nine coffins

Chapter 999 Fisherman!You are not at the 5th level of the original immortal!

Chapter 999 Fisherman!You are not at the fifth level of the original immortal!

Array of Six Paths, Six Paths of Reincarnation.

A vortex is a world.A drop of sea water hides a door of life and death.Gold, blue, red, yellow, white, and black are six colors, and waves appear in the sea water, and the roads are spinning.

In a radius of hundreds of miles, disillusionment is endless.

Back then, Amu was responsible for the inheritance of Tianhu's fairy steps, one step at a time.Only then can he completely disregard the Six Paths and easily break through the formation of the Six Paths.

At this time, 36 black lights crisscrossed the western sea, sweeping towards them.After Qingshan, it didn't stop.The ancient meditative practice only took one day and one night, and it was close to the six realms.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Drizzle in the morning, scattered the sea of ​​bitterness.On the big river, there are little waves.

The fisherman wears a bamboo hat, carries a fish basket on his back, holds a fishing rod, and stands barefoot on the big river with his trousers tied.His eyes narrowed slightly, looking west.

Although the Qingshan lineage was destroyed, Liudao might be able to stop the enemy for a few days.After all, Amu is the only person in the Three Realms who bears the inheritance of the Heavenly Fox Immortal Steps.

The formation of six paths should not be taken lightly.The fisherman thought about it.

However, within a short while, there were already many black spots flying over the western sea.

"Huh?" The fisherman raised his eyebrows, "The formation of six paths is broken!"

Sure enough, the visitor was not good!This speed was somewhat beyond his expectation.

The fisherman's face turned slightly cold.This time, it was absolutely different from the situation of Amusilai back then.When those black dots appeared, the fisherman was ready to kill.

If you want to destroy the paradise, your heart can be punished.The big river is rolling, and the water is getting more and more urgent.

Those black spots gradually approached, and the 36 meditators still formed a cone-shaped array.It was like a black dagger, inserted into the hinterland of the sea of ​​bitterness abruptly, invincible.

"Who is blocking the way?" The leader, Heipao Mingxiu, stood tens of miles away.

The black robe ghost face, the whole body is dark.Ancient Meditation!
The fisherman saw through the opponent's background at a glance, and couldn't help being shocked.No wonder, the Qingshan lineage was destroyed so quickly.

According to legend, the ancient Ming Xiu was the guard of Ming Zun.

They are all dead ancient monks who obtained the power of Hades and cultivated again.Meditation practice is neither human, nor ghost, nor immortal, nor demon, no more reincarnation, transcending the six realms.

No wonder, they can easily pass through the formation of the Six Paths, because the Six Paths are not effective for meditation.In their minds, there is no six realms at all.

However, after the Great War of the Ancients, Hades disappeared.There is no trace of meditation in the Three Realms.Unexpectedly, Yaoshan found out that he had practiced meditation.

This is the beginning of chaos in the Three Realms!
"Promised land, fisherman!" The fisherman's answer was very simple.At the same time, the aura around him has completely dissipated.However, it still looks like the fifth level of the original immortal.

"Get out of the way, let me spare you! Those who stand in the way, kill without mercy!" The black-robed Mingxiu's tone was cold, like a machine.

"Hahaha——" the fisherman glanced at the ancient meditation, and laughed up to the sky, "What an arrogant tone! Let me tell you, ever since my fisherman guarded the big river, as long as I don't want to, no one from the west has been able to set foot on it. Promised Land!"

"We are the ones who open the way for the Lord of the Underworld!" The cloak behind the man in black moved slightly, as if he wanted to suppress the fisherman in the name of the Lord of the Underworld.

"It's ridiculous! You can say this to an ignorant child." The fisherman sneered disdainfully, "If Mingzun comes to the paradise, do you still need to come from the west? Your lord, you can enter the three realms in one step. Wait, it's just a blindfold!"

"The Qingshan lineage, not one left!" Heipao Mingxiu threatened again.

