Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 190 Secret Room Sarcophagus

Chapter 190 Secret Room Sarcophagus
Right now, he is the only one in the entire storage room, and both Liu Shengli and Xu Er are isolated from the door.Looking at the narrow and closed corridor in front of him and the room at the end, he didn't know if there was any other exit, he hesitated for a while.

The ghost knows if he will be trapped inside because of something wrong after he goes in.

Xiao Ran regained his composure, and decided to go in and run into him.He has already figured out the routine of this Tianling Loose Cultivator. As long as it is a secret room, there must be cracked switches inside and outside.

He took another Red Cannon Miaoxin Pill for himself, sorted out the things in his backpack, and walked into the corridor under the steps with a flashlight.

The corridor is not long, only five meters, and the height is about one meter.When Xiao Ran walked to the end, he realized that he might have been happy in vain, because what he had illuminated with the flashlight before was actually a screen wall slightly higher than the corridor, on which were engraved some animals such as turtles, cranes, deer, and pine trees. Plants, as well as auspicious clouds and the Big Dipper and the South Dipper hang in the sky together.

Bypassing the screen wall, the space inside is much wider, less than two meters high, with a stone rosette in the middle, and some murals related to Xia Niang are engraved on the left and right walls of the screen wall, making various Posture, like some kind of gymnastics.

The other side opposite the screen wall, across the rosette, does not seem to have undergone much modification. The walls and the top are almost natural, uneven and the top is high on one side and low on the other.

There are many broken paper books and bamboo slips scattered on the ground. There are also many formulas and portraits of people on them. Most of the formulas involve breathing and exhalation and the operation of the four bodies.

It seems that this room is a practice room, or in today's terms, it is a gym.

Xiao Ran could imagine that Tianling Sanren would take a few pre-exercise elixir in the storage room, come to the practice room to do breathing and stretching, and then go out to find some post-exercise supplements to consolidate.

This old guy is quite good at enjoying himself. He arranges for himself a good balance between work and rest.So, this underground hall is his big villa?
Xiao Ran suddenly felt a little funny and relaxed a lot.After he saw the screen wall, there was a large stone box about half a meter high and the same width as the screen wall.

Will there be Tianling Sanren's sportswear and sneakers in it?For some reason, an old man with white beard and hair appeared in his mind, holding a paper list and saying to everyone in Futou Village, "Let's learn about alchemy and practice!" Edition Aerobics.

He snickered and lifted the lid of the stone box, but the moment his hand touched the lid, he suddenly felt a little strange.

The lid of the stone box is round and arched, and one end is slightly higher.Xiao Ran suddenly realized that this is not a stone box at all, but a sarcophagus!
Just now, he was only thinking about wild thoughts and silly fun, so he almost opened the coffin rashly.Leaving aside the rules of touching gold, if you are injured by the mechanism and turbidity in the coffin, it will be too much for the loss.

This Tianling Sanren really has a unique taste, why did he put a coffin in this secret room of daily practice?Who is such a small coffin prepared for?
He can't figure it out, and he can't figure it out.The existence of this Xia Niang Temple itself is contrary to common sense, it is useless to think too much, it is more practical to open the coffin as soon as possible.

Xiao Ran quickly took out half of the candle from his bag, and used the compass to determine the southeast corner of the room before lighting the candle.

The flames kept flickering, as if the wind was blowing.Xiao Ran looked up and saw that the southeast corner where the candles were placed was leaning against the undecorated wall opposite the screen wall, and it was the higher side.

When he just walked into the stone gate under the steps, he felt a gust of wind blowing.The wall in front of me looks tight at first glance. Could there be some cracks?

He picked up a stone petal that fell from the stone rosette, and put it next to the candle, and the flame suddenly stabilized a lot.The candle to open the coffin can only be blown out by the "ghost", if the candle is blown out by the wind, it is too unruly, so Xiao Ran feels that he is not cheating.

He got up again to look at the rough wall, raised his knife and knocked it. After the broken soil fell, he vaguely saw that there seemed to be a neat crack on the stone wall, extending from the top to the ground.

At this moment, there was a sudden slight noise behind him, and he quickly turned around to take a look. When he saw the flashlight pass by, several huge mice flashed and disappeared at the other end of the corridor.

He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and raised his hand to look at his watch. It was already past five o'clock in the afternoon. According to the sunset time of this season, the ground should have been pitch black.This is the right time to open the coffin, so there is no need to worry about the rooster crowing.

He hurried back to the small sarcophagus, clasped his hands together and said, "It's an auspicious day to hit the sun, and the edge of the road is a good match. If the master's body is not destroyed, the coffin will not be destroyed. A gentleman only takes the money that comes with him. Take away the things outside the body, and the descendants will be safe. The master's family is kind." , don't blame, don't blame..."

Yarrow Jiukuo interjected: "Don't learn from those two school captains who touch gold. You can just open such high-sounding doorways and grind them."

"You know nothing about this!" Xiao Ran replied.

But after thinking about all the possibilities after opening the coffin, he still asked a few more questions: "Xiao Daoist, Shuo, what do you think?"

Yin Yang Jing said: "Good man, ever since you entered this temple, I feel a little strange... There is a special aura in it, neither evil nor corpse, but you should be more careful."

Locking Soul Ding Lingzhu said: "Bayan, I can't hear the voice of the soul in this sarcophagus. But I also feel very strange, as if the owner inside can't make a sound."

When Xiao Ran heard this, he felt that the master in the sarcophagus was either a villain or an injustice, but it shouldn't cause any harm to him.

He didn't have an engineer shovel at hand, so he had to take out the Guanshan knife, and inserted the blade into the crack of the sarcophagus, trying to pry a corner first.

"Hmm... it smells so strong, it's still a bit familiar..." Guan Shandao said.

Xiao Ran stopped and asked suspiciously: "Familiar? Have you smelled it before?"

Guan Shandao said: "It wasn't before, just these two days, it seems that the lynx you chopped up also had this smell. But this smell is not so fresh..."

Xiao Ran thought to himself, if there is no evil spirit, no sound, and the smell is not fresh, then it is a complete dead thing. Although I don't know if it will cheat the corpse, but he is not scary now.

Looking back at the candle, the candle was still beating steadily, and I would be sorry for such a good market if I didn't open it.He tightened the gas mask on his face, gritted his teeth and removed a corner of the sarcophagus.

In an instant, a cloud of foul air visible to the naked eye mixed with the dust on the coffin lid floated into the sky from the opening.

Xiao Ran quickly took two steps back, seeing the air blowing from the cracks in the stone wall, blowing the stale air towards the corridor.After a minute or two, the turbid air dissipated, and he walked to the side of the sarcophagus again, gently pushing the lid of the coffin.

There was another sound of footsteps in the corridor, and he poked his head to look, and accidentally, the coffin lid fell to the ground.

Following the roar of the coffin lid falling to the ground, there was also a "bang" from outside the corridor and under the steps.

(End of this chapter)

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