nine coffins

Chapter 954 Shen Yan's First Soul!I would like to fight for women!

Chapter 954 Shen Yan's First Soul!I would like to fight for women!

"Shen Yan, it's a special case!" Gui Rufeng looked at Amu and smiled strangely, "Because she is the reincarnation of the ancient Princess Shura who was obsessed with immortality!
"Princess Shura?" Amu couldn't help but frown, "But, there seems to be a Princess Shura in the Shura Palace of the Demon Continent!"

"Princess Shura of Demon Island, I don't know what's going on. I guess, most of them are ignorant Shura people who stayed in Demon Island. It's a far-fetched theory. Shen Yan is indeed the reincarnation of Princess Shura, and she is a ghost Body, that is the perfect successor of the dual bloodlines of Tianzhou and Shura." Gui Rufeng said, "From the perspective of the three souls, then Princess Shura can be regarded as Shen Yan's first soul!"

"Three souls, spanning tens of thousands of years!" Hearing Gui Rufeng's words, Amu thought in his heart, frowning and saying nothing.

Because Amu was dubious about Gui Rufeng's words.One must know that Shang Xie had seen Shen Yan on Jiulun Mountain in Mozhou, and almost all of Shen Yan's inheritance came from Shang Xie.

However, could it be that the Shangxie, who is comparable to the Venerable, did not discover Shen Yan's true identity?
"The body of Shenyan is hard to find in the ages. If it is not, the cause and effect change, I am afraid it will not happen." It was Ghost Ruyan who spoke.

"Princess Shura, died in the hands of the third prince in the past, so only the third prince can see through everything. However, all the memories of Shen Yan will not be regenerated, only the strength and physique will be awakened."

"Shen Yan, or Shen Yan! She is also the only person in the ancient Asura royal family who can freely walk in the three realms." Gui Ruyan looked at Amu and said, "Other people, even I, cannot step into the Asura realm!"

"So, you need ghost coffins to break the eternal curse. Only in this way can you return to the Asura Realm?" Amu asked.

"That's right!" Ghost Ruyan nodded.

"Back then, the ghost girl devoted herself to the sea and the ghost saint, all for the ghost coffin?" Amu frowned.

"Everything is for the ghost coffin! It's a pity that the real ghost coffin is not in Haihuang, but in Shura. The ghost coffin that once appeared on Haihuang is a virtual illusion. Looking at it now, that Most likely it was caused by Longsaliva." Ghost Ruyan said.

"The ghost family in Tianzhou hides in the Yin Mountains and keeps a low profile. However, from now on, all the major events in the Three Realms are as they are now!" Amu sneered.

"The Asura royal family must plan for ten thousand years! It is normal to pay attention to the Three Realms. The descendant of the sea, you are so talented, as long as you help us get the ghost coffin, then we will never hurt Shen Yan at all. We just need to return to the Asura Realm. Become an immortal royal family!" Gui Rufeng's words seemed quite sincere.

"Hehe!" Amu sneered and looked at Gui Rufeng, then at Gui Ruyan.

At this time, Amu suddenly felt that there was actually a kind of evil spirit in the ghost family.That should be a kind of charm unique to the ghost family.

Ghost Rufeng is dressed in a white robe, and Ghost Ruyan is dressed in a black dress.In fact, it was a pair of siblings.So in their bones, they have the same blood.

They stick to the same belief!However, that is evil charm, confusion, and even a kind of sin!
"Ghost Ruyan, you used the Sea Desolate Ghost Sage ten thousand years ago? Now, have you ever felt guilty about Meng Hun's death?" Amu asked coldly, staring at Ghost Ruyan.

"Everything, for the ghost's family, for the return!" There was a slight wave in Gui Ruyan's eyes, but it was fleeting.

"Live for your mother, die for your mother!" Amu shook his head and sneered, "Meng Hun's Oedipus is probably the evil inheritance of your ghost family. However, the magic piano Meng Hun is worthy of anyone in his life. He has been guarding hell for 9000 years. He , can stand up to the sky! And you, ghost like smoke, pretend to be a wife, ashamed to be a mother!"

Amu's expression was cold, and the black rattan in his hand pointed directly at Ghost Ruyan.

"Hehehe! Giggle—" Hearing Amu's words, Gui Ruyan suddenly smiled, but a trace of sadness flashed across her eyes, "Amu, you can say that. But, you should understand that for my Shura royal family Say, what is a wife? What is a mother?"

"The Shura royal family has no father, son, brother, mother, daughter, wives and concubines. The ghost family has only men and women. Everything we have is only for the inheritance of blood!" sad.

Fate!The fate of ghosts like smoke, the fate of the ghost family!That, cannot escape.

"Everyone can die!" Gui Ruyan still smiled, "Gui Sheng, Meng Hun, and of course myself! There is nothing, you can't give up."

"Hehe!" Amu sneered after hearing Gui Ruyan's words.

