Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 114 Falling into a Ghost Cave

Chapter 114 Falling into a Ghost Cave
Xiao Ran stared vigilantly at the Corpse Fragrance Konjac, the demon flower didn't seem to have any other plans except to turn his head.

Regarding Xiao Ran's statement, Professor Chen added: "I have also heard that this corpse-flavored konjac originally grew in the Houyuetian Kingdom, and once flowed into the Central Plains through the Silk Road, but it disappeared because of unacceptable water and soil. It is said that this corpse Fragrant konjac grows in ancient tombs, which can keep corpses from decaying and give off fragrance. I thought this was just a myth mixed in historical materials, but I didn’t expect it to be true.”

The fat man heard the words and asked: "Then what brother Xiao said just now is also true? Could this big taro eat people?"

Professor Chen shook his head: "It doesn't necessarily eat people, but it is said that this corpse-scented konjac is also called the flower of evil spirits. Once it grows, evil spirits will live in it, and living people can't get close to it. What Xiaoran said just now is also considered a flower of evil spirits. Explain the origin of the name of this evil spirit. This flower is not only dangerous, but also extremely rare, everyone must be careful..."

According to Professor Chen, it is not only to let everyone be careful not to be harmed by the corpse-flavored konjac, but also to be careful not to hurt the corpse-flavored konjac.

"What do you mean?"

The fat man stared at the coffin of the Kunlun Shenmu, unable to move his eyes away.The treasures in the pile of funeral objects just now are all exquisite products that can shock the world, so there must be something even more extraordinary in the queen's coffin.

Moreover, this exquisite queen who tortured everyone all the way, Fatty wanted to see her true face.

"We'd rather not go there than take any risks," Professor Chen said.

Now it is only tens of meters away from Queen Jingjue's coffin, the purpose of Xiao Ran's trip, besides looking for the possible fragments of the Faqiu seal, is to help Prince Gumo completely deal with Queen Jingjue.The soul-locking Lingzhu also guaranteed that if the queen is killed, all curses can be lifted, preventing everyone from being buried by the wind and sand at sunset.

But now that Professor Chen objected to moving forward, Xiao Ran didn't want to take so many people to risk, so he had to use a flashlight to pretend to check the environment, and took the opportunity to hide behind a stone statue with giant pupils, taking advantage of Professor Chen's discussion with several other people about the corpse. From the gap between the fragrant konjac and the Kunlun Shenmu, a pendant of the yarrow nine-shaped pendant was pulled out.

This guy was suppressed by the power of the Jingjue Queen, and he has been silent all the way.But although he can't speak, other functions are still there.He secretly asked: "Xiao Jiu, can you hear me? Is the fragment of the Faqiu seal in this queen's tomb?"

Yajiu trembled slightly, and the tentacles around the pendant rose slowly, condensing into a pointer again, but pointing squarely at Xiao Ran's chest.

Xiao Ran suddenly remembered that there was still a fragment of the hair mound in his clothes, so he took out the cloth bag containing the fragments, put it under the yoke, and asked again.

This time, the pointer of Yi Jiu Kui turned continuously to the left and right, and then pointed to Xiao Ran again.

"You mean, there's nothing else but this fragment?"

Achilles Jiugui's pointer ticked slowly, as if nodding, and then slowly dispersed and retracted, turning into a silent copper button again.

Xiao Ran quickly stuffed everything back into his clothes.That being the case, you can clean up the queen without any scruples.We are now almost an hour before sunset, which should be enough.

It's just that the fragment that existed in Xijiang before, where is it?Xiao Ran felt dizzy for a moment, wouldn't he be hiding in another ruins of an ancient country in the Western Regions buried in the desert?
There was a sudden exclamation from behind, and he turned his head to look, but saw that the searchlight was pointing at the stone beam, illuminating the ghost cave characters on it.Hao Aiguo led Chu Jian and Sa Dipeng, and was walking towards Shiliang excitedly.

After all, in the queen's mausoleum, apart from the tattered burial objects and the rare Kunlun sacred tree, the most valuable thing is these ghost cave characters with unknown meanings.These texts are very likely to record all the truth about the ghost cave, which is more precious than the ghost cave text in the Blackstone Tower outside.

