Chapter 294
Standing among the three, Hu Bayi saw the statue slowly approaching, first pushed Xu Er out of the gap between the statue and the mountain wall, then turned around and pushed Xiao Ran, before he ran out behind.

The gap was more than one meter wide, even if the statue moved slowly, it was still firmly leaning against the wall the moment Hu Bayi escaped.A corner of Hu Bayi's cotton coat was still caught in the crack of the wall by the statue.

Hu Bayi almost instinctively flashed his flashlight to the well, but the fat man was not there.He ruthlessly pulled the corner of his clothes out of the crack in the wall, walked around to the statue of the ghost king, and immediately yelled: "Fatty, you are a ghost who urges you to die, just forget about playing yourself to death, you didn't send the three of us away just now! Didn't you Did you say rest? What are you running up to make trouble for?"

The fat man was squatting on the base of the statue at this time, holding the lever switch of the last corpse clay sculpture, and muttered in surprise: "I... don't blame me, I just came up... I don't know anything. I didn't touch it, the ghost king seemed to move by itself, I thought you touched something..."

Although Fatty loves to cheat and play tricks occasionally, he never dared to make jokes about Hu Bayi's life.Hu Bayi walked to the corpse clay sculpture, looked at the sliding rail below, looked suspiciously at the fat man, and didn't ask any more questions.

The switch of the fourth corpse clay sculpture was discovered by Xiao Ran.Using Hu Bayi's flashlight, he glanced at the slide rail under the lever.If the fat man hadn't moved twice in a row, then the corpse lever was indeed still in place.Based on what he knew about Hu Bayi and Fatty, he felt that Fatty might just want to move, but he really didn't move.

"Brother Hu, we have seen such a mechanism in the underground of Xia Niang Temple before. I guess if the door is not opened within the specified time, the ghost king statue will automatically return to its place. This is just returning to its place, and no flying sand poisonous arrows have been ejected. The agency is pretty good."

Hu Ba nodded, and said to the fat man: "Don't you want to try it, then don't rest, just drive it and try it?"

The fat man immediately grinned and said, "That's what you said! Take care of yourself, don't let some deadly trap come out!"

Hu Bayi waved his hand impatiently, and the fat man decisively pushed the corpse stone sculpture to the other end, then quickly jumped off the base of the Ghost King Statue, and cautiously raised his gun to aim around.

A muffled sound of rubbing stones came from not far in front of the ghost king statue.Hu Bayi's flashlight quickly turned to the sacrificial well, and the fat man wondered, "Is that well again?"

Several people approached the well carefully, and the fat man ran to the well first. He just stretched out his head to take a look, then quickly took a step back, and subconsciously touched the gun.

His nervousness also infected several other people. Everyone felt for the gun, touched the gun, drew the knife, and swung the shovel if there was no knife or gun.Hu Ba asked in a low voice: "What did you see? The corpse below is really alive?"

The fat man shook his head and said, "No...the bottom has changed again, it's not the corpse and the corpse, and it's not the pitch-black stone slab. It seems that someone is sitting under it, which shocked me, but it should be a dead person..."

"...What's so scary about dead people... This is not like your usual style..."

Everything encountered in this temple was too depressing, and even the fat man lost his composure because of being too nervous, which was inevitable.Everyone relaxed along with Hu Bayi, Fatty himself felt a little embarrassed.In order to make up for his face, he ran to the well first, took a photo down the well, and said to everyone: "He is really a dead man, and he is still meditating below..."

The flashlights of several people shone at the bottom of the well, and there was a human figure covered with black and white pili, sitting cross-legged and meditating, with hands folded up and down in front of the chest. It's like practicing some magical skills.

What's even more weird is that there are a few rusty chains wrapped around the man's body. The other end of those chains should be fixed to the surrounding well wall.

"Old Hu, you said that the stone board at the bottom of the well can come out like a cover. How did this dead person appear out of thin air? And those iron chains, they can't be tied up temporarily when we turn on the switch. Bar?"

Hu Bayi thought for a while and said: "Let me guess, this corpse, as well as the bottom and wall of the well where he is, are probably hidden in the wall of the well like a bowl. When the switch is turned on, the bowl containing the dead will be gone." Move it out from the side. Hey, let me stop guessing, don’t you know if you open it again and have a look?”

"Okay! Xu Er, I've given you this good job, go ahead and start it!"

After the fat man finished speaking, he looked at the bottom of the well with excitement. Xu Er was most happy that he could come in handy. At this time, he ran to the base of the ghost king statue and pushed the corpse switch.

Sure enough, with a sound of friction, a bowl-shaped well section with walls and bottoms moved aside with the corpse, and the chains wobbled and made a sound.As the small section of the bowl-shaped well was hidden in the wall of the well, the stone slab covered with dark green moss mud was exposed below.

"Unexpectedly, there are three floors under this well, which are well hidden. Xu Er, turn the switch back."

Hu Bayi gave an order, and the well section moved back to everyone's field of vision.Curiosity is satisfied, but now it's time to solve the problem of the key.

Hu Bayi analyzed: "The four switches next to the ghost king statue are more or less related to the way out. Take the stone slab at the bottom of the well as an example. If I guessed correctly, the stone slab will not come out to block the sacrificial pit below. The buddies who meditate probably won’t be able to get out. If we must find the key, we have to go down and see if the master has it.”

Xiao Ran looked at the corpse meditating below, and said: "This corpse's hands are tightly closed, I guess there's something hidden inside. But what's a little weird is that this corpse is still wrapped in iron chains, which makes it a little creepy Now, you won’t cheat the corpse, will you?”

Hu Bayi said: "It's hard to say. I know a little about the Ghost King Temple and the sacrificial well. I don't know much about the saying that the corpses are tied up and placed in the well. We still have to send someone down to have a look... Fatty you Never mind."

After Hu Bayi finished speaking, he patted the fat man's stomach.The mouth of the well was completely smaller than him, and among the four of them, only Xu Er was the most suitable.

The fat man wondered, "It's such a big well, how did you throw sacrifices into it? Could it be that children were thrown into it?"

"Since it's a well for offering sacrifices, we must pay attention to virgin boys and virgins. The maximum age is estimated to be no more than 12. As for live animals, I guess there are more lambs and piglets, and calves may not be okay. Xu Er... probably also A bit reluctant."

Hu Bayi looked at Xu Er who was taking off his padded jacket. Although he was thin and thin, Hu Bayi was still worried that his hip bones were wider than Jingkou.

Xiao Ran took a deep breath, stopped Xu Er from continuing to undress, and said to the others: "The corpse below is a bit weird, if there is any problem, Xu Er may not be able to handle it, I'll go."

After all, he took off his cotton coat and took off his backpack, and under the surprised eyes of everyone, he stretched his body with a "click".

(End of this chapter)

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