Mysterious recovery: I have a corpse vein

Chapter 102 Become an Actor in a Horror Movie

Chapter 102 Becoming an Actor in a Horror Movie

Luo Yan opened his eyes, the feeling of coldness and suffocation disappeared, and his whole body felt warm.

The breeze is blowing, and the fragrance of wheat is overflowing.

He stood impressively in a wheat field, his waist slightly bent.

He holds the straw in his left hand, holds a sickle in his right, and hangs a towel around his neck.

It seems to be the season of busy autumn harvest.

But the whole world stands still.

Luo Yan couldn't move, he could only absorb and digest the information in his mind.

At this moment, he is in the world of a horror movie "Watching the Rye Field"!

Anyone who has come into contact with or seen related promotional posters will be drawn into the world of horror movies and become an actor in it.

In horror movies, you will encounter real ghosts and curses. As an actor, you must face all the horrors according to the script and find a way to survive until the end of the movie.

For the actors who were cast, there were no other options.

Apart from death, the only option is to cooperate with the show!

After the shooting of the horror movie is completed, it will be released simultaneously in an unknown theater, and all the surviving actors will enter there.

At the same time, being an actor is like being cursed with horror, and while you can leave the theater, you have to be in the next horror movie every once in a while, without exception.

But the information stated that as long as he could become a five-star actor and successfully survived three horror movies of that level, he could leave forever without acting in any more horror movies.

Meanwhile, there is another way out of the theater curse.

That is to accumulate [-] redemption papers!
Redemption is the remuneration that actors get after each movie is over, according to the number of scenes and the importance of the role.

In addition to being used to get rid of the curse of the theater, it also plays a vital role in movie performances.

Normally, actors must play their roles according to the content of the script in mind.

But every horror movie shown in this theater ends with no survivors!
All actors must die!
This is a real death. Once the character dies, the actor who plays it will also lose his life and die completely!

At this time, redeeming the death scroll is extremely important!
It allows actors to behave differently from the script, and change the outcome of their own death by way of deductions.

For example, there is a ghost in the wheat field.

The script arranges for a character to enter the wheat field to be killed by a ghost, but if he does not enter, then a certain number of death scrolls he owns will be deducted.

Of course, you can overdraft the dead roll, but the maximum amount should not exceed 300.

And after the show is over, when you go back to the theater for settlement, once the redemption roll is negative, even if you survive the horror movie successfully, you will be obliterated by unknown horrors!

In addition, even if there is a redemption paper, actors cannot do whatever they want!
They have to do everything as characters in the movie, the basic behavior cannot be changed.

For example, you know there are ghosts through the script, but you can't speak out to remind everyone; you can't call the actor's real name, and you can't discuss anything about horror movies.

All in all, it is to completely regard oneself as a character in the movie and completely abandon the original identity.

In a movie, you can only be a character!
At the same time, in the script displayed in my mind, some words are red, and this part of the content must be executed, and there is no room for rejection.

If it is not implemented, there will only be death!
After all, how can a thrilling horror movie be made if all the actors are willing to deduct dead rolls instead of acting according to the script.

At this moment, a basic introduction to the horror movie "Watching the Rye Field" has appeared in Luo Yan's mind.

This movie tells the story of Li Wangnan, the only student in Yunmai Village who was admitted to university, taking advantage of the National Day holiday to bring his classmates to his hometown to play, and just happened to be involved in a strange incident that erupted quietly.

In the end, no one survived!

The introduction is very short, but there are only a few numbers, but it contains great horror.

Then, the plot of the first act appeared in Luo Yan's mind, including every line and action of all the characters who had come into contact with the protagonist.

The next moment, he can move!
The breeze carried heat, rolling the low-hanging ears of wheat, emitting bursts of aroma.

Luo Yan's eyes flickered slightly. He was going to play a young man named Li Cheng. He was born with a serious vision problem in his right eye and had to wear a monocle.

And in the third year of high school, in order to be admitted to university, he stayed up late studying frantically, and eventually broke down, and his hair became sickly pale.

In the end, he had to give up his university dream and returned to his hometown to work in peace in the mountain village.

It seems that the script will give a reasonable explanation for all the characteristics of each character.

