Chapter 1618
Princess Jiuyao was in the guest room of the Meng family with the fifth and sixth princesses. After entering the guest room, Li Tianba asked, "Does the fifth and sixth princesses have any clues?"

"Don't you have a clue and let us see the evidence? Don't you let us come here if you don't have anything?" The fifth princess asked angrily.

Princess Jiuyao said: "Princess Fifth, please don't be angry. I heard from the maids that the maids in the Meng Mansion passed the news and entered the palace. I called the two princesses here just to make sure of the situation."

Li Tianba's eyes lit up immediately after hearing Princess Jiuyao's words, someone wanted to kill the servant girl of the Meng Mansion just now, could it be this servant girl?

Li Tianba turned around and said to the servants beside him: "Go and ask Mr. Zhou to come over, and bring today's maid over by the way."

The Lord Zhou that Li Tianba said was Zhou Xiaoyu, and the maid Zhou Xiaoyu was looking at was the maid who was almost killed today.

"Princess Jiuyao made a mistake. We are just going to the palace for a banquet. Our maids are always by our side. They don't know anything and haven't heard any news. If you don't believe me, you can ask them." The sixth princess Said with a smile.

When they haven't figured things out, they think it's better to talk less.

Princess Jiuyao looked at Princess Six, "Is it really what the princess said? Why do I think these two maids look so unnatural? Does the princess know that perjury is a violation of the Murloc World's laws? If the king has something to do with it, the princess can be exempted from responsibility, but the maids are slaves after all, if they lie, they will be punished, and they live a pampered life with the princesses, it would be ugly if this delicate skinned and tender flesh were tortured."

Princess Jiuyao said this to the two maids.

She had already heard the conversation between the sixth princess and the maid, so she was 100% sure what they knew.

After all, she is the maid who is with the princess, except for her unnatural expression, she has no other performance, which shows that she is different from other maids.

"Miss Jiuyao, are you scaring us?" Fifth Princess asked dissatisfied.

"How dare I scare the two princesses, I'm just telling the truth." Princess Jiuyao said not to be outdone, and actually called her a girl. She is older than the two princesses by thousands of years. Just don't know the rules at all.

If the fifth and sixth princesses knew her true identity, then they would probably only be afraid now.

Li Tianba said: "Princesses, don't worry about these little things any more. Today, someone got mixed up in the procession of seeing off relatives and assassinated a maid. I think this maid must be the one who spread the news. She was almost killed. "

"What, someone came to assassinate the servant girl of the Meng Mansion, who is so bold! Today is the day of the king's wedding, and it is beyond the law to commit murder under the eyes of the king and the king." Six said the princess angrily.

"If I'm not wrong, they must be people in the palace. The clothes of the two assassins are obviously palace guards. The reason why they acted so boldly must be the people behind them with great power." Li Tianba said.

"With this courage, Queen Shu Li is the person with the greatest authority." The sixth princess said it directly without thinking.

"Sixth sister, don't talk nonsense, how can you say these words?" Although they and the seventh princess are sisters, they are not the same mother. Since childhood, Queen Shu Li has been lukewarm to them.If Queen Shu Li knew that they were talking about her here today, they would definitely be punished.

"The two princesses don't need to think too much. No one else will know what happened today, and we are not on Queen Shu Li's side." Li Tianba said to the fifth and sixth princesses.

But it was obvious that the two princesses didn't believe it at all. After all, they were all around Princess Seven, so how could they be enemies of Princess Seven's mother.

"Since Master Li said so, we sisters can rest assured. I don't know how long we will stay here. Today is the seventh sister's big wedding. I'm afraid it won't sound good for the two of us to upload it in her house." The fifth princess asked Li Tianba and Princess Jiuyao.

"It's because we didn't think carefully, but since the two princesses are here, let's calm down and help us analyze it together, so as to give Jue Wang a clean slate." Princess Jiuyao said politely.

"Okay, for the future happiness of Seventh Sister, we two sisters should stay a little longer." Fifth Princess looked at Sixth Princess and said.

The sixth princess nodded to the fifth princess, and then the two sat on the chairs in the guest room.

"Master Zhou, Master Li is here to invite you to bring the servant girl with you." Of course Zhou Xiaoyu knew who the servant girl they were talking about was.

It's just that this maid is injured, they should come over, why should they go over.

"What is Master Li doing?" Zhou Xiaoyu felt that it must be inconvenient for Li Tianba and others not to come.

"Lord Li is with the fifth and sixth princesses, and several other adults from the Immortal Emperor's Mansion." The servant truthfully reported the matter to Zhou Xiaoyu.

"I see, you go down, I'll go later." Only then did Zhou Xiaoyu realize that it was the two princesses who came. Although she didn't know why the two princesses came, it must have something to do with this matter.

Zhou Xiaoyu walked to the door of Xiuxiu's room, pushed the door open and entered.

When Xiuxiu observed Zhou Xiaoyu was about to come in in the room, she immediately lay down on the bed and pretended to be asleep.

It's just that her shoes were neatly placed when she got out of bed, but she lay on the bed in a hurry and didn't pay attention, and now her shoes are not neatly put together.

Zhou Xiaoyu smiled slightly and said, "I know you're awake, get up."

Xiuxiu opened her eyes and sat up gently, "What do you want from me?"

"Although you don't say why those two people killed you, Lord Li has already caught them. Now I just want to confront you. Maybe they have already told Lord Li the truth." The truth comes faster than confrontation.

Xiuxiu's body was visibly trembling.

Zhou Xiaoyu suddenly had a feeling that this Xiuxiu was the murderer behind the scenes, because she felt that this Xiuxiu must like Meng Chao, and it made sense to kill her rival for love.

"Meng Chao was almost ruined because of this incident. Would you like to see such a result?" Zhou Xiaoyu continued to ask.

"Don't talk about it, kill me, I don't want to live anymore." Xiuxiu cried out in pain, covering her head with her hands.

(End of this chapter)

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