nine coffins

Chapter 558 Painting ancestor!give some talismans

Chapter 558 Painting ancestor!give some talismans
The mountains are silent, the pine forests are silent.

Mo Wuhen's secret method of Wuhen Valley is really extraordinary.That piece of dense forest, from the outside to the breath, is not different at all, everything is the same as before.

But at this time, a jade slip in the void turned into a stream of light and disappeared in the direction of the Dark Demon Valley.It was a contact jade slip left by Bai Wuming, and Li Shui had sacrificed it before looking for the cave.If he couldn't make it to the Dark Demon Valley tomorrow, he would naturally tell Bai Wuming.

However, Li Shui didn't say much.He only said that he and Amu had an accident and could not go to the Dark Demon Valley for the time being, and he asked him to do everything cheaply.If you want to explore the valley first, you can try it, and you don't have to wait for two people.

Li Shui didn't dare to tell Bai Wuming the real situation of himself and Amu.First, there is a high possibility of leaking information.The second is that Bai Wuming cannot be completely trusted.

Now, Amu is seriously injured, if something happens, or it attracts the power of the armored black clothes who intercepted them.Even with the protection of the ancient blood soul guards, it may be difficult to be comprehensive.Li Shui would never take such a risk.

However, Li Shui probably didn't think of it either.Not only are they in trouble, but the Bai Luomen elite led by Bai Wuming will soon face massacre.Because everything was originally a trap.

Temporarily press everything without mentioning it.

At this moment, at the moment when Li Shui and the others left, the place where they fought just now.In the void, there was a sudden fluctuation, and an old man in gray robe appeared, carrying a torn package on his back. It was the old man who painted the soul.

"Huh?" The painting soul old man frowned. Although the smoke cleared in the void, how could everything escape his spiritual perception?
The old man Huahun grasped it with one hand, and saw a fragment of armor, a little dust from the flying sword, and a trace of the power of the mysterious fairy, which were caught in the palm of his hand, and then the old man Huahun put it in front of his nose for a sniff.

"Hmph! Who is behind those armored black clothes? Killing Immortal Palace, did you come to swim in this muddy water? I'm so tired of living!"

The old man Huahun's eyes flashed coldly, and at the same time, his consciousness dispersed.

In fact, as long as the old man Huahun is willing, his spiritual consciousness can completely cover the entire Zhanzhi Continent.It's just that it's too boring and unnecessary. It's not the temperament of the old man who paints the soul.

Within ten thousand miles, the spiritual consciousness of the painting soul old man spread out.The battle just now turned everything within a thousand miles into ashes.But thousands of miles away, there are still undulating mountains and dense forests.

"Huh?" The old man Huahun was taken aback for a moment, because his spiritual sense scanned, but he didn't find any clues.

Although, due to the delay, the old man Huahun thought he was a little late.But the battle just now was only for a moment. Even if Amu and the others sat on the black cloud shuttle, it was absolutely impossible for them to be thousands of miles away in such a short time.

Frowning, the old man Huahun pinched another seal formula in his hand, concentrating on investigating again.

This time, if there is really no one, then there is only one possibility, that is, Amu and the others have already been taken away by the armored black clothes or the people from the Temple of Killing Immortals, and of course they may have been killed.However, the old man Huahun firmly believed that it was impossible for Amu to be killed.

The old man who painted the soul focused on exploring thousands of miles, this time extremely meticulous.

But when it was time to sweep through the dense forest cave where Li Shui and Mo Wuhen were hiding.Suddenly, the void suddenly darkened, just like a dark cloud suddenly appeared in the clear sky.Everything around is instantly like night.

The old man of painting soul frowned slightly.Because, he knows who is here.Goodbye, in the dark night of the void, two figures appeared, they were actually two women.One is wearing Tsing Yi and the other is wearing a black skirt.

The woman in Tsing Yi had an ordinary appearance, and the plain Tsing Cloth made her feel very refreshing and neat.

The woman in the black dress has an extremely beautiful face, even a little bewitchingly beautiful.But his face was quite pale, especially against the background of the black dress, he looked even more bloodless.

It was none other than Qing Niang and the ghost bird king who had attacked and killed A Mu and Li Shui back then.

However, it seems that the Yin Bird King can only appear in the dark. Although it is not a dark enchantment today, it is still dark.

Now, she seems to want to completely hide in the dark.As before, the fusion was perfect, as if she was born in darkness and grew up in darkness.

"Senior Huahun, this junior is right!" The Yinhun bird king seemed to know the old man Huahun, and he looked at Huahun with slightly complicated eyes, but his attitude was extremely respectful.

"Huh?" The painting soul old man nodded slightly, then frowned and said, "Why are you also in the Starfield of War?"

"To tell you the truth, senior, we are going to the Dark Demon Valley!" the ghost bird king said.

"Dark Demon Valley? Where are you going and what are you doing?" The old man Huahun sneered, "Don't listen to the legends about the Seven Wonderful Lands of Shura, or the treasures of heaven, they are all lies. The other things in the Magic Valley are just rubbish! What kind of black magic stone is useless."

"Senior's words can't be wrong!" Yinhun Bird King actually smiled faintly, "But, this junior just wants a fruit of the Asura Sacred Tree! You should know what that fruit means to this junior."

"Asura fruit?" The old man of painting soul frowned again, and then he glanced at the ghost bird king's.Naturally, he could see the drooping wings of the ghost bird king.

"That's right, in your situation, probably the only one who can try the Shura fruit." Then, the old man who painted the soul couldn't help but sighed, "However, in that dark magic valley, there are thousands of roads and countless illusions. It is difficult to enter, and even more difficult to get out. Difficult. Don't look at you at the third level of the Celestial Immortal, but after all, you are not the perfect body of the Yin Soul Bird King, and I am afraid that you will only work for nothing."

