Chapter 229 Go Inside!
Seeing Xu Er's face change, Xiao Ran's heart shuddered. Could it be that this desert worm, as a worm, has also learned how to play with dirty things like cheating corpses?

He quickly turned around and drew his saber, thinking that even if the blind slash couldn't cut through the desert worm from the gap in its carapace like just now, it could at least give it a blunt wound with a dented carapace.

But when the knife was cut off, nothing happened. Instead, Xiao Ran almost dodged because of too much force.There was nothing behind him, and the few tentacles that had been cut off were still lying there quietly, just like their quiet master on the sandy ground of the corridor at this time.

"Wall, wall!"

Xu Er hadn't recovered from the desperate effort just now, and said while panting heavily.

At this time, there was a sound of "cracking", Xiao Ran raised his head, and saw that on the wall next to the stone room, where a stone was unscrewed by the mouthparts of a giant desert worm before, there were some broken stones scattered, and the scene in the wall was immediately clear. no more.

Behind the wall tiles, you can vaguely see many copper gears with a slight green rust, as well as copper rods of different lengths.

"Xiao Gang, that... those are machine parts... yes..."

Xiao Ran put away the knife excitedly, nodded his head and said: "Sure enough, there is a trap, I don't think it is possible for everyone to step on the sand like this, isn't this really digging one's own grave?"

He quickly ran to the wall and shone a flashlight into the wall hole. His whole body was almost glued to the wall, trying to find out where the switches of these organs were.

Liu Shengli and Xu Er took a breath and got up.The cooperation just now made the two of them a little angry, and suddenly felt that they were very good at it, so they walked over to Xiao Ran with a shovel and said, "Manager, let's not bother, just tear down the wall, okay?"

Xiao Ran looked at the two of them like idiots, and said with a smile, "You really want to pick it up? Then you two should try it."

Liu Shengli and Xu Er rubbed their hands together, and smashed the shovel towards the cracks in the bricks on the wall.But apart from the two bangs of "Dang Dang" and some debris falling from the edge, there were only the painful expressions of the two grinning their teeth.

"Are your hands numb? Do you really think the tomb walls are made of tofu? In ancient times, tomb walls were built with boy urine and glutinous rice juice, and there are many secret recipes that have been lost now, which can make the tomb walls stronger than the city walls. Although It’s far worse than modern craftsmanship, but it’s not something that can be easily destroyed by manpower.”

The reason why Xiao Ran didn't tell the two of them in time was that he didn't want them to be overwhelmed by a single victory. After all, spiritual things such as fighting spirit and energy are easy to be overwhelmed by regrets, and if they are not careful, they will become aggressive and die.Appropriate suffering can also calm them down.

Obviously, Liu Shengli is much better at how to become cowardly than how to become brave.His physical strength was almost exhausted when he wrestled with the giant desert worm before, and he was hanging on the heart of "it's better to chase the poor with the remaining courage".Now I want to show my face but I can't, everyone suddenly shortened a bit, leaned on the shovel and shook his hand, muttering in a low voice: "Just that old bug can screw a hole in the wall. I really thought that the old wall is not so old anymore." It's solid..."

Xiao Ran said: "Let's not talk about the worm's size and those fangs, it can spray acid water, for it to bite the wall can't be said to bite the tofu, at least it is to bite the apple, which is called a crunchy .When soaked in acid and swallowed, isn’t it just like playing with rotating wall bricks?”

Seeing that the two of them were a bit sluggish, Xiao Ran knew that they wanted to prove themselves to him, so it was not good to hit him any more, and added: "So I have to say that you two are amazing, you can suppress such a big bug, and create something for me. Opportunity, otherwise we would have to stay here today. This matter has to be given to you two, if I were Guan Yu, you two would be my Guan Ping Zhou Cang."

Hearing what Xiao Ran said, the light on the faces of the two of them came back a little, and they laughed cheerfully.Xiao Ran didn't say anything, but he sighed in his heart, after all, they are still two young people at heart, the team has to be led slowly...

At this time Xu Er looked at Liu Shengli and said, "Brother Liu, you are pale, you are Guan Ping, and I am Zhou Cang..."

Liu Shengli laughed happily: "I am Guan Ping... Guan Ping..."

But seeing Xiao Ran and Xu Er smirking at him, he suddenly reacted: "No, then I won't be the manager's son?"

Seeing Liu Shengli's embarrassment, Xiao Ran and Xu Er burst into laughter.Xu Er also added: "Not a son, but a godson, who did it..."

The atmosphere inside and outside Shimen was instantly filled with joy, and even Liu Shengli laughed angrily at himself.He didn't dare to do anything wrong to Xiao Ran, so he smiled and punched Xu Er on the shoulder.

Seeing this, Xu Er subconsciously dodged to the side, but Liu Shengli missed Xu Er and hit the oil lamp holder behind Xu Er with his fist.

"Hiss... grandma, what are you hiding, it hurts me to death..."

Liu Shengli shook his hand in pain, but the oil lamp holder was punched by him, and it instantly retracted a few points into the rear wall, making a "cracking" sound at the same time.

The three of them were all stunned, seeing the gears and copper rods turning a few times in the hollow on the wall before stopping still.

"So that's it! We thought it was complicated before!"

Xiao Ran patted his legs excitedly, and the other two also looked happy.When they checked the mechanism before, it wasn't that they didn't take these oil lamps into consideration, but no matter how hard they tried up, down, left, and right, the oil lamp just didn't move at all.

If it weren't for the fight between Liu Shengli and Xu Er, they might really not think about it anymore, why can't they put the oil lamp in it?

Xiao Ran hurriedly ordered the two of them to go to the other side and try all the oil lamps to see if they could be smashed into the wall like this one.

"This can!"

"This is fine too!"

While shouting, Liu Shengli and Xu Er pushed all three oil lamps on the other side into the wall.Xiao Ran also operated at the same time, and pressed all the remaining two oil lamps in.

But at this moment, only a crackling sound was heard, not only the suspension bridge-like floors on both sides of the corridor did not fall as Xiao Ran thought, but all the oil lamps slowly popped out from the wall and returned to their original positions.

"Be careful!"

Xiao Ran quickly pulled out his knife and looked around vigilantly.It seems that although the oil lamp can be pressed in, there are also tricks in the specific operation, and it is not so simple to press all of them in.

After waiting for a long time, without any other movement, Xiao Ran finally breathed a sigh of relief.It seems that even if this mechanism is accidentally mistaken, it will not trigger any deadly hidden weapon.After all, if Tianling Sanren himself or someone related to him made a mistake, he would have died anyway in this small stone room.

"Manager, something is wrong..." Liu Shengli said.

Xiao Ran was studying the oil lamp on the wall, and asked without looking back: "What's wrong?"

Liu Shengli stammered, "That thing... that big worm... is gone..."

Xiao Ran hastily moved his flashlight to the sandy tunnel to take a photo, not only the body of the worm that was split in two, but even the tentacles that he chopped off disappeared without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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