nine coffins

Chapter 581 The Deathly Battle of the Profound Immortal Killer

Chapter 581 The Deathly Battle of the Profound Immortal Killer
Outside Hanji Town, three thousand miles away.

The two black shadows were so fast that they almost completely turned into streamers.They just came out of Hanji Town, the two top masters of the Ninth Layer of Profound Immortal Realm in the Temple of Killing.

After a blank swipe at the Tang family's old store, they naturally understood that Amu and the others must have gone in the direction of the blood moon inland.Pursuit is the basic skill of an assassin, not to mention these two are the top assassins in the Asura realm.

They believed that they were at most an hour or two later than Amu.As long as the domain gate is not used, Amu and the others will never escape their palms.

The Xuanxian Jiuzhong is definitely not at the same level as the True Immortal.Mysterious and mysterious, it is called Xuan Xian.The world of Xuanxian is something that non-true immortals can understand.

Therefore, the method of killing the two Xuanxians in the Immortal Palace is by no means comparable to that of Amu and the others.The two black shadows almost shrunk to an inch, and they flew thousands of miles away.

If there is no obstruction, it is only a matter of time before they catch up with Amu and the others.Not to mention that Amu and the others are just walking against the wind, even the black clouds flying shuttle can completely catch up.

However, everything didn't go as smoothly as they thought.

At this time, outside Hanji Town, three thousand and seven hundred miles away, there are continuous mountains and endless snow.The two black shadows stopped suddenly, and in an instant, the murderous aura of the two killers spread for hundreds of miles.

The few cedar trees that were closest turned into green smoke in an instant, which was a kind of extreme murderous aura.If you deliberately kill people, you can completely kill the existence below the soul state.

And the reason why they reacted like this was because, at this moment, a person was sitting on a huge blood-red boulder hundreds of feet away opposite them.

The man was dressed in green, with a normal and gentle expression, as if he had been sitting there for a long time.This valley is the only way to go south from the direction of Hanji Town.

And that man in Tsing Yi is none other than the mysterious Gan Tianqing.

Where did he sit and say nothing.But the bloodstone under his seat actually dyed the white snow around him completely red, and the entire area of ​​hundreds of miles was also blocked by his aura.

If you want to live from now on, you must pass through him.

murderous look!Gan Tianqing's sleeves danced gently with the wind.His murderous aura alone surpassed the murderous aura of the two Xuanxians in the Hall of Immortal Killers.But just now, the murderous aura emitted by those two monks was only for self-defense.

If they hadn't discovered it early, they might have been injured by Gan Tianqing.

"Broken Xuantian Pavilion!" One of the black-clothed monks in the Hall of Immortal Killers said in a deep voice.The cultivators in the Immortal Killing Hall knew that in the Renovation Luo Realm, any cultivator who could surpass their murderous aura must be born in Poxuantian.

They are both killer fairy gates, but one is south and the other is north.Moreover, the Hall of Immortal Killing and the Pavilion of Poxuantian had always been at odds.Perhaps colleagues are enemies, although there is no great hatred, but both sides suppress each other when they can, and dismiss each other.

However, the north and south of Blood Moon are extremely far apart, and they are basically living in peace.The people who broke the Xuantian Pavilion came to the Blood Moon Northern Territory. Such a situation would never happen in thousands of years.However, once it comes, there must be something big.

"That's right! Two fellow Taoists from the Hall of Immortal Killers." Gan Tianqing smiled faintly, with the corners of his mouth curled up, as if they were in each other's way.

"Which pavilion do you have?" the monk in black asked.

"Shenlong Pavilion!" Gan Tianqing said calmly.

"Poxuantian Pavilion, the dragon is the number one, and you can see the beginning but not the end. I am lucky to see you today!" The black-clothed friar was polite, and then his voice became cold, "Your Excellency came here to wait for us."

"Not bad!" Gan Tianqing smiled, "Your Majesty, I have been waiting here for a long time. From Hanji Town to the south, this is the ultimate road."

"Potianxuan Pavilion and Killing Temple, one south and one north, let's kill each other, well water does not interfere with river water. This time, is it to grab business?" The two black-clothed monks scattered slightly at this time.This is a clear sign of an attack.

"Originally, we didn't offend each other. However, this transaction seems to be a bit special. We are interested in what you want." Gan Tianqing smiled.

"Either you leave quickly and stop chasing those people, or I will kill you here. There are two options for you to choose from."

Gan Tianqing was still sitting on the blood-red boulder, showing no intention of getting up.It's just that the red snow on the ground is getting bigger and bigger, almost hundreds of feet in radius.This shows that Gan Tianqing's murderous aura is constantly improving.

But what does that eerie red mean?The two Xuanxians didn't know, they didn't feel anything unusual.

"Hmph!" The black-clothed monk snorted coldly, "Aren't the people who broke the Xuantian Shenlong Pavilion all ignorant and arrogant? We give you a third plan!"

"Kill!" As soon as the word kill was pronounced, the two black-clothed monks had already shot at the same time.

Two sword lights, two assassins, two Xuanxian Jiuzhong
Fast, accurate and ruthless!The killer of the Immortal Killing Palace is a killing machine.No, to be precise, they are machines for killing immortals.Their movements almost perfectly interpreted the killer's external feeling.

Two Profound Immortals with nine levels are enough to crush all existences below the Celestial Immortals.In the entire Shura world, there are very few people who can escape from the assassins of the Immortal Killing Palace.