I have seen giving up my life for righteousness, I have seen dying for love.However, everything about the ghost family seems to have nothing to do with love.In Amu's view, the Tianzhou ghost family is a family that is obsessed and is willing to die for evil.

That kind of abandonment seems great and tragic, but it is unreasonable.

"Amu, go to the Asura Realm, bring back the ghost coffin, and exchange it for Shen Yan. I promise, Shen Yan will return to you, unscathed, and your cultivation level is even better.!" Gui Ruyan regained his calm.

After hearing Gui Ruyan's words, Amu couldn't help but shook his head and smiled, then looked at Gui Ruyan.

"Ghost girl, you and Shen Yan seldom communicate!"

"Huh?" Shen Yan was slightly taken aback.Because it is true, when Shen Yan came to the ghost's house, the third prince saw his background, and was trapped in the back mountain to practice most of the time.

Back at the ghost's house, Gui Ruyan's temperament is far from what Haihuang used to be, so the mother and daughter seldom talk to each other.

"Shen Yan, I must seldom mention my personality to you!" Amu kept smiling lightly, "Ghost girl, look at the Three Realms, have you heard that the descendant of the sea was coerced by others? Why was I, Amu, ever driven?

"Shen Yan is my woman, of course I will take her away. However, it is definitely not in exchange for a ghost coffin!" Amu's voice was unusually calm.

Ghost Ruyan and Ghost Rufeng frowned slightly.Amu's refusal to exchange the ghost coffin for Shen Yan was more or less within their expectations, but Amu's attitude was too calm and calm.

"Heir of Canghai, even if you wear the double coffin of gods and demons, cultivate to the ninth level of the original immortal, and even kill the demons, but you may not be able to get out of the Yin Mountain!" Gui Rufeng said coldly, "The power of the Asura royal family will definitely It shocks you. There is not only one Eternal Realm here. The third prince, who is immortal for thousands of years, is even more like a venerable existence! If we want, we can completely let you fall!"

"Really?" Amu's robes swayed slightly, and the murderous aura on his body began to permeate, "The Shura royal family is comparable to the venerable? Let me fall. Let me tell you, even if the real venerable comes, I will not be afraid. Haha -"

"Everyone in the ghost family, listen—" Amuyuan's immortal aura dissipated, and his voice reverberated throughout the Yin Mountain, with an air of pride, "The Asura royal family, embrace the disabled, stick to the evil path, and the Three Realms will not tolerate it."

"Shen Yan, she is my woman. I will take her away, or she will be a man! Today, whoever blocks me, kill! If one person blocks me, one will be killed. If the whole clan blocks me, the whole clan will be destroyed!"

"I, Amu, in the name of Cang Hai, finally tell the ghost family—the sea is invincible, and I will never compromise! Third Prince, you should have heard my words. My last question is whether the ghost family will send Shen Yan or not?"

Her long hair is facing the wind, and her green robe is dancing.

Amu, standing on the Yin Mountain, looked awe-inspiring.Invincible in the sea, never compromise, that is the temperament of the sea.Fight for your own woman, at worst die together.

Amu's voice buzzed.It resounded throughout Yinshan, and even Tiannan.

By the Fuchen River, above the Qingfeng.Canghai Donghuang, wearing sackcloth, looking out barefoot.

He naturally heard what Amu said, and couldn't help but smile in shame.

"Invincible in the sea, never compromise! Fight for your own woman, Amu, I am not as good as you!"

In the depths of the Yin Mountain, Shen Yan crossed his legs, smiling gently.

Amu's words echoed in her heart.She likes Amu's appearance and agrees with Amu's decision.Amu is everything to her.She firmly believed that Amu would take her away on a cloud of seven colors, and never doubted it.

"I love you, my man! I'll wait for you!" Under the face of the supreme ghost, Shen Yan blushed and whispered to herself.

In the dark hall of Yinshan Mountain.

The third prince, sitting here alone, with his white hair swaying slightly, still does not see his true face, but keeps silent.There is no need for him to answer Amu's question.

Amu's voice spread throughout Yinshan, and the ghost family could naturally hear it.

But at this time, black and white fog suddenly appeared in the Yinshan Mountains.In the Three Realms, one of the oldest royal families, since it has not been destroyed by time, it has its own reason for its existence.

The Shura royal family, regardless of whether its bloodline is right or wrong, has its own pride and honor.

Canghai will not compromise, and the Shura royal family will not back down.Otherwise, everything that has been held on for thousands of years will be meaningless.In the black and white mist, how many people's figures transformed.

Murderous intentions arose and rushed straight to the sea of ​​stars.

The corner of Amu's mouth curved, and the Wild Soul Beast roared to the sky.Humans and beasts are full of fighting spirit.On Amu's Tsing Yi, endless black mist emitted.

"Shen Yan, today I will kill you!" Amu looked at Yinshan Mountain with clear eyes, and then said slowly, "In the Three Realms, there will be no such lineage of Shura! Amu, in the name of the sea, cleanse the filth!"


The world has changed!This time, the whole Tiannan will tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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