nine coffins

Chapter 543 Blood Moon 1 Round My Soul Returns

Chapter 543 Blood Moon Round, My Soul Returns
From unknown tens of thousands of years ago to 3000 years ago.

Mo Wuhen's words made Amu Lishui's heart tense.Shura Ziyi, if he was really reborn from the smoke, then he should have arrived in the Demon Continent Shura Realm 3000 years ago. Why did he start from tens of thousands of years ago?
Although they had doubts in their hearts, the two brothers didn't ask any questions, they were all waiting for Mo Wuhen to speak.

"Brother Wang, Brother Li, since you have come to Asura from the sea wasteland, you must have the ability to open the Three Realms, and you must have done some homework!" Mo Wuhen said.

"That's natural!" Amu laughed.

"In this case, both of you know the legend of the Three Realms War!" Mo Wuhen said again.

"The legend of the sea wasteland, tens of thousands of years ago, the Three Realms fought in chaos. After that, all the gates of the realms were closed, and the Three Realms became strangers!" Amu sighed.

"That's right! It's just that, in the Asura Realm of the Demon Continent, although it is said that tens of thousands of years ago, and even the new era of the Demon Continent today started from tens of millions of years ago, in fact, that can only be regarded as a hypothetical point in time."

"Actually, no one can tell how long ago it was. Legend has it that during the Great War of the Three Realms, the Shura Continent was shattered due to the collision of several strange coffins. The explosion lasted at least hundreds of years, and then formed the Seven Star Companion The regional form of the blood moon." Mo Wuhen's eyes were a little misty.

Amu and Li Shui listened carefully.Mo Wuhen's words, except for the starting point of that time, can basically be confirmed with everything that Ji Guang said back then.

"Asura Demon Continent, the black and white sun never sees the moon, but it can pass through the nether world. The earth is round and the sky is round, and the vastness is boundless. However, on the Blood Moon Continent today, on the fifteenth of every month, the black and white sun disappears, and a bend of blood The moon is high."

The blood moon hung high, and Amu and Li Shui both remembered the night when the Blackwater Hell was destroyed.On that day, above the black water, there was a blood moon.

"In ancient times, the Shura Demon Continent was dominated by demons and Shura clansmen. After the Great War of the Three Realms, the demon king disappeared, and the demon clan was basically completely wiped out. The Shura clan is fortunate to have an unbroken inheritance."

"The entire Asura Continent has gone through many years of changes before it formed the current pattern. The Asura Palace, one of the three blood moon gates, is the inheritance of the ancient Asura recognized by the entire Asura world. It was formed about 5000 million years ago. Before, it was also recorded that in the fourth new era of Demon Continent, that is, 6000 million years ago, there was already a Shura Palace!"

"5000 million years ago? 6000 million years ago?" Amu and Li Shui were speechless.

Even if it is replaced by the Sea Desolation Calendar, it is also a 600 million year inheritance?Such a sect, Amu Lishui doesn't know if the Ziyou City in the sea desert world is, but the original seven immortal sects will definitely not reach the age of inheritance.

"Don't be surprised! All the sects in Asura Demon Continent are relatively old, and the general immortal sects have millions of years of inheritance. The same three major immortal sects, I Wuhen Valley, also have 600 million years of inheritance. Ufu Temple too If it's too mysterious, you won't know." Mo Wuhen said.

"Sea Desolation Shura, it's not the same!" Amu and Li Shui smiled wryly.

Mo Wuhen continued.

"Today's Shura Palace can be regarded as the number one fairy gate in the Demon Continent, with a vast territory. The palace stretches for thousands of miles and has a large number of monks. It is said that the Shura Palace has a peerless powerhouse of the original immortal level, but no one has confirmed it. However, the Shura Palace back then, It’s not as powerful as that. And there’s a legend about the strength of the Shura Palace. This legend is related to the later Shura Ziyi!”

Finally it comes to Shura Ziyi.Amu and Li Shui were more focused.At some point, the crow on Amu's shoulder also woke up and opened his bright black eyes.

"As I said, I don't know how many tens of thousands of years ago, maybe 2000 million years ago, maybe earlier, because everything is a legend. At that time, the wife of the owner of the Shura Palace gave birth to a baby girl. On that day, the birth A vision. In the entire Blood Moon Continent, the black and white sun has disappeared, the sky is full of purple light, and the auspicious clouds are endless! It is said that the baby girl is the reincarnation of Princess Shura from the age of ancient mythology. Happiness, there will be no more chaos!" Mo Wuhen sighed.

"But, it wasn't like that later, right?" Li Shui asked.

Mo Wuhen didn't answer Li Shui's question directly, but smiled helplessly.

"Actually, no one dares to say whether the prophecy is true or not! Because her life is too short."

"Huh? The time to live is too short?" Amu and Li Shui were taken aback.

"Because, it is said that although the Princess Shura was born with overwhelming intelligence and unparalleled intelligence, she is a mortal body, unable to grow immortal roots, and unable to cultivate!" Mo Wuhen said.