"A few days ago, someone auctioned the map of the Dark Demon Valley in Zuimoluo. Unfortunately, it was finally taken away by two high-ranking blood moon monks. The junior once intercepted and killed those two blood moon monks. But I didn't expect them to have Several pieces of heaven-defying magic weapons, and more importantly, they have two ancient blood soul guards."

"The younger generation is afraid of the power of the Asura Palace behind them. They dare not kill them. Later, I heard that Bai Luomen also has a map, and has gathered elites outside the Dark Demon Valley, preparing to enter the valley. Therefore, the younger generation wants to see it! "The ghost bird said kingly.

"Oh?" Hearing the words of the Yinhun Bird King, the old man Huahun couldn't help but sneered, "I'm afraid the map of the Dark Demon Valley is not real, right? In the entire Shura world, people who can enter and leave the Dark Demon Valley are lacking. There are only a few. Even my old man has only been in it once, who can draw a map of the Dark Demon Valley? It is a land of great illusions!"

"This junior doesn't know. However, the map should look right. It's better than nothing."

"Hey!" The old man painting soul nodded, then looked at the ghost bird king and said, "Then you guys, are you going to grab the map from Bai Luomen, or cooperate with them to enter the dark ghost valley?"

"Of course it's the latter, Bai Luomen, what qualifications do you have to cooperate with the junior?" The Ghost Bird King sneered.

"That's right!" the old man Huahun said helplessly, "Then I don't care about it! But, little soul bird, please remind me that if you meet those two blood moon monks you mentioned in the future, you have to go around."

"Eh?" The Yinhun Bird King couldn't help being taken aback when he heard that, "What do you mean by that, senior? That is, I don't have to be a monk of the Shura Palace?"

"Hey!" The old man Huahun smiled, "What is Shura Palace? Those two monks are not sea desert monks at all. They have some relationship with my old man, just remember it!"

"Yes! Junior remember it!" Hearing that it was the old man Huahun, the Yinhun Bird King's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly responded respectfully without any objection.

"Well! Let's go! Be careful in the Dark Demon Valley, and kill people more quickly. I still have something to do, I'm going to go to the Blood Moon Continent!" The old man Huahun laughed.

"Farewell, senior!" The ghost bird king hurriedly bowed down.

The old man who painted the soul turned around and wanted to leave.

"Painting Ancestor, stop!" The four words were clear to my ears, and it was the young lady who had been speechless all this time.

The Yinhun Bird King was slightly stunned, a blush flashed across his pale face, and the old man Huahun also froze in his footsteps.

"Uh? What's the matter?" The old man Huahun thought to himself, "It's still slow. If the young lady opens her mouth, there must be something wrong."

"Painting Ancestor", the Qingniang's use of such a title made the old man Huahun feel that it was definitely not a good omen.

"Painting ancestors, the Dark and Demon Valley, there are many murderous intentions. If my lady enters, even if she has a map, she will be close to death. Your old man will leave without giving you something. How can this be passed?" Qing Niang looked at it with a half-smile The old man who painted the soul.

"Hey! I knew that if you stop me, old man, nothing good will happen!" The old man Huahun shook his head helplessly.

"Painting ancestor, you old man, if you don't want it, you won't give it! My lady doesn't have face, it's just my young lady who has a thick skin." Qingniang snorted coldly, but she seemed quite dissatisfied. Zhang Xianfu? If something happens to my young lady and it spreads throughout the Three Realms, those Yuanxians or Yong Zhida can find out, and your old face will not look good!"

"Huh?" The old man Hua Hun smiled wryly, "Okay! I can't offend you, the blue bird of the Spirit Race. Here, three, keep it for your life!" The old man Hua Hun shook his hand, and three talismans fell directly on Qing Niang's body. hands.

If Mo Wuhen saw this scene at this time, he would probably vomit blood directly.It's too easy to get this fairy talisman.I didn't spend a penny, and I paid three directly.

Just a few words, why?But at this time, the ghost bird king blushed and bowed his head in silence.

One for killing immortals and destroying souls, one for Nine Clouds Immortal Dungeon, and one for Defense of Darkness.

"It's not too bad!" Qing Niang looked at it, she was quite satisfied, and then handed it directly to the Yinhun Bird King.

"Thank you, ex...Painting Ancestor!" The Yinhun Bird King also changed his title, and this time, the painting soul old man never dared to stay any longer.

"Do it for yourself! Take care!" The old man Huahun stepped forward in one step, and a light rose from his feet, which disappeared instantly.

Exactly, because he ran into the Yin Soul Bird King by chance, the old man Hua Hun didn't continue to investigate, just missed the hiding place of Li Shui and Mo Wuhen.

At this time, in the underground cave, with the help of Li Shui, Amu was slowly waking up.

 Thank you for your continued support of Love Magic Ribs!Thank you all too.It's June, and there are a lot of things going on in the mountains and rivers recently, and the end of the term is coming soon, so the teaching work is very intense.Moreover, because I have been staying up all night coding, my body is really overwhelmed.I can't hang up, I have to write a book, ha ha.Therefore, the update of this month's mountains and rivers may not guarantee two updates every day, I can only do my best, ha ha!But there will be no interruptions, please rest assured.This month's full attendance is estimated to be out of reach.In July, there should be no problem.Let the mountains and rivers slowly, the foreshadowing of this volume is basically completed.All the forces and characters are starting to gather and collide. I hope the follow-up will be exciting, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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