nine coffins

Chapter 997 3 years!Only you can keep up with time

Chapter 997 300 years!Only you can keep up with time


On Tianzang Peak, a young literati stepped down from the air, with extraordinary bearing.

Chizo real person?

However, this real Qianzang seems to be much younger than the one back then.His demeanor is far better than before.

A strange color flashed in Han Bingyi's eyes.

What kind of realm is that?Even Han Bingyi couldn't see through it, and she faintly felt that the cultivation level of the real Qianzang in front of her seemed to be better than that of the holy god Lengyu.

Forever high price?Han Bing is still not sure.

"Disciple Han Bingyi, pay homage to Master Qianzang!"

After Han Bing Yixin was shocked, she knelt down on one knee and paid respects.Han Bingyi knelt down, "Wow—", thousands of Beihan's disciples present, including Fengchi and others, all fell to their knees.

"Disciples of Beihan, pay homage to Qianzang Daoist!"

Qingqianzang stopped in the void, glanced at Beihan's former site and the many disciples, a touch of loneliness flashed across his eyes.

"There is no need to be too polite!" Qing Qianzang said lightly, "Li Qianzang is just a dream of my soul. Master Qianzang and the Northern Cold Sect's fate is over, today is a farewell!"

In fact, almost everyone present could not understand what Qingqianzang said.The fact may have been so.You don't understand many things, but you don't need to understand them.

As he spoke, Qing Qianzang waved his hand, and then smiled at Han Bingyi: "Cang Hai Immortal Servant, we belong to the same lineage of Cang Hai, so there is no need to be polite in the future!"

"Thank you, real man!"

In the sea?Han Bingyi's heart moved, and he didn't know what he was referring to.At the same time, she felt an irresistible force coming, making herself stand up gently involuntarily.

As for Fengchi and the others, Qing Qianzang just nodded his head in the distance, and didn't say anything more.

"Tianzang Forbidden Land, be careful not to enter!" Qing Qianzang left a sentence, then looked at the east, ready to leave.

"The real person stays behind!" Han Bingyi hurriedly said.

"Oh?" Qing Qianzang turned to look at Han Bingyi.

"The real person came from the immeasurable holy land?"

"That's right!"

"That!" Han Bingyi paused slightly, and a look of sadness flashed in his eyes, "Really, have you ever seen him?"

"Oh!" Qingqianzang smiled slightly.Li Qianzang and Qing Qianzang were originally one, but now that their two souls are united, they naturally understand all the past of Amu and Han Bingyi.

Han Bingyi refers to him, of course, referring to Amu.

"Idiot!" Qing Qianzang sighed inwardly.

"The Tianzhou is vast, and I haven't been able to meet him. But I know that the descendants of Canghai once fought in Tianzhou, and the devil Xiao Luo was killed by him."

"Xiao Luo is dead!" Han Bingyi's eyes flashed with surprise.Murong Huang died, Xiao Luo died.It seems that the Taihuang lineage is completely extinct.

Those Beihan disciples heaved a sigh of relief when they heard that the devil had fallen.One must know that the Taihuang Sect was inseparably involved in the destruction of the Beihan Sect's mountain gate and the fall of Kuxinzi.

This can be regarded as revenge, which is inspiring.

"Recently, what about him? Where is he?" Han Bing looked at Qing Qianzang according to his eyes.After finally having this opportunity, she wanted to ask thoroughly.

"Alas!" Qing Qianzang shook his head, "The heir to the sea, his whereabouts are uncertain! I don't know where he is now."

"Oh?" Han Bingyi was slightly disappointed.

"The latest news I know is that less than 300 years ago, there was a world-shattering war in an unknowable place in the Three Realms. It is said that the descendants of Canghai destroyed the mind body of two venerables and reversed it with supreme magic Time, turn back tens of thousands of years—"

"Wow—" There was an uproar at the foot of the mountain.

All the Beihan disciples could hear the words of Master Qianzang.

