nine coffins

Chapter 801 Tianzang Small World, Underworld Su Xin!

Chapter 801 Tianzang Small World, Underworld Su Xin!

Beihan, Tianzang.

According to the Northern Cold Immortal Calendar, in the year 810, the Tianzang lineage closed the fairy mountain and imprisoned the cave.Qingwu locks the mountain, the veins of the northern cold, I don't know the details, and no one dares to approach.

Back then, when Amu took away the remnants of the coffin from Tianzang Cave, Tianzang Peak was covered in mist.The painstaking son once said that everyone has his own destiny.

"I don't go to hell, who goes to hell!"

At dusk, Amu was already standing outside Beihan Tianzang Peak, talking to himself in a low voice.Yunmo Wuji Palace, Dongling Dongyang Temple, Amu is only for fulfilling his wish.

Originally, he wanted to go to Brahma again.However, he and Li Ruo still have a three-day appointment.If you go to Brahma, Amu may have to stay for two more days, so he has to wait for the future.

So, Amu returned to Beihan again, but this time, he didn't alarm anyone.

Outside Tianzang Peak, Amu remembered what Kuxinzi said, and seemed to realize something.

"Qianzang and Wuchen are fellow travelers. Then, are Li Qianzang and Master Qianzang the same person but different incarnations?"

Amu still remembers the Tianzhou scholar who collected a piece of residual wood he had seen in the mirror image of the tiankeng in the Dark Demon Valley in the Shura Realm.That was Chizo's appearance too.

Amu thought in his heart, his eyes narrowed slightly.

It has been 600 years since Amu took the remnants of the coffin, but there seems to be no one who can see through the blue mist in the sky.Tianzang Peak has long been a forbidden area of ​​the Northern Cold Sect.

Amu, before Li Shui went to Shura, Li Shui came here to observe.However, with his yin and yang calamity, he returned in vain.However, now, Amu's Nine Heavenly Immortals are naturally not comparable to Lishui back then.

The divine light was concentrated, and Amu had already forgotten to wear the outermost layer of blue mist.Because, originally, the blue mist was a way of blinding the eyes.

Inside the blue mist, Tianzang Peak is actually still the original appearance.It's just that the entire Tianzang Peak is surrounded by streaks of pale light.On the top of Tianzang Peak, there is a white light, like falling from the sky.

"Immeasurable Light in Tianzhou!" Amu's heart skipped a beat.The white light on the Tibetan Peak that day was exactly the same as the light that shrouded Ghost Ruyan and Meng Hun in the black water of Hell back then.

Indistinctly, there seems to be a figure, cross-legged.However, Amu couldn't tell who it was, whether it was a man or a woman.

Infinite divine light, without death or life, remains the same for thousands of years.Could it be that everything in Tianzang Peak was completely imprisoned this day?
"This is actually a small world in Tianzhou!" Amu raised his eyebrows.Within the blue mist, white light floats, restricting countless.Tadpole-like fairy texts flow like water.

Now, with Amu's cultivation base, even if he used the art of banning pictures to the extreme, he might not be able to enter.

A ray of soul in Tianzhou!Ghost Ruyan, Wuchen, Qianzang, and even Shen Yan, these people can all be said to be from Tianzhou.

On the Tibetan Peak that day, were the more than twenty disciples from Tianzhou?

Amu, it is only now that he understands why back then, he always felt that the disciples of the Tianzang lineage had different temperaments, and they were even incompatible with Beihan.

Everything in the Three Realms comes from heaven!

Amu remembered again, Shen Yan's recounted Gui Ruyan's words, and couldn't help but slightly frowned again.Now it seems that the power of Tianzhou has long been in the sea, or even Shura.

It's just that they have been dormant, or doing everything quietly.What is the purpose of the Tianzhou people?Amu frowned slightly, unable to figure it out yet.

Because he knew too little about Tianzhou.

In the blue mist, the shadow of the lonely peak is faint.As the sun set, the light from the Beihan Mountain Protector Formation faintly filled the sky.Amu still can't see through many things.

However, at this moment, Amu's heart trembled slightly.Then, he turned his gaze to the back mountain of Tongtian Peak.Today, the entire Northern Cold Sect is restricted by Amubu.

The wind and the grass move, all in his heart and eyes.


As the night fell, the north was cold and silent.

At this time, on Tongtian Peak, in the back mountain hut, Su Xin was dressed in white and was sitting cross-legged.After nearly 400 years of practice, the first stage of soul cultivation is Dzogchen.

Su Xin's qualifications are really good.At that time, in the early stage of leaving Haihuangshenzhou, Lishui had already passed the Beihan Holy Soul Art to Su Xin.

Therefore, Su Xin's benefit is only inferior to Han Qianli and Li Ruo in the Northern Cold School.

After Amu and Han Bingyi, Su Xin became the practitioner of the back mountain hut.Su Xin's situation is actually very similar to that of Lishui back then. Almost all of them were unknown for many years, and then flew in one day.

However, Li Shui is the body of the eternal holy lotus, but Su Xin realized it overnight.Today, although he is the suzerain of the Northern Cold Sect, Su Xin basically practices in this hut.

Back then, Su Xin was awakened in this hut.

However, maybe everyone will not pay attention.At that time, Su Xin, who had just built the ninth floor and was almost at the end of his life, woke up and realized that the night was the night of the battle in Brahma Temple.

That night, the Great Emperor Taihuang, who was at the sixth level of true immortality, was completely demonized, and was banned by Amu for an instant and for eternity, cutting off the cycle of reincarnation, and he would never be able to die.

And that night, Su Xin woke up and made great progress in his cultivation.

At this time, Su Xin sat cross-legged in the hut.However, there was a black air between his eyebrows, which gradually appeared.

