nine coffins

Chapter 579 Listening to the spring rain in the small building one night, it can be seen that the bl

Chapter 579 The small building listened to the spring rain all night, so it can be seen that the blood in Mozhou is thick
There is Poxuantian in the south, and the Hall of Killing Immortals in the north.

On the Blood Moon Continent, besides the three great immortal sects, the most important cultivating powers are the two major assassin groups - Poxuantian Pavilion and Immortal Killing Hall.

The Blood Moon Continent and the mountains in the southern region are connected by mountains and mountains.A high mountain is blood red, and a cliff with a height of [-] zhang is actually blue.If you look at it from a distance, the cliff here is like a bird spreading its wings, trying to reach the sky.On the body of the bird, there is a vermilion double-story pavilion.

The pavilion is not big, but it is extremely exquisite, with hanging corners and cornices, carved beams and painted buildings.It's just that the vermilion color is quite eye-catching on this blue cliff.

If you look closely, you will find that the white railings on the vermilion pavilion are not white jade, but are made of polished skulls.The eye sockets of those skeletons radiated faint blood light.

The entire pavilion is filled with awe-inspiring atmosphere, which makes people shudder.There is a horizontal plaque on the pavilion, with a blood-red background, and on it are big characters in thick ink - Po Xuantian.

The handwriting is blunt, with no edge at all, but the aura emanating from the ancient seal is ancient and vicissitudes, and the atmosphere is calm.

Many people would not have discovered such a pavilion in the depths of a mountain and above a cliff.Even if they found out, few people would believe it. This is the Poxuantian Pavilion that made the monks in the entire Asura world turn pale.

Breaking the Xuantian Pavilion, known as being able to kill monks in the two realms of Xuan and Tian.

This vermilion double-story pavilion has dominated the life and death of many Shura monks.Few people know that the skulls that make up the white jade railings are actually all the skulls of Xuanxian.

With millions of inheritances, an unknown number of Asura monks died under the killers of the Poxuantian Pavilion.This vermilion pavilion is definitely stained with the blood of immortals.

At this moment, a white light flashed across the void, as if from the sky.It turned out that the void not far from the cliff was an extremely rare domain gate in the Asura Realm.

That white light, flying out from the domain gate, turned out to be a jade slip.

Poxuantian Pavilion is not big, but it has one floor, east, west, north, south, and there are doors on all sides.The patterns of Shenlong, Xuanfeng, Jinlin and Mogui are carved on the four doors respectively.

And that white light jade slip flew in directly from the gate of Shenlong Pavilion.No one knew what was going on inside the vermilion pavilion, because there were extremely powerful restrictions within a radius of the entire attic.

Anyone who steps into the forbidden area will be killed.

Fei Jian entered the pavilion, but after a while, I saw that the broken Xuantian Pavilion suddenly moved.The four doors opened at the same time, and then a figure flew out, as fast as lightning.No one can see clearly, their appearance, there are only four streamers, going straight to the domain gate, and then disappearing in an instant.

It seems that the things recorded on the jade slip are definitely not small.Breaking the sky Xuange, open the four doors together, there must be a big event.

The domain gate of the void gradually whirled and closed.The mountain is quiet, but the small building remains the same.However, at an unknown time, a cloud appeared in the void, and a drizzle fell down.

And the most surprising thing is that at some time, there was a man in Tsing Yi standing on the roof of the broken Xuantian Pavilion.The man in Tsing Yi stood with his hands behind his back and looked into the distance, as if he had stood there for millions of years.

It was just a back view, in the drizzle, it seemed a little lonely and lonely.

It is conceivable that the man's eyes are deep and distant, as if he can forget life and death, and see reincarnation, and he is looking at the south of the blood moon, looking at the boundless Shura world.

Seven stars accompany the moon, south of the blood moon star field.I don't know the geometry of the star road, but there are the Demon Star Region, the Demon Star Region and the more distant Desolate Star Region in the south.

There is no mountain wind, only the drizzle of rain. At this time, the days of black and white are about to rotate.That rain seems to be going down the night.

Throughout the depths of the mountain, there is the fragrance of drizzle.However, the drizzle was not bounced away by Vermilion's pavilion.One strand after another, it turned into water droplets, dripping down the eaves, and gradually wet the shoulders of the man in Tsing Yi.

The green shirt is as old as before, and the drizzle is like a dream.

"Sea waste! Asura! Break down the Xuantian Pavilion, and the small building will listen to the spring rain all night!" The man in green sighed long, his tone was extremely complicated, and no one could understand his heart.

The black sun was about to appear, and the green clothes gradually dissipated.The vermilion small building is as quiet as ever.


In the Northern Territory of Blood Moon, in a deep valley, there is a palace.

In front of the gate of the main hall, there are two stone pillars tens of feet long, which look like a mountain gate.On the stone pillars, there are two luminous pearls, brilliance myriad.In the dark night, in the white light, the hall is full of gloomy, strange and mysterious.

In front of the hall, there are two other trees, both of which are luxuriant and tens of feet high.

One of the trees was covered with silvery leaves, which were brilliant, and the breeze blew like water waves.

Another tree was covered with black branches.If Amu Lishui was here at this time, they would definitely recognize that it was the same tree species as the magical old tree in the Wanghun Ancient House.Amu also collected those branches.

There is no plaque in the hall, only in front of the hall, there are two erected ancient seals - Killing Immortals.Those two words reflected a pale light.

