Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 118 Elimination of Dapu Ghost Insects

Chapter 118 Elimination of Dapu Ghost Insects
Hu Bayi looked at Xiao Ran, and said in confusion, "Xiao...Xiao..."

Hearing what Hu Bayi said, Xiao Ran patted his chest excitedly, and nodded to Hu Bayi repeatedly.Perhaps when he finds that Xiao Ran appears in this Kunlun Mountain memory, he will realize that this is just a dream, and he can wake up from it.

But Hu Bayi continued: "To kill so many fire ladybugs, one dynamite pack is not enough..."

Xiao Ran was so angry that he almost lost his breath, why is it so difficult to wake up Hu Bayi?However, he suddenly remembered that now the dapu ghost worms are in the form of infinite karmic fire of flames, and indeed only water can deal with them, and a few more explosive packs may not wait until all the dense dapu ghost worms are blown into ashes.

But since I can influence Hu Bayi's dreams, I might as well try to graft him again.

He grabbed Hu Bayi's shoulder, stared into his eyes, and repeated to him: "Snow...snowboard...snowboard..."

Hu Bayi was a little confused at the beginning, but quickly realized: "You mean to blow up the snowboard above and bury these bugs with snow?"

Xiao Ran quickly nodded, pointing to the dark space on the top of the tower: "There is snow..."

Hu Bayi turned his head and saw that the stone wall above the top of the tower, which was originally dark, turned out to be exactly the same as the mountain pass when they fell in. There was a lot of white snow covering the cracks in the mountain pass, temporarily forming a delicate balance. But there are already snow stars falling slowly in the air.

It's done!It may be impossible for Hu Bayi to believe that he is Xiao Ran who appeared more than ten years later.But now that the two environments in front of me are similar, and they are in the same memory area, this kind of "misleading" can really be achieved.

Hu Bayi's eyes suddenly showed a hint of cruelty, and he said to the others: "These insects have harmed so many people in our advance team, we can't just let them go like this. Just follow Gawazi's idea and bury them alive." ! Big guy..."

Hu Bayi wanted to call the tall and strong man to throw the explosive package. After all, among the few people in front of him, the big man was most likely to throw the explosive package as high as possible.

But before he finished speaking, the big man suddenly shot a shot not far in front of him. There was a burst of gunshots, and the muzzle flame instantly illuminated the terrified face of the big man.

"Big man! What are you doing?!"

Hu Bayi looked nervously at the nine-story demon tower, grabbing the big man's arm.The big man stopped shooting and raised his flashlight. In front of him, a creature the size of an alligator with a flat head, wide mouth, and protruding eyes fell to the ground. The bullet holes on his body were slightly smoking, and black blood flowed out.

"This is a salamander. It lives underground. It feeds on insects and mayflies. It doesn't hurt people."

Luo Ning spoke scientifically in a low voice, while Xiao Ran cursed secretly in his heart.Originally, I had calculated the distance so that I wouldn't encounter this thing, but I didn't expect that if I couldn't go there, the subterranean salamander took the initiative to find the door, and the big man shot in fright.

It seems that this is another memory point of Hu Bayi, no matter how much he calculates, he can't skip it at all.

There is not much time left for them now, some Dapu ghosts on the nine-story demon tower have slowly woken up, and ignited the mummy and cypress under them.There were also a few blue flames the size of a baseball, which had already followed the gunshots and flew towards them.

That being the case, there is no need to care about the volume of the sound.Hu Ba shouted to Xiao Ran: "Gawazi, you are good at marksmanship, hurry up..."

Come on!With these words in mind, Xiao Ran raised his gun and shot three times randomly, smashing the three ghost insects that flew to the front to pieces.

The big man took out two grenades, pulled the strings at the same time, and threw them forward. "Boom, boom" sounded twice, and dozens of ghost insects behind were also blown into powder.

Hu Ba threw the dynamite pack to the big man: "Throw it towards the top! The higher the better!"

The big man picked up the explosive bag, aimed at the top of the nine-story demon tower, and swung his arms around a few times.

But before he could throw it out, a ghost bug on the ground that was not completely killed by the blast shook its body, split into two small bugs, and flew towards the big man who threw the grenade with flames.

Xiao Ran shot one at a time and smashed one, and saw the other fly towards the big man's chest, but the big man had a resolute face, he wanted to risk his life to throw the explosive package out.

Xiao Ran was impatient for a moment, before he had time to think about it, he raised his foot and kicked on the waist of the big man.The big man fell to the ground by this kick, and the explosive package fell aside.

The little ghost worm flew past Xiao Ran's legs, the flames instantly surrounded Xiao Ran's trouser legs, and the ghost worm plunged into the body of the big salamander on the ground.The giant salamander instantly turned into a charred corpse on fire, and the air was filled with the scorching smell of burning flesh and the sound of "crackling".

Luo Ning and Hu Bayi quickly grabbed a lot of snow and covered Xiao Ran's legs.Although the fire was extinguished, Xiao Ran still felt a burning pain in his calf.The flame efficiency of this ghost bug was so high that it burned through the thick cotton trouser legs in an instant.

The salamander carcass was convulsed from being burned, as if it was about to cheat.The blue flame emerged from the corpse again, and was pulverized by Xiao Ran's single shot.

Seeing that more ghost insects had woken up with fluttering wings, Xiao Ran didn't care about the pain in his leg, picked up the explosive bag and ran two steps forward, and threw all his strength towards the top of the nine-story demon tower.

At this moment, the wooden tower was already in flames, but if they waited for the fire to burn through the explosives and cause an explosion, those Dapu ghost insects might burn the four people in front of them to ashes first.

Xiao Ran didn't care about the bugs that were getting closer, raised his gun, aimed at the explosive package that flew to the middle of the tower, and pulled the trigger.

At the same time, there was a burst of gunfire from behind, and the big man and Hu Bayi were shooting repeatedly, killing several ghost insects approaching Xiao Ran in mid-air.

There was a loud "boom", and the entire underground cave was trembling. It seemed that even the ghost insects flying in the air were temporarily shaken to stop in the air.

The burning cypress and mummy of the nine-story demon tower were blown up, and then there was another sound of heaven and earth cracking. Numerous ground cracks appeared on the mountain pass snowboard above the demon tower, which instantly shattered into snow mixed with this large piece of snow. The waterfall crashed down toward the nine-story demon tower.

The white waterfall instantly engulfed the burning demon tower, and there were still a large number of Dapu ghost insects that hadn't had time to fly away.The snowfall fell on the ground and aroused a white air wave as tall as a person, roaring towards Xiao Ran and the others.

"Come on!"

Hu Bayi and the big man pulled Xiao Ran and turned around to run, Luo Ning also followed them closely, breathlessly said: "There is the sound of water's... an underground river... Hurry up... "

Xiao Ran felt a huge wave whistling behind him, and several Dapu ghost insects that had been frozen into ice sculptures by a large amount of snow shavings flew past his ears, hit the stone wall and broke into pieces.

Almost in the next second, white air waves instantly surrounded Xiao Ran and Hu Bayi beside him.He felt a force lift himself up from the ground, he was rolled forward like a leaf, and his mind went blank during the suffocating rotation.

Before finally losing consciousness, he heard a huge sound of running water that was different from the roar of snow waves.He fell from a high place and fell under the sound of water, leaving only the sound of "gurgling" in the whole world.

(End of this chapter)

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