And what entered this horror movie world was their own body!

Luo Yan understood something, checked the plot, and found that there was nothing particularly weird in the first scene.

Only, at the end of the first act.

he died.

Li Cheng, is the only character who died in the first act!
But Luo Yan didn't feel nervous or uneasy.

Because he can perceive the power of ghost bones and ghost blood!

He can easily use it even now!

However, in the information he received, there were rules about using the power of ghosts.

For every ten seconds of use, a redemption ticket equal to the salary of the horror film must be deducted.

But even if it is only for a second, this huge price must be paid.

And Luo Yan knew clearly that he was only playing a supporting role, and the salary was only 100 points to redeem the dead roll.

He only has one chance to use his strength!

And once more than ten seconds, the redemption roll he needs to pay will become 200 points.

His salary alone is not enough to pay!
But even if there is only one chance, Luo Yan believes that it is enough for him to survive the first scene smoothly.

As for the plot of the following movie, how he should survive is not something that should be considered now.

In the face of terror, the most taboo thing is to aim too high.

Living in the moment and carefully analyzing the situation is the best choice.

And since the rules allow overdraft, it means that in the plot world, there are other ways to earn dead rolls.

Pay is not the only way.

Otherwise, once you overdraw, you can only wait for death, so why set such a rule?

Luo Yan thought about it calmly, and had no intention of complaining about his luck when he fell into this weird movie world.

On the contrary, he was even a little excited!

Not long ago, he was confused about his life and annoyed that he couldn't find the hidden clues in his body.

But there was one thing that he was sure of from beginning to end.

That is, only when you become strong enough can you discover clues and seize opportunities!
But right now, everything about this weird thing is telling him.

You, Luo Yan!

Involved in an extremely weird and secretive supernatural event!
This made him immediately think of the ghost post office in the memory of the original book, which was built during the Republic of China and had an unpredictable purpose.

Among them, there are a group of messengers who are struggling to survive.

Under the control of the ghost post office, they either die, or continue to steal power in supernatural events, become ghost masters, and become stronger step by step.

But now, Luo Yan has entered such a weird world of horror movies.

And was told that if they survived, they would enter an unknown movie theater, where the movies they performed were being played simultaneously.

Perhaps, it can be called a ghost theater!
It is its power that creates the world of the movie, and at the same time sets the rules, so that actors like Luo Yan can only follow the so-called script and struggle to survive in the supernatural.

For a while, Luo Yan thought a lot.

And because he knew the existence of the ghost post office, apart from being curious about everything in front of him, he had no fear at all.

He looked around, the blue sky was cloudy, and the green hills were lush.

The wheat field in front of me stretches as far as the eye can see, stretching to the foot of the mountain in the distance, which is hard to see clearly.

And the deep insect chirping, the fresh wheat fragrance, everything is full of reality, not a dream.

This can only be done by the power of the ghost domain.

Luo Yan was thoughtful, at this time, several figures walked up the path beside the wheat field.

He cast his eyes and looked carefully.

The one who was in the lead was a handsome young man, wearing glasses, his every move showed a feeling of frailty, and there was an imperceptible air of book.

Beside him were two young men and a young girl.

The two young men were tall and the other short. The taller one seemed to be exercising regularly, and one could see the strong muscles under the clothes at a glance. The bridge of the nose was straight, and the eyes were bright, giving people a feeling of sunshine.

On the other hand, the shorter young man looks more ordinary, with small eyes, which may not be seen when he smiles.

The girl has fair skin and a pretty face, wearing light blue denim trousers, she is at the age of youth.

At this moment, Luo Yan and others clearly understood.

The plot has officially begun!

Act One, Action!

"This wheat field is really big. Have we been walking for almost 10 minutes? It's not over yet." The tall and sunny young man said loudly, full of sighs.

Luo Yan looked at his expression, a little unsure if he was an actor.

His demeanor is so natural.

In the script, although he knew all the plots and lines of the first act, the only actors he could be sure of were the male lead and the female lead.

Apart from that, he has no idea whether the others are actors or original people in this world.

"Yes, yes, after walking for so long, I can hardly walk anymore." The short young man stammered as he spoke, as if he was trying his best to present the expression required in the script.

