Chapter 266
Seeing that Xiao Ran was so serious suddenly, Xu Er knew that it was no small matter to Xiao Ran.So he took a few sips of cold water, organized his thoughts, and slowly told the story about the black blind man while recalling it.

About two months ago, during the period between when Xiao Ran and the others returned from Ganggang Yingzi and set off from Zhaojing to explore the remains of Queen Jingjue, Heixiazi once visited Futou Village.

At that time, he regarded himself as a writer and said that he wanted to write some travel notes about the local customs and natural scenery. He passed by Futou Village, and under the arrangement of the village head, he temporarily stayed at Xu Er's house.

Speaking of this, Hu Bayi felt strange, why would people from other villages be arranged in Xu Er's house?He instinctively felt that the villagers felt that Xu Er's father was gone and his elder brother was working in the county, so they bullied the orphan and widow.

Xu Er quickly waved his hands to explain that the reasons Hu Bayi said were indeed correct, but the intention was not to bully, but to help.Because Xu Er's father belonged to a person who read a lot in the village, and he had already been educated in elementary school before the founding of the country, so he attached great importance to the education of several children.The Xu family's children are considered to be top-notch in reading and writing in the village, especially Xu Er has worked in the county, and the reception of the guests from the establishment is relatively more decent.

Moreover, every time the cost of entertaining foreign guests is paid by the village, the village head will subsidize some more to Xu's family every time according to the actual situation.And the guests from the city are usually very particular, and they will leave some money and meal tickets for Xu Er's family. These visits are equivalent to giving the orphan and widow family a small extra income from time to time.

After hearing this, the few people understood the village chief's intentions, and they had to lament that those bridge riders really deserved their death.

Xu Er went on to say that the black blind man had been here for a few days and chatted with the old people and children in the village. The things he talked about were indeed related to the customs of the village, the nearby mountains and rivers, and some legends and stories from the past.This person is very sociable, and besides cash and food coupons, he also brought some cigarettes, alcohol, candy, etc. Anyone who has talked with him will not leave empty-handed, and naturally everyone is willing to take the initiative to talk to him, including Xu Er who is very familiar with the surroundings.

This black blind man is also good at calligraphy. Knowing how much the old village head likes to be arty, he once wrote a handwritten word for the old village head, which was pasted by the old village head and hung on the wall of the main room at home.

Xiao Ran recalled that when the old village head opened the door, he did catch a glimpse of a writing on the wall, which read "House of Accumulation of Goodness" and signed "Ignorance".It seems that this black blind man is really good at matching what he likes, these words really touched the heart of the old village chief.

Heixiazi stayed in Futou Village for a week at first, chatting with villagers during the day, or going out to collect scenery and sightseeing by himself, and at night he was bored in the wing room without turning on the lights.Xu Er thought he fell asleep very early, until one night when he went to burn the kang to renew firewood, he found that the black blind man was actually writing something in his notebook, and only then did he know that the man who wore sunglasses every day was actually blind.

On that second day, the blind man asked Xu Er to take him to the abandoned village that Xiao Ran and the others had been to, but when he reached the gap in the mountain, the blind man gave Xu Er some food coupons and money, and sent him away. When he went back, he also asked him not to tell others where he had gone.

Hei Xiazi only had one backpack with him. When Xu Er returned home, he saw that there was nothing left in the wing room, so he thought that Hei Xiazi had left completely, so he put this matter aside for the time being.

But about four or five days later, Xu Er went to hunt birds with his slingshot early in the morning. As soon as he left the village, he saw the blind man sitting by the stone tablet, looking at him with a smile on his lips.

Seeing the blind man sitting here so early in the morning, Xu Er wondered why he didn't enter the village.But Heixiazi said that he was just waiting for him, and he needed to find a place with him, and he would be paid when he found it.

Xu Er looked Hei Xiazi up and down, saw that his body was covered with dust, and there was a dark red stain on his trousers, exuding a fishy smell, and he instinctively raised some precautions.

He felt that this person was too deep and unfathomable. After leaving for a few days, when he came back, his body was either dirty or bloody, but he himself was fine. Who knows if he killed someone?

So Xu Er immediately refused, saying that his family has been busy with farm work recently, and he couldn't get away.The black blind man naturally knew that he was making excuses, so he raised the salary again, and immediately stuffed ten cards of Great Unity into his hands.

Seeing that Xu Er was still hesitating, the black blind man said half-jokingly and half-sarcastically that Xu Er wandered around the village all day long, and it was really worthwhile to shoot a bird with a slingshot.He didn't need a slingshot, and he could shoot down birds with just the knife in his hand.

After all, Xu Er was young and vigorous, and he was naturally dissatisfied when he heard Hei Xiazi provoke him on his favorite matter, so he proposed to see how Hei Blind man threw a knife and shot a bird.

Seeing that Xu Er was playing tricks, the black blind man took advantage of the situation and asked Xu Er to compete with him to see who had better shooting skills, but the target was not the sparrows.

He took Xu Er to a tree not far from the entrance of the village. There was a huge hornet's nest hanging there, and several hornets were flying around the nest.Hei Xiazi suggested that whoever can shoot the hornet will win.

Seeing this, Xu Er was dumbfounded, thinking that the black blind man is too good at bragging, even if he is only half blind, it is impossible to stab a hornet with a knife, and people with good eyesight may not be able to do it...

With a "boom", a short black knife was nailed to a tree more than 30 meters away.Xu Er was still in a daze before, it seemed that the black blind man just raised his hand casually, and the knife literally "penetrated three points".

The wasps in the hornet's nest were only slightly disturbed, flew out of the nest, shook, and then plunged back into the nest to sleep back in the cage.

Xu Er cautiously walked under the tree in disbelief, only to see that a hornet's stomach had already been pierced into the gap of the short knife nailed into the tree. Its upper body was still alive and it was struggling for the last time.

Xu Er yanked the dagger vigorously, but it didn't move at all, but the wasp on the tree was shaken by him again and made a "buzzing" sound.

He quickly stopped, when the black blind man came over without a sound, and pulled the knife out of the tree carelessly, as if the tree was just a piece of tofu.

The two returned 30 meters away. Xu Er boldly raised the slingshot, aimed at a wasp flying out of the hornet's nest for a long time, and shot a slingshot as soon as he let go.

But at the moment of launching, Xu Er panicked. He knew that he could not shoot the hornet, but instead shot at the hornet's nest.

Almost at the same time as he let go, the blind man raised his hand again, and the dagger flew out instantly, collided with Xu Er's slingshot, and with a "Dang" sound, the dagger was nailed into the tree again.

Xu Er secretly thought that it was very dangerous, if the throwing knife hadn't been in time, they might have to cover their heads to hide from the wasps now.

The blind man pulled out the knife from the tree and came back. Xu Er still hesitated, but the blind man said casually: "You said just now that you have to go home and help your mother with farm work? How about I go too..."

Hei Xiazi's words were gentle, with a smile on his lips, but Xu Er felt a chill.

(End of this chapter)

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