Chapter 134

Hearing what Shirley Yang said, the fat man looked nervously at the mummy of the little prophet, put his hand on the assault rifle and asked, "What do you mean? This baby prophet predicted that he was going to kill our group of people." Whose body is there?"

Professor Chen raised his head and said: "That's not what it means. The last few pictures in the book are about those of us who will enter this tomb because of the collapse of the mountain. And one of us is a descendant of the first holy tribe. The prophet will also show us a way to the outside, but there is one thing, we must not drop the parchment on the ground, otherwise the sky-swallowing sandstorm will come again, and the yellow sand will completely wipe out the ancient city of Jingjue and the sacred mountain of Zagrama. Buried until the end of time..."

After Professor Chen finished speaking, everyone looked at Xiao Ran, thinking that if the prophecy was true, then if Xiao Ran hadn't thrown the knife just now, they might have become the prophet's funeral by now. The prophet Shirley Yang was referring to was Xiao Ran.

Fatty suddenly realized, but immediately thought of a new question: "So, among us, some ancestors are from the same town as this doll prophet?"

He leaned over to the little prophet's mummified corpse and took a closer look, and said, "This doll really looks like a person from the Western Regions, with hooked noses...Miss Yang also has hooked noses! Could it be you?"

Everyone subconsciously looked at each other's noses, and found that only Shirley Yang's nose was a little bent. At first, everyone thought it was because she grew up in a foreign country.

Hu Bayi also added: "Then it's clear why Ms. Yang has been dreaming about the coffin of Queen Jingjue before. Maybe Ms. Yang is not only a descendant of this tribe, but also inherited part of her premonition ability."

Shirley Yang frowned and said, "Well... maybe, my family has been Chinese for generations, only my grandfather's hooked nose is more obvious, but he also came to the United States later..."

Xiao Ran saw that the topic was about to involve Shirley Yang again, and thought that this would be something that he would know sooner or later, but now that there are too many people talking about it, it is not the time to discuss this, so he interjected: "It doesn't matter who you are now, let's Now the main thing is to see if this prophet will point out a way, and don’t drop this parchment on the ground.”

Everyone discussed for a while, maybe it was the performance along the way, especially the timely throwing knife just now that won everyone's trust, in the end everyone thought it was safest to put it on Xiao Ran.

Xiao Ran didn't make any excuses, and stuffed the parchment into his backpack.

At this time, the fat man was impatient to study the remains of the prophet, and wanted to find the exit instructions from the prophet.But the Prophet sat cross-legged, with one hand flat on his knee and the other resting beside the stone box, and there was nothing like a logo around him.

The fat man followed the hand next to the Prophet Stone Box, looked carefully, and asked Xiao Ran: "Brother Xiao, do you think the mechanism will be in this box like the Kwantung Army base."

Xiao Ran knew that what he was talking about was the gorgeous coffin.At that time, the stone door on the wall was opened because of touching the mechanism at the bottom of the coffin.

But now Xiao Ran has no idea, after all, too many things have changed.He had no choice but to say: "Fat brother, let's just sit down and rest for a while, and recover our strength first, maybe the exit will come out by itself later."

"Oh! Brother Xiao knows how to figure it out, you can do whatever you say..."

Although everyone was eager to go out, what Xiao Ran said was right, everyone was a little hungry and thirsty now.Chu Jian dug out most of the cake from the bag, broke it into nine portions, and everyone barely filled their stomachs.Fortunately, in the Zidu dark river, everyone filled the kettle with water, so there was no need to worry about dehydration.

After sitting for a while, the exhausted people dozed off, and even Professor Chen nodded against the wall.In a daze, Xiao Ran felt that someone got up and walked towards the prophet's remains.

He squinted his eyes slightly, and saw that the fat man was studying the two stone boxes nestled together.Perhaps he was not reconciled, and always wanted to return some of those things to exchange for money.

But the stone box was too heavy after all, and he couldn't lift it even after trying his best, so he turned his mind on the prophet again.

The prophet and the old servant opposite him had only a layer of sheepskin covering their bodies except for the clothes that were almost shattered into powder.It seems that the prophets of this family are indeed clean and honest, and they do not engage in the extravagant and corrupt style of burial.

The fat man had been busy for a long time, and he was so tired that he was out of breath, so he had to rest with his back against the semi-oval stone seat of the prophet.At this moment, a dark figure appeared behind him at some point, reaching out and grabbing his shoulder.

"Fatty! What the hell are you trying to do?"

The person behind him was Hu Bayi, but the fat man was still startled and jumped up.

Xiao Ran just thought it was funny, but unexpectedly the fat man got up and couldn't stand firmly, his feet slipped and he fell backwards.His hands were scratching in the air, and Hu Bayi quickly supported him from behind.

"Old Hu! You fucking scared me to death..."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a "click" behind him.He stood firm, but the prophet was kicked by his buttocks and fell to the side.Hu Bayi also supported his fat body with both hands, there was no rush for rescue, the prophet's mummy fell straight to the ground, his head was broken from the neck, and rolled on the ground.

Their tossing and tossing awakened everyone who was resting. Looking at the mummified corpse and the two people beside the stone seat, everyone probably understood what was going on.

Shirley Yang frowned and asked the two, "Can't you stop for a while?"

As soon as the words fell, a series of cracking sounds suddenly came from the surrounding mountain walls.They are already very familiar with this sound, it is the sound of the mountain wall breaking.What followed was the continuous shaking of the mountain.

"It's over, it's over! Miss Yang, your ancestors are angry! It's my fault. Seeing that we are united and friendly along the way, we can also be regarded as comrades. Hurry up and talk to our ancestors!"

Fatty's words were full of tears, but Xiao Ran knew that this was the last chance to escape, so he hurriedly shouted: "Everyone, get ready to escape!"

Everyone quickly got up and carried their things on their backs. Although they were shaken by the shock, their instinct to escape had given them some kind of muscle memory.

As the vibration continued, there was a sound of "cracker" in the tomb, and three large cracks appeared in the tomb, one on the ground where the prophet was sitting, and the other two on both sides of the tomb, all of which were large enough for people to pass through. .

"Choose one of the three paths? This baby prophet is really upset. He's making fun of us. Why don't we split up? It's better than dying here!" Hu Bayi shouted.

Xiao Ran glanced at the prophet on the ground, and his heart suddenly became half cold.The cracks in the original underground would make the prophet's body lean, pointing out the passage of survival.But now the Prophet is lying on the ground, and there is no crack at all in the direction of the finger. How should I choose?

A weak voice came into his mind, and Xiao Ran hurriedly asked: "Suozi, do you know where the way out is?"

Locking Soul Ding Lingzhu said: "No... I don't know..."

Xiao Ran despaired for a while, looked at the aisles on the left and right, and thought to himself, otherwise, he would take a risk and choose one at random, a lucky person has his own destiny.

"But... from the left... a familiar voice. The spirit of the grave robber... cursed viciously... from Mount Zagrama..."

Xiao Ran's heart turned from worry to joy like a roller coaster. Aren't the tomb robbers on Mount Zagrama the ones they met when they came?It seems that the real exit is the crack on the left.

(End of this chapter)

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