nine coffins

Chapter 904 Cooperation?Where is the ghost

Chapter 904 Cooperation?Where is the ghost

Gui Zun, why do you want to seal the black and white impermanence?

Whether it's black and white impermanence, or Amu and Shen Yan, no one can give the answer.For the truth, probably the only way is to ask Guizun.

But, where is the Ghost Venerable?No one knows.

"Black and white are impermanent, is this the reason why you surrender to Mingzun and are willing to use it, or even his claws and claws?" Shen Yan's voice was slightly cold.

After hearing Shen Yan's words, Bai Wuchang's expression darkened, and he chose to remain silent for a while.

And Hei Wuchang smiled coldly, looked at Shen Yan and said: "Good birds choose trees to live in. Sealed for tens of thousands of years, our black and white Wuchang cultivation base has been greatly damaged, and the primordial soul is almost exhausted. Gui Zun and us have long since cut off our friendship. Everything we have today is given by the Lord of the Underworld, so why not surrender? The lords of the Three Realms are all amazingly talented people. Black and white are impermanent. After many years of being the eagle and dog minions of the true and false ghosts, it is not the end. A seal ended. Now, so what if you do it again?"

Hei Wuchang's words were sharp and bitter.

The Supreme Grimacing God covered the face of Shen Yan, the heir of Guizun, no one could see her expression clearly, but Shen Yan's voice became calmer.

"Hei Wuchang, the tenth-rank immortal root of Shura Xinghai, but it's just a skin! Even if Mingzun helped you restore your cultivation base back then, so what? Mingzun, can you still unify the Three Realms?"

"Hey!" Hei Wuchang smiled, "That's not good! If Mingzun has ambitions, we would be willing to die."

"Unify the Three Realms, ha ha!" Shen Yan shook her head, "Now that the Three Realms are chaotic, this is a good time. However, Mingzun sticks to the Netherworld, so he must not be able to get out! He can't save himself, so how can we talk about the heart of the Three Realms?"

Hei Wuchang raised his eyebrows, because Shen Yan's deduction was good.Mingzun, it is true that he cannot leave the underworld, not even the white island.

If Mingzun can come out, how can many things be so troublesome?However, today's Black and White Impermanence believes in Mingzun, and one day he will be able to break out of Netherworld.

At this time, Bai Wuchang sighed, looked at Shen Yan and said: "About what happened back then, we want to find the Ghost Venerable, so I must ask why? Even, we have to seek some justice."

Compared with Hei Wuchang, Bai Wuchang has less resentment, but more unwillingness.

Black and white are impermanent in ancient times, is it an ordinary person?Tens of thousands of years ago, they were all the top immortals in the Three Realms, but they were sealed by the people they were loyal to for no reason.

Who can be willing to do such a thing?
"Hei Wuchang!" At this time, Amu looked at Hei Wuchang, and the corner of his mouth curled up, "You have to seek justice from Gui Zun, but don't forget. You still owe Shu Luoliu townspeople eight lives."

"Eight lives, haha!" Hei Wuchang couldn't help laughing up to the sky, "Hei Wuchang, the descendants of the sea, killed tens of thousands of monks under my hands during the ancient slaughter! Seven mortal lives, what are they? What's more, Liu Zhen Humans are not human at all?"

"In my eyes, they are all human beings!" Amu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"They're all human?" Heiwuchang sneered, "Heirs of Canghai, why do you have to pretend? The people of Liuzhen are basically transformed by the soul of a human coffin. Do you really regard them as human beings? Hehe, have you ever seen such a miraculous A small town? There will always be nine hundred and ninety-nine people, no more, no less, who live and who die. They are nothing more than coffin souls raised by caring people."

People from Liuzhen are the souls of human coffins.In fact, Amu has already guessed this point.

There are Willow Towns in both the Haihuang and Shura realms. In the Nine Coffin Formation in the backyard of the Shura Wang family's old house, Amu even saw a Tianzhou similar to Liuzhen.

The gathering of souls in Liu Zhen of the Three Realms can be used as a guide for human coffins.

This is the joint speculation of Leng Yu and Amu on the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms, and they even speculated that Mo Lang should be in Liu Town of Tianzhou.

Human coffin!Both Amu and Leng Yu couldn't see how much Mo Lang had set up.

However, all of this has nothing to do with Amu's special feelings for the people of Liuzhen.