Turn back time, turn back tens of thousands of years!How can you not be surprised?This kind of impact and shock made Beihan disciples including Fengchi feel like listening to a myth from heaven.

If the words just now had not come from the mouth of the real Qianzang, and then heard it with their own ears, they would never believe it.

"And then?" Han Bingyi believed in Amu's shocking means, and was not very surprised, but only concerned about what happened to Amu.

"Then?" Qing Qianzang shook his head and smiled wryly, "Then, it is said that a small world was almost completely destroyed. At that time, many superpowers in the Three Realms were shocked. More than ten years later, those who went with it Tianhu and Gui Zun's heirs are all gone. Only Cang Hai's heirs are missing!"

"Missing where? Until now?" Han Bingyi said.

"Yes. I came from Tianzhou, and it is estimated that I spent dozens of years in the passage of Jiemen. The time of Tianzhou and Haihuang is synchronized. The descendants of Canghai should have disappeared for at least nearly 300 years!"

"Nearly 300 years!" Han Bingyi took a deep breath, stood there slightly dumbfounded, and then bowed to Qing Qianzang again, "Thank you, real person, for sharing the news!"

Qingqianzang nodded.

"Don't worry! God bless the sea, everything is safe! Farewell!"

After all, Qingqianzang said no more.

In the void, Qing Qianzang stepped out, his figure disappeared instantly, and went straight to the direction of Dongfang Chongling.

And Han Bingyi looked at the direction where Qing Qianzang disappeared, his eyes were slightly dazed.

Many things, do not know, are concerned.Got it, so what?

Han Bingyi gently bit the corner of her mouth, her beautiful face was full of confusion.She had no idea what she could do.

Practice hard and move forward.However, she didn't know how far she was from Amu, or if it was even further.

Happiness and sorrow seem to be the same taste.

Han Bingyi sighed.Then, with a thought.A group of red clouds appeared.The horse king of war spirit, neighing to the sky, his four hooves are like fire.

Take it easy!Because, Han Bingyi doesn't know where the road is.

In the boundless Three Realms, indifferent to the Northern Wilderness.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The day of black and white, Shura Mozhou!
In the Shura world, the seven stars accompany the moon.The northernmost point is the Remnant Star Field.Back then, when Amu and Li Shui first entered the Asura Realm, the Remnant Starfield was their first stop.

Longxiu used the entire Demon Continent to restore the ghost coffin, causing the Shura World to expand infinitely, and the aura was extremely thin.Now, the Shura world has stopped expanding, and everything is slightly better.

However, the Remnant Starfield is still the most barren starfield in the Demon Continent.

Shura time, I don't know how many years ago, Bai Wuming, the head of the Bai Luomen sect, returned.Then, with the improvement of his own strength and the support of Wuhen Valley, he unified the three major star regions in the north of Shura.

The three star regions of Zhan, Dou, and Remnant are now under the rule of Bai Luomen.

However, the star field is far away.The Remnant Star Field has not changed much.

Endless floating land, floating in the void.Scatteredly, there were individual monks sitting on the floating land, but they were all minor cultivators in the Tribulation Realm.

The Remnant Starfield seems to be more desolate and dead than before.

At this time, there is a black horse in the void that shuttles across the stars like lightning.That immediately turned out to be a purple-clothed ghost-faced woman.

Mo Yunma, Shen Yan.

The horse is like lightning, that is almost a space jump.Some of the tribulation monks who practiced on the third-level floating land couldn't see what it was at all.

They only feel that there seems to be a fleeting light in the void.

One part of the Canbei Starfield is a large lake.In fact, it is not a big lake.It was a vortex with a radius of nearly a hundred miles that formed after the disappearance of the Temple of the Ancients after Amu walked out of the chess world of the king of gods.

The Temple of Eternity used to be the support for many monks in the Canbei Starfield to practice.It is opened once every ten thousand years, and there are always many magic weapons scattered around.At that time, there were many monks practicing in the surrounding area.

