nine coffins

Chapter 553 Promotion!The interception of the armored black clothes!

Chapter 553 Promotion!The interception of the armored black clothes!

The black cloud flies away, turning into a stream of light.

However, an old man under the ancient pine tree in the mountains gradually transformed into an illusion.The old man was dressed in gray cloth, thin and withered, and he was actually carrying a patched package on his back.

The old man was none other than the mysterious old man who lived in Chimo City.

And the place where he was standing was actually less than ten feet away from the place where the three of Amu were talking just now.But none of the three people just now noticed.What's more, just now, Amu purposely spread out his magic consciousness and probed carefully.

Looking at the direction of the flying shuttle of Amu Heiyun, the old man Huahun sighed first, then shook his head and talked to himself.

"Young man, you are still too insolent! Let the Asura world crawl under your feet, but your cultivation base is too low!"

"Amu? Hey! The magic coffin seems to be on your body. But any magic weapon is a foreign object. In the Three Realms, how can you really rely on magic weapons? If my old man makes a move, the magic coffin will be suppressed by you. What else can you do? ?”

"However, young people still need a bit of enthusiasm! You can live up to the name of the successor of Mo Lang, hehe! You are still a sea deserter, and you look like a human! However, no matter if it is a girl from Shura or a girl from Sea Desert, They're all pretty too."

The painting soul old man muttered and babbled to himself, which was a little different from the way he flatly rejected Mo Wuhen that day.In the end, I had a happy chat with myself, smiling until the wrinkles on my face were like walnuts.

Then, the old man who painted the soul did not see any magic weapon, but just took a step forward, and endless strange lights naturally rose from under his feet.Instantly invisible, disappeared in place.


At this time, the black clouds in the void shuttled like black lightning, and it was already advancing at full speed.Amu still has some injuries on his body. After taking the elixir, he spends most of his time in cross-legged recuperation.

So it was Li Shui who gave the lecture, and Amu occasionally added a few words.They told Mo Wuhen why they came to Haihuang, how they came to Haihuang and everything in the past, everything related to Shura's affairs, basically without any concealment.

Amu also talked about his identity as a person passed down from the ancient times, the magic coffin on his body, and so on.Because, Amu understands that many things are actually no secrets.

However, Amu didn't say anything about the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms, because the body of Lihen was sealed on the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms, which even Li Shui didn't know about.It is also a major event related to the peace of the Three Realms, so Amu didn't talk much about it.

Everything about Haihuang, the story of Amu and Lishui, Shura Ziyi's previous life Shenyan, the black bird on Amu's shoulder, Xiao Luo from Taihuangmen, Muronghuang from the Great Murong Dynasty, Shuimei, Qingmozi, Xingfei, etc.

These things almost talked about the rotation of the black and white sun, and the half of the black sun in the sky.

Hearing all the stories about Haihuang, Mo Wuhen was overwhelmed, it was not just a headache, in the end Mo Wuhen was completely numb.He also finally understood that Li Shui's statement "the tip of the iceberg" was definitely not a joke, but what he had seen before, it was really the tip of the iceberg.

The old friendship between Amu and Li Shui moved Mo Wuhen deeply.The story of Shen Yan and Amu made Mo Wuhen sigh.

Mo Wuhen never thought that the black bird on Amu's shoulder turned out to be the legendary body of ten thousand monsters, transformed by the beautiful girl Ya'er.I would rather bear the curse of the eternal demon venerable than choose freedom.Such love and courage made Mo Wuhen extremely ashamed.

How could such a proud fairy bird turn into a parrot?Mo Wuhen thought of how ridiculous he was.Probably, only Amu's shoulders can stay with such a monster black bird.

The story of Yu'er in red made Mo Wuhen frowned.The tears of Wangchuan cut off the love of Sansei III.Wanting to make the river of forgetfulness flow back, Mo Wuhen finally understood why Shura Ziyi and Amu said that.

The descendant of the devil's coffin, the descendant of Canghai, Amu's identity left Mo Wuhen speechless.

As the young master of Wuhen Valley, Mo Wuhen has naturally heard of the legend of the nine coffins.However, I didn't expect that there was a broken magic coffin on Amu's body.

And inherited from the ancient flow of the sea, just this one, almost killed Mo Wuhen instantly.Because, even in the Demon Continent Shura Realm, there are many legends about Canghai Immortal Venerable.

Countless tens of thousands of years of great battles are like myths to the Shura world.Therefore, many Shura people did not take a stand.

That feeling is like asking modern people's position on traditional Chinese mythology.Do you support Chi You, or Huang Di?It is estimated that most people will not be able to answer.Too far away, naturally there is no feeling.

Supreme of the Three Realms!Immortal respect the sea.

Those legends are vague and distant, and Canghai Xianzun is a god-like existence to them.Therefore, Mo Wuhen didn't know how he felt when he heard that Amu's apprenticeship turned out to be from Canghai Guliu.

