Chapter 300
A few people stood by the forest, it was already afternoon, and the sun was not so strong, but after experiencing the shadows and darkness of the Ten Mile Pine Forest and the Underground Ghost King Temple, the mild sunshine made them even more warm in the slightly cold wind. meaning.

Hu Ba took a look at the large deserted tomb in front of him. The mounds inside were scattered all over the place, and there were many coffins standing on the ground halfway out, the coffin lids fell on the ground, and the scattered bones were faintly visible among the mounds. Small and medium carnivores tugged over.

Across the barren tomb, you can see the hundreds of meters high rocky cliffs.Behind a tree with a crooked neck next to the barren grave, a black hole as tall as a person is embedded in the mountain wall, which should be the entrance of the passage that the black blind man blasted with explosives before.

The fat man laughs when he sees a coffin, and rejoices when he sees a grave.Seeing so many grave mounds in front of my eyes, like a wild boar entering a vegetable field, I happily grinned from ear to ear.He turned to Hu Bayi and said, "Old Hu, it's impossible for such old graves to be all kind people? Ordinary people can't travel so far to repair graves. I guess most of them are They work in a shady business, and they are afraid that someone will dig their graves before burying them in this hidden place in the deep mountains and old forests. We are here today, just for the sake of the sky, maybe there are some nonsense people in there, at least there must be one or two of them buddy!"

As the fat man said, he picked up the shovel and wanted to rush down to dig for gold, but was stopped by Hu Bayi.Hu Bayi said: "This tomb is a bit strange, even you can see it. No normal person would go through such a large forest just to bury someone here. This barren tomb is almost surrounded by mountains on three sides. On the other side is the forest, which is also a sunken depression, which doesn't make sense in terms of Feng Shui, but there are hundreds of graves. Let's go down and have a look first, and talk about the rest later."

Fatty dragged the shovel with a look of disappointment, and followed Hu Bayi to the small basin below. Xiao Ran and Xu Er also hurriedly followed.

Hu Bayi was still muttering while walking, and the fat man muttered behind him: "Old Hu, you are becoming more and more like a half fairy, and you are muttering, is this the way to do it?"

Hu Bayi said: "I seem to have a little impression of the layout of this kind of cemetery. Let me go back and see if there is any similar record in Feng Shui Mystery. Don't make a fuss..."

The fat man turned his head, and whispered to Xiao Ran and Xu Er, "Feng Shui secret technique..."

After finishing speaking, he even made a face, and Xu Er giggled from behind.

Fatty turned his head triumphantly, but Hu Bayi in front suddenly squatted down.The fat man was unguarded, and was tripped by Hu Bayi and fell to the ground.

He rolled over and sat up on the ground, rubbed his arms and legs, and said to Hu Bayi dissatisfied: "Old Hu, you are so narrow-minded..."

Hu Bayi didn't reply, but knocked on the tombstone in front of him, and asked the fat man, "Have you seen such a monument?"

The fat man looked at the monument next to Hu Bayi, with three points of doubt and seven points of confusion in his eyes.Xiao Ran and Xu Er also took two quick steps and turned to the front of the stele.

On the stone tablet in front of the tomb, there is no title, no name, and no date of birth or death. Instead, a very freehand skeleton kid is engraved with simple lines, dancing with its teeth and claws.

"What is this thing? This thing doesn't look like a painting from our side, but I went to the west before and saw similar things in some temples..." the fat man said.

Hu Ba nodded and said: "The old man in the village told the legend about the evil monk Bal Kun who robbed the tomb, and that name is not from the Han. Cultural exchanges flourished in the Yuan Dynasty, and that Ba Kun may refer to that unknown small sect. believers. I guess this cemetery was created by him according to some of their secrets, so this painting is not the same as ours. Let's see..."

An artificial cemetery?The other three looked at each other in blank dismay.But Hu Bayi went straight to the other steles, Xiao Ran and Xu Er had no choice but to pull the fat man up and continue walking behind him.

They found a few more complete or broken stone tablets. Although the movements of the skeletons and ghosts were slightly different, they could still be seen to be from the same person, or from the same sect.

Hu Bayi found a lone big rock and climbed it up, looked around the deserted tombs, and asked, "Apart from these strange monuments, do you see anything else?"

Several people looked at each other, and Xiao Ran pondered: "Chaotic, the orientation of these graves is too chaotic. It stands to reason that graves that are buried with care must face upwards, facing the sun with their backs to the mountains, and the front is spacious, or they are designed by a professional Feng Shui master according to the local conditions at the time. Choose the most suitable angle. These tombs were originally buried in depressions with no access on all sides, and the orientations are messy and inconsistent."

Hu Ba nodded and said: "Brother Xiao is right. To be precise, it's not chaos, but blocking each other. If you look carefully, most of the passages between these grave mounds are in the shape of a 'T', that is, you can go from any two tombs. If you pass between the first grave mounds, you will bump into the third grave mound, and you must make a detour.

"Although there is no clear record of such a cemetery layout in Fengshui secrets, it is mentioned in the word 'town' that the yin house should welcome good luck and avoid evil spirits. Just like Brother Xiao said, at least it should be bright and bright, or the auspicious position can be determined by geomantic omen. This cemetery is just the opposite. It is a depression, and it is laid out in the shape of a 'T', gathering yin and accumulating evil spirits. Therefore, I say that this cemetery should be created by people like Ba Kun or Tianling Sanren. Including what you saw Those standing coffins were not dug by tomb robbers, but placed like that on purpose."

After hearing this, the fat man deliberately ran to a vertical coffin to have a look, and he found that the vertical coffin was placed upright, not as busy as a tomb robber who deliberately erected the coffin in order to open the coffin.After all, for this kind of shady activity, it is better to have more things than less things.

The fat man ran back and asked suspiciously, "Are you saying that this group of ancient people were fed up? They purposely set up such a cemetery just for disgusting people?"

Hu Bayi looked at the mountain wall in the distance, drew the two divine eyes on the ground again, and said: "Put a dead mole next to the divine eyes, and the accumulation of yin and evil will not only cut off the surging vitality." , It can also consume the auspicious energy gushing out from the Lingtai. If this continues, the aura of the Zangshen Bureau will be exhausted sooner or later. From the perspective of Ba Kun and his group, this is a major project to change the veins against the sky. "

The fat man looked at a large area of ​​barren graves, his eyes dimmed again.Since the tombs were built intentionally to block the aura of the Lingtai, these coffins are just like the coffins of the Hundred Ghosts, and it is absolutely impossible to put more funerary objects in them.

Looking at the sunset in the distance, Hu Bayi said, "Let's go, let's hurry up and go into the cave to explore the way. Today's one-day tour is basically over."

A few people walked through the cemetery with seven turns and walked to the entrance of the cave on the mountain wall.The cave was pitch black, and there was neither the sound of water that Xu Er mentioned, nor a trace of air gushing out.And Xu Er looked at the pitch-black cave, and remembered the anaconda that disappeared out of thin air before, and couldn't help shivering.

(End of this chapter)

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