However, when Amu walked out of the chess world holding the two coffins of gods and demons in his hand, the Temple of Eternity completed its mission.

For thousands of years, although there are still monks practicing here, they are not as numerous as before.

Mo Yunma was like a dragon, a phantom ink line streaked through the air, and then suddenly stopped a few miles away from the big lake.

Shen Yan has the face of a supreme ghost and god, so she can't see her expression, but this is her ultimate goal.

One man and one horse, standing still in the void.

This still attracted the attention of some monks around.

Yin-Yang Realm, True Immortal, and even a Profound Immortal...

Most of these are low-level monks in the Shura world.However, low realm does not mean that there is no insight.

They have definitely heard of all the rulers of Shura Demon Continent.

The black horse, the purple clothes, and especially that grimace.These iconic outfits instantly reminded them of something.

Asura purple clothes?Princess Shura!
That is definitely a character who can cover the sky with one hand in Shura Demon Continent.

Sitting on hundreds of millions of Shuras, he is only in charge of the country for you.

No one in the world of Shura would suspect that as long as Princess Shura made a move to ascend the heights, no matter if it was the blood moon or the monks on the seven stars, they would risk their lives for Princess Shura and fight desperately.

Shura's Purple Clothes Order moves the Demon Continent.

In the world of Mozhou, if there is one person who can command everyone, it must be Shen Yan.This point, neither Shura Ghost King, Wuhen Valley Master, nor the mysterious Cloud Star Field's Muyun Villa Master can do it.

She is the goddess of the Shura world!

"This junior pays homage to Princess Shura—"

"Cultivator Sun Yi, pay homage to Princess Shura—"

"Gu Guangzi Bai Luomen, pay homage to Princess Shura—"

All the monks around, who saw the smoke, all knelt down and bowed down.But they are all kneeling far away, and the voice is transmitted with immortal power, and they never dare to step forward to disturb them.

"Back off!" Shen Yan stood on the horse, didn't say much, just said two words coldly.


Looking at the surroundings, all the monks' swords, the Zongguang's Zongguang.All kinds of flying magic weapons were sacrificed, and in an instant, they disappeared without a trace.


Shura Ziyi's words, even if Bai Wuming is here, must be carried out immediately.

Shen Yan's spiritual consciousness swept away, and there seemed to be scattered monks in the distance.They probably thought it was far enough.

"Those within ten thousand miles, kill!"

Shen Yan's voice was enough to spread thousands of miles away.For a while, those monks who were far away avoided again.

Shen Yan's divine sense was scanned three times.Within ten thousand miles, there was no one else.

Then, Shen Yan made a seal with both hands.

It was a kind of ghost master's secret technique. Seeing Shen Yan's eyebrows shone slightly, and then a crystal clear soul blood floated on Shen Yan's eyebrows like stars.

That's Amu's soul blood!

Amu bears the inheritance of the God of War family, and was resurrected by the blood of the King of War Soul.Therefore, Amu can definitely be called a half-protoss.

This vortex in the Remnant Starfield is the gate to enter the God King Chess Realm.

Non-Protoss bloodlines cannot pass!

Therefore, Shen Yan must use this drop of Amu's soul blood if he wants to enter the world of God King Chess.

The moment Amu's soul blood floated in the void, the vortex of the eternal temple froze instantly.Then, following Shen Yan's imprinting method, Amu's soul blood shone again.

In the soul blood, there seemed to be the shadow of Amu sitting cross-legged.


The gate of the realm has a sense.The phantom gate of the eternal temple in the vortex opened slowly.

An ancient but peaceful breath came.That is the breath of God's Domain!

"Ji Guang, excuse me!" Shen Yan said silently in her heart, "It's been almost 300 years, and I still don't know where Wang Han is! Within the Three Realms, only you can keep up with time."

Shen Yan rode his horse straight into the boundary gate.

(End of this chapter)

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