Chapter 207

This is life from a desperate situation!Xiao Ran was overjoyed, looked at the vines that were still moving forward, and rushed into the corridor on the right.

After climbing over the half-meter-high gap on the ground, he rushed to the exposed iron door and pulled the door handle.I don't know if it's been too long, plus the perennial moisture corrosion of this huge plant, the joints of the iron door are severely corroded.Xiao Ran was a little tired at this time after running and fleeing, so he had to push the iron door with all his strength.

After a heavy rubbing sound, the iron door finally cracked enough for one person to walk together.Xiao Ran took a picture with a flashlight, there was a winding staircase behind the door, and there were still extinguished torches stuck on the wall, this layout was almost the same as the way they came.

It seems that behind this door is another exit. Although Liu Shengli and Xu Er are not here, it does not prevent him from going out first and then trying to save people.After all, if he dies, the whole team can only fight in groups.

Xiao Ran secretly prayed in his heart, hoping that those two idiots could carry out their instinct of anointing the soles of their feet and running for their lives, and don't suddenly have a brain twitch and die like a hero here.

Hearing the rustling of the vines moving and the "ahhh" of the head getting closer, Xiao Ran quickly got into the iron gate, closed it as much as possible, and then walked up the stairs.

After walking about 600 steps, gravel began to appear on the steps.A trace of anxiety flashed in Xiao Ran's heart, the more he went up, the bigger the stones on the steps, and several places even blocked the whole steps, so he had to walk up along the side of the wall.

After climbing up another hundred steps, there were almost no complete steps under Xiao Ran's feet, and they were replaced by large blocks of stones.He looked up at the corner above, and felt a ray of breeze blowing from above, which lifted his spirits, and the hard work of climbing was swept away immediately.

It seemed that the exit to the ground was near, and he excitedly climbed up the big rock in front of him with hands and feet, and turned the corner, but the scene in front of him made him completely dumbfounded.

At the end of the stairs, there was a huge stone in front of it. The cracks on the surface were covered with withered grass, and some tree roots with clods of soil were drilled out of the wider cracks.There are a few shallow gaps on the edge of the boulder, and you can see the moonlight coming in. Occasionally, when a gust of wind blows, some loess will float in through the gaps.

Under the boulder, there are still a few corpses, they don't look like people, they should be lynxes used by Tianling Sanren for experiments.

Xiao Ran used a knife to dig a little at the edge of the boulder. There were large pieces of limestone on both sides of the gap, and it was impossible to dig out a passage with the knife in his hand.

He could only roughly guess that this place was indeed a passage leading to the outside world, and those lynxes gathered in the abandoned village should have also escaped from here.But then there was a violent earthquake, which caused the mountain wall to collapse, not only blocking the road leading to the outside world from the abandoned village, but also burying the exit, and several lynxes that hadn't had time to escape were also crushed to death.

After hundreds of years of changes, the boulder at the exit is now completely integrated with the ground. From the outside, it may be a flat land or hill full of vegetation.Unless there are large-scale equipment and equipment, if you dig with a shovel, you don’t know that you will have to dig until the year of the monkey.And if one is not careful, the balance between the stone and the ground may be destroyed, and this huge rock will only sink a little more.

Finally found a way out, but it turned out to be a dead end that could be seen but not used. Xiao Ran was suddenly discouraged, and even the flashlight in his hand flickered a few times and went out.

As long as he is alive, he still has to find a way to get out. Xiao Ran mustered up his energy to replace the flashlight with the last spare battery, and then walked down the steps.

He comforted himself, after walking for so long, he didn't see those cannibals following up again, maybe he had already returned to a certain deep cave in himself.

But judging from those thick roots, the lair of the giant vine cannibal should be near the end of the prison.

Xiao Ran smiled wryly and thought about the strategy of retreating, but after thinking about it, he could only think of running outside the prison all the way after he got out of the iron gate, let's have a head-to-head encounter.

The way down the stairs was even more difficult than going up. He passed through the previous rush and the hundreds of steps up. Now every time he went down a step, his knees were shaking non-stop.

After finally reaching the gate of the iron gate, he covered the flashlight with his handkerchief again, trying not to disturb those lantern-like heads as much as possible.

The iron door was severely corroded, and it creaked non-stop when he pushed it. He had to be patient, moving the door inch by inch, while paying attention to the surrounding situation nervously.

When he pushed the iron door enough to allow him to pass sideways, he carefully got out from inside, shining a weak flashlight on the surroundings.

The roots still entrenched on the ground, walls and roof in front, but there are no traces of those vines, and there is no crackling sound when the vines move.

Xiao Ran carefully rolled over the thick roots on the ground, and walked towards the end of the corridor in the center of the prison.But as soon as he left this small corridor sandwiched between the prison wall and the cell, he was so frightened by the scene in front of him that he almost fell over, and quickly shrank back.

The vines chasing him probably lost their target when they got here, so they fell silent on the spot.Vines of various thicknesses had completely blocked the iron gate leading to the entrance of the prison, turning into a giant wall made of vines, on which heads were sleeping with their eyes closed, and even issued "uh uh " snoring.

Xiao Ran leaned against the wall with his mouth covered, not daring to breathe out, for fear that the sound and smell of his own breathing would wake up the head lanterns.

The original head-to-head plan would not work, who knows how thick this vine wall is, maybe he will fall into the siege before he cuts a few times, and his head will eventually become a member of those head lanterns.

Seeing that the heads and vines did not move for a moment, he tore off the handkerchief from the flashlight and took a photo to the other side.

The two cells on the inner side of the prison and the innermost wall have a double-team corridor, which makes the passage of the entire prison look like a "T" shape.Since it is built into such a symmetrical structure, if there is a passage leading to the top on this side, will there be a corresponding passage on the other side?
The light jumped over the thick roots and shone on the opposite wall.Xiao Ran found that although there was no iron gate on the opposite side, many thinner roots protruded from the gaps in the opposite wall, and in the center of these roots was a rectangular outline.

secret door?

Thinking of this word, Xiao Ran frowned and thought, if this is a secret door, then there are two possibilities.One is the secret door leading to the room behind the tenth iron door next door, and the second is between the prison and the room with the tenth door, and there is a secret room.

But no matter what kind, it is definitely the lair of giant vine cannibalism, he can only try to avoid it as much as possible, instead of using it as an escape route.

A strange smell mixed with plant fragrance and corpse smell suddenly passed through the mask and spread into Xiao Ran's nostrils.

He felt that there was something above his head, and he took a flashlight to see it, but he saw a bird head with green in the white, looking at him with its mouth slightly open and its eyes rolled, very much like the ones just seen in the vegetable market. Butcher the plucked chicken head.

Before he could react, the bird head let out a "Jie Jie Jie" cry.

(End of this chapter)

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