The Northern Cold Sect, the authentic immortal sect, has only produced a different kind of Amu for thousands of years.However, the black air between Su Xin's eyebrows is completely different.

That was actually a ghostly spirit!
If so, someone in the Beihan Sect must have been extremely shocked when they saw this scene.Under the Sacred Lotus Gate, the Sect Master Beihan actually carried a dark energy around him.

Su Xin can be described as a true disciple of the Northern Cold Sect.Even, for hundreds of years, Su Xin has never left the Northern Wilderness and Northern Territory.

At this time, following the black air, Su Xin slowly opened his eyes.That's not at all, Su Xin's eyes in the past.Immediately, a strange spell was played in the hands of Su Xin.

That's not the North Cold spell at all, not even the Sea Desolation spell.Because, that is the technique of the nether world!And Su Xin's cultivation level can reach the ninth level of the real immortal.

At this time, a black water pattern spread out in front of Su Xin, like a black well and deep pool.However, in that black pool, there was a white bright spot.

Immediately, Su Xin shook one hand, and a jade slip was shot out from his hand, and then slowly sank into the black pool.That was an extremely ingenious small teleportation formation.

But for a moment, I saw a white light flying out from the black pool.Another jade slip fell into Su Xin's hands.Su Xin, with a sweep of consciousness, nodded slightly.

The jade slip instantly turned into white smoke in Su Xin's hands.Then, the black pool in front of Su Xin gradually disappeared.Su Xin's expression and the black air between his eyebrows also completely dissipated.

Gradually, everything became normal.Su Xin smiled slightly, then closed his eyes slightly, and resumed his practice.

The whole Beihan was still silent, as if nothing had happened.

At this time, the entire Northern Cold Mountain Hut was severely restrained.

Back then, this hut used to be a place for painstaking self-cultivation.Those who are above the Spirit cannot enter.Later, the reputation of the Northern Cold Sect grew stronger and more powerful.In fact, there are not a few people who can enter this small courtyard.

However, because Amu, Li Shui, and Han Bingyi all used to practice in this small courtyard, and now it is the place where the suzerain purifies and cultivates, so this is not a forbidden place, it is better than a forbidden place.

Beihan disciples would never come in on weekdays.

However, this night was absolutely different.Because, in the small courtyard, stands the fairy Amu.

Su Xin didn't know that Amu came back, let alone perceive Amu's existence.But, Amu, you can forget everything.

"The spirit of the nether world comes from the nether world!" Amu could see everything in the hut clearly.Then involuntarily, the corner of his mouth curved, and Amu flashed a sneer.

"Amazing! Is this the layout hundreds of years ago?"

Amu has naturally heard about Su Xin's overnight epiphany.However, I never thought about it.Now that I think about it, I feel different.

It seems that the real Su Xin has already died?
Nine layers of real immortals!Su Xin actually has a very advanced hidden technique.Because, three days ago, Amu didn't see Su Xin's abnormality at all.

If it wasn't for tonight, when Su Xin showed a ghostly spirit, Amu might not know it.

A person from the underworld, and it seems that he has absorbed the cultivation power of the Emperor Taihuang.And the only person who can do this in the two worlds of Netherworld and Sea Desolation is probably the legendary Hades.

"The devil is in the sea, drawing strength. You have been dormant for a hundred years, waiting for the right time!"

That was the writing on the returned jade slip that Amu saw.That should be an order from the underworld.

Devil, is it Xiao Luo or Murong Huang?Draw strength!Amu raised his eyebrows, so Lucun and Jumen plundered Mo Lang's remnant soul?

Dormant for a hundred years?This time coincided very well with the time when Master Leng Yu might be going through the Immortal Tribulation of Eternity.

Amu's heart moved, and then he touched the void with one hand, and a talisman light, silently, was directly imprinted on the back of Su Xin's heart.However, Su Xin didn't feel anything.

"Mozi, Mingzun, let's fight!" Amu sneered, and walked out of the courtyard in one step.

Su Xin is a useful person!


In the early morning of the second day, Amu appeared at Tianzi Peak on time.No one knows, in fact, Amu has been in Beihan last night.

Liruo, everything has already been arranged.Han Qianli, Zi Yun, including Su Xin, all knew that Amu was going to take Li Ruo away.Naturally, no one would stop such a thing.

Yiyi bid farewell, no more details.

In the north of Beihan, Amu only let a few people see him off, and it was just to let the other party do their best.

"Sovereign, don't send too much!" Amu finally cupped his hands to Han Qianli, and then flipped his hands over, holding a jade talisman in his hand.

"This jade talisman can help you reach the fairyland early! Give it to the suzerain!" Amu handed it to Han Qianli with a smile.

"Huh?" Han Qianli's heart skipped a beat.Because, a few days ago, when Amu came back for the first time, he had already given him something similar, but for some reason he had to give it again.

However, Han Qianli is a demon servant, so he naturally took it with a smile.

"Thank you, Amu!"

"Su Xin, take good care of the Northern Cold Sect and bring your master back!" Amu smiled.

"Senior, don't worry! Disciple, I will definitely do my best!" Su Xin bowed.

Amu nodded with a smile.

"Sovereign, everyone take care!" Amu finally bowed his hands to everyone without saying anything more.Then, with a wave of his hand, a mass of fairy lights wrapped around him and Li Ruo, leaving no trace in an instant.

Zhenbei was vast, and Han Qianli and the others were slightly dazed.

Most people are amazed at Amu's cultivation.As for Han Qianli, it was because of surprise in his heart.

Because, there is a word on Amu's jade talisman-be careful Su Xin, if there is any change, this talisman can be destroyed!Kill without mercy!

(End of this chapter)

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