nine coffins

Chapter 973 Feng Yu 3 worlds, dance for 9 days!

Chapter 973 The Three Realms of Phoenix Feather Dance for Nine Heavens!
Qing Mozi, calm and windy, mighty.

In the Three Realms, apart from Canghai Immortal, probably no one knows his true combat power, let alone the origin of the Green Devil.

Even if Amu, who is holding the magic ring, is present, he can't tell at all.Although Qing Mozi had fought several times in front of Amu.

Even though the third son of the Sea Desolation Immortal Ghost Sect fought against the evil reincarnation in the past, he had destroyed two clones of the green demon, and the soul of Snow Shadow had also destroyed one clone of the green demon in the battle of the blood moon in the Demon Island.

However, fundamentally speaking, the Green Devil has almost never been defeated.Whether his opponent is Xuanxian, Yuanxian, or even Yongjing, the result is the same.

Qing Mozi once beheaded Mu Baizun of the original immortal level with one move.However, on the top of Qingcheng Mountain, Mujia Qingcheng Sword God dared not draw his sword to Qingmo.

The blue devil is a myth.

Remember?In the Asura Realm, in the Wuhen Valley, the Cyan Demon once had a conversation with Amu.

"As long as the master needs it, I can kill the enemy!"



At that time, Amu was stunned for a while.Anyone, pretty much.The weight of these six words is too heavy.Undoubtedly, Tianzhou Phoenix is ​​also among them, almost among them.

Is the blue devil invincible?The answer is not necessarily!However, the Green Demon has indeed never shown its true strength.However, Phoenix is ​​already a Venerable.

"Green Demon?" At this moment, Xuan Tian couldn't help frowning slightly.

Because, he understood that Cang Hai Qingguang's words were definitely not casual words.Qing Mozi said that he wanted to take away the fairy coffin, so it was resounding, and he would not come easily.

Xuantian and Xingchen both understood: Today, the green devil asked about Canghai's death, secondly asked about the existence of the devil soul, and thirdly, he wanted to take away the fairy coffin.Shenglian Lishui is definitely not the goal of the green devil.

"Green Demon!" Xuantian smiled wryly, "You don't trust our Phoenix lineage!"

"Thousands of years, cause and effect cycle. I don't want to trust anyone except the sea!" Qing Mozi's tone was a little lonely, "The current three worlds are in chaos, and I'm afraid no one can see clearly!"

"The chess game in the Three Realms is indeed a mess of black and white!" Xuantian nodded helplessly, "But because of this, the fairy coffin is safest with us! Xingchen and I, holding the fairy coffin in our hands, can control everything in the Three Realms!"

"Hehe!" The green devil couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, the green glow behind him unfolded like a peacock, "It's only because of this that I want to take the fairy coffin away!"

"Oh?" Xuan Tian frowned, he understood what Qing Mo said.Because everything can be suppressed, including the sea.

"Qing Mo, your thoughts are not unreasonable. But, I'm afraid you are still not my opponent!" Xuan Tian sighed.The blue shirt swayed slightly.That was a sentence that Xuan Tian was very reluctant to say.

In many things, when one competes with force, one falls behind.However, facing the green demon, Xuantian had no choice.They are all the top existences in the Three Realms, and no one will give in.

They each have their own attachments and standpoints.

Interestingly, they may have the same goal.The world is like this, many people are actually going to the same place, but they are fighting to the death for which way to go.

"My lord, I have fought before!" Qing Mozi smiled lightly, disapproving.

Look again, in the green light behind the green devil, there is a figure.Today's Green Devil is dressed in green clothes.Among the green lights behind it are the remaining six avatars.

Back then, the avatars that were wiped out by the third son and Xue Ying were impressively listed.Ancient secret method, Xuanhuang clone.The Green Devil is unique in the Three Realms.

The seven green demons can fight the Venerable.Tianzhou Phoenix should also have some scruples.Xuan Tian and Xing Chen frowned.Because, if it is a real battle, it must be a fierce battle.

Xuantian didn't move, Xingchen raised his eyebrows.In the void, she took a step forward.

"Qing Mo, why be stubborn? Today, you may not be the first to do this!" Xingchen said.

"The original heart of the sea is unfathomable!" Qing Mozi shook his head and said, "Now, I can only speculate on everything. Today, if you and your wife hand over the fairy coffin to me, I will go down the mountain immediately!"

"Amu, if he can step up to the respect, we will naturally send him to the fairy coffin. Let him complete the nine coffins and understand the cause and effect." Xingchen said, "Otherwise, it may not be a good thing for the current Amu to be crushed by all the coffins."

Qing Mozi frowned: "However, one step at a time is so far away! I don't want to have long nights and dreams."

"In this case——" Xingchen sighed helplessly, then reached out with one hand, and the two fairy swords behind him flew out directly, turning into long tails, like dragons and lightning even on the top of Phoenix Mountain.

