nine coffins

Chapter 576 Tsing Yi Exorcist!

Chapter 576 Tsing Yi Exorcist!
Hanji Town, Cross Street, Feitian Jiexiu and Yin-Yang Jiexiu above the void, went crazy in an instant.

Amu could see clearly that the moment Feitian Jiexiu hooked up with his junior brother, several souls went directly to his body.Wandering soul transmission, as fast as lightning.

Flying to the Tribulation Realm, stepping on the immortal with one step, but the upper body of the wandering soul was completely lost in just a moment.Those are definitely not ordinary wandering souls.

The grimace in the void was ferocious, and the red light was like blood.Driven by some kind of force, the two Jiexiu screamed strangely and rushed directly in the direction of Amu and the others.

"Huh?" Amu and the others frowned.

Goodbye, those two Jiexiu, they are as fast as lightning, with crazy strength, and their momentum is really scary.However, no matter how powerful or crazy the robbery is, it is only a robbery, not a true immortal.

The two robbery cultivators rushed forward, Amu and Li Shui looked at them coldly, while Mo Wuhen and Bai Wuming waved their hands respectively, two beams of light rolled up thousands of powers, and directly faced the two robbery cultivators .

"The power of a true fairy!" The monk in green who was not far away had been paying attention to the few people, so he could see clearly.

Bai Wuming is the third level of true immortality, and Mo Wuhen is the fifth level of true immortality.Even if the two waved their hands casually, the two Jiexiu would be hard to resist.

bang -- bang --

The white light flew out, and there were two loud noises.The power of a true immortal directly knocked those two crazy Jiexiu dozens of feet away.

Mo Wuhen and Bai Wuming didn't intend to kill, they just wanted to drive them back.Because these two were obviously affected by the coffin shadow of the blood moon, they couldn't control their madness, and they didn't really have any hostility towards them.

At this time, all those powerful moon watchers in Hanji Town focused their attention on Amu and the others.Blood Moon Chaos Soul, many people have heard it for a long time, some people also prepared the soul-fixing incense, and some people dismissed it.

After all, it was rumored that the situation had only been encountered in 200 years, but I did not expect such a situation to really occur tonight.Moreover, it seems to be more manic than the legend.

Roar - ouch -

Although the two Jiexiu who were beaten into the air flew out, they made strange noises, not human voices.They danced their hands wildly, their hair was loose in buns, their complexions were blood red for a while, and pale for a while, but their eyes were a little gray.


Goodbye to the Yin-Yang Tribulation monk, with a shake of one hand, he actually sacrificed a long black iron whip.Like a dragon or a snake, coiled in the air, and the cultivator of the Flying Tribulation Realm sacrificed a flying sword.That flying sword is azure and is an elementary level fairy treasure.

Amu frowned, because at this moment he saw several wandering spirits floating behind and above the two Jiexiu's.Those wandering souls are in a slightly different state from just now, and now their eyes are blood red, and they seem to be more solidified

Obviously, they devoured the soul blood of the two robbers, that is, the two robbers had already died at this time, and these wandering souls occupied their bodies and dominated all his actions.

At this time, Amu also saw that the wandering soul at the crossroad seemed to be agitated, and the face of the supreme ghost became even more scarlet.However, Amu still couldn't feel where the inexplicable power came from.

The black whip is like a wheel, and the flying sword is like electricity.The two magic weapons of Jiexiu unexpectedly came to Amu and others again.

Bai Wuming and Mo Wuhen were all frowning, it seemed that it was really a bit troublesome.Facing the two lost Jiexiu, they really didn't know what to do.

To kill or not to kill, or to imprison him directly?The key is whether it can be imprisoned?
"Kill them! They are already dead and possessed by wandering spirits. Don't touch their bodies, lest wandering spirits get on them." Amu's voice turned cold.

Amu has something to say, Bai Wuming and Mo Wuhen, naturally there is no need to entangle.Wandering soul upper body?They were just a little strange, why didn't they see it.

I saw that Bai Wuming formed a seal with one hand, and a round slash appeared in the void, cutting out a long tail of tens of feet, and went straight to the Yin Yang Jiexiu.Mo Wuhen did not form a seal, but formed a claw with one hand.Imbued with the power of the five layers of true immortals, a claw shadow went straight to the flying robbery.At the same time, the two directly radiated the pressure of the real immortal.

Both are Asura monks, several levels higher than each other.Although the opponent used a magic weapon, it was not something against the sky.Bai Wuming and Mo Wuhen killed them naturally without any effort.


The black whip collapsed, and the flying sword broke.The power of the true immortal spreads all over the sky.Over the entire Hanji Town, celestial power was scattered.However, the strange thing is that the houses in Hanji Town were not shaken at all, as if nothing had happened.

Crack, click, that was the sound of two Jiexiu breaking bones.This time, when Amu said to kill, Mo Wuhen and Bai Wuming naturally showed no mercy.

The power of a true immortal is enough to sweep the robbery.The two Jiexiu were directly shot hundreds of feet away.


The two flesh bodies exploded directly, and the fog scattered all over the sky, becoming invisible, but there was no trace of blood.

"Huh?" Bai Wuming and Mo Wuhen couldn't help but glance at each other, because this is a very strange phenomenon.

True Immortal instantly kills Jiexiu!

The monks watching the battle in Hanji Town were all shocked.There are many battles like this in the Shura world, but everything about this night seems a little special.Those two monks, black and white, shot so neatly, absolutely extraordinary.