Luo Yan immediately noticed that there was intense fear in his eyes, and his pupils were expanding and contracting unconsciously, as if he was in great anxiety.

When speaking the lines, I can obviously feel very flustered. It feels like I am reading a sentence without any emotion.

It seems that this person is also an actor.

Looking at his frightened appearance, Luo Yan suddenly remembered the experience of drowning in the dark tide and almost dying.

Did every actor experience the same horror?

It seems that only through this kind of weird and terrifying method can the awe of the ghost theater be created in the actors' hearts in a short period of time, and they believe in everything they will face next.

Horror, but also a swift metamorphosis?
At this time, the handsome young man said, "You think our Yunmai Village is worthless!"

"Almost all the fields around our village are wheat fields. Even if we don't take care of them, we can have a bumper harvest in the end."

"It stretches for miles, and when it is mature, it is like a whole piece of cloud connected together, and it can't be cut off!"

According to the script, Luo Yan instantly understood his identity.

Li Wangnan, the leading actor in "Watching the Rye Field"!
There is no doubt that a supporting role like Luo Yan will never survive to the end in the script.

But for the protagonist, as long as he doesn't die and is lucky, he can live a lot longer than the supporting characters.

"Persevere, there are still a few minutes to finish this piece of wheat cloud."

Li Wangnan smiled, with a hint of pride in his hometown on his face, and asked the pretty girl beside him, "Lin Zhi, how are you doing? Are you still holding on?"

Lin Zhi, the heroine of this movie, is introduced as Li Wangnan's girlfriend!

There was an unnatural smile on Lin Zhi's face, with fear in his eyes, he forced a smile and said: "I'm not a daughter who can't bear hardships, walking a little way is nothing."

After finishing her lines, she was visibly relieved.

But such small actions are clearly within the allowed range.

After all, this is a horror movie, and everyone is not a professional actor. If every line and every action must be in place, the requirements are too high.

As long as it doesn't affect the progress of the plot, the restrictions are quite loose in these aspects.

Luo Yan watched all of this, and finally came to his lines.

He waved his palm holding the sickle and shouted, "Xiao Nan, why are you back!?"

Li Wangnan looked over, his eyes skipped over the heavy ears of wheat, and landed on Luo Yan behind him.

"Brother Cheng!" Li Wangnan shouted excitedly, and several people quickly walked in front of him.

He continued: "Isn't this the National Day holiday? I just wanted to bring my classmates to see Mai Yun in our village."

After all, he followed the script and introduced everyone to each other.

Luo Yan spoke his lines in a timely manner, and according to the script, he already knew the corresponding identities of everyone.

The young man with sunny muscles is named He Yun, while the young man with smaller eyes is Tian Yang.

Together with the heroine Lin Zhi, the three of them are classmates of the hero Li Wangnan.

At this time, a crisp female voice came from the other side.

Everyone looked around and saw a young girl walking towards the end of the path.

She has exquisite facial features, bright eyes and white teeth, and her short hair flutters in the breeze. Even a simple T-shirt can't hide her beauty.

"Ah Cheng! Xiao Nan!"

Luo Yan looked at her, his pupils shrank slightly.

It was her!

Liu Xueer! ?

When the other party saw him, he couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

Fortunately, Liu Xueer resisted the urge to call out Luo Yan's name.

She knew very well that once the actor's real name was called out.

It will trigger NG!

NG, an exclusive term in movies, also exists in the script world of this horror movie.

Once someone takes an action that seriously violates the logic of the character, touches the bottom line of changing the plot, or openly talks about the real world outside the script, says his real name, etc., the NG will be triggered immediately.

This scene will be repeated again.

And the actors who trigger NG will also be severely punished.

But in a movie, NG can only have up to three times.

If it happens for the fourth time, then all the actors will die!
Behind this rule, there is also a short sentence.

"If there is no hope of survival, and you want to rely on NG to drag all the actors to die together, then you can try."

Just looking at it makes people shudder, and if you try it, something extremely terrifying will definitely happen!

 Tribute to "Hell Cinema", everyone should have seen it~.~
(End of this chapter)

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