Chapter 104 Shit Script
Luo Yan sighed.

But after thinking about it, it was only ten minutes before the start of the plot.

If these scenes are edited into a movie, I am afraid that there will only be 3 minutes of footage.

The drama is far from beginning!
At this time, Li Wangnan and his group had already appeared on the path.

Through the script, Luo Yan was very clear about what happened after they entered the village.

Soon, they came close.

The tall and sunny He Yun smiled and said, "Wang Nan, you have thin arms and legs, have you ever cut wheat before?"

Tian Yang blinked his small eyes and said, "Since his mother dared to let him come, he must be considered a veteran?"

"That's right! I used to harvest one or two acres of wheat by myself during the autumn harvest every year!" Li Wangnan said, walking to the wheat field beside Luo Yan.

Lin Zhi smiled and looked around, only to see that the surrounding wheat fields were almost full of busy figures.

Only in the wheat field that Li Wangnan was walking towards, no one was busy, only a simple scarecrow stood upright.

"Where did the real dad go?" Li Wangnan complained softly.

When the surrounding villagers saw Li Wangnan's figure, they joked repeatedly.

"Xiao Nan, it's rare to come back for the National Day, why are you still working in the fields?"

"Look, his classmates are still watching, so Li Peng doesn't know where to hide? Let his son have no time to spend with his classmates."

"Who knows, it seems that I haven't seen anyone since early in the morning."

Li Wangnan listened silently, keenly aware that the weirdness of this horror movie may come from his father.

As he thought about it, he began to cut the wheat.

But he is also a person who has never done farm work. Although his lines are loud, his hands are very stretched.

He Yun, who was standing by the side of the road, acted as if he hadn't seen it, and said according to the lines: "It seems that harvesting wheat is very interesting, and I will help you too."

"I'll try it too." Tian Yang smiled, and started cutting the wheat together.

Only Lin Zhi walked into the wheat field, stood behind the three of them, and clapped his hands: "Then I will cheer for you."

At this moment, except for the heroine Lin Zhi, all of them were cutting wheat with their heads down, as if they had truly integrated into this world.

But if you look closely, you can find that whether it is Luo Yan or Li Wangnan, the movements of their hands are extremely slow, almost cutting once and stopping for half a minute.

After a while, the three rows of wheat were not harvested.

The other wheat fields around them were already empty, and they moved forward a lot.

Luo Yan's face was full of sweat, and he gradually became bored. He walked to the side and sat down, looking at the wheat field.

The golden wheat ears are connected into one piece, and there is almost no end in sight.

One by one, simple or exquisite scarecrows stand in it, and birds fly from time to time, full of tranquility and peace.

After watching for a long time, he didn't feel any strange breath in a daze.

I remember the wheat field on that poster was stained with blood. What would the ghost of this horror movie look like?

Luo Yan thought about it, and kept looking at the people around him. Now, he was almost sure that these people were all actors.

After all, apart from them, no one would harvest the wheat so slowly.

Before he knew it, he had already rested for 10 minutes.

Suddenly, his face changed slightly, and the number of the death scroll appeared in his mind, which was originally 100.

But at this time, it started to be deducted and became 99!

After ten seconds, 99 becomes 98!

Luo Yan instantly realized that he had been resting for too long and had violated the arrangement of the script.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly got up and started cutting the wheat again.

Although he has ghost bones and ghost blood, he is confident that he will survive at the end of the first act.

But something like the Dead Scroll is essential to survival in a horror movie.

Even if it's just a little bit, you have to cherish it!
In desperation, Luo Yan began to bury his head in cutting the wheat again, and couldn't help but feel a little slanderous.

This role of Li Cheng is too boring, besides cutting the wheat, it is like being squeezed by the capitalists, and the donkeys of the production team dare not do it!
At this time, Liu Xueer, who was working hard at the side, said: "It's almost time, I'll go back and cook first, and I'll bring it to you later."