In the continent of the last battle, Amu and others escaped, which made the Hall Master of the Hall of Immortals extremely furious.Otherwise, this time, the ultimate arrangement would not have been made.These two Xuanxian Jiuzhong are actually pawns.

However, it is a pity that they, the pawns, haven't seen the right idea yet.Now, they are facing the even more powerful Gan Tianqing from Shenlong Pavilion.

To break the Xuantian Pavilion, the dragon is the first.

On weekdays, Gan Tianqing always showed a gentle and courteous side.If it wasn't for him to reveal his identity, no one would link him with the killer of Poxuantian Pavilion, and few people would be able to see Gan Tianqing's true state.

Gan Tianqing's secret technique is absolutely unique in Shura.In fact, up to now, the two Xuanxian Jiuzhong have not seen Gan Tianqing's realm clearly.

The killer of the Hall of Immortal Killers has an awe-inspiring murderous aura.The Shenlong Pavilion, which breaks Xuantian, emphasizes killing people silently and invisible.In terms of understanding the word "killer", Po Xuantian Pavilion seems to be better.

The true meaning of the killer, their understanding of each other, is completely different.Therefore, the Temple of Immortal Killing and the Pavilion of Poxuantian finally took different paths.

The two Xuantian Nine Layers were not insignificant.If such an existence were placed in the sea wasteland, it could completely sweep everything and be invincible.However, Gan Tianqing's mouth was slightly curved, showing no sign of nervousness.

It's just that at some point in his hand, a strange seal was formed.At this time, under the blood-red snow, there was a faint smoke, but it was covered by the snow, and no one could see it.

The two Xuantian Nine Layers were far from fearsome to Gan Tianqing.

However, this is after all the Blood Moon Northern Territory, the territory of the Temple of Immortal Killing.He was naturally worried about Killing Immortal Palace and the backup.Therefore, he wants to solve the problem with the least cost and the fastest speed.

The sword light was like a dragon, stirring up endless snowfall.The power of Xuanxian spread throughout the valley.

Facing the people who broke the Xuantian Pavilion, the two Xuanxians in the Hall of Killing Immortals were not at all sure, let alone the people from the Shenlong Pavilion, which is known as the number one broken Xuantian.

They didn't ask about Gan Tianqing's status in Shenlong Pavilion, because it would be nonsense to ask.Theoretically, they couldn't see through Gan Tianqing's cultivation, so Gan Tianqing's realm should be at the third level of immortality, or even above.

However, they were somewhat skeptical, because the triple celestial being was also a rare existence in the Shura world.The heavenly immortals are first-class, and they rarely walk on the magic continent. They are all hermits for thousands of years.

The celestial beings of the Three Great Immortal Sects of Blood Moon basically don't care about worldly affairs.So they have to give it a try, even if they hit a stone with an egg, they also have to fight, just for the follow-up arrangement of the hall master.

The immortal power of Xuanxian Jiuzhong is enough to break through the void and crush everything.If it wasn't for everything special about the Asura world, then this move would be enough to shatter everything.If it is in the desert, then thousands of miles around will be flattened and turned into nothingness.

At this time, although the two masters of the Hall of Immortal Killers had the aura of mysterious immortals and endless killing intent like the wind, when they entered the sky-green blood-red area, they froze for an instant.

A faint fragrance, straight into their body pores, not nostrils.Xuanxian's whole body can perceive everything.

"Not good! Poison art!" The two Xuanxian Jiuzhong were startled for an instant.However, it was too late to close everything.

They have heard about the masters of poison in Shenlong Pavilion.But they have been cautious just now, they have already explored the red snow underground with all their strength.However, nothing was different.

Unexpectedly, at this time, a very strange fragrance suddenly came out from the red snow.

"Fragrant Soul Incense!" one of them, the black-clothed monk, exclaimed in shock.They didn't expect that it was the Tang family's incense.Others may not know about the ancient Tang family's poisonous techniques, but how could they not know about the Temple of Killing Immortals?
"Hey! Of course it's the poison of the Tang family. Didn't the old man of the Tang family tell you to be careful?" Gan Tianqing smiled faintly, and there seemed to be something in his words, and he planted a spoil along the way.

"Old man!" At this moment, the two black-clothed monks cursed in their hearts, and they didn't think much about it.

Because, the Tang family's poison is unparalleled in Shura.Naturally, they would not have thought that it was Gan Tianqing who replaced the poison of Amu and the others. They all thought that the elders of the Tang family gave it to Gan Tianqing, and mistakenly thought that the Tang family had reached some alliance agreement with Poxuantian Pavilion.

Although he is a Xuanxian, he is extremely domineering.If it was the night of the blood moon and coffin shadow, even if there were no wandering souls, under the fragrance of chaotic souls, Xuanxian would go crazy.

At this time, Gan Tianqing cleverly borrowed the fragrance of chaotic souls, although it would not make the two Xuanxians chaotic.However, a moment of trance is enough!Among masters, victory or defeat is only a matter of thought.

Goodbye, I don't know when Gan Tianqing will fly up.A ray of fairy light flew out from the sleeve.


Only one sword pierced through the fairy heart of one of the Xuanxians.

The way to kill the soul!

Everything is so unbelievable, but that's how it happened.A top expert in the Ninth Layer of Profound Immortal Realm, an existence that even the Blood Soul Guard could not destroy with a single move, just fell into the hands of Gan Tianqing.

Shenlong number one, never vain!
(End of this chapter)

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