Need for Urban Supreme

Chapter 1627 Good days are coming

Chapter 1627 Good days are coming

In the royal palace of Shuren World, Qin Yan and others had their own residences. After they went back to their rooms to change and wash their clothes, they all went to the main hall to have dinner together!

The king and the wizard ordered people to prepare wine and food, and the chief of the Earth Cracking clan also came to the palace from outside the palace to celebrate Qin Yan's triumphant return!
The wizard glanced around, "Why isn't General Li Tianba here?"

As soon as the wizard finished speaking, everyone was looking for Li Tianba. There was no way to use a mobile phone in the Shuren World. If there was a signal, Qin Yan would definitely call Li Tianba!
Zhou Xiaoyu said with a smile: "We just need to continue, he must be doing something very important!"

Seeing that Zhou Xiaoyu's smile was different from usual, the wizard said understandingly: "Since General Li has something important to do, we don't have to wait for him. Let's raise our glasses to celebrate the triumphant return of the Immortal Emperor!"

All the people picked up the wine glass and drank it down!

Immediately afterwards, beautiful music sounded, and several beauties in white dresses danced in the center of the hall!
After Li Tianba came out of the palace, he came directly to Fengyue place.

"Hey, who is this! Sisters, come and see, you are a distinguished guest!" The mother of Fengyue place saw Li Tianba first!
All the girls immediately surrounded him. The girls surrounded Li Tianba in the middle and said with a smile, "General Li, where have you been? We all miss you so much!"

Li Tianba said with a smile: "I went out to do some things, this is for you!"

After speaking, Li Tianba distributed the banknotes in his hands to the girls!
The two fat girls have not been favored by anyone since Li Tianba favored them, and now the two girls are arranged by their mother to do menial work and serve other girls.

The two of them were washing clothes in the small courtyard behind the shop, and their hands were swollen from blisters.

Li Tianba smiled and asked his mother: "Big beauty, I want to ask, where are the two beauties who served me last time? Where are they?"

"General Li and the others are so beautiful, but I am the oiran here." The oiran said to Li Tianba with a smile.

It was the first time they had seen Li Tianba being so generous.

When the oiran was talking, he wanted to hug Li Tianba, Li Tianba pushed the oiran who was holding his arm, "I think they are good, and I only like them, call them out!"

Although my mother is very puzzled about Li Tianba's aesthetics, but after all, Li Tianba is powerful and rich, and he can satisfy whoever he likes!
"General Li, don't be angry, I'll go and invite you two girls in person! You go to the private room first!"

After talking, my mother hurried to the back to find the two fat girls. The two fat girls didn't have time to eat at night, and they were complaining while working!

"Mom is really too snobbish, because General Li came once, and the two of us lived a comfortable life. I didn't expect General Li to come for so long. Seeing that General Li didn't come, she treated us like maids again. make!"

"We are not even as good as the maids. The maids serve the girls in the room. To put it bluntly, we are slaves!"

"This General Li really doesn't count. He said he likes us and will come here often, but he hasn't come for so long!"

"There must be no shortage of women around him. The two of us grow up so freely, who can be blamed! How many men in the world value love and righteousness!"

"Why are you so right? Are we going to wash, cook, and clean here for the rest of our lives?"

The two thought that they would be able to make a fortune by relying on Li Tianba, but the distance between their ideas and reality is huge!
"How do you two do such rough work, my dear, look at your hands, if you don't wash them, get up!" Mom said after seeing the two fat girls!
It must be their mother's acquiescence for them to do this job. The two of them are fat, eat a lot, and can't make money, so they must work!
Seeing their mother's different attitudes today, the two must be someone from the front hall!The person who can make mother so happy must be Li Tianba!
The two looked at each other with a smile, and asked knowingly: "Mom, what's the matter for the two of us? We have no business here, and we can't make any money. We must work part-time to repay my mother!"

"Who said you can't make money anymore, let me tell you, your good days are coming, that General Li is here to find you!" Mom laughed while talking!

The two fat girls know that Li Tianba must have given her mother less money, otherwise she couldn't laugh so happily, and the crow's feet appeared when she laughed. Usually, in order to prevent her own crow's feet from appearing, her mother always controls herself, even if she is happy The matter is just a superficial smile and a hard-to-control!
"Mom, are we girls or slaves now? If you let us do the work of slaves, don't think about us being girls again!" One of the fat girls felt that he could not be so easily obedient. Not coming anymore, they will continue to do menial work as servants!
"Of course you are girls. I'll send someone to investigate in a while to see who asked you to do laundry. I'm sure I can't spare him!" Mom pretended to be angry and said!

If a girl questioned her words, she would have scolded her a long time ago, and even found a thug to beat her up if it was serious!
Li Tianba is her distinguished guest after all, how dare she offend these two fat girls now!
Now she is still worried whether the two fat girls will sue Li Tianba!

If the two fat girls complained to Li Tianba, and Li Tianba got angry, she would be too hungry to walk around!

Maybe her shop can be closed down. Thinking of this mother, she shuddered, "Don't worry, my little aunt, you will be the boss here in the future, and I will kill anyone who bullies you again! So you can rest assured!"

The two of them are usually afraid of their mother, otherwise they will definitely be in a stalemate with their mother here for a while!

"We can rest assured that we have mother's words, so let's go to the front hall to find General Li now!"

The two were happily about to leave when they heard their mother shouting from behind: "Stop!"

The two looked at their mother suspiciously, she was the one who was in a hurry, and she was the one who was not in a hurry!
"Mom, what else do you want?"

"Look at the clothes you're wearing, go back to your room and change, and let girl Jin dress you up."

Jin Yatou is the make-up stylist here. Of course, only a few girls with outstanding looks are eligible to let her make up. The two fat girls did not expect that their mother is so generous today, and let Jin Yatou, whose nostrils grow to the sky, serve them both. !

The two happily said: "Thank you, Mom!"

"You two sisters-in-law, you must not talk nonsense in front of General Li. After all, Mom usually treats you well, right?" Mom felt a little embarrassed when she said this, usually she is a mercenary person, Seeing that the two fat girls have no future at all, let them start working immediately!
(End of this chapter)

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