"Hehe!" The fisherman's fishing rod moved slightly, "I'm not the white-clothed mother-in-law. This mighty river is a hundred times stronger than the green mountains. If you can kill my fisherman, you can be regarded as half a step into the paradise. Otherwise, today you are all the gods of the underworld." Martyrs!"

"Kill!" The leader, Heipao Mingxiu, didn't say anything more, but the word "cold" popped out of his mouth.He and the 35 original immortals behind him moved at the same time.

With the prestige of destroying Qingshan, they want everything to repeat itself.

However, the fisherman's movement was not slow at all, even a little faster.

The three treasures of the fisherman, the paradise is invincible.That is definitely not comparable to Qingshan's white-clothed mother-in-law.

The water of the big river keeps rolling.

Above the drizzle, there seems to be a roar.

At the same time that the 36 original immortals released their coercion, the bamboo hat on the fisherman's head had already soared into the sky.The sky-covering bamboo hat rises against the wind and spreads straight for hundreds of miles in an instant.

That is to recreate the world between the sea and the sky.

The morning drizzle stopped suddenly.That bamboo hat is like sealing the sky.

Back then, the sky-shrouding hat once resisted the magic coffin.At this time, the nearly eternal coercion emanating from the 36 original immortals was held back by the sky-shrouding bamboo hat and dissipated invisible.

"Hmm!" The leader, the black-robed meditator, was startled.The fisherman in Paradise deserves his reputation.The method used on the white-clothed mother-in-law just now is completely ineffective.

It is impossible for them to pass the level as easily as before.

At the same time, look at the fisherman waving with one hand.He flicked the dragon fishing rod in his hand, but there was no fishing line.Only the sound of "嗤嗤" came through the air.

The dragon fishing rod can catch dragon beasts and destroy original immortals.

"Patriarch, this disciple is about to start killing!" the fisherman said silently in his heart.


The dragon fishing rod is like a long whip, with a wide range.

The leader, the black-robed monk, was the first to bear the brunt, but he was in the fifth level of the original immortal realm, so he reacted quickly.In the void, as soon as the figure is hidden, it disappears without a trace.

The meditators behind him are all extraordinary.However, they didn't have Amu's dagger back then.With a wave, the fishing line is broken.

A fishing line is the Ecstasy Lock.

The fisherman waved lightly, and the line trail was completely invisible in the void.The leading meditation escaped, and most of the subsequent meditations also escaped.

However, the weakest Yuanxians achieved great success, but they did not escape the fisherman's fishing line.

Puff - puff - ah -

As the fishing line swept across, the three meditation cultivators in the void screamed and were cut down by him.

The black blood mist is like an ink-colored flower blooming.And the three corpses fell directly into the river with the rain, and then instantly turned into black ash, rolling away.

"Hmm—" During the meditation, several exclamations were made.

The fisherman's means far exceeded their expectations.Killing three Yuanxian Mingxiu with one move made people shudder.When the big river blocks the way, the paradise is difficult to reach.

Fisherman's level is not easy.

"Hmph!" Once the move was successful, the fisherman didn't stop.

The dragon fishing pole, waving left and right, almost kills people invisible.

Pupu - Chichi -

Another two Yuanxians didn't escape, their throats were locked and they fell.He fell into the river and disappeared without a trace.

The murderous intent and tactics of the fisherman frightened these ancient meditators for a while.

"Scatter!" The leader, the black-robed meditator, shouted from somewhere.


The remaining [-] people dispersed instantly.In the void, it became the shape of a giant fan, and each person was separated by tens of miles.

Such a distance will not have any effect on the attack of the original immortal level, but they can avoid the situation where several people fall under the same fishing line of the fisherman.


A meditation cultivator who was also at the fifth level of the original immortal rushed down first.At some point, a white bone sword appeared in his hand.The white light is glaring and gloomy.

That white bone sword is definitely not ordinary.

The fisherman glanced at it lightly, but didn't take it seriously.With a flick of the dragon fishing rod, he went straight to the fifth level of the original immortal.

On the surface, this is a duel of the same level.However, the strength displayed by the fisherman is far superior to that of Yuan Xian Wuzhong.The ancient meditator even felt a sense of oppression that only a high-level Yuanxian can exude.

