Tomb Raiders I Can Hear Antique Talk

Chapter 284 Ghost Stories

Chapter 284 Ghost Stories

Ren Yixu almost forgot how he stayed away from that mountain temple, he only remembered that after seeing the statue really ate roasted sweet potatoes, he stumbled and ran out, almost desperately crawling between the trees Drilling until there is no trace of the mountain temple at all, and even the few trees with a slight impression near the mountain temple have disappeared, and then I feel that I am finally safe.

The continuous high tension of body and mind made him feel exhausted. Once a sense of security surged in his heart, a sense of powerlessness also enveloped his whole body.

His knees softened, and he sat down on the fallen leaves under the tree, panting violently, and his eyes turned black.Along with the buzzing in his ears, he felt someone calling his name.

The voice was far and near, like a man and a woman, and it was not very clear.He wanted to run, but he had no strength at all.

The voice calling his name gradually approached, and then there was a burst of noise.He felt many hands grabbing his limbs suddenly, pressing him hard to the ground, and then a piece of soft stuff was stuffed into his mouth.

"Ho ho!"

Renyi woke up from the illusion with a yell, and when his vision gradually became clear, he saw those companions who had entered the forest with him surrounding him, looking at him with concern.Among them were two male companions, pressing his hands and feet.

He shook his head and talked, but his cheeks were sore, and he felt something was stuffed in his mouth.At this time, someone pulled out the towel from his mouth, and he yelled twice in horror.

The companion handed over the water bottle, he drank two sips of water, and finally calmed down. After listening to his companions talking about it, he realized that these companions were calling his name just now. When he saw him, he lay down straight. Play pendulum under the tree.The companions were afraid that he would hurt themselves, so they stuffed a towel in his mouth and held down his limbs.

Ren Yixu was not sure at this time, whether he was following the path of the wild spirits, or he was swaying because of fatigue and fear.However, this indiscriminate rush led his lost companions to find him. Is this the secret help of the mountain god, as the reward that the mountain god said?

He told his companions about his experience. The past was different from the present. At that time, everyone believed in these ghosts and gods, and they inevitably felt a little scared in their hearts, so they bowed a few times in the direction of the mountain temple that Ren Yixu said.

Just like this, Ren Yixu suddenly felt a little bulging in his chest. He unbuttoned his clothes, and a large pile of gray and white mushrooms fell out of his arms. Like the mushrooms on the head of the coir raincoat seen in the movie.

He was so frightened that he quickly took off his clothes and slapped his body. He finally felt relieved when he knew that he was shirtless and sure that the mushroom didn't grow from his body.

Looking at the gray and white mushrooms on the ground, several empty-handed companions moved their minds.They went into this deep mountain and old forest just to pick mushrooms, but they didn't expect that they returned empty-handed, but Xu Er somehow stuffed them with clothes.

So everyone became more or less suspicious of his story. Some people thought that he deliberately made up the story of the mountain god to scare everyone, so that everyone would not pick mushrooms like him; His mental acuity allowed him to see things like those mountain temples, and even swayed.

All in all, whether the story itself is true or not, Renyi Xu has indeed picked mushrooms.Since he didn't want to tell, or really couldn't tell the source of the mushroom, he might as well share some with everyone.

Renyi Xu knew that this mushroom must be weird, and because of the reward from the so-called mountain god, he did not dare to disobey it, so he agreed to share the mushroom, but he reminded him that he couldn't eat it himself, and as for whether he could buy it, he had to wait for Renyi Xu to return. Let's figure it out.

Several people finally had a harvest, and each of them returned home with a dozen gray and white mushrooms.That night Renyixu's cat caught a mouse, so he found a cage to lock the mouse in, fed some mushrooms into it, and then had a hasty rest.

Early the next morning, when he went to see the mouse again, he found that a grayish-white mushroom really grew on the mouse's head. At first glance, it seemed that the skull was exposed.It's just that the mouse has also become stupid and violent. When Renyi Xu came to see it, it was biting the cage frantically, and the cat beside it also had its fur all over its body, as if it had seen a ghost. Sniff out some danger.

Renyi Xu felt uneasy, so he took a ladle of boiling water from the pot and poured it down, scalding the mouse to death, and the mushroom fell off.

From this point of view, this mushroom is indeed neither edible nor sold.He hurriedly took the mouse as evidence to inform the other families, but when he was walking in the village, he heard the villagers talking a lot. After inquiring, he found out that the family members had disappeared, but they didn't take away all their clothes and finances. These people just disappeared out of thin air.

Renyixu walked around these houses one by one, and found that they didn't listen to the persuasion, and there were all kinds of mushroom residues in the pots of each house.Thinking of the changes in that mouse, Ren Yixu guessed that the family members had eaten mushrooms and changed, maybe they ran back to the mountain they went to like the person in the dream.

When he got home, he wanted to throw those mushrooms away, but he was afraid that others would pick them up and eat them by mistake. He wanted to burn them but was afraid of offending the mountain god, so he sealed them in a wooden box and buried them under the courtyard wall. .

That night, Renyixu had a dream. He dreamed that several people in coir raincoats wearing straw hats came to his house and said that since he didn't like these rewards from the mountain god, he would replace them with other things. There is no difference between the two.

Ren Yixu felt that those people in coir raincoats were somewhat familiar, so he bravely took off the straw hat of one of the people in coir raincoats, and suddenly found that that person was one of the missing companions.

Immediately afterwards, those men in coir raincoats took off their straw hats one by one, all of them were the companions who went into the mountain together that day and their missing family members.The heads, backs, and shoulders of these people are covered with mushrooms, and the coir raincoats on their bodies have also turned into long hair.Their faces also all turned into mountain god statues, with fangs licking their cheeks and black hair all over their faces, and they uttered sharp and piercing roars at Renyi Xu.

Renyi Xu woke up from his sleep and found that the sheets were almost soaked with sweat. At this time, the east had turned white, and the crowing of chickens in the village was continuous.

He hurriedly ran to the base of the courtyard wall, dug out the wooden box containing the mushrooms and opened it. He was surprised to find that there were no traces of mushrooms in it. Instead, they were all mixed with mud and exuded a pungent smell. gold and jade jewelry.

Later, Renyi Xu cleaned up these gold and jade artifacts and bought them at a good price in the county. Then he returned to the village and opened oil workshops, tofu workshops and vinegar workshops. Help, business and reputation are getting better and better.

He kept his mouth shut about this experience until he was old, and only occasionally when he got drunk would he happily treat it as a ghost story and tell it to his grandchildren, naturally adding a sentence at the end: don't mess with anything Run around in the mountains, and don't eat things of unknown origin.

(End of this chapter)

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