"If you beat me, you can take away the fairy coffin!" Xing Chen looked at the green devil.Tianzhou Phoenix has become a respected person.Xuantian and Xingchen, any one of them should be able to defeat the green devil.

However, the green devil is fearless.

"Feng Yu, worthy of Haoyu's Three Immortal Swords!" Qing Mozi smiled faintly.

There are three great immortal swords in the Three Realms of Haoyu.Piercing Cloud, Phoenix Feather, and Yijian Qingliu, these three famous swords, regardless of their equals, have been passed down through the ages.

One sword can break a world.

The Phoenix Feather Swords have always been in Xingchen's hands.The venerable holding the phoenix feather can break the nine coffins carried by the peak of eternity.Therefore, the appearance of the stars and phoenix feathers is a kind of shock.

"Qing Mo, there is no need for this battle! Even if you have the ancient secret technique, you can't defeat me and the stars. The fairy coffin in my hands is no different from being in the sea!"

"I want to turn the sky upside down, why wait for thousands of years?" Xuan Tian's words were very sincere.

However, the Green Devil has his own cognition and judgment.

"If I win, I will take away the fairy coffin. If I lose, I will let you handle it!" Qing Mozi did not give in at all.


The blue light behind the green devil swayed non-stop, illusory and blurred.A rather strange power is scattered throughout the Phoenix Immortal Realm.

At this time, Li Ruo was the most nervous.

"Master—" Li Ruo's voice was low.

For more than 700 years, Qing Mozi has been like a master like a father to Liruo.Li Ruo didn't know the realm of Qing Mozi.However, just now, the green demon has said that the venerable phoenix of Tianzhou has been accomplished.

If Li believes in the green demon again, she dare not imagine that it can defeat the venerable.What's more, those are two great venerables.

How unwise is it to fight against the green devil?

"Li Shui!" Li Ruo grabbed Li Shui's arm.

At this time, Shenglian Lishui was also in a dilemma.In the battle between the green devil and the phoenix, Li Shui didn't even have a position of his own.Because it doesn't seem right for him to lean towards that side.

He just didn't want this battle, but he didn't have the slightest power to stop it.

Yongjing, in front of the green devil and the phoenix, is not worth mentioning.


And at this moment, the green devil had already made a move.Under Li Shui's support, Li Ruo retreated sharply.She couldn't see everything clearly, and Li Shui could only see everything vaguely.

The green demon stood up, and the six avatars behind him just followed.It seems that seven people lined up to fight, which is quite strange.Moreover, the strange power just now is even stronger.

Xuan Tian frowned slightly.Because, he couldn't tell what kind of power it was.

chi chi-

At that moment, Xingchen also made a move.His body didn't move, but the two swords of phoenix feathers pierced through the void.

In the first trick, neither of them took any tricks.This should be a tentative sword.For tens of thousands of years, this is the first time Xingchen has made a sword.It's just that he didn't expect the opponent to be the green devil.


The speed of two people is too fast.The blue light of the green devil and the sword energy of the stars collided from a distance, and there was no close combat at all.

At that moment, the entire Phoenix Immortal World was shaken.The waves are thousands of feet long, and the aftermath is endless.Qing Mozi's body retreated sharply, and the Phoenix Feather Sword also rolled back.

In this formula, I didn't even see the up and down.Xuan Tian couldn't help but nodded secretly.The sea is so blue, it really is unfathomable.Although Xingchen didn't try his best, but to be able to defeat Xingchen with a sword, at least he must be above the ninth level of eternity.

Lishui protects Liruo, the realm of eternity and the purple sword of phantom flower hanging above her head, even so, she still feels her body tense.It was a one-style showdown at the Venerable level.

If it wasn't for the fact that the two of them didn't have the intention to kill, the ending of this ceremony would be unknown.

"Qing Mo, let's end it!" But at this moment, Xing Chen raised his eyebrows.Because, after one move, she sensed that Qing Mozi was not her opponent.

The power of the venerable, if anyone can resist it, there is no need to be venerable.

"Phoenix Feather Three Realms, dancing for nine days!" Xing Chen yelled softly, and at the same time formed seals in his hands.

At that moment, Feng Yu's twin swords aroused Feng Ming.One blue and one red, two rainbow lights pierced through the sky, instantly turning into two phoenix forms.

Phoenix, that is the existence of ancient myths.

Endless coercion descended from the sky.The Phoenix Feather Immortal Sword comes with the power of the Endless Venerable.Those two phoenix figures came straight to the green demon.

At that moment, it seemed to tear the green demon apart.

"Hmph!" The corner of the green devil's mouth curled up, and his hands formed seals at the same time.

Seven rays of brilliance suddenly appeared.The combination of seven colors can transform the sky into light.


That is a divine power!
(End of this chapter)

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