But Xiao Ran was startled, he said that the konjac with corpse fragrance would harm people, but why do these nerds insist on giving away their heads?

He rushed over and shouted as he ran, "Stop! It's dangerous!"

A strong fragrance of flowers suddenly drilled into his nostrils, he felt dizzy for a while, and staggered and fell to the ground.

Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang rushed over to help him up. Seeing the hole in his gas mask, Shirley Yang took out first-aid medical tape from his bag and wrapped the hole carefully: "This way we can deal with it a little..."

Xiao Ran shook his head, in a moment of anxiety, he was taken advantage of by the smell of corpse-scented konjac.He pointed to the three people who had already walked up to Shiliang and said, "Stop them quickly, or it will be too late."

Hu Bayi and Shirley Yang looked at Xiao Ran suspiciously, as if he had lost his mind.


At this moment, gunshots rang out suddenly, scaring the three of them into shock.Following the sound, the fat man pointed his gun at the three people in front of the stone beam, the gun still smoking.

"Fatty, you are crazy..."

Before he finished speaking, the fat man shot again, knocking out the shovel that Chu Jian was holding in the air in front of the stone beam.If he hadn't acted in time, Chu Jian's shovel would have hit Hao Aiguo's head now, and Hao Aiguo would have stabbed his own shovel into Sa Dipeng's stomach.

The three of them staggered like they were drunk, and the bare-handed Sa Dipeng clumsily picked up a stone and walked towards Chu Jian.

Hu Bayi finally came to his senses at this moment, and ran towards Shiliang together with Xiao Ran and Shirley Yang.The fat man who was closer took the lead, rushed over and threw Sa Dipeng to the ground.

Afterwards, the three arrived one after another, holding Chu Jian and Hao Aiguo down as well.The three members of the archaeological team kept struggling and laughing like crazy, shouting: "She's alive! She's alive!"

Xiao Ran and the others had no choice but to take out the climbing rope and tie the three of them back to back for fear that the three of them would hurt themselves and their teammates.

Hao Aiguo and the others stopped struggling, but sat on the ground and giggled.

"I didn't expect to be possessed by a ghost! There is indeed a ghost in this flower!" The fat man exclaimed.

Xiao Ran pulled the three of them up with the rope, and said to Hu Bayi and the others: "Take them away, use explosives to clean up this broken flower!"

Fatty and Shirley Yang were relatively close to the three of them, pulling them and running back.

A muffled "poof" sound came from behind, Xiao Ran and Hu Ba turned around subconsciously, the corpse-scented konjac between them, which was originally closed, has opened all its leaves at this moment, as quietly as a big mouth Facing two people.

Among the bright red and green leaves, the dark stamen twists and turns, shaped like a closed eye.With the fluctuation of the stamen, the eyes slowly opened, and there were actually two pupils in the eyes, staring at Xiao Ran and Hu Bayi.

Under the illumination of the lights, the pollen was like flying snow, almost completely covering the goggles of the gas mask.

Those flying large grains of pollen spread out one by one, and turned into white flying ants with head, chest, abdomen, legs, and wings, constantly hitting Xiao Ran and Hu Bayi's faces.

Xiao Ran waved his hands vigorously to block those flying ants, suddenly a withered black hand stretched out from the ants, and slapped him on the face.

He felt a powerful thrust that made him back again and again, and the space under his feet fell straight into the abyss of the black hole behind him.

The ant colony dissipated in an instant, and he saw a masked man staring at him on the edge of the cliff, getting farther and farther as he fell.

The fear of falling made him struggle hard, his body tensed suddenly, the darkness in front of him suddenly became blurred, and then slowly brightened again.


Xiao Ran sat up suddenly, as if having a nightmare.He felt that his eyes were white, his ears were buzzing, and it seemed that there was still a cold wind blowing across his cheeks.

He rubbed his eyes, and his vision slowly recovered. At this moment, he was actually on a snowy field.

"Are you all right!"

A familiar voice sounded, and a man in military uniform immediately crouched in front of him with a concerned face.

It's Hu Bayi!

(End of this chapter)

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