Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1610 Give you a satisfactory explanation

Chapter 1610 Give you a satisfactory explanation
Qin Yan knew that this matter must not only be aimed at Meng Chao, but also at him.

Someone must be dissatisfied with Meng Chao's marriage to Princess Seven, because as long as the two get married, there will be two kings in the Murloc World. Since ancient times, most of them are male kings. They are afraid that Princess Seven will be replaced in the future.

Similarly, they must also have great opinions on the Seventh Princess' defection to Qin Yan.The first step is to disturb the wedding between the Seventh Princess and Meng Chao, and the second step may be to provoke the relationship between Qin Yan and the Murloc World.

They can't provoke the relationship between the Seventh Princess and Qin Yan, but they can control the people around the Seventh Princess very well.

Slowly take Seventh Princess off the ground, they can do whatever they want, and break their promises if they want to.

At this time, Meng Chao was standing beside Meng Chao's parents, and Meng Chao's parents were in a mixed mood at the moment.

What a blessing their Meng family is that their son can marry the king, but now they are being treated like this here.

"Son, if we can't do it, let's go. We won't climb the king if we can't afford it." Meng's mother looked at Meng Chao and said in a low voice.

"Mother, don't worry, don't think about anything now, I'll find someone to take you and father back first."

After all, she is a mother, and her son is being questioned here, which shows that his status in the palace is negligible, so how can she not be worried.

Meng Chao's mother asked: "Can your father and I leave now?" She was afraid that her son's wedding would really go bad, and that his son would become the laughing stock of the murloc world.

It is very disgraceful to be annulled on the day of the wedding, not to mention that his son is a man of honor.

"Okay, I'll arrange for someone to send you back now." Seeing his parents being wronged here, Meng Chao felt very unhappy.

The Seventh Princess looked particularly embarrassed. The last embarrassment was because of Shi Shi's matter, and this time it was even more embarrassing than the last time. She didn't expect her mother to tell Meng Chao's parents about this matter first.

Meng Chao whispered a few words to the Seventh Princess, hoping that the Seventh Princess would arrange for someone to send his parents away.

"We can't follow my mother's orders for our wedding. Didn't Brother Qin say that? It's a trick. My mother can't figure it out, don't you? So parents can't go back to the house first. If they leave, they will definitely Being used by people with a heart."

"But in this case, will Queen Shu Li agree?" Queen Shu Li must have made psychological preparations to find his parents.

If it hadn't been to the extent that the wedding had to be terminated, Queen Shuli would not have made it so ugly.

"I will definitely find out the person behind the trick." Meng Chao felt that this person must be by Princess Seven's side.

There are very few other princesses who support their being together, especially after he becomes a prince, he will definitely hinder the interests of more people. Under the instigation of interests, there will definitely be people who will engage in such small tricks behind the scenes.

The Seventh Princess knew why Meng Chao wanted to send his parents out, but at this time the more she couldn't leave.

Qin Yan said: "I am the supreme ruler of the murloc world now, and I am announcing that the Seventh Princess and Meng Chao will continue to complete the wedding. I will give Queen Shu Li a satisfactory explanation for this matter tomorrow."

"If what the Immortal Emperor finds out is the same as what I know, is there really something wrong with this Meng Chao?"

After Queen Shuli asked Qin Yan, Meng Chao's mother couldn't care less about committing crimes, "Queen, I know my son best. He was kind and excellent since he was a child. Don't slander my son like this."

Meng Chao hurriedly said to Mother Meng: "Mom, please stop talking, now is the time for the Immortal Emperor to talk to Queen Shuli."

"Son, mother doesn't want you to suffer this injustice!"

"The Immortal Emperor has already sent someone to investigate, I believe there will be results in a while." Whoever told the Queen about this matter, it must be very easy to find out from the Queen.

He didn't understand why someone would do such a low-level trick, did he think everyone was stupid?
After hearing what Mother Meng said, Queen Shuli said angrily, "I don't think you can teach any outstanding children like you."

Everyone can see that Mother Meng just wants to protect her son, and it has nothing to do with quality and culture.

Since Meng Chao was by her side, Meng's mother had no choice but to keep her mouth shut. Although they were in-laws, it was still unclear whether they could become in-laws in the end.

"Queen Shu Li, don't be angry. I think Mother Meng just wants to defend her son. If this matter is not man-made, then I will return the letter of surrender from the Murloc World to you Murloc World. And in the future What do you think about Queen Shu Li, who responds to your Murloc World's requests and never seeks any ideas from the Murloc World?" Qin Yan said this, simply because he wanted Queen Shu Li to stop interfering in the wedding of the Seventh Princess Meng Chao and her husband.

When Qin Yan finished speaking, he could clearly see the happy smile on Queen Shu Li's face.

Qin Yan's decision is more important to her than anything else, even if someone is manipulating it behind her back, she will get rid of them all, so that Qin Yan and the others can't find any clues.

Just now Qin Yan sent someone to find the maid who sent the message, and she couldn't let them find it first.For now, Qin Yan and the others can only go out first, and continue to complete the rest of the wedding, so that she has time to deal with the affairs of the palace.

After all, she was familiar with the royal palace, so it was trivial to find a few maids to pass on the news.

"Okay, since the Immortal Emperor is so happy, then I agree with the Immortal Emperor's opinion, Xiaoqi, you and Meng Chao go out quickly, so that the ministers and your aunts and aunts will not discuss any more." Those who attended the wedding were either high-ranking officials or the royal family, If they couldn't see the seventh princess, Meng Chao, for a long time, they would definitely not be able to sit still.

After all, this is a royal palace with many rules, and when they see the recent unrest, they will inevitably think wildly.

Seeing that Queen Shu Li asked them to go ahead with the wedding, Meng Chao knew that Qin Yan had exchanged the control of the Murloc World. He instantly felt that Qin Yan was a special buddy, and he actually believed him so much.

Seeing that Meng Chao didn't move, the Seventh Princess went directly to Meng Chao's side and said, "Meng Chao, let's take our parents out first!"

After walking out of the room, the seventh princess said: "I'm sorry, father and mother, my mother's queen is actually for my own good, don't bother with her, she was also bewitched by others."

Seventh Princess knew that it didn't matter whether she and Meng Chao felt wronged or not at this time, what mattered was what Meng Chao's parents thought.

"What did the Seventh Princess say? How dare we argue with Queen Shuli? As long as the Seventh Princess believes in our family, Meng Chao is better than anything." Meng Chao's father said to the Seventh Princess.

"Seventh princess, I'm just a housewife and I don't know how to speak. If there is something wrong with my words, please forgive me." Mother Meng said slightly apologetically, she realized that she had been abrupt just now. .

(End of this chapter)

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