Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 159 Grandma is here!

Chapter 159 Grandma is here!

The car suddenly sank like this, and Liu Shengli was so frightened that his face was defeated. At this moment, he finally saw clearly that he was in the tomb, and his mouth was stuttering in fright.

"The manager, this is a ghost...Ghost Lala...foot..."

Xiao Ran was so upset that his stomach regurgitated, and he said, "What the hell can pull the wheels of a car? You drove the car into a ditch!"

After saying that, he opened the door and jumped out of the car. Liu Shengli scratched his head regretfully, and had to get out of the car with Xiao Ran, squatting in front of the car to check the wheels.

The wheels were stuck in an excavated grave, the chassis had been stuck to the ground, and it seemed that a board was needed to get the car out.Hearing this, Liu Shengli set his sights on the coffin that had been dug out, half-pull the lid and it was staggered to cover the coffin.

Xiao Ran slapped Liu Shengli on the back, and said: "How dare you think about it, use a coffin board. Let alone that thing is heavy, thick and uneven, I want to ask if you plan to move it yourself, or let me to move?"

With a bitter expression on his face, Liu Shengli asked Xiao Ran: "Then what do you think the manager should do?"

Xiao Ran pointed to the morgue not far away, and said: "Remove that door panel and let it use the residual heat, this dilapidated house doesn't need a door anymore."

He got up and strode towards the morgue, and Liu Shengli hurriedly followed behind, lest he be caught by something too late.

Xiao Ran walked to the morgue, and saw that the wooden door was ajar without even a lock.One of the hinges of one of the wooden doors had fallen off, and the door was crookedly drooping, and the bottom was ragged by rats.

He pushed open the door, and a stale breath came out wrapped in dust, causing the two of them to quickly cover their mouths, noses and eyes.When the dust cleared, I saw a dark person sitting directly in front of him, and there were two other people standing beside him.

Liu Shengli shrank behind Xiao Ran with a "Oh my god", his mouth was full of gods and Buddhas chanting non-stop.Xiao Ran took a photo with the flashlight, and it turned out that in front of him was a glaring judge with a black body, and on both sides were two little ghosts with blue faces and fangs, but because of the age, most of the color had fallen off.

Xiao Ran pulled out Liu Shengli from behind him, and said, "Look at you, I still expect you to be my helper this time, what can you do with your courage?"

Liu Shengli saw the statue in front of him clearly, and then put his hands together and bowed, saying that there is nothing wrong with it.

Xiao Ran asked Liu Shengli to remove the door that was still good first, and Liu Shengli, as if relieved of a heavy burden, took an engineering shovel and began to unscrew the screws of the door hinge.Xiao Ran himself walked into the judge's temple with a flashlight and looked around.

This small temple is really small, covering an area of ​​about forty or fifty square meters. Except for the three statues in the middle, there are three coffins parked on the left and right sides.These coffins were all opened without exception, and the lids fell to the ground.

He first walked to the left and looked. The three coffins contained only dust-covered quilts, not even bones. He didn't know whether they were buried by his family or taken away by wild wolves and dogs.

The coffin lids on the ground, facing down against the wall, were stacked in an uneven row.Xiao Ran felt strange, so he went to check and found that the coffin lids had been padded with stones on both sides to prevent them from swaying left and right due to the curved surface.

He suddenly understood that this place was the place where he was tricked by the couple in the story of Bridger.From this point of view, this paragraph is basically made up. It is because they found this place by themselves, and they also know how to use the coffin lid as a bed board, and use stones as a cushion before sleeping.

in this case……

Xiao Ran walked to the right side of the temple, where there were three coffins with their lids open, one was empty, and the shrouds, mattresses and bones of the other two were messed up with sticks.That stick was different from the dusty coffins in the temple. It looked like someone had just used it not long ago, and there wasn't much dust on it.

He squatted down again to check the coffin lid that fell on the ground, and sure enough, he found several fingerprints on the dusty lid.

Those three bridgers, or Liang Baofu, are really good at making up.It seems that they ran here to rest, and when they saw the coffin with the lid on, they wanted to find out if there was anything buried with them, and even destroyed the bones.

No wonder Da Jinya said that you can’t ask questions about bridge customers casually. This group of people is completely different from Captain Mojin, who adheres to the rules and regulations such as "two don't take one" and "don't touch gold when the cock crows and the light goes out". bandits.

Xiao Ran frowned, people like this who have no lower limit must be able to do any outrageous things for money.Maybe the ghost mother statue on the car and those Song and Yuan porcelains were not cheated at a low price, maybe they were stolen by violence.

If so, it can only be said that they deserved to die.

Xiao Ran returned to the car, brought the Yin-Yang Mirror and placed it in front of the coffin, asking him to recite a passage of Transcendent scriptures.He pulled out the wooden stick from the coffin and threw it on the ground, and put the lid back on the coffin with all his strength.

After all this work, he was already sweating profusely, and Liu Shengli also gave a "bang" and finally removed the door panel.

"Let you do some work, why do you have to work so hard for a long time." Xiao Ran said while wiping his sweat.

Liu Shengli gestured with an engineering shovel: "The tool is not handy, it's too big..."

Xiao Ran didn't talk nonsense with him, put away the yin and yang mirror, the two dragged the door panel to the side of the car, gestured at the wheels for a long time, finally found a suitable position, and pushed the door panel in.

"Get in the car! Get out of this wretched place quickly." Xiao Ran said.

Liu Shengli took out his pocket to find the key, but he couldn't find it after searching for a long time. He looked at the flashlight, only to find that there was a hole in his pocket, and looked at Xiao Ran with a embarrassed face.

"Tell me about you... what can you do!" Xiao Ran scolded angrily.

Fortunately, the car key should be in the section from here to the Judgment Temple. Xiao Ran asked Liu Shengli to look for it near the car, and he walked towards the Judgment Temple with a flashlight along the way back and forth.

Walking all the way to the gate of the temple, a shiny thing lay on the ground, which was the key dropped by Liu Shengli.On the broken nail on the door frame next to it, there was still a wisp of cotton wool hanging.

This Liu Shengli is simply a grass-roots person. Does he have to feel pain after scratching his flesh before he can react?

Thinking of the grass man, another shadow cast over Xiao Ran's heart.But after thinking about it, the words of the bridgeman described by the platform are probably made up, and the rest is true, which is probably the ghost mother.

He turned around and walked back. He had just walked halfway when he suddenly saw something lying on the roof of the car, staring at Liu Shengli who was still looking for keys all over the floor.

Is this a feral cat or something else?Xiao Ran approached carefully, and the flashlight showed the whole picture of the thing bit by bit.

The thing looked like a wild cat, but it was as big as a yellow dog, and its whole body was naked and hairless.In addition to the four limbs supporting the ground, there are also several other things that look like feet but not feet, and bones that look like bones but not bones. At first glance, it seems that there are many feet.

The thing seemed to sense the light next to it, and turned its head slowly, only to see that its two rows of fangs were exposed, with black and red residue hanging from it, the top of its head was raised high, and some twig-like things grew out of its scalp Hooked on the chin, the eyes are cloudy and blue like a corpse.

A shrill sound like a baby crying suddenly came from its mouth, which made Xiao Ran's scalp tense, and he quickly picked up the Guan Shan knife in his hand.A thought flashed through his mind: Grandma, maybe it's true.

(End of this chapter)

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