Chapter 1608
I don't know what's going on now, and I don't know if someone will kill her. Li Tianba feels that he should take more precautions just in case.

"No need, she is married to Meng Chao now. We should believe that Meng Chao has the ability to protect the Seventh Princess. Why do we always take other people's work?"

"Master is right. Any man a girl marries hopes that this man can protect her. Let's not rob Meng Chao of what he should have in the future."

After Qin Yan took his seat, officials kept coming to toast with familiar faces, and Qin Yan drank cup after cup.

"Master, can you resist? Is there something wrong with these officials? They all came to toast you." Zhou Xiaoyu knew Qin Yan's drinking capacity, and it would definitely be impossible to drink like this.

"Don't worry, I'm fine!" Qin Yan blinked at Zhou Xiaoyu.

Zhou Xiaoyu knew that Qin Yan must have taken some hangover medicine, he should eat and drink, and waited for the ceremony to start.

Meng Chao's parents were taken to the palace by special personnel. This was the first time for the old couple to enter the palace of the murloc world.

When the salute was fired, the solemnly dressed Meng Chao led the beautiful Seventh Princess and walked towards the main hall together. Amidst the blessings of the elders, the two held a ceremony. After the ceremony, the two began to come forward to attend their wedding ceremony. Guests toast.

"Little beauty has grown up since today, I hope she will be happy forever in the future!" Bai Hong said to the seventh princess affectionately. When he first met the seventh princess, he called her "little beauty".

"Thank you, Lao Bai. I also hope that Lao Bai can be as happy as me." Bai Hong has never been married, and is single until middle age.

Although there are many people who like him now, he has not found the right one.

"I will work harder in the future and strive to learn from the little beauty." Bai Hong joked, making everyone laugh.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Bai, I will take good care of her in the future." Meng Chao said with his arms around Seventh Princess' shoulder.

"Just take good care of her. If you let me know that you treat her badly, I will never forgive you."

"Hundreds of eyes stare at me every day, don't worry, I don't have the heart or the guts."

Qin Yan walked to Bai Hong's side, put his arms around Bai Hong's neck and said, "Is it true that the Seventh Princess got married today, and your thoughts will be broken?"

Bai Hong looked at Qin Yan in surprise. He didn't expect Qin Yan to see that he liked Princess Seven. He used to wait for her to grow up, and later hoped that she would find a good man to marry. He never had the courage to say what he wanted to say. speak out.

This is also the real reason why he has never married a wife, "It's good to break it, let's drink it!" The two drank their wine glasses as they touched each other.

Qin Yan said: "The scenery outside is so beautiful, don't just read a flower!"

Bai Hong said with a smile: "Then I will try my best to match you." He has seen the beauties around Qin Yan before, and they are all beautiful.

In addition to the wedding of Princess Seven and Meng Chao attracting attention today, another focus is Kao. There are many beauties in the murloc world, but she is the first one who looks as delicate as Kao and has a perfect figure.

Everyone can see that such a beautiful woman belongs to Qin Yan, how much they wish they were Qin Yan now, so that they can have beautiful women as their constant companions.

Zhou Xiaoyu, Princess Jiuyao, Hua Jing, and Shi Shi are all beautiful women, but most people don't know their relationship with Qin Yan.

The more they don't know, the more they guess. These people are said to be Qin Yan's women.

"You are so beautiful today, how about we hold a grand wedding when the world is unified?" Qin Yan asked Kao with a smile, he could tell that Kao was already moved by the wedding of Princess Seven and Meng Chao.

"Meng Chao only married the Seventh Princess, and no other women. I just heard that one of Meng Chao's subordinates committed suicide because of Meng Chao's marriage! I really want such a relationship, and I only want to win the hearts of one person." Kao She pouted and whispered to Qin Yan that she didn't want Princess Jiuyao and the others to hear it.

"Why did that girl commit suicide just because Meng Chao was going to get married?" Qin Yan changed the topic and asked Meng Chao a topic of his own heart.

In fact, even if hundreds of thousands of women commit suicide because of jealousy, it has nothing to do with him, he doesn't care at all.

"I just heard about it, but I don't know the specific situation."

Originally, he asked inadvertently, but Qin Yan frowned. He knew that such news must have been deliberately done by someone at this time, and even this matter was planned by someone to stop the two of them. marriage.

They had no outsiders to talk to them along the way, Kao must have listened to the people in the palace.

"Where did you hear that?" Qin Yan asked anxiously.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?" Hua Jing asked puzzled.

"Yes, you must have heard the news in the palace. How could there be such news in the palace at this time? Don't you find it strange?"

"I went to the bathroom just now, and I overheard it in the bathroom. It was two maids discussing in the bathroom. I overheard it." Kao told Qin Yan the news she had heard.

Qin Yan said: "It's broken, it seems that the wedding between Seventh Princess and Meng Chao is about to go wrong!"

Qin Yan frowned and looked at Kao.

"Then what should we do? Are we going to investigate? What's more, it's just the maid talking, what could go wrong?" Kao asked.

"You don't know how fast the news from the maid's mouth spreads."

While the two were talking, Queen Shuli came to Meng Chao's parents angrily.

"You two come with me!" King Shuli said angrily behind her.

Qin Yan knew that Queen Shu Li had called Meng Chao's parents away because of the fact that a woman committed suicide for Meng Chao.

"It seems that it is really going to be like what you said, and this marriage will not be so happy." Kao looked at Qin Yan and said.

Li Tianba and others have been listening to the conversation between Qin Yan and Kao, "Master, are we just standing by and watching?"

"Master, there is something strange about this matter. Let me go to the Meng Mansion. There must be a lot of people from the Qingfeng Camp in the Meng Mansion." Zhou Xiaoyu asked Qin Yan for his opinion.

Qin Yan lowered his head and was thinking about the problem, "Xiao Yu, let's go to Meng Mansion to see the situation."

"Li Tianba, go find Master Bai, Shishi and Xiaobai, you two, find out the source of the news, and see who is the first one to spread it." Qin Yan then ordered the others.

"Then what should I do with Huajing? Don't we have to do anything?" Kao asked Qin Yan, she didn't do anything here, everyone has a job, but she and her sister don't, so now she is very embarrassed, Strongly request Qin Yan to arrange a task for her.

(End of this chapter)

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