nine coffins

Chapter 589 Seeing the old friend at last, the blood fog is rampant

Chapter 589 Seeing the old friend at last, the blood fog is rampant

The devil's coffin goes out to sea, covering all things, standing proudly between heaven and earth!
In the entire cold plain, the one who was most affected was the lazy young man who killed God.Just now, the four spirits were killed, and the four masters of the Xuantian Pavilion attacked together.

And that lazy young man, worthy of the title of God of Death, with one against four, unexpectedly gained the upper hand.

The dust and smoke cleared away, and the original ravine turned into a tiankeng.Endless mist of blood was scattered in the air, and a trace of fishy smell tangled in the nostrils, with killing intent rising.

Shura who desires blood has no form or appearance.The young man who killed the god stood in the void, his expression unchanged.

However, among the four pavilion masters of Poxuantian, except for Pavilion Master Mogui, whose face was slightly pale and who was slightly injured, the other three pavilion masters all spewed blood, and they looked like spirit beasts, and were about to disperse.

For such a result, although the four of them had expected it, but when it really happened, they still took a deep breath in their hearts.The person who can control the Bloody Asura is really too scary.

What kind of combat power is that?
"As expected of a blood-desiring Asura!" This time, Gan Tianqing did not consume his Nine Transformations of the Dragon, but his injuries were already extremely serious.

"But, you didn't kill any of us! I'm afraid the power you have gained is still limited." Gan Tianqing looked at the killing god boy coldly.

However, at this moment, seven thousand miles away, Amu's magic coffin suddenly went out to sea, and the coercion spread thousands of miles away.

"Nine coffins! Demon coffins?"

The murderous young man raised his eyebrows suddenly, and his lazy expression was swept away, replaced by a strange expression.


For some unknown reason, the blood mist in the void was weeping and whining.The blood mist seemed to have endless life.It was an extremely weird and terrifying feeling.

Goodbye, the young man quickly formed seals with his hands.That printing method is quite strange, and I am afraid it is also extremely ancient.Following the seal formula, the young man in the ragged jacket gradually melted into the blood mist.

The blood mist was like mud, and the boy seemed to be gradually swallowed up.In an instant, the blood mist completely enveloped the boy, turned into a blood mass, and flew straight in the direction of Amu.

"Stop him!" Gan Tianqing shouted, and at the same time, he was the first to fly up.The other three pavilion masters also flew, but they couldn't stop them at all.

The red butterflies flew wildly, and Gan Tianqing's red clothes transformed, and he was directly scattered.Xuanfeng and Jinlin spurted blood and fell to the ground.The owner of Pavilion Mogui flicked his long whip, as if he wanted to entangle the cloud of blood mist.

However, with a sound of "pa", the long whip was cut into two pieces by the blood mass.

"Wow—" Pavilion Master Mogui, who had been doing well all along, also spat out a mouthful of blood.The blood mass formed by the god-killing boy traveled thousands of miles and disappeared in an instant.


The magic coffin appeared!

This is a situation that the Baisha Tianxian in the Temple of Killing Immortals has never imagined.At that moment, he felt that the Temple of Killing Immortals might be used by someone.

Among the nine coffins, how can the successor of any one coffin be easily dealt with?This business of Zui Moluo seems to contain too many conspiracies.

However, although the coffin's coercion is formidable, it still can't completely imprison the celestial-level white kills.However, the other two Xuanxian Jiuzhong were not so lucky.

The magic coffin appeared in surprise, making them lose their minds for a moment.In the battle between high-level immortals, life and death are decided in an instant.

The task of Hongye and Xueyue is to kill them. Unless Amu has something to do, nothing will disturb their killing intentions.Huhu fist wind, without the slightest pause.


Suddenly, accompanied by two unwilling screams.Hong Ye and Xue Yue's two punches respectively hit the front heart of Xuantian Nine Layers.The heart was broken with punches, and the fairy heart scattered, and the two Xuanxian Jiuzhong turned into blood mist directly.

At the same time, the two Xuanxian blood soul guards suddenly turned around and came straight to Baisha Tianxian.

"Huh?" As soon as the coffin came out, the situation took a turn for the worse. Baisha Tianxian looked at it and wanted to return his sword in an instant.However, at that moment, the seal formula in Amu's hand changed.

The devil's coffin, carrying the coercion of the ages, went straight to Baisha Tianxian.In the Three Realms, until now, Amu has never encountered any immortal who dared to shake the physical coffin.

"Hmph! Even if there is a magic coffin, you can't kill me!" Baisha Tianxian didn't say wild words, because the coercion of the magic coffin couldn't completely imprison him.

At this moment, he naturally understood that he would definitely not be able to kill Amu today, but he still had the ability to escape.However, just as his mind moved, the moment his figure faded away.

In the void, a white shadow, accompanied by a green glow, arrived in an instant.

"He can't kill you, but I can!" The white shadow's voice was very calm, even a little flat.However, that is absolutely killing the sound.

He shot, no mercy!


