Chapter 167
"Xiao Gang...Xiao Ran Dagang!"

Xiao Ran woke up suddenly, and saw Xu Er standing beside the kang with a big smile on his face, holding a pot of hot water in his hand.

It was already bright outside, Xiao Ran looked at his watch, it was past nine o'clock.Drinking too much last night, coupled with those messy dreams, made his head pounding and hurting badly.

Xu Er has come back after playing for a while, this kid is very energetic.In the words of the village chief, he is a night tour god who patrols mountains.But thanks to Xu Er's habit, they were able to find Futou Village smoothly.

Xu Er greeted the two of them to get up, then turned around and went out to serve breakfast.Xiao Ran thought that he still had business to do today, so he quickly called Liu Shengli.After the two washed up together, Xu Er also came in with a steaming breakfast.

Xiao Ran asked about what happened after he drank too much last night, and then he realized that he was carried back by Xu Er and Liu Shengli.Afterwards, Liu Shengli went out to drink again, until he and Xu Er returned home after drinking down the most drinking young people in the village.

Unexpectedly, Liu Shengli can only rely on luck for serious business, but he is a bit capable in drinking.When the business grows in the future, there will be a few years in the society where business is discussed over wine.Bring this kid, you can get a big order in advance, and you can prevent being cheated after getting drunk. It's good steel to use on the blade...

While he was thinking, Xu Er yelled "Brother Liu" kindly to Liu Shengli on the other side. It seems that the wine yesterday really made Xu Er admire him very much.Liu Shengli disliked him, so he was not allowed to be called "Gang", but had to be called brother.

After eating, Xu Er took Xiao Ran and Liu Shengli out to return the bronze statue to Xia Niang Temple.Although the old village chief has repeatedly stated that this thing can be given to Xiao Ran, or simply thrown away.But Xiao Ran knew that this thing was evil, and Xu Er also wanted to seize every opportunity to take a car, so the two hit it off.

The car drove out of Futou Village, and once again drove westward on the bumpy and difficult dirt road.After driving for about two or three kilometers, the road here can hardly be called a road. It is just a relatively flat gully with steep earth beams and hillsides on both sides. When the wind blows, a burst of loess will be raised, and it feels like it may collapse at any time down.

Xiao Ran chatted with Xu Er and asked him why he always liked to run around on these desolate earth beams.Xu Er hesitated for a moment, and said that his father went to Xishan to search for medicine a few years ago and never came back.Later, the family and the villagers thought that his father either fell off a cliff or ran into wild wolves. In short, he must have died in an unknown place, but he never gave up. For safety.

When he said it calmly, Xiao Ran could understand the sadness beneath his free and easy surface.This feeling is like the first time I met Shirley Yang.

Taking advantage of the situation, Xiao Ran asked, why do you still go to the mountains to collect herbs these days?From Futou Village to the county hospital, although the road is a bit rough, it is not too difficult after all.

Xu Er said that his youngest brother went to the mountains to play with a group of children when he was a child, and when he came home at night, he suffered from hysteria.After a night of high fever and epilepsy, he woke up the next day and could no longer speak, and his intelligence seemed to be lower than that of his peers.His parents also took him to the county hospital and even the provincial hospital, but after several inspections, he spent a lot of money, but they couldn't find any problems.

Later, I also heard from an old man in the village that there is a fairy house in a certain mountain valley to the west, and there is a kind of pill in it that can cure dumb diseases.The patient can not only talk, but also open the seven orifices and be happy.

Xu Er's father was skeptical, he thought that the immortal medicines were rumors.But maybe there is indeed some unknown Taoist temple or temple in the mountain, and the monks in it have some kind of folk prescription and secret medicine, or there is just some kind of herbal medicine in the mountain that can cure diseases.Holding the last hope, his father went into the mountain again and again, and the time of leaving became longer and longer, and finally he never came back.

Hearing this, Xiao Ran sighed, and immediately told Xu Er that although he couldn't help with finding his father, he could try to treat his younger brother's illness.After finishing the work this time, you can take them with you when you return to Zhaojing, and try it out at the hospital in the capital.

After hearing this, Xu Er couldn't hold back his pretended strength with a smile, and wept bitterly while laughing, saying that even if there was such a sentence, Xiao Ran was still their family's benefactor, and from now on he would treat Xiao Ran as his own brother.

When the car reached a mountain wall, there was no road.There is only a gap more than one person wide in front of me, and it is about tens of meters in length from a distance.Xu Er said that the car can only be parked here. Xia Niang Temple was built on the old village site a long time ago. The original road was buried due to a landslide caused by an earthquake. It is said that this crack was also shaken out at that time.

Xiao Ran sighed, it can be said that God has sealed your path, and it will definitely open a gap for you.

Xiao Ran packed all the artifacts and backpacks, this is a habit he and Hu Bayi and others have developed through several adventures.When you start to think about whether there will be any accidents ahead, you should deal with them as if there are accidents, and be as fully prepared as possible.

Fortunately, considering that there were two people when he set off, he brought an extra folding engineering shovel, so Liu Shengli and Xu Er each had one, and the three of them headed towards the other side of the mountain gap when they were ready.

The entrance of this mountain crevasse looked as wide as a person, but it became narrower and narrower as you walked in, and there were gravels under your feet.When it was less than ten meters away from the exit on the other side, the gap could only allow one person to pass sideways, and the mountain above the head was also closed together, like a narrow cave entrance.

If it wasn't for the bright sunlight at the entrance of the cave, Xiao Ran would have suspected that they were really going to get into this loess mountain.

Xiao Ran asked Xu Er: "Do you usually come here often? Do you only rely on your legs for such a long journey?"

Xu Er replied with a smile: "No, no, no, they don't come, so I come. But I don't come often, at most once a year, and I can only come during the day, and there are gnats here at night... No, Wild cat!"

It seems that this old site has been abandoned for a long time, and has been used as a nest by some wild animals.But Xu Er mentioned grandma again, Xiao Ran suddenly remembered the sentence he heard last night, grandma can fly.Could it be that the strange bug that flew out of that wild cat's head was the so-called grandma?

Xiao Ran squeezed out from the crevice in the mountain, and his eyes suddenly opened up.On a large piece of loess-covered wasteland, as far as the eye can see, there are almost weathered ruins.

Passing by a house that is only half down, one can vaguely see the architectural structure of four pillars and three rooms, which maintains the architectural style of the Song and Jin Dynasties.On both sides of the door in the middle of the house, there is a square window, which is the characteristic of Han Dynasty houses in Yuan Dynasty.This kind of house style has been preserved in Zhaojing, which was once the capital of the Yuan Dynasty, and Xiao Ran seems to have visited it in his memory.

On the stone pier at the door, Xiao Ran deliberately identified it carefully, and seemed to be able to read the words "Dayuan Kingdom Zhizheng 15th Year".In the eyes of a true archaeologist like Professor Chen, these things may be truly meaningful treasures.

Xu Er led the way ahead, muttering silently: "It's been a year since I've come here, why don't I have a single begging bird..."

Xiao Ran also found that this abandoned village was really too quiet.But soon, he was attracted by a big house higher than all the houses.

(End of this chapter)

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