If one day, a friend you can trust, he tells you very sincerely-in fact, do you know?I am the inheritance of the Supreme Lord.

Then, you will understand Mo Wuhen's feeling in an instant.Canghai Immortal Venerable existed like that, and Mo Wuhen was beyond shocked.

Considering Mo Wuhen's psychological endurance, Li Shui and Amu chose not to talk about the "little things" such as the inheritance of the god king, Tianhu servant, Aunt Huanhua, Jiguang boy, etc. It was mentioned that Master Wang would definitely come to find the ghost coffin.

After hearing these things, Mo Wuhen asked to meditate and adjust his breath.For the whole night, Mo Wuhen didn't say a word.

When the day was clear again, Mo Wuhen slowly opened his eyes and said something.

"Amu, Li Shui, after knowing you and hearing your stories, I, Mo Wuhen, really die without regret!"

Amu Lishui couldn't help but laugh when he heard Mo Wuhen's words.

"It turns out that besides Shura, there are endless worlds and infinite patterns. Whether it is Wuhen Valley or Blood Moon Continent, they are all projectiles. Tens of thousands of years, Wuhen is really a waste of time!"

After all, Mo Wuhen heaved a long sigh, he really realized something.

In an instant, Mo Wuhen's mind was clear, and a seven-color glow suddenly lit up in Danhai.Danhai changes, there must be changes.

Mo Wuhen hurriedly embraced Yuan Shouyi, guiding the seven-color glow to travel through the meridians of the whole body.The seven-color glow turned into endless immortal power, and finally returned to the Danhai.


Mo Wuhen's entire pill sea expanded instantly, almost doubling in size.The celestial energy is dense, the brilliance is infinite, and Mo Wuhen's celestial root is swaying and shining brightly.

Real Immortal Triple Realm!
Mo Wuhen wandered away from Demon Continent, and has been stuck in the Real Immortal Realm [-] since he broke through the last retreat.Although, it has already been completed, but there is no breakthrough.Today, because of a big change in mood, he was suddenly promoted to the Third Realm of True Immortal.

Things like this are rare.

At this time, Mo Wuhen released his immortal energy, and the faint immortal energy lingered around him for a long time.

Amu and Li Shui naturally understood that this was a vision of promotion.The promotion of a true immortal is not like a catastrophe, and there is no risk at all.Their brothers, of course, are happy for Mo Wuhen.

At the same time, looking at each other, both of them felt that after entering the Demon Continent Asura Realm, they had neglected their own cultivation.After all, the Asura Realm is different from Haihuang, and the starting point here is higher.

The upper realm of Fengjie, the upper realm of Yinyang Jie, and the cultivation bases of Amu and Lishui are in the Asura realm, without the slightest advantage, and even lagging behind obviously.

Moreover, I don't know how the cultivation base of Xiao Luo and others are? After 3000 years of practice, it may have advanced by leaps and bounds.

"Perhaps everything should be done slowly, and improving one's realm is the fundamental guarantee. Otherwise, if you really meet Xiao Luo and others who are not weak at all like magic weapons, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to handle."

Such thoughts flashed through the hearts of both brothers, looking for opportunities to improve their realm.

At this time, Mo Wuhen slowly opened his eyes.True Immortal Triple Layer, the demeanor in his eyes is by no means ordinary.

"Congratulations!" Amu and Li Shui both clasped their fists and laughed.

"Haha!" Mo Wuhen swept away his tired look, his whole body was radiant, and the black robe lingered with a faint fairy air.He was naturally in a good mood.

"Amu, Li Shui, you are definitely my lucky stars!"

The three of them laughed and had wine in their hands.On the Black Cloud Flying Shuttle, the three of them drank happily again.


The fairy road is far away, but the speed of the black cloud shuttle is extremely fast.Today, it is only [-] to [-] miles away from the Dark Demon Valley.Everything was as Amu Lishui had expected at the beginning, and they could arrive at the destination one day earlier.

Along the way, there are no towns, either high mountains, dense forests, and occasional rivers.

At this time, the three of Amu were flying to the side of a high mountain, where fiery red trees were all over the mountain.Needless to say, the scenery of Zhanzhi Continent.

The three of them walked together with great interest.But suddenly, a murderous intent filled the void.Just like meeting the Bird King of Yin that day, the black cloud flew back and forth and stopped suddenly.

"Huh?" The three of Amu raised their brows.

At the same time, a pentagonal shape was formed in the void, and five figures were transformed into five figures.Those five figures all wore black cloaks, black robes covering their bodies, and black hats covering their faces.However, the sleeves of the clothes fluttered, revealing a trace of metallic luster.

"It's been a long time, Amu, Lishui! We've been waiting here for a long time!" One of them said in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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