Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1601 Neither is an opponent

Chapter 1601 Neither is an opponent

The people in the Immortal Emperor's Mansion will definitely use her incident as an example to warn other people. Now the third princess can be said to have no face at all, and she is very depressed.

"Third sister, how can I ignore you if something happened to you? I'm just going out to live. Don't think too much about your healing."

Now at this time, everyone understands that trauma is easy to heal but heartache is hard to heal.

"Now that our murloc world has fallen into the hands of outsiders, how can I be willing? Do you think there is still a way for us to survive in the future?" The third princess expressed her true inner thoughts in front of the fourth princess.

"We have a contract with Immortal Emperor Qin Yan. Our murloc world's surrender to Qin Yan is beneficial to our murloc world. Sister, why don't you understand?" The fourth princess knew that the third princess had always been concerned about this matter. The matter is very serious, and what happened today may have been done on purpose by the third princess.

"If you agree with them, then I don't need you here, you can go!" The third princess said coldly.

"If you keep like this, I really don't know what to say. Don't you know your mistake? Do you have to embarrass Seventh Sister before you stop? She is going to get married soon, I don't want you If you do anything else, there is nothing more important than her wedding right now." The fourth princess was talking about the third princess on the surface, but in fact the most common reason was that the fourth princess wanted the third princess to understand the current situation. It is impossible to fight against the mighty Qin Yan.

"You go, I don't want to see you." The third princess said to the fourth princess coldly.

"Since the third sister doesn't want to see me, then I'll leave first. I hope the third sister can consider our thoughts and suggestions, and stop doing self-destructive things." The fourth princess knows that her third sister is the easiest to get into a corner .

After Mr. Zhao came out of the palace, he directly took the shop manager covered in water to the criminal office. When the third son-in-law and the fifth son-in-law came to the VIP building, they had already been arrested.

After the people in the VIP building saw the son-in-law coming, they told the son-in-law about Mr. Zhao's arrest of Store Manager Cui.

The two of them came here to fire Store Manager Cui, but they didn't expect Mr. Zhao to do it so quickly.

"Brother-in-law, since someone has already done something, we don't care about it. The most important thing now is to do my third sister's ideological work." The fifth son-in-law looked at the third son-in-law and said.

Now is a special period where it is not easy to cause trouble. If they cause trouble indiscriminately at this time, they may be charged with rebellion.

Although they are relatives of the Seventh Princess, they are not relatives of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion after all. If the Immortal Emperor's Mansion is serious about them, they are not rivals.

"Okay, let that kid live and die on his own." The third son-in-law will not cause any more trouble for a subordinate.

At this time now, I can only stay honestly. The Seventh Princess is about to get married, which is a very important thing.

During this period, nothing unpleasant can happen. What happened today is actually a misunderstanding. After all, the slaves advocated it themselves and did not obtain their consent at all.

Inside the Xingsi Mansion, the store manager looked around the inside of the Xing Si Mansion lobby, and asked with some fear, "What crime did I commit? You actually arrested me?"

In his opinion, what he did was nothing more than being fired, and he never thought that he would be arrested.

"Don't you know what you did? Our entire murloc world now belongs to Immortal Emperor Qin Yan, and you are disrespectful to his people, not only disrespectful, but also lying and cheating. What do you think I should do to you?" Mr. Zhao said coldly Ask Cui store manager coldly.

How could he have thought that Mr. Zhao would go to the VIP building to arrest him? He knew that the third princess was beaten. Now it seems that he made a big mistake.

"Master Zhao, we are old acquaintances, see if you can take advantage of the past and let me go this time!" Store Manager Cui knows that Master Zhao is more affectionate and righteous.

Mr. Zhao smiled and said, "Store Manager Cui, I really want to let you go, but if I let you go, the higher-ups will find my fault. You must bear due responsibility for what you do today."

"Master Zhao, don't you know what's going on with me? Didn't I just pour a few buckets of cold water on a few people in the Immortal Emperor's Mansion?" Store Manager Cui didn't realize his mistake at all, but he was already worried about his own mistakes. Behavior regretted.

If it was an ordinary person, there would be no such a big commotion. He was packing up his things and preparing to run after being beaten today. Unexpectedly, Mr. Zhao came back early and caught him who was packing his luggage.

"Disrespecting the ministers of the Immortal Emperor's Mansion is a serious crime. For the sake of the other people in the Immortal Emperor's Mansion being lenient to you, I will sentence you to [-] boards." Mr. Zhao said when he saw Store Manager Cui today. He knew that Zhou Xiaoyu and the others had cleaned him up, and what surprised him even more was that they beat the third princess after he left. It seemed that their anger had dissipated.

"Lord Zhao, please spare me, I'm sure I'll only have half my life left after twenty strikes!"

"I just want your half life now, I have an explanation to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion, it's not about your life." Only now did Mr. Zhao realize that this store manager Cui is not an ordinary idiot.

It is the best result for him to suffer only [-] boards, and it is also the best way for the third princess. Take a store manager Cui and explain it to the Immortal Emperor's Mansion. As long as the Immortal Emperor's Mansion does not pursue it, Then his task is considered complete.

Qin Yan brought the flower king flower essence and three people to the world of tree people, "Immortal Emperor, do you want to go back to the palace and inform my father?"

Zihan felt that Qin Yan came back, and his father should come to receive him.

"No need, we need to go to the murloc world quickly, and then go to the palace when we come back."

This is the first time for Kao to come to the Treeman World. I did not expect that the Treeman World is so beautiful and the air is so good. It is simply a natural oxygen bar in nature.

The flower spirit lived in the tree world for a while, so she is no longer as curious about the tree world as she was at the beginning.

The current Kao is just like the flower spirit who came to the tree world for the first time, attracted by the environment of the tree world, "Qin Yan, this tree world is so beautiful!"

"Haven't you ever been to the Shuren World?" Qin Yan was particularly curious. After all, he is ruling the Shuren World now, and flower king flower essences can move freely in the Shuren World. The forbidden area is so close to the Shuren World. You can come anytime.

"I didn't want to come alone, so I didn't come." In fact, Kao wanted Qin Yan to see her for the first time after returning to the forbidden area, so she didn't wander around.

"Okay then, I will accompany you to live in the world of tree people in the future, do you agree?" Qin Yan said gently to Kao.

Kao nodded and said, "Don't we have to hurry, let's go faster."

(End of this chapter)

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