Chapter 187 Countdown


"Xiao Gang!"

The voices of Liu Shengli and Xu Er were somewhat desperate, but they were completely covered by the rumble of the collapsed pillars and stone platforms.

If Xiao Ran just fell into the abyss, not to mention the long or short friendship between the two of them, the possibility of them escaping with their abilities is very slim.

The sound of the collapse covered the voices of the two people shouting, and the rising dust also blocked the vision of the two people.They didn't notice that behind the soaring dust, a steel claw connected to a rope flew up from below.

Xiao Ran saw that the two of them had reached the safe area safely, and at the moment of falling, he threw the flying tiger claws upwards, and hooked them firmly to the edge of the platform next to them.

He held the rope in one hand, and held up a flashlight in the other hand to shine into the abyss.The falling large piece of gravel and the thick log pillar fell all the way to the abyss below, until they were beyond the range of the wolf-eye flashlight. After a long time, there was a muffled sound of impact from the darkness.

Seeing that the top was stable, Xiao Ran put away the flashlight, grabbed the rope and climbed to the fan-shaped platform above.

He had just climbed up and hadn't sat down yet, when he heard mournful cries. He flashed a flashlight and found that it was Liu Shengli kneeling on the edge of the stone platform, calling "manager" to the abyss.

He shook the flashlight a few times, Xu Er looked up and saw Xiao Ran who was waving at them not far away, rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and then pulled Liu Shengli.

Liu Shengli was crying hard, thinking that Xu Er had disturbed his rhythm, so he covered his face impatiently, thinking that the light shining on his face was from Xu Er's torch.

Xiao Ran had no choice but to pick up a broken bone on the ground, rounded his arms and threw it towards Liu Shengli.

Liu Shengli was startled by the sudden appearance of the bones, raised his head in a daze, and saw Manager Xiao with a full beard and tail, and he also had a ghostly expression on his face.

Xiao Ran shone the flashlight on himself and shook the flying tiger claw in his hand, only the two people on the opposite side guessed what happened just now.Xiao Ran raised his arms and drew a big circle towards those platforms. Liu Shengli and Xu Er understood what he meant, and quickly stepped across the platforms that were disconnected from each other, and ran towards him.

Xiao Ran took the opportunity to walk to the edge of the platform, and took a look at the iron door that had been pried open just now, only to see that the door was tightly blocked by more big stones.It seemed that even if they didn't pry open the door, the inside would still be a dead end, as evidenced by the protruding iron door.

He turned around and took a photo of the platform with the box in the middle, and found that it was a huge natural stone pillar. The platform extended all the way down to the deepest part of the abyss, making people dizzy.

If there is a chance later, maybe he can only go to this platform by himself, there is no connecting path nearby.In the distance before, I thought that the middle platform could be crossed with one step, but now I realized that the distance between these surrounding platforms and the central platform is more than five meters.

At this time, Liu Shengli and Xu Er also jumped onto the platform where he was, and sat on the ground to rest panting.

Xiao Ran turned around and walked to the iron gate on the edge of the current platform. This iron gate was also concealed and could be opened with a light pull.He didn't dare to go forward rashly, but stood at the door and took a picture inside, and found that it was a simple living room with an area of ​​about [-] square meters. He could probably see stone beds, wooden tables, wooden chairs, and other living rooms inside. There is an almost empty bookshelf.

To be on the safe side, he pulled out his knife and knocked up and down the door, but found no mechanism, and walked into the house step by step for the camp, checked all the places he could think of, and only after confirming that they were correct did he rest assured in this living room Look around.

This living room is a bit like a miniature version of the alchemy room outside, with tattered and decayed bedding scattered on the stone bed and stone pillows, and some shredded paper on the opposite wooden table. The outside is much the same.

Liu Shengli and Xu Er poked their heads outside the door and saw Xiao Ran strolling in the living room, so they boldly followed in.

Liu Shengli went straight to Xiao Ran's side, and said with tears in his eyes, "Jing... Manager..."

Xiao Ran waved his hands impatiently: "That's right! I'm not dead yet! Whistle again to bring ghosts here!"

Only then did Liu Shengli wipe away his tears and shut his mouth, followed Xiao Zong and lit a torch and shone around.Xu Er walked around carelessly, with Xiao Ran leading the charge, he was not worried about any danger at all.

"Don't touch anything, be careful what kind of mess you make!" Xiao Ran instructed.

Xu Er, who was still touching and pressing the stone pillow, smiled and withdrew his hand.Xiao Ran's experience in triggering the mechanism in the alchemy room made him feel that there might be something tricky about the stone pillow here.

Xiao Ran went to the bookshelf again, moved a little, and found that it was a completely independent bookshelf, not the kind of mechanism in the alchemy room.The bookshelves were full of dust, and some old books corroded by mold.He picked up a book and flipped through it, and there were nothing more than some alchemy secrets, internal and external skills, and so on.

"Xiao Jiu, are these things worth practicing?" Xiao Ran asked.

Yarrow Jiukuo said: "It's all a lie, let's not talk about those messy poisons, just these kind of broken kung fu techniques, it's useless if you practice it, it may hurt your muscles and bones after a long time."

Hearing what he said, Xiao Ran casually threw the basic torn book on the ground, stirring up waves of dust.

"Manager, take a look at what this is?"

Liu Shengli lit a torch and studied the things on the wall. Xiao Ran walked over and saw a yin-yang fish nailed to the wall, with the black yin fish on top and the white yang fish on the bottom.

Xiao Ran took a closer look with the flashlight. This yin-yang fish pendant is made of transparent glass. The reason why the yang fish below is white is because the glass itself is translucent white, while the yin fish above seems to be white. Pack something.

He and Liu Shengli observed carefully, and found that the black contents in the Yin fish above were melting little by little, flowing into the Yang fish below along the thin tube in the middle bit by bit.

Is this an hourglass for timing?Or a water clock?But judging from the progress of the hourglass, it seems that they just started after they came in.

When a timing device appeared in this kind of room, Xiao Ran instinctively felt a little ominous.At this moment, the black contents suddenly accelerated and began to flow, from one drop per second to two or three drops per second, and finally poured down like flowing water.

After the last drop of black content dripped into the fish body below, the entire Yin-Yang fish pendant suddenly sank downwards, and a series of "clicking" sounds of mechanism turning instantly sounded on the wall.

Xiao Ran yelled in his heart that it was not good, he quickly pulled Liu Shengli to turn around, then dragged Xu Er who was still studying the wooden table and ran towards the door.

But when the three of them were still one step away from the iron gate, the iron gate suddenly slammed shut with the sound of a mechanism, and white smoke began to emit from several small holes above the four walls.

(End of this chapter)

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