This fisherman is definitely not an ordinary monk.


The white bone sword seemed to intersect with the dragon fishing line.The bone sword actually snapped in response.However, in an instant, the white bone sword released countless bone spurs, which seemed to bloom and entangled the fishing line.


Explode suddenly!

Countless white powders scattered in the void, like white sand starbursts.However, each grain of white sand contained ghost power, which seemed to cover the fisherman's eyes.

The force of the explosion just now caused the fishing rod in the fisherman's hand to bounce slightly.The fishing line just now was directly blown off.And the other meditations, taking advantage of the moment just now, launched an attack almost at the same time.

All kinds of magic weapons are flying down from the sky.Colorful and amazingly powerful.Moreover, all attack power is concentrated on one point.

The power of thirty original immortals is overwhelming.

Only, the leading meditator quietly floated in the void and did not make a move.This kind of Yuanxian's attack is like a pack of wolves attacking a tiger, almost impossible to parry.

However, looking at the fisherman with a sneer on his face, he did not panic at all.

"Take it!" The fisherman lowered his head slightly.The fish basket on his back suddenly flew up.

Qiankun fish basket can hold Qiankun.

The cyan brilliance suddenly radiated from the fish basket.

Thousands of suction, can not break free.Just now, under the gravitational force of the cosmic fish basket, the magic weapons sacrificed by the original immortals fell like stars.

In an instant, it turned into a ray of light and entered the universe.

That is an absolutely heaven-defying method!
"Hahaha——" the fisherman looked up to the sky and laughed, and then mocked, "The magic weapons of the ancient meditation are all scrap copper and iron, so don't worry about it!"

As he said that, he looked at the Qiankun fish basket turning slightly, the green glow skyrocketed, and there seemed to be vibrations inside.


Green smoke spewed out, and the magic weapons really came out from it just now.It's just that all the brilliance of the magic weapon is gone, and the shape is dilapidated.

Those magical treasures that were at least the original immortal level, and even a few quasi-ancient heavenly treasures, were all scrapped.Immediately, it fell into the big river, rolling and sinking.

The Three Treasures of the Fisherman - the Bamboo Hat Covering the Sky, the Qiankun Fish Creel, and the Dragon Fishing Pole.They were handed down by the patriarch of the green soul back then. How could it be normal to be able to fight against gods and demons?
Such a powerful magic weapon, such a powerful fisherman!
After a few rounds, soldiers were lost and generals were lost, and all magic weapons were lost.The ancient meditator stood still in the sea of ​​suffering for a while, not daring to step forward.

"Fisherman in Paradise, the fruit is extraordinary!" the leader, Mingxiu, said in a deep voice.

"Small test!" The fisherman sneered, "Today, I want to seek justice for the lives of hundreds of people in the Qingshan lineage. How can you bully each other with the ancient flow of the paradise, which has been passed down for thousands of years?"

As he said that, he watched the fisherman make a seal with one hand.

"Paradise, sky burial!" the fisherman softly shouted.

In an instant, the sky-covering bamboo hat spun rapidly, creating a hurricane with a radius of hundreds of miles.On the sea of ​​bitterness, huge waves are rolling, like a group of dragons absorbing water.

A vortex of hundreds of feet rises into the sky, and there is more than one.At that moment, it was like a sea of ​​bitterness, with peaks rising in all directions, pointing directly to the sky.

Countless celestial powers seem to want to seal off the entire sea area.Everywhere in the world, there is power rushing.

At this time, all meditators feel that the world seems to be closing.The sky-covering bamboo hat exudes an extremely strong coercion, trying to crush all ancient meditations.

That is an indiscriminate attack! The 31 original immortals were shocked.

The fisherman, standing quietly on the big river, did not move extraneously.However, the entire world around him is under his control.

"Fisherman, you are not the fifth level of the original immortal at all!" The head of the black-clothed meditator shouted in a deep voice.Because, everything in front of him is definitely not the power that Yuan Xian Wuzhong can control.

(End of this chapter)

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