Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 202 Tufted Horned Glazed Dragon

Chapter 202 Tufted Horned Glazed Dragon

When Liu Shengli and Xu Er heard Xiao Ran say that the big snake in front of them was not a snake, the first thing they thought of was monsters and ghosts, so they couldn't help but took a few steps back again and again.Xu Er retreated near the gentle slope of the wall on the left, stepped on a pole, picked it up and held it in his hand.

Seeing the sudden movements of the people in front of him, and one even picking up something in his hands, the big snake seemed a little dissatisfied, and slowly lowered its head, the tip of its hammer-like mouth was lowered to roughly the same height as the heads of the three of them, and it was still bowed tightly. neck.

Looking at its posture and stature, it feels like a catapult is coming, and the human head on the opposite side can be easily held in its mouth.

Xiao Ran took two steps back slowly, put his hand behind his back calmly, and made a gesture of pressing down.Liu Shengli and Xu Er looked at the situation in front of them and understood what he meant. They carefully lowered the shovel and pole in their hands, showing no hostility.

This weird transparent big snake seemed to be quite spiritual. Seeing the person in front of him put down his guard, he relaxed his body again, held his head high and shook his neck, turned around and crawled back into the incinerator.

"Manager, is this a body thing? Why is it so human?"

Liu Shengli and Xu Er saw the big snake shrank back, and quickly surrounded Xiao Ran, carefully watching the movement in the incinerator.Xiao Ran heard rustling noises inside, and there seemed to be "squeaks" like mice, so he led the two of them carefully towards the door.

"This thing is called a tufted-horned glazed dragon. It looks like a snake, but it's actually a lizard. Its limbs are invisible, and more than half of its body is a tail. It is recorded in the legendary book "Four Seas and Ten Thousand Continents" in the Han Dynasty. It is said that this thing is from the sky. After the real dragon committed a crime, his horns and beards were severed and his limbs were cut off at the dragon-killing stage, and he was relegated to the mortal world to guard ancient tombs or other places with immortal energy."

After hearing Xiao Ran's explanation, Xu Er exclaimed: "The presence of this dragon means that there were really gods in this place before? Then there must be elixir too?!"

Xiao Ran said while walking in small steps: "Where are there so many gods, most of the myths and legends are deduced by others. This thing is nothing more than a relatively rare lizard, which may have a higher IQ than the general long-worm four-legged snake. The appearance is also quite strange. This thing likes to eat some ganoderma lucidum, ginseng and uncommon small animals, so it often appears in the deep mountain alchemy with the fragrance of medicinal herbs or in ancient tombs where strange animals are entrenched, so it is rumored to be a guardian spirit Beast. However, I don’t know if this glazed dragon often observes people, or if he really eats too many elixir and herbs, there is indeed a problem..."

A few people were about to walk to the door, when a tall and tall shadow suddenly flashed in front of them and blocked the way to the iron gate, Xiao Ran was so frightened that he quickly stretched out his arms to stop the two people behind him.

It was the tufted-horned glazed dragon again, looking at the three of them with two jewel-like red eyes, and holding a living creature the size of a pigeon in its mouth.

With a "snap", it threw the living thing in its mouth in front of Xiao Ran.Xiao Ran took a photo with the flashlight, and his stomach was overwhelmed.

It was a fly they had seen before, parasitic in the scalp of humans and animals, or defined by local legends, it was a real "grass fly".

This "grass fly" has been bitten half to death, white intestines mixed with green pus and blood flow out of the pierced abdomen, ten pointed legs are moving unwillingly, and the semicircular wings are also dying, only two without eyelids Eyeballs glanced at the three people in front of him.From those eyes, Xiao Ran and the others felt a trace of unwilling resentment.

Liulilong lowered his sharp kiss and pushed the old fly towards Xiao Ran and the others, then opened his bright red eyes, as if full of anticipation.

"Jing... Li, what is it doing?"

Xiao Ran looked at the protruding round tubular mouthparts full of fangs, swallowed acid water and said: "This is what I said, the problem of this kind of glass dragon with tufted horns. If it smells that there are pills on the opponent's body Things like fairy grass that it is interested in, it will exchange with things..."

"But where did we get the elixir..."

Yes, how can they have...

wrong!Xiao Ran suddenly remembered that when he was in the alchemy room on the upper floor, Xu Er once took a gourd pill box full of pills, and wanted to use the pills mixed with metal as slingshot bullets.

No wonder he didn't see this tufted-horned glazed dragon before, and Liu Shengli didn't find anything when he checked the incinerator, but Xu Er went to the incinerator and found this uncle.The reason is that the tufted-horned glazed dragon smelled the elixir from an unknown distance, and got in along the chimney of the incinerator.

However, judging from the pool of dried dung on the ground, this cluster of horned glazed dragons should have always regarded this place as one of their lairs, and often hunted and killed this weird brain-drilling fly called bastard by the locals.

This made a lot of things clear.Why so many years have passed, apart from legends and very rare exceptions, it is rare to hear that many locals have been harmed by this kind of brain-drilling fly. One side of the people.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ran quickly turned around and said to Xu Er: "Xu Er! How many pills are there in your gourd? Feed it one first!"

Xu Er took out a gourd and poured out a golden pill, and handed it to Xiao Ran.

Xiao Ran raised the golden pill and shook it, and sure enough, the horned glazed dragon stared at the pill intently, and his neck twisted a few times following Xiao Ran's hand.

Xiao Ran threw the golden pill out carefully, Liulilong caught the pill accurately, and swallowed it with his neck raised.

For a moment, Liulilong seemed to be in an extremely good mood, his eyes widened a bit, and he shook his neck excitedly, as if dancing.The letter in its mouth slurped a few times at Xiao Ran, and his attitude seemed very friendly.

It swayed a bit, then lowered its head and pushed the fly forward a little bit, Xiao Ran backed back involuntarily.And that old fly stared at its eyes, twisted its tubular mouthparts, and made a "squeak" sound like a mouse when it struggled with its wings.

"Old Xiao, he's doing business. If you don't taste it, you really can't justify it."

There was a snicker in Yajiu's tone, and Xiao Ran was so angry that he said to him: "I know you still have some roots in my body, and it's not that I can't taste the taste at all. How about I start eating from its large intestine ?”

"Don't, don't, don't! Act like I didn't say it!" Achilles Jiukuo closed his mouth after finishing speaking.

Seeing the brainflies squirming in front of him, Xiao Ran turned to Xu Er with disgust, "Xu Er, it wants to be exchanged, and it will be exchanged with you, or you can take a bite..."

After hearing Xiao Ran's words, Xu Er stared at the things on the ground with his eyes down, and vomited acid water with his head down. He didn't know what picture he thought of in his mind for a moment.

Seeing that the three of Xiao Ran didn't eat, Liulilong seemed a little impatient, his tail kept flapping on the ground, stirring up waves of dust.It seems that if the person in front of him doesn't eat this bug, it won't let him go today.

"Brother Long, it's not good for you to be too honest. You are a beast after all, how can you be so human..."

Xiao Ran was persuading, but the brain-drilling fly on the ground suddenly raised its wings and rushed towards Liu Shengli with one last breath.

(End of this chapter)

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