But when the monk in blue looked at Mo Wuhen, he mumbled a little.True Immortal Level [-], that is not a weak cultivation level.And the most important thing is that Mo Wuhen's claw shadow just now reminded him of Wuhen Valley's technique.


At this moment, several figures in the distance screamed in shock, and the sound of madness rushed straight into the night sky.

It turned out that in Hanji Town, many monks watched the battle, but just now when the two monks exploded suddenly, several monks screamed.

Possessed by spirits!At this time, Hanji Town was in a panic.

At this moment, the rest can only be shocked.This night's blood moon chaos seems to be different from the legend.Now, only Amu can understand.Just now, the bodies of the two monks exploded, and several wandering spirits flew away.

Originally, without the attachment of a physical body, these wandering souls should be instantly wiped out.However, at the moment when the physical body dissipated.High in the sky, the shadow of the moonlight coffin shook, and several streaks of blood-red moonlight shot down directly.

Those wandering souls in the void bathed those moonlight.In an instant, as if alive, there seemed to be endless power pouring in.At the same time, it flew into the bodies of seven monks.

Seven wandering souls directly controlled seven monks.

Alas, those monks watching the battle were defenseless.They are still thinking about what made these monks go crazy in an instant.

Those wandering spirits, they didn't see them at all, and they couldn't feel them at all.Silently, those monks were deprived of their bodies, and their eyes turned blood red instantly.

There are seven monks in total, and among them there are two true immortals at the second level.At this moment, a wandering spirit floated above each of their heads, but ordinary monks couldn't see it.

This time, the whole Hanji town is instantly different.The seven monks went crazy at the same time, attacking the surrounding monks, stirring up several battle groups.

"Amu, what's going on?" At this moment, Li Shui looked at Amu and asked.

"On the long cross street, there are countless wandering souls. In the void, the face of the supreme ghost floats. When those wandering souls enter the body, the monks will go crazy, and those monks probably don't have incense for sedating souls! This Hanji town is by no means ordinary! Or... ..." Amu paused for a moment, then raised his eyes to look at the sky, "The ghost coffin is making trouble!"

Li Shui, Bai Wuming, and Mo Wuhen were all in their hearts.

However, the moment a few people spoke, the sky over Hanji Town changed.The cultivator who had just been taken by the wandering soul had many old stories with him, so he couldn't bear to do it.

After hesitating and dodging, three people retreated directly into the long cross street.In an instant, he was caught by several wandering souls, and then rushed towards others.

It was an extremely terrifying feeling, and the cross spirit spread like a virus.In the entire Hanji Town, there are only dozens of moon-watching monks.No one thought that such a situation would happen tonight.

At this time, nearly half of the monks were actually controlled by wandering souls.

"Fellow daoists, be careful, don't touch them, and don't fly over the Long Cross Street. These monks are all possessed by wandering souls, and those who don't have the incense of sedative souls, borrowing from each other, should be safe." Amu saw The situation deteriorated, busy calling loudly.

"Yeah!" Many monks were shocked, busy borrowing incense from each other, and then instinctively moved closer to Amu and the others.

At the same time, Amu sacrificed his Dinghunxiang directly. With a "pop", the jade bottle was shattered directly, and a faint fragrance was released.

For a moment, those crazy monks stopped in an instant and did not dare to go forward.

"It's so powerful Dinghunxiang!" At this time, Amu couldn't help but glanced at the old Tangji store.But the Tang's store, like all the doors in Hanji Town, was closed and no one was there.

In fact, the best choice for Amu and the others at this time is to hide in the house, everything should be safe and sound.However, these monks, although fearful in their hearts, are somewhat willing?
Today, Amuji is the leader faintly, and the opposite is those great powers who have been insane.In terms of the number of people, Amu's party is naturally slightly more, but now I feel a little worried.

At this time, the four of Amu stood at the front, and the others were faintly behind them.It's just that there are no mysterious immortals here, and the fourth or fifth level true immortals are absolute masters.

Bai Wuming and Mo Wuhen were at the front of everyone, and both of them sacrificed their magic weapons.Those crazy monks didn't seem to dare to go forward when the incense of soul-fixing fragrance was still there.

"No name, no hatred! Back off, I'll come!" Amu took two steps forward, and everything was reflected in the devil's eyes.Everything in his eyes is completely different from others.

Those wandering souls actually stared at Amu, and at this time, Amu also felt that there was something abnormal in the magic coffin in his Danhai.

Could it be that the nine coffins met, or something happened?

This is Amu's speculation. Everything that happened tonight is completely beyond what the old man in Tang Ji said.Those crazy wandering souls seem to be asking for something.

Amu moved forward, illuminated by the light of Buddha, dressed in white, like a son of Buddha.

Buddha Cultivator, in the Asura world, is almost a legendary existence.At this time, the eyes of those monks looking at Amu were quite different.

That is a kind of surrender and awe!

Everyone was thinking that the endless Buddha light might be able to subdue those crazy monks.

The incense of calming the soul gradually dissipated, and those crazy monks were about to move again.

Amu sneered, and formed a seal in his hand, which was the opening gesture of the former Brahma technique-Three Thousand Buddha Lights.It's just that Amu uses the power of the ocean to move all the techniques now.

Amu is confident that under this fairy technique, he can control the situation and completely eliminate those wandering souls with the help of the Buddha's coffin.

However, at this moment, the cultivator in Tsing Yi not far away swept his figure, floated over, and then clasped his fists at Amu.

"Fellow Daoist, let me try it first! I am a soul exorcist!" The monk in Tsing Yi looked at Amu and smiled, still gentle.

(End of this chapter)

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