It's a pity, killing the gods in vain, a peerless killer.At this moment, he didn't even see the appearance of the person coming.There is only a white shadow and a green light, in his one eye, it is just a reflection of a flying silver hair.

That cyan sword light flew from nowhere.With only one sword, Baisha Tianxian had no resistance, even he heard the sound of the fairy sword piercing through the body.

One sword shattered his fairy heart.That is also the last memory of Baisha Tianxian in this world.

Killing the angel in vain, he fell instantly.

The man in white and silver hair didn't stop at all.Because, thousands of miles away, a blood mist, like a rushing thunder, roared towards the wind and clouds.

At this time, the devil's coffin was hanging in the sky, but the blood mist was not affected in the slightest.At that speed, endless blood shadows were formed, like a dragon, and went straight to Amu.

That cloud of blood mist seemed to contain an existence that could definitely compete with the devil's coffin.


In the blood mass, I don't know if it was the boy's long howl, or the blood-hungry Asura's angry howl.

The loud sound bursts and echoes thousands of miles away.The entire snowfield was trembling.

But at this time, the man in white was holding a fairy sword, and the fairy energy swirled and flowed endlessly.He stood between the sky and the earth, suspended on the snow field.A silver long hair exudes a faint brilliance.

No one can see his cultivation clearly!
Facing the strange blood group that sent flying the four masters of the Poxuantian Pavilion, his expression was as calm as before.

Flying body, sword out!
Clear flow with one sword, comparable to piercing clouds!

Thousands of feet of blue streamer seemed to split the entire high sky and snow field.That was a truly shocking sword, far better than the sword light that killed the heavenly immortal just now.


At this moment, even thousands of miles away, one should be able to see that cyan bolt of lightning across the sky on the Blood North Cold Plain.

In Hanji Town, the old man of the Tang family stood in the center of the long cross street with his body bent slightly.

"One sword is clear! Such an unrivaled fairy sword has been born! I don't know who is holding it? Has Mo Lang reappeared?" There is no answer. The old man of the Tang family squinted his eyes and looked at the entire Hanji Town.

At this time, on the long cross street, the snow was getting heavier and heavier, which had never happened in tens of thousands of years.The long street is empty, everyone seems to have gone home, and all the shops are closed.


Two snow pigeons penetrated the snow curtain and landed on the old man's shoulders.However, at this moment, the old man of the Tang family seemed a little tired, and he didn't want to know the answer.

"Go home! I only hope that Hanji Town can escape this catastrophe!" The old man of the Tang family sighed, then turned around and entered the small shop with the two snow pigeons.

The door of the small shop was closed tightly, like a black night.

At the same time, in a different direction, thousands of miles away, there is a blood-red mountain.It was a lonely mountain, standing abruptly on the snow field.On the top of the mountain, there are three people standing.

Two of them are armored black clothes, wearing a black cloak with a dark red gold border on the cloak.Those were two black-clothed Xuanxian-level armors.And in front of them, stood an armored monk wearing a blood-red cloak.

"Shopkeeper, shall we still do it?" One of the armored men in black bowed and asked.

If Amu Lishui and the others were present at this time, they would definitely be able to tell that this was the armored black man who had intercepted them with the Temple of Immortals in the Battle Soul Continent back then.

The leader armored monk in a blood-red cloak fell silent for a moment, then slowly shook his head.

"The magic coffin has appeared! The silver-haired Xingfei shot! We have already lost the opportunity. If the young man from the Temple of Killing Immortals can't compete with the magic coffin, we can only wait for the news from the big shopkeeper! Maybe, it only takes 500 yuan!" Years, everything will be perfect!"

The armored monk in the red cloak looked up to the sky and sighed, while the two armored monks in black behind him nodded.

For a moment, the entire mountain was silent.Dormant, wait!This is the process that many people who achieve great things must go through.


boom - boom -

Clear flow with one sword!That sword light hit the cloud of blood mist.The sword energy scattered, and the blood mist flew around.The loud noise shook the sky, like cracking the sky and the earth.On the snow, there were cold and dark thousands of zhang sword marks.

Silver hair fluttered, and the man in white flew hundreds of feet backwards.In the void, like a white cloud, it fell in front of Amu and the others.

Three thousand years ago, Shura's wind and frost did not change, the appearance of that extraordinary man.With silver hair reaching waist, she is in high spirits!

Because, he is the holy envoy of the Fei clan, Ziyou will be punished by heaven!

"Silver-haired Xing Fei!" Amu and Li Shui shouted at the same time.

On the Blood Moon Continent, I finally saw my old friend. For a while, Amu left the water with mixed feelings.However, the situation is critical at this time, and the two sides have no time to talk.

Moreover, although Xing Fei still had the same demeanor, his face turned slightly pale, obviously injured just now.


Harsh laughter resounded through the world.The blood mist dispersed slightly, revealing the boy's face.

However, at this time, that face was full of evil, and endless black energy surged on the outer layer of the blood mist.

(End of this chapter)

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