Hei Wuchang, Amu remembers what he did in Shuluoliu Town back then.Mr. Liu and Tailor Liu's family didn't die, they were all seduced by black impermanence.

"Heiwuchang, no matter what kind of people in Liuzhen exist, but I once said that I will kill you when I go to heaven and earth!" Amu's voice became colder.

On the black robe, there is already a faint black air.After being promoted to Yuanxian, Amu's combat power is not what it used to be.In Danhai, the complete magic coffin surged.

Endless magic energy rose up.

Shen Yan and Amu share the same mind.At that moment, Shen Yan's Supreme Grimace smiled cunningly, extremely gloomy.

On Shen Yan's red dress, purple awns were already showing.

However, Shen Yan's first task is to protect Li Ruo.Today, if we really fight.Among the four great original immortals, Li Ruo didn't even have the strength to protect herself.

It can be said that Li Ruo at this time is the biggest weakness of Amu and Shen Yan.

And more importantly, Black and White Impermanence is no ordinary monk.In ancient times, they used to be the existence of Eternal Realm.

Black and white impermanence, of course, can't be compared with Shuimei, Longsaliva, and Shangxie, but even today's combat power should be at the sixth and seventh levels of Yuanxian.

If it is one of black and white impermanence, Amu is fearless, or there is still a chance of winning.However, today the two of them are together, and Amu has no certainty.

Unless, Amu uses all his strength.Both coffins come out together, summoning the demon servant.However, such a movement will inevitably alarm the entire Tianzhou.

At this moment, the corner of Hei Wuchang's mouth curved.

Clouds of black mist quietly surged up.A faint black mist dispersed like a tide.Countless silver starbursts kept shining in the black mist.

That was quite a strange scene, it was the top vision of the tenth rank peerless immortal root Shura Xinghai.

At this time, Hei Wuchang gave people the feeling that he was no longer a mortal.

The original seven great consummations!
Amu frowned.At this moment, he finally saw Hei Wuchang's cultivation.This is also the highest state that Amu can see at present.

Hei Wuchang got Mo Wuxin's Shura Xinghai, and his cultivation was restored by [-]% to [-]%.

As for Bai Wuchang, he also accepted the method of concealment at this time, and a faint white light radiated from his body.

The Sixth Realm of the Original Immortal!
The impermanence of black and white stands here, and it seems that life and death can be judged between black and white.

The four original immortals, although their aura has not dispersed.But enough to suffocate.

Li Ruo looked calm, but bit her lower lip slightly.Shen Yan's protection did not make her feel too much coercion, but she knew that if there was a battle.She must drag Amu and Shen Yan down.

At that moment, Li Ruo even felt a little regretful, and followed her to Tianzhou.

At this time, the dark and impermanent Shura Star Sea gradually spread, but that was just a kind of coercion.

Amu smiled coldly, the sea of ​​pills shook, and the coffin resonated.Eternal devilish energy directly came out proudly.


To Shura Xinghai, the energy of the devil's coffin dissipated at the same time like two clouds of smoke.

There was a slight ripple in the eyes of Black and White Impermanence and Amu.They have a more intuitive understanding of the opponent's strength.

This time the temptation was a draw.Then, none of them chose to make another shot.

At this moment, they are more of a position, a deterrent.

Amu and Shen Yan do not have an overwhelming advantage.Black and white are impermanent, in fact, there are scruples.

The descendant of Canghai, the descendant of Mo Lang, the coffins of gods and demons are all on Amu.That is a power that no monk dare not face up to.And the most important thing is, if it is in Shura, or in the sea.Possibly, the two sides have already been fighting in one place.

However, here is Tianzhou Wuliang.

Three thousand miles away is the number one fairy city in the north of the sky - Beichen.

In Beichen, there must be immortals in eternal realm.

Unless they can solve the other party silently, there will be endless troubles.However, they all understand that just now, no one can eat the other cleanly.

Bai Wuchang looked at Amu and smiled lightly.Amu also looked at the corner of Bai Wuchang's mouth.

"Heirs of the sea, we can cooperate!" Bai Wuchang said calmly.

Amu's eyes moved slightly, looking coldly at the impermanence of black and white.

"Cooperation for what?"

"Find Guizun!" Bai Wuchang slowly spit out three words.

(End of this chapter)

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