Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 216 The Last Meal

Chapter 216 The Last Meal

Liu Shengli and Xu Er sat at the gate of the prison for a long time, neither of them dared to look at the other.They all felt that even if Xiao Ran was fine before, this fire was enough to roast him dry.

Smoke from the door kept coming out, and the wailing sounds of various heads and the "crackling" sound of burning vines could be heard endlessly.Every time there was a howl slightly resembling a human voice, the bodies of the two of them would shake unconsciously. They obviously didn't want to believe that it was Xiao Ran, but they couldn't be sure in their hearts.

I don't know how long it took, the smoke from the door gradually decreased, and the fire in the prison also weakened a lot, and there were no more wailing sounds, so the two of them mustered up their courage and went into the prison to check again.

From the middle of the prison all the way to the end, the ground was covered with ashes from the burning of the vines, only the burn-resistant merman oil remained on some large pieces of ashes, burning quietly, like ever-burning lamps all over the floor and walls.

Liu Shengli and Xu Er carefully avoided those burning fires. They already knew the power of shark oil. Once they got a little bit on it, they would become the lamps of shark oil. Even if they burned it dry, the oil might not be used how much to go.

Walking all the way to the end, the two saw that the walls and ceiling of the corridor on the left had collapsed, while on the right there was an iron door that was concealed, and behind it was a long flight of stairs. The stairs escaped.

So the two of them mustered up their courage again, and walked all the way up the steps to the top floor, only to find that the passage had been completely blocked by the collapsed boulders on the mountain wall, and there were no traces of new digging, which meant that Xiao Ran hadn't escaped from here. , and went back to the prison angrily.

It seems that this time, Xiao Ran is really in danger.The two walked to the prison door dejectedly, and sat there blankly, neither willing to face the possibility of killing Xiao Ran by themselves.

Xu Er thought that his mother and two younger brothers were still waiting for him to go back, especially the younger brother whose dumb illness had not been cured, so he buried his head in sobs.

Liu Shengli was so aroused by him, thinking that there was no hope of escape, and indirectly killed the manager, his eyes and nose were sore.But now that Xiao Ran was not around, and he was a few years older, he forced himself to cheer up and encourage Xu Er.

Since the manager had said before that the escape route might be behind these doors, and he threw the key out when he was in danger, it must be for them to open the tenth door by themselves.Now is not the time to give up completely. Open the door first. If you really can’t find the way, then you will have no regrets. At most, you will be the three heroes again in 18 years.

The two went ahead and touched the tenth door all the way, lit the oil lamp, and then inserted the key into the keyhole.

Following Xiao Ran's example, they quickly retreated to the side after the lock was unlocked.Fortunately, there was no mechanism behind this door, and a crack in the door easily popped open.

The two opened the door to dissipate the air inside, and then divided the work. Liu Shengli went in first with a torch, and Xu Er took care of the door to prevent accidents.

The light range of Liu Shengli's torch did not exceed two meters. He just felt that this was a big room, so he walked against the wall on the right just in case.After walking less than ten meters, I saw an iron gate on the wall.There was joy in his heart, and he guessed that this might be the way to the outside.

But he was studying how to open the door, when he suddenly heard a sound behind the door, and then the door cracked open.

Liu Shengli thought of what happened to the abandoned corpse pit before, and instinctively felt that there might be some danger inside, so he subconsciously reached out to block the door.Sure enough, there was a force behind the door and pushed the door hard.

He felt that the strength of the thing behind the door surpassed him, so he gestured to Xu Er, ready to pinch the thing inside the door.

The two counted down to three, two, one, and Liu Shengli opened the door, using a torch that hadn't been lit, and smashed it down at the thing rushing out of the door.

Hearing this, Xiao Ran understood everything that Liu Shengli and Xu Er experienced after they escaped from the corridor.Seeing the apologetic faces of the two of them, Xiao Ran let out a long sigh of relief and said, "You and I are not the same thing. In any case, protect yourself first. It's right not to make trouble for me. If anything happens again That's how the danger comes. When you are safe and have enough strength, it will not be too late to help me. All in all, you did a good job before..."

When Liu Shengli and Xu Er heard what Xiao Ran said, they couldn't say they looked at each other, they were also ashamed.But thinking about it carefully, what Li Ran said was indeed reasonable. In a crisis, as long as the two of them protect themselves first, it would be of great help to let Li Ran concentrate on dealing with the danger.

Xiao Ran flashed a flashlight and looked inside, and found that about ten meters in front of him was a whole natural stone wall, connected with the mountains up and down, left and right, and there was a stone gate about two meters high just opposite the iron gate. , I don’t know what space is behind it.

Xiao Ran's journey was full of hardships and obstacles, and he had to climb two thousand steps up and down the stairs alone.At this time, he was hungry and thirsty, so he asked Xu Er to light up the oil lamps on the surrounding walls, and finally the stone cave of Baiyuping was shrouded in a bright fire.

He found a relatively flat ground, asked the two to sit down, and asked Liu Shengli to look through the bag for something edible, and asked him to replenish his energy.

Liu Shengli counted the things in his backpack, and there were only two breads left, less than half a catty of air-dried meat, two canned fruits and half a jug of water.

In Xia Niang Temple before, when he returned to the car, he only took a little more than a meal for three people. He didn't expect to encounter so many troubles later.Xiao Ran divided the rest of the food, he didn't say anything but he knew in his heart that this might be the last meal for the three of them if they were not careful.To put it bluntly, don't hit the road on an empty stomach.

While the three of them were eating, li xuan told the two of them what happened to him, trying his best to tell the story in twists and turns. Then it was swept away.

"Xiao Gang, according to your...analysis, there are no monsters and goblins here, and it's all caused by humans?" Xu Er asked.

Xiao Ran nodded: "I can only say that there are still many things we don't understand in this vast world, but what we have encountered so far is definitely not a ghost or a fairy. Just take the kind of grandma you mentioned, that is A strange insect that has not been discovered before. It can drill the scalp, suck the brain, and gradually replace the host's entire brain, order the host to work for it, and then keep the host's body alive. As for how they do it, that is It's up to the scientists."

Liu Shengli also quickly added: "Yes, yes, I heard from the second uncle that you also encountered a kind of flower that can confuse people's hearts in the underground of the ancient city of Jingjue in Xijiang. It is as strange as this giant vine cannibal. plants, not something that becomes essence.”

Hearing what he said, Xiao Ran was a little puzzled.The second uncle has never been in the Queen's underground palace, why did he tell Liu Shengli that he encountered it?

Maybe the second uncle is using the experience he heard to put money on his face, which he has done a lot.

Seeing that everyone had eaten and drank, and their morale and physical strength had recovered, Xiao Ran asked them to pack up and walked to the stone gate.

(End of this chapter)

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