Luo Yan nodded, suddenly, a cry of pain sounded in the wheat field.


For a moment, everyone put down what they were doing and looked towards the place where the scream came out.

I saw a middle-aged uncle clutching his arm, blood gushing out unstoppably, dyeing the ears of wheat extremely red.

The middle-aged woman on the side seemed to be his wife, she couldn't help complaining while worried: "Look at you, don't you know you should be more careful!?"

"This hole is so big, hurry up, let's go back to the village and bandage it."

Everyone looked around and saw that although the wound on the arm was a bit scary, it was not life-threatening after all.

After watching them leave, they threw themselves into harvesting wheat again.

But Li Wangnan and the others glanced across the wheat field from time to time, focusing especially on the ears of wheat that were stained red with blood.

They, reminded of the promotional poster of this horror movie.

Strange, it seems to be happening quietly.

But the roles they play, obviously don't feel anything out of the ordinary.

It's just that at this time, there were some whispers in the wheat field.

"Isn't it the first time I've been cut by wheat?"

"I remember it started yesterday. Li Laosan's leg was cut open suddenly, and the blood flowed all over the ground. It looked scary!"

"Didn't we have it together this morning, so it seems that half of their fingers have been cut off."

"Compared with this, the old grandson's injury just now is not light enough."

Everyone was talking, and after a moment of silence, someone suddenly said, "We won't have any conflicts in Yunmai Village this year, right?"

"It's a good autumn harvest, but the weather forecast says that there will be a thunderstorm the day after tomorrow, which is rare in ten years, so we can only cut the wheat desperately!"

"As a result, I worked around and got injured for no reason!"

"That cut is more terrifying than the one cut by a knife!"

"Bah, bah, bah! Hurry up and shut your crow's mouth! If you have the time to think about it, it's better to save your energy and cut more wheat!"

Someone drank, and the whispers gradually disappeared.

Li Wangnan and the others looked at each other, and gradually noticed the strange aura.

Soon, Zhang Qiaoqiao, played by Liu Xueer, left.

Time passed quietly, and the scorching sun gradually turned a shy blush, trying to hide in the mountains to the west.

He Yun and Tian Yang had already walked aside, sitting with Lin Zhi, enjoying the scenery just like in the script.

In the first scene, it was Li Cheng who died, which had nothing to do with them.

Unknowingly, they even had some enjoyment, unrealistically hoping that this horror movie could go on like this forever.

And Li Wangnan was still cutting the wheat.

After all, in the arrangement of the script, his father didn't know where he went. Before the heavy rain came, he could only shoulder the heavy responsibility of the autumn harvest.

But at this time, he wiped off his sweat, and said to Lin Zhi and the others: "Let's stop here, let's go back to eat first, and I will come by myself later in the evening."

"Ah? Are you still coming at night?" Lin Zhi showed displeasure on his reddened face.

Li Wangnan scratched his head in embarrassment: "There is no way, there will be heavy rain the day after tomorrow, if you don't finish harvesting the wheat quickly, it will all be ruined."

"But there are so many, can you finish collecting them?" He Yun said.

Li Wangnan said: "In previous years, we could finish harvesting, but this year there will be heavy rain."

The group was suffering, Luo Yan followed the lines and said, "Xiao Nan, you can have fun with your classmates at night, and I will help you."

"Ah, Brother Cheng, how can this be done!" Li Wangnan waved his hands embarrassingly.

Luo Yan continued: "It's just a small matter. Anyway, our two lands are next to each other, so it's just a few extra knives."

Li Wangnan wanted to refuse, but seeing Lin Zhi's expectant expression, and Tian Yang He Yun who faintly signaled him to agree, he finally nodded his head.

"Then thank you, brother Cheng, but you should go back early at night, don't be exhausted."

"Don't worry, brother, I know what's going on."

With a cold face, Luo Yan finished his lines very reluctantly.

What a shit script, be a good person, no wonder the first one dies!

(End of this chapter)

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