!"

"This?" Mo Wuhen's face was a little ugly, and in good conscience, with the power of the Immortal-killing and Soul-killing Talisman, one hundred gold-level spirit coins is really not expensive.

If it was on the Blood Moon Continent, Mo Wuhen could still grit his teeth and take out a hundred gold-level spirit coins or 100 million copper-level spirit coins.However, it is absolutely impossible now, and she couldn't help but look extremely embarrassed.

When the old man Huahun saw it, he couldn't help but look at the sky again, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.Originally, he just wanted to make it difficult for Mo Wuhen a little bit. With the status of Wuhen Valley, and Mo Wuhen came across the domain, one hundred gold-level spirit coins should not be a big problem.

But now it seems that Mo Wuhen's predicament is beyond his imagination.But what the old man Huahun said must never be taken back.

"Old man, I paid for this spirit coin on behalf of Mr. Mo!" At this moment, a voice came from the crowd.

"Wow—" the audience was in an uproar again.Today's Chimo City seems to be on the verge of collapse.

Paying a hundred gold-level spirit coins for someone else?Who are these people?You know, many monks in Chimo City have never seen a gold-level spirit coin after tens of thousands of years.

Everyone, follow the reputation.Goodbye to the crowd, one person walked out alone, dressed in green, with an ordinary appearance, under the water, with a black bird on his shoulder, an ordinary monk.

"Oh?" Old Man Huahun and Mo Wuhen were also taken aback.Because, one hundred gold-level spirit coins is definitely not something that people can take out by the way, and theoretically there will be no such existence in Chimo City.

"Farewell to the blood moon. I haven't seen you for several years. I didn't expect Mr. Mo to come to the Zhanzhi Starfield. We are really destined! Wang Han is very polite." At this time, Amu suddenly clasped his fist at Mo Wuming, with a smile on his face, like an old friend reuniting .

When Amu said this, first, he wanted to show everyone that he was also a Blood Moon cultivator, so as not to cause too much suspicion. Second, he wanted to report Wang Han's name to see Mo Wuming's reaction.

Sure enough, upon hearing Amu's words, the surrounding monks were in a commotion again.Unexpectedly, there was another Blood Moon cultivator today.However, he was slightly relieved that he could take out one hundred gold-level spirit coins.

"Oh?" Mo Wuming didn't seem to have much reaction to the word "Wang Han", but he immediately understood the first meaning of Amu.

"So it's Brother Wang here, it's been a long time!" Mo Wuhen smiled cooperatively.

"Hmph!" Others may not be able to see it, but how could the old man who painted the soul not see it?It's just that it's not clear, anyone can pay, and the old man is in a hurry to get away.

"Old man, do you think these are okay?" Amu threw a storage bag, but it was not a gold-level spirit coin, but five thousand silver-level spirit coins and more than 50 copper-level spirit coins.

In fact, it wasn't that Amu couldn't take out those gold-level spirit coins, but that the gold-level spirit coins were too precious after all.The old man Huahun kept looking at the sky, so Amu naturally wanted to take advantage of it.

After receiving the storage bag, the old man Huahun swept his consciousness and sneered, "That's enough!"

As he spoke, he shook his hand, and the Immortal-killing and Soul-killing Talisman melted directly between Mo Wuhen's brows.

"Unless it is you, any delusion to activate this talisman will be self-defeating!" The old man Huahun looked at Amu, and his words were naturally mainly to warn Amu, and at the same time, he also said it to others.Starfield of War is definitely not peaceful.

After all, the old man Huahun stopped talking and turned around.

At this time, the days of black and white are intertwining.Amu paid attention, and saw that the body of the old man who was leaving in a hurry, with the alternation of black and white days, actually faded from bottom to top and gradually melted away.

That kind of fading is very similar to ordinary monks' spells, and ordinary people can't see it at all.However, Amu Mo's eyes flashed, and he knew that it was definitely not a monk's technique, but a change that was not under his control.

As soon as the painting soul old man left, the people who watched the excitement were not in the mood.Although they were a bit greedy for the Immortal-killing and Soul-killing Talisman, no one in Chimo City doubted the old man Huahun's words.Who dares to act rashly?Black and white Romans are all lessons learned from the past.

So, it was already dark, and everyone was discussing, so everyone dispersed.

"Thank you, Brother Wang!" Mo Wuhen clasped his fists at Amu, expressing his sincere thanks.

"You're welcome!" Amu said with a smile, "Young Master Mo, I actually have something to ask for advice. It's not a waste of help, but I don't know that it's inconvenient for Mr. Mo. Can you delay for one night and go back to the inn to talk about it?"

"Huh?" Mo Wuhen hesitated for a moment.

One hundred gold-level spirit coins!In the Shura world, it is definitely a huge sum of money!Mo Wuhen was able to get the Immortal-killing and Soul-killing Talisman, half thanks to Amu.However, Mo Wuhen was still a little hesitant when Amu invited rashly.

"Young Master Mo, don't hesitate, I just want to ask about Shura Ziyi! Maybe, he has an old relationship with me!" Amu smiled slightly.

Mo Wuhen was instantly stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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