Killing the Immortal Palace, non-immortals will not be killed!It is the Blood Moon Northern Territory, the most mysterious and powerful killer fairy gate.

The wind gusts, and in the void, the air turns sharply.Suddenly, three figures, without sound, landed in front of the hall.

They were all dressed in robes covering their faces, one white and two black, kneeling on one knee, extremely respectful.Those were three monks, the one in black was the ninth level of Xuanxian, and the one in white was a top master of the first level of immortality.

"Subordinate, pay homage to the Palace Master!" The three of them were all busy, but they shouted in unison.Although these three people were restrained, their murderous aura pierced through the void.At first glance, they were peerless killers whose murderous aura almost concealed their realm.

The lingering sound echoed, and the hall was flickering, as if it was receiving a signal, and it took a long time to respond.

"It's been a long journey, it's been a hard journey!" The voice in the hall was a little erratic, as if it came from a distant time and space.

Those three first-class masters, when they heard this, they bowed their heads in silence, and their expressions changed slightly.They understood that the palace master thought he was waiting for others, so he was slow to come back.

"However, it's good to be back, the matter is not too urgent!" The erratic voice slowed down.

"My subordinates are guilty, please give me the mission!" said the head monk in white.

"Hmm!" Diantang's voice paused, "Back then, we took over the business of Drunken Mo Luo in the War Soul Continent, but it has not been completed. Recently, it was reported that the person we wanted to kill actually came to the Blood Moon Northern Territory. In Hanji Town, on the night of the [-]th, he showed up."

"But back then, Jiexiu with two blood soul guards?" asked the monk in white.

"Not bad! It's just that they are now real immortals! The speed of advancement is unimaginable. I have sent three Xuanxians to intercept and kill them, but they can never win. That's why I have traveled thousands of miles. I summon the three of you to meet up! Bai Kill me, don't let me down! Let me go, you should know the importance of this business!"

"Hallmaster, don't worry! This subordinate understands that we will definitely return with all our achievements!" said the monk in white.

"This is the information!" A white light flew out from the hall and landed directly in the hands of the white-clothed angel, which was also a jade slip.

"What if people from the Tang family make a move? Hanji Town is the territory of the Tang family." said the monk in white.

There was another silence in the Hall of Immortal Killing.

"Take action outside Hanji Town. If the Tang family still wants to attack, then give up this mission. Later, we will destroy Hanji Town. Don't worry! The old Tang family dare not leave the town!"

"This subordinate understands! Then this subordinate will take my leave!" As they spoke, the three killers lowered their heads slightly.No, they made any movement and disappeared in place.

The Hall of Immortal Killing also instantly regained its calm.The word Killing Immortal floating in the void gradually dissipated.

However, none of them seemed to notice a white shadow in the distant sky, with long hair like the wind.


In the south of Hanji Town, the wind and snow did not stop.The four of Amu, without Yufeng for the time being, have just walked out of the town not far away.

Looking back, Hanji Township is covered with snow, and it is quiet, nothing out of the ordinary.

"Amu, this Hanji Town is by no means simple!" At this moment, Li Shui took a deep breath, "The shadow of the coffin of the blood moon must indicate something. It's a pity that the old man of the Tang family kept his mouth shut and refused to say more."

"That's right!" The corner of Amu's mouth curved slightly, "Hanji Town is by no means as peaceful and tranquil as it appears on the surface, and everyone seems to be a little weird. The old man of the Tang family is even more unusual. However, I can't tell What's wrong with him is just a gut feeling."

"Amu, I remember you said that above the wasteland, there used to be a ghost town of Blackwater, and the whole city was not a real human body, but a half-soul state." Bai Wuming also looked at Hanji Town, frowning in thought.

"You mean that Hanji Town is like a ghost town, and those residents are half-soul and half-human, and the whole Hanji Town is also like the tomb of the Yangshi?" Amu said.

"I also speculate! The various wandering spirits you saw on Cross Street may have been transformed by the villagers of their Hanji Town." Bai Wuming said half-jokingly and half-seriously, "On the night of the [-]th, they turned into wandering spirits." , it's interesting."

However, as soon as he said this, Amu, Li Shui, and Mo Wuhen all frowned slightly.

"Why do I feel that what you said may be true!" Mo Wuhen looked at Bai Wuming and smiled wryly.

"Yeah!" Amu also smiled, "It's really hard to say! Maybe it doesn't have to be like that, but on the night of the [-]th, Hanji died silently, and everyone seemed to be fine the next day. It's really incredible."

"However, if they are wandering souls, wouldn't people in Hanji Town die after being taken over by Gan Tianqing? But the next day, there was no movement?" Li Shui said.

"Perhaps the whole Hanji Town is acting!" Bai Wuming sneered.

After hearing Bai Wuming's words, several people couldn't help but frown.If that's the case, isn't Hanji Town, which has existed for so many years, a big lie?
"Don't worry about it yet, let's find out about Wuhen Valley first!" Amu smiled.But he secretly thought in his heart, he only wished that this ghost coffin had nothing to do with Master and Yu'er for the time being.This Hanji Town may come again.

"Alright! Let's follow the plan first!" Li Shui and others nodded.

A few miles away from Hanji Town, four people rose against the wind and headed straight for the distance.

However, in the Asura Realm, two extremely powerful forces are approaching here.

(End of this chapter)

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