Chapter 218
It's done!Xiao Ran was overjoyed for a while, it seemed that it would be useful to take Liu Shengli and Xu Er with him, he really was a good guy with three helpers, with their help, he would get twice the result with half the effort.

He jogged cheerfully all the way to the stone gate, quietly waiting for the stone gate to open.But after a while, there was no movement at this stone gate, as if everything that happened just now was an illusion.

"What's wrong with this..."

Xiao Ran wondered, just now he clearly heard a series of sounds of machine wheels turning, and it was transmitted here, indicating that there is indeed a mechanism connected.

He rubbed the stone door with his hand, and suddenly felt something different.The edge of the stone door was suddenly covered with gravel and dust, indicating that it had indeed moved.Could it be that, like those iron gates, the rear wheels are rusted and require external force?

He wanted to try to push it hard, but before his fingers touched the stone door, he heard a series of noises from the door, and the stone door retracted an inch, making a "click".

Xiao Ran suddenly realized that it was different there.The stone gate was flatly fitted on the stone wall before, roughly on the same plane as the rough stone wall next to it.After the mechanism was opened, the stone door should protrude forward by an inch or two, so there would be gravel falling in front of the door.Now for some reason, the door has retracted to its original position.

There was a sudden boom on the surrounding stone walls, Xiao Ran raised his flashlight to shine on the sound, on the top of the rough stone wall before, a few seemingly primitive stones suddenly turned over, and the rear crossbow was facing the stone gate where Xiao Ran was.

Xiao Ran hurriedly dodged back, and in the next second those arrows from the crossbows were fired at once, and the arrows, which were rusted but still full of lethality, shot densely on the ground in front of the stone gate.

Liu Shengli and Xu Er outside the door shouted to come in to meet them, but Xiao Ran stopped them.Based on the reactions of two ordinary people, Liu Shengli and Xu Er, once they were shot by these rusty crossbow arrows, it would feel like a blunt knife pulling flesh, not as happy as being shot into a hedgehog by a smooth and slippery arrow.Even if they were not directly shot to death by these rusty arrows, they would still be infected with tetanus and die more painfully in an environment where there is a lack of medical treatment.

Xiao Ran stepped back a few steps one after another, and as soon as he reached the center of the cave, he heard a sound coming from the stone wall above him.Turning around and looking at it, a row of Liannu was also turned over above the wall, facing the ground in the center of the cave.

Xiao Ran hurriedly continued to retreat, the crossbow arrows on the wall behind almost brushed against his toes, and poured down on the place where he was standing before like rain.

Not knowing what other deadly mechanism was in the cave, Xiao Ran quickly ran to the iron gate.As soon as one of his feet reached the iron gate, he suddenly felt the ground shake under his feet.He subconsciously bent his knees and quickly retreated to the door with a somersault.

Almost in the next second, three rows of steel thorns as high as the iron gate broke through the ground covered with gravel and gravel inside the gate.If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, he would have been pierced by dozens of steel thorns in front of Liu Shengli and Xu Er now.

Liu Shengli and Xu Er were terrified by the various life-requesting organs, and they were glad that they didn't go in hastily just now, otherwise it would be a trivial matter if they died, and dragging Xiao Ran to die together would be a crime.

Xiao Ran took a photo of the iron gate with a flashlight, and found that not only this iron gate, but also the iron gate leading to the medicine field below, also had dozens of steel thorns coming out of the ground. It's a dead end, it's an exhaustive strategy.

Tianling Sanren, an old animal, really likes to use chain traps to plot against people, just in case there is a strong and vigorous expert, or if more than one person comes.

Just imagine if Xiao Ran moves a little slower, or brings Liu Shengli and Xu Er inside together, the most ideal result is that he is seriously injured and can still breathe. As for the other two...

"Xiao...Xiao Gang, did we make a mistake again? Can't you use a torch to roast that thing?"

Hearing Xu Er's words, Liu Shengli nodded again and again: "It must be that piecemeal person who deliberately dug a hole for the purpose of harming others. That old Bangcai is an old reactionary..."

Xiao Ran shook his head: "It's Tianling Loose People, what odd people. Each of these ten rooms has its own use, and it shouldn't be just this one that was created just to trap people. I just discovered that stone door on the wall It popped up a little bit. There is definitely something wrong with the Ant-Man’s stone slab on the ground. I reckon that it’s right to roast Nanqisu with fire, and if there’s a mistake, it should be in other steps..."

In the stone cave behind the door, the continuous crossbows hanging on the wall stopped shooting one after another, leaving only broken arrows and dust all over the ground.The steel thorns in front of the two iron gates also slowly retracted to the ground with a "cracking" sound.

Xiao Ran drew out his knife and reached into the door, scratched the edge of the door a few times, and then strode into the door.Liu Shengli followed behind, also held up the engineering shovel and poked the door a few times, then caught up with Xiao Ran in small steps.

Seeing this, Xu Er took the long set of poles in his hand and poked into the door a few times, with a voice in his mouth: "咻咻!"

Xiao Ran happened to turn his head while walking, and seeing the actions of this pair of clowns, he asked in bewilderment: "What are you two doing? Are you cursing me behind your back?"

Liu Shengli scratched his head and said, "I don't see you doing this, so I'll do it too. Is it something to pay attention to before entering the door? Just like lighting a candle or something, poking it at a dark place can ward off evil spirits?"

Xu Er hurriedly followed up, nodded and said, "Xiao Gang is making trouble, we are making trouble, we see you hide away every time you open the door, and you have avoided disasters several times. I just used the one handed down by the old man in the village. What do you think of his marksmanship?"

After all, he was still holding the broken pole and posing as the Monkey King. I don't know where he learned it from the monkey show of some grass-roots team.

Xiao Ran was angry and funny, and said: "I was just trying to see if there is a trick, don't learn if you don't need to learn..."

The two of them didn't expect that the reason for li xuan's gesture was that it was so simple to test the mechanism, so they blushed, but the previous tense atmosphere was swept away.

Xiao Ran used his flashlight to shine a light on Nan Qisu at the front of the door, and found that the yin and yang fish had returned to their original state.I heard a series of voices behind the stone gate before, which should be the voice of the return of the seven constellations.

Xiao Ran walked to the stone gate and pushed it carefully, feeling that the stone gate was a little loose.He boldly pushed again, and found that something seemed to be stuck behind the stone door.Such a subtle design is definitely not just to trick people into falling into the trap.

He thought of an idea, and said to Liu Shengli and Xu Er: "You two go to the door, and then roast the seven yin and yang fishes over fire, and get out as soon as everything changes."

Liu Shengli and Xu Er obediently obeyed the order, trotted all the way to the iron gate, stepped on stones and held up a torch to start roasting the seven yin-yang fish.Within a few minutes, all seven yin-yang fish fell, and a series of "click" sounds came from far and near, all the way from the ground to the stone gate.

The stone gate popped out a few inches from the wall with a "bang", ejecting out with the rare earth gravel on the edge.

Looking at the stone door that popped up, Xiao Ran suddenly had an impulse to push the carved stone with both hands, and pushed it inside.

(End of this chapter)

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