"I'm a mortal, so I can't practice?" Amu and Li Shui frowned. They both experienced the pain of being unable to practice in the world of cultivating immortals.

"Princess Shura is not only a mortal, but also weak and sick. Although, the master of Shura Palace at that time was powerful and tried many ways to refine various elixir. Some people even said that for her, Shura Palace even used ancient secrets. The palace lord will go to the ghost world again. However, Princess Shura only lived for 7000 years!"

"7000 years, to Asura mortals, it can be regarded as the lifespan of two lifetimes. However, to Asura monks, it is just a lifespan of fixed cultivation level." Mo Wuhen sighed.

"Then in the past 7000 years, has there been any war in Asura?" Li Shui asked.

"No!" Mo Wuhen smiled sincerely, "It is said that those 7000 years were the most peaceful 7000 years after the Three Worlds War, and even the Black and White Luomen on the most chaotic Starfield of War also reached a truce. agreement."

"Then she still brought peace to the Asura world!" Li Shui said with a faint smile.

"Maybe! It might just be a coincidence!" Mo Wuhen sighed.

"But what does Princess Shura have to do with Shura Ziyi?" Amu couldn't help frowning.

"Good question!" Mo Wuhen said, "That's exactly what I want to say!"

"Asura legend says that after the death of Princess Shura, her face does not change, her body fragrance does not disperse, and her body is warm, as if she is asleep. However, her soul is no longer there. The owner of Shura Palace, loves her daughter into a fool. In Shura Palace, there are There is a palace in the middle of the palace, where Princess Shura is specially placed. The incense has never been extinguished for tens of thousands of years, and the Shura Palace has been enshrined for generations, like a god. Moreover, since then, the Shura Palace has really flourished. In other parts of the world, there are frequent wars."

"Oh?" Amu and Li Shui were both surprised.It seems that this Princess Shura is really strange.Amu even faintly felt that things were so strange, and vaguely felt what Mo Wuhen was going to say.

"Later, 3000 years ago, Princess Shura woke up suddenly, didn't she?" Amu frowned.

"Huh?" This time it was Mo Wuhen's turn to be stunned, "Brother Wang is right! Sure enough, 3000 years ago, in the Blood Moon Continent, the vision was reborn. Wuhen, I was lucky enough to see it with my own eyes."

"That day was not the fifteenth day, but the black and white sun disappeared, and the blood moon was in the sky. Countless stars lined up the starry sky. The sky was full of purple light, and it seemed that there was a slight cry coming from the void. However, the entire Shura world , are rippling, a kind of warmth, a kind of magical power. It is said that even the seven wonderlands of Shura have their own visions. The water of the Wangchuan River is raging, as if it is about to overturn the sky. The most peculiar day in the Shura world I have ever seen."

"Seven days later, there was a sudden news from Shura Palace that the soul of Princess Shura returned that day, shaking the entire Xiumo Continent for a moment. Shura Palace, and countless believers entered the palace to worship." Mo Wuhen's eyes flashed with strange brilliance.

"What happened next?" Amu continued to ask.

"I don't know if it's because of the power of incense from the Shura Palace for tens of thousands of years. It is said that Princess Shura, after waking up, is already a fairy! After that, for hundreds of years, Princess Shura could not retreat and devoted herself to cultivation. Later, Princess Shura began to travel the vastness of Shura, she seemed to find something, and she called herself Shura Ziyi!"

"It's just that Shura Ziyi is mysterious and unpredictable. Many people only hear his name and don't see him. However, everyone who has seen Shura Ziyi will be rescued and benefited by him. Over time, among the high-ranking monks of Demon Island Shura, Then there was a Ziyi order. This order may be a sentence from Shura Ziyi, or a token. In short, it must be related to Shura Ziyi. "

"Sura Ziyi controlled those people?" Amu frowned slightly.

"No! That's just a kind of inspiration. All the people who accept the order are willing!" Mo Wuhen said, "Wuhen is lucky to meet Shura Ziyi and get his gift! Ruo Ruo, one day, someone will make an agreement with Shura Ziyi and you!" Mo Wuhen said. A good Ziyi order comes here, no matter what. No hatred, I will definitely die, I would rather die!"

Mo Wuhen said it very solemnly, it was a kind of approval from the heart.

Amu and Li Shui couldn't help but look at each other.

Shura Ziyi, or perhaps Shen Yan, was able to gather such power.From the point of view of Mo Wuhen, especially the old man Huahun, the immortal talisman of the old man Huahun claims to be able to cut down the nine layers of immortality, what kind of power is that?
How powerful is Shura Ziyi able to mobilize such a character?
For some reason, in Amu's mind, the words left by Guizun on the stone tablet in Wanghun's ancient house in the Red Soul Continent suddenly appeared.

Sitting on hundreds of millions of Asura, only for you to rule the country!

Shura Ziyi, what exactly are you going